OPEN LETTER: Concerning CHEO and TOH Withdrawal from Capital City Pride (2024)

[En français ci-dessous]

August 19, 2024 (includes signatories as of August 22)

Healthcare Workers in Solidarity With Capital Pride and Palestine

Last week, the CEOs of CHEO (Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario) and TOH (The Ottawa Hospital), Alex Munter and Cameron Love both shared their decision to withdraw their institutional support and attendance from the Capital Pride parade. This decision came suddenly, on August 16, ten days after a statement issued by Capital Pride in solidarity with Palestine on August 6.

The statement from Capital Pride was developed by members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities across the country. Pride began as a protest for human rights and advocacy for 2SLGBTQIA+ communities and has a continued history of political advocacy and activism for marginalized groups. For example, in 2020 Capital Pride released a statement on anti-Black racism and colonialism’s impact on Indigenous peoples and people of colour. Hospital institutions, including CHEO and TOH, at the time remained supportive of Capital Pride as it committed to solidarity movements for collective liberation.

Capital Pride’s statement in solidarity with Palestine invokes the same essential spirit of advocating for those who are facing immense structural oppression and violence. Capital Pride has called for attention to the Palestinian people who “are being slaughtered, dehumanized and dispossessed of their land in flagrant violation of international law.” However, the response by CHEO and TOH to withdraw support is rooted in overt anti-Palestinian racism, and also causes harm to 2SLGBTQIA+ peoples. Anti-Palestinian racism espouses the unique and deeply harmful myth that the safety of others is contingent upon Palestinians being subjugated, oppressed, and dispossessed of the same human dignity and rights that all other humans are entitled to. Anti-Palestinian racism also encompasses deliberate, harsh, and heavy-handed punishments issued to those who express solidarity with human rights for Palestinians, with those punishments disproportionately aimed at targeting minorities (e.g., BIPOC and 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals) who empathize with Palestinians’ aspirations for freedom, dignity, and self-determination.

As healthcare workers at CHEO, TOH, and in the Ottawa area, we recognize that advocacy is a core tenet and duty of our roles. We advocate at local, provincial, national and international levels to ensure our patients’ needs are met, safety is granted, and structural barriers to care are addressed.

We have watched in horror as Gaza’s healthcare system has been decimated, besieged and blocked from receiving medical supplies.

We have watched in horror as over 500 healthcare workers have been killed in deliberate attacks by Israeli forces, and many more have been abducted and tortured by Israeli forces, as reported by the United Nations.

We have watched in horror as the recorded death toll reached over 40,000 people. We read in horror as one of the most respected medical journals in the world, The Lancet, published an article on July 5, 2024 stating that the actual death toll could be over 186,000 people and counting.

We have watched in horror as the number of children killed by Israeli forces reached over 16,500, as the number of children with no surviving family or separated from their parents reached over 17,000, and as Gaza became home to the world’s largest cohort of pediatric amputees, all without access to pediatric hospitals or rehabilitation centres. The Canadian Pediatric Society, Save the Children, and Amnesty International amongst other international human rights organizations have all raised serious concerns over the attacks on children in Gaza.

To then witness the CEOs of the largest hospitals in the nation’s capital dehumanize Palestinians in such an overt, grievously public manner – while also managing to cause immense harm to 2SLGBTQIA+ people in the process – has sent shockwaves through our communities.

We are concerned that the withdrawal of CHEO and TOH from the Capital Pride parade perpetuates typical institutional abuse of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities in which upholding of their wishes, autonomy, and advocacy is merely transactional, hinged upon them behaving in manners that support the interests of those in power.

We reject the assertion that having CHEO and TOH participate in the Capital Pride parade would “send a message of exclusion,” while these institutions have continuously failed to advocate for the health and safety of Palestinians and failed to amplify the call for the protection of the children of Gaza, as advocated by the Canadian Pediatric Society.

We reject the claim by CHEO’s CEO, Alex Munter, that pulling out of Capital Pride should “not be construed as taking a stance on an international issue,” when in fact it is a political decision that harms members of the 2SLGBTQIA+, Palestinian, and allied communities.

We, the undersigned healthcare professionals across CHEO, TOH, and the Ottawa area, stand in solidarity with Capital Pride, the 2SLGBTQIA+ communities it represents, and its dedication to advocacy against structural violence and oppression. We fully support Capital Pride’s commitments for action in solidarity with Palestine.

We implore these CEOs to have the self-reflective abilities to recognize that their actions are unacceptable, and unrepresentative of our community, and that they have weaponized their publicly-funded power to cause further harm to profoundly marginalized people. We demand an apology.

We echo the sentiments of many who wish for stronger and more affirmative voices within our medical institutions and from our leaders, so we can feel safe in our advocacy roles during one of the most devastating humanitarian crises we have witnessed in our lifetimes.


Ottawa Healthcare Professionals for Palestine

Sign the letter here.
Full letter with hyperlinks available here.


Le 19 août 2024,

À propos du retrait du CHEO et deL’Hôpital d’Ottawa du défilé de la Fierté 2024

La semaine dernière, Alex Munter et Cameron Love, respectivement PDGs du CHEO (Centre hospitalier pour enfants de l’est de l’Ontario) et de L’Hôpital d’Ottawa ont partagé leur décision de retirer le soutien et la participation de leur organisation au défilé Fierté dans la Capitale 2024. Cette décision a été annoncée subitement le 16 août dernier, soit dix jours après la publication d’une déclaration par Fierté dans la Capitale en solidarité avec la Palestine.

La déclaration de Fierté dans la Capitale a été développée par des membres de la communauté 2SLGBTQIA+ à travers le pays. Le défilé de la Fierté trouve son origine dans les mouvements de lutte pour les droits des communautés 2SLGBTQIA+ et possède une riche histoire de militantisme et de solidarité avec les groupes marginalisés. À titre d’exemple, en 2020, Fierté dans la Capitale a publié une déclaration sur le racisme anti-Noir et sur l’impact du colonialisme sur les peuples autochtones et les personnes racisées. À l’époque, le CHEO, l’Hôpital d’Ottawa et d’autres centres hospitaliers sont demeurés solidaires de Fierté dans la Capitale dans leur engagement envers les mouvements sociaux et de libération collective.

La récente déclaration de Fierté dans la Capitale en solidarité avec la Palestine s’inscrit dans cette même veine: agir en solidarité avec un groupe qui fait face à une oppression et une violence structurelle immenses. Fierté dans la Capitale a tenté d’attirer l’attention sur le sort des personnes palestiniennes qui «ont été massacrées,déshumaniséesetdépossédées de leurs terres, ce qui va manifestementà l’encontre du droit international.» La décision du CHEO et de l’Hôpital d’Ottawa de retirer leur soutien au défilé relève du racisme anti-palestinien et nuit également aux personnes 2SLGBTQIA+. Le racisme anti-palestinien véhicule la notion fausse et extrêmement néfaste selon laquelle la sécurité d’autrui dépend de la subjugation, de l’oppression et de la dépossession du peuple Palestinien, ainsi que de la négation de la dignité et des droits humains auxquels toutes les autres personnes méritent. Le racisme anti-palestinien comprend aussi la punition délibérément sévère des personnes qui expriment leur solidarité avec le peuple palestinien. Ces punitions ciblent de manière disproportionnée des personnes en situation minoritaire (ex.: personnes racisées et individus 2SLGBTQIA+) qui font preuve d’empathie envers les aspirations palestiniennes pour la liberté, la dignité et l’auto-détermination.

En tant que travailleurs et travailleuses de la santé de L’Hôpital d’Ottawa, du CHEO et de la région d’Ottawa, nous reconnaissons que l’advocacyest au cœur de notre rôle. Nous œuvrons ainsi aux niveaux local, provincial, national et international afin d’assurer que les besoins de nos soient comblés, que leur sécurité soit assurée et que les barrières structurelles qui entravent l’accès aux soins soient démantelées.

Nous avons observé avec horreur le système de santé à Gaza être décimé, assiégé et privé d’équipement et fournitures médicales.

Nous avons vu avec horreur le meurtre de plus de 500 travailleurs et travailleuses de la santé tués dans des attaques délibérées par les forces israéliennes, ainsi que l’enlèvement et la torture de plusieurs autres par Israël, tel que rapporté par les Nations Unies.

Nous avons observé avec horreur et consternation le bilan des morts atteindre plus de 40000 personnes. Nous avons lu l’article du 5 juillet 2024 publié dans leLancet(l’une des revues médicales les plus respectées au monde) qui affirme que le bilan pourrait dans les faits s’élever à plus de 186000 personneset le nombre continue de monter.

Nous avons vu avec horreur le nombre d’enfants tué.es par les forces israéliennes s’élever à plus de 16500, cela en plus des 17000 enfants uniques de leurs familles ou qui ont été brutalement séparé.es de leurs parents. Gaza est maintenant hôte de la plus importante cohorte d’amputé.es pédiatriques, le tout sans accès à des hôpitaux pour enfants ou à des centres de réadaptation. À l’instar de plusieurs organisations internationales, la Société canadienne de pédiatrie, l’ONGSave the Childrenet Amnistie Internationale ont soulevé de sérieuses préoccupations face aux attaques contre les enfants de Gaza.

Malgré cela, les PDGs de deux des plus importants centres hospitaliers de la capitale ont plutôt choisi de déshumaniser les personnes palestiniennes sur la place publique, tout en causant simultanément un tort énorme aux personnes 2SLGBTQIA+.

Nous sommes d’avis que le retrait du CHEO et de l’Hôpital d’Ottawa du défilé de Fierté dans la Capitale perpétue la maltraitance institutionnelle des communautés 2SLGBTQIA+. Cette maltraitance se traduit par l’expression d’une solidarité conditionnelle, qui peut être retirée à tout moment si leur militantisme ou l’expression de leur autonomie va à l’encontre des intérêts du pouvoir dominant.

Nous rejetons l’affirmation selon laquelle la participation du CHEO et de l’Hôpital d’Ottawa au défilé de la Fiertéenverrait «un message d’exclusion» alors que ce sont ces mêmes institutions qui omettent continuellement de défendre la sécurité et la santé du peuple palestinien et qui ont refusé de publiciser les appels à l’action pour protéger les enfants de Gaza (comme l’a fait par exemple la Société canadienne de pédiatrie).

Nous rejetons la déclaration du PDG du CHEO Alex Munter qui a affirmé que la décision de se retirer du défilé ne devrait pas «être interprétée comme une prise de position au sujet d’un enjeu international». Dans les faits, il s’agit d’une décision hautement politisée qui porte atteinte aux membres des communautés 2SLGBTQIA+, aux personnes palestiniennes et à leurs allié.es.

Nous soussigné.es sommes des travailleurs et travailleuses de la santé du CHEO, de L’Hôpital d’Ottawa et de la région qui désirons exprimer notre solidarité pleine et entière avec Fierté dans la Capitale, avec la communauté 2SLGBTQIA+ qu’elle représente ainsi qu’avec son combat contre la violence et l’oppression systémiques. Nous appuyons pleinement l’engagement de Fierté dans la Capitale envers le peuple palestinien.

Nous implorons ces PDG de faire preuve d’introspection et de reconnaître que leurs gestes sont inacceptables et qu’ils ne sont pas représentatifs de notre communauté. Ils ont utilisé leur pouvoir hiérarchique (par ailleurs financé par les fonds publics) pour causer un tort supplémentaire à une population déjà profondément marginalisée.Nous exigeons des excuses.

Nous faisons écho aux sentiments de plusieurs qui désirent que nos institutions médicales et nos leaders aient des voix plus fortes et plus soutenantes, afin que nous puissions nous sentir en sécurité dans notre rôle de plaidoyer au cours de ce qui est l’une des crises humanitaires les plus dévastatrices que nous avons connues de notre vivant.

Professionnel.les de la santé d’Ottawa pour la Palestine

Signez ici.

1. Fahad Masud, MD, Pediatric Emergency Physician, CHEO, Ottawa
2. Kristen Carabott, RN, ICU nurse, TOH, Ottawa
3. Hanan Farhat, RN, Nurse Manager, Bruyere, Ottawa
4. Yipeng Ge, MD MPH CCFP, Primary care physician and public health practitioner, Ottawa
5. Doro Yip, RP (Qualifying), Psychotherapist, Family Services Ottawa, Ottawa
6. Ala Bdira, MD, Physician, CHEO, Ottawa
7. Brenna German, RN, ED RN, CHEO, Ottawa
8. Odette Rioux, Nursing, RN, TOH, Ottawa
9. Fatima Mahfoudhi, RN, Critical Care nurse, Ottawa
10. Zandra Strnad, RN, Pediatric Emergency RN
11. Ayden Dermenjian, RN, ED nurse, CHEO, Ottawa
12. Jason Losier, RN, MH RN, CHEO, Ottawa
13. Aliya Hassen, Registered Nurse, Public Health Nurse, TOH (2020-2023), Ottawa
14. Mun Cho, RD, Dietitian, CHEO, Ottawa
15. Ayman Bulto, RPN, Pediatric FLOAT Nurse, CHEO, Ottawa
16. Hakima Moktary, MSW, RSW, PhD(c), Social worker and psychotherapist, Montfort Hospital, Ottawa
17. Safina Adatia, MD, Addiction Medicine Physician, TOH, Ottawa
18. Sophia Lee, RN, Nurse, TOH, Ottawa
19. Rana Musa, RP, Registered psychotherapist, Private practice, Kanata
20. Julie, MSW, Social Worker, TOH, Ottawa
21. Emily Phan, RN, Neurosurgery Nurse, TOH, Ottawa
22. Stacey Ringuette, RN, Emergency Department Nurse, CHEO, Ottawa
23. Zoe Lazaris-Brunner, MD, Pediatric Emergency Physician
24. Feras Ghazawi, MD, PhD, Dermatologist, TOH, CHEO, Ottawa
25. Josée Fitzpatrick, Ph.D., C. Psych, Psychologist, Private practice, Ottawa
26. Kyle Mendonça, MD, Pediatrician, Former CHEO resident, Winnipeg
27. Sandra Ballantyne, PT, physiotherapist, Champlain Rehab Solutions, Ottawa
28. Elizabeth Geens, RN, ICU nurse, TOH, Ottawa
29. Noelle Nguyen, RN, Registered Nurse, CHEO, Ottawa
30. Alison Villeneuve, RN, BScN, Paediatric nurse, CHEO, Ottawa
31. Tammy Wong, MD, Paediatrician
32. Besher Alfarra, Dmd, Dentist, Private practice, Ottawa
33. Sophie Schoen, RN, Community Health Nurse, Ottawa
34. Karine Allard, RN BScN CNCC(C), ICU Nurse, TOH, Ottawa
35. Ceilidh Kinlin, FRCPC, Pediatric Emergency Physician, CHEO, Ottawa
36. Khurram Sher, MD, Pathology, Montreal
37. Samiyeh Abdulghafari, RN, ICU nurse, UOHI, Ottawa
38. Sara Meshelle, Nursing student, Nursing student
39. Elizabeth Houlding, PT, Paediatric Community Physiotherapist, CHEO, Ottawa
40. Sayed Mohamed, Doctor, TOH, Ottawa
41. Shamilah Ahmad, RN, Oncology Nurse, CHEO, Ottawa
42. Alyssa Paliotti, RPN, Pediatric inpatient medicine, CHEO, Ottawa
43. Mahmoud Almasri, MD FRCSC, MD, TOH and University of Ottawa, Ottawa
44. Nadine Hudson, RN, ED, CHEO, Ottawa
45. Ahmed Sharaf, DDS, Dentist, Ottawa
46. Conchita Fonseca, MD CCFP EM, Family Doctor, Ottawa
47. Alessandra Rossi Ricci, MD, Doctor, CHEO, Ottawa
48. Melanie Bechard, MD MPH FRCPC, Pediatric Emergency Physician, CHEO, Ottawa
49. Melinda Lively, Registered Nurse, ICU nurse, TOH, Ottawa
50. Tamara Draper, Nursing, ED Nurse, CHEO, Ottawa
51. Habib Khoury, DMD, General Dentist, Private practice, Kanata
52. Angela Caron, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, Private practice, Ottawa
53. Sadia Karim, MD, CCFP, Family Physician, Family Health Team, Ottawa
54. Anas Eid, MD, Anesthesiology Resident, UBC, Vancouver
55. Nahla Al Sarraj, Resident, Psychiatry resident, LHSC, London
56. Alexandra Depina, RN, ED Nurse, CHEO, Ottawa
57. Michelle Bertrand, Clerk - Psychology Student, Student, CHEO, Ottawa
58. Shady Piedra Abu Sharar, MD, Physician
59. Sara Tremblay, RN, Emergency Nurse, CHEO, Ottawa
60. Michelle Simpson, Social Work, Social work, TOH, Ottawa
61. Sara Awad, MD MHPE FRCPC, Physician, associated professor, UOttawa alumni, Kingston
62. Schezreh Nauman, Psychotherapy graduate (pending registration with CRPO), Psychotherapist, Ottawa
63. Katia Hughes, RP (Qualifying), Psychotherapist
64. Aparna Manohar, RN, Emergency Department Nurse, CHEO, Ottawa
65. Sarah Culkin, Psychological services administrator, CPEO, Ottawa Orléans
66. Khaled Dahche, FRCPC, Physician, Outpatient practice, Ottawa
67. Rebecca Evans-Olders, MD, Family physician, Ottawa/Eastern Ontario
68. Akram Arab, MD, FRCPC, Physician
69. Rani Al Karmi, FRCS (C), Ophthalmologist, Past resident / lecturer, Ottawa
70. Monica Chaudhuri, MD FRCSC, Doctor, TOH former resident, Toronto
71. Louai Naddaf, MD, Physician, TOH, Ottawa
72. Yousef Esmaeil, MD, FRCPC, NHTNE fellow, CHEO, TOH, Ottawa
73. Valérie Couture, RN, ICU nurse, TOH, Ottawa
74. B Armstrong, RN, ICU RN, TOH, Ottawa
75. Waleed Alqurashi, MD, MSc, FRCPC, PEM Physician
76. Runii Deb, RN, ICU Nurse, Civic Hospital, TOH, Barrhaven
77. Erin McGarry, RN, Emergency Department Nurse, CHEO, Ottawa
78. Micaela Pirani-Watson, RN, Inpatient Mental Health, CHEO, Ottawa
79. Alyssa Rochefort, RN, Pediatric ED RN, CHEO, Ottawa
80. Sasha Mazzarello, RN, Pediatric Emergency Nurse, CHEO, Ottawa
81. Sahar Dibaje, Clerk, Inpatient clerk, TOH, Ottawa
82. Kyle St. Louis, MD, Pediatrician, former CHEO resident, Montreal Children’s Hospital, Montreal
83. Sarah, CYC, Pediatrics, CHEO, Ottawa
84. Brianna Empringham, MD, Physician, CHEO, Ottawa
85. Simon Amey, RN, Mental Health, CHEO
86. Leigha Geraghty, RN, Pediatric ED, CHEO, Ottawa
87. Laura Robertson, MSN, NP (Peds), Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, TOH, Ottawa
88. Talitha MacIntyre, RN, ICU nurse, TOH, Ottawa
89. Kamal Mattar, MD FRCSC, Physician, Toronto
90. Tafhima Ali, RN, Mental Health RN, QCH, Ottawa
91. Reem Issa, CCPA, Physician Assistant, CHEO, Ottawa
92. Anmar Salman, MD MPH CCFP, Family Physician, Novel Health, Ottawa
93. Rouba Issa, Clerk, Critical Care Clerk, TOH, Ottawa
94. Romy Abou-Antoun, RN, Hem/Onc, CHEO, Ottawa
95. Menasheh Speevak-Sladowski, CMHW and DSW, Community Mental Health Worker, Developmental Services Worker, Shepherds of Good Hope, Ottawa
96. Christine Ha, Registered nurse, Pediatric Hem/Onc Nurse, CHEO, Ottawa
97. Meagan Schenck, RN, ED, CHEO
98. Mariem Malak, MD, Physician, Ottawa
99. Layla Hamrouni, RN, Inpatient Surgery, CHEO, Ottawa
100. Rima Abdul Karim, RN, PICU (previously), CHEO, Ottawa
101. Maisaloon Hammoud, Regulatory Affairs, Canadian Blood Services, Ottawa
102. Hannah Eljaji, Clerk, acute care ward clerk, TOH, Ottawa
103. Alyssa Kim, MD, Pediatrics, former CHEO resident 2017-2020, Toronto
104. Megan Walser, CYC, ED Crisis Team, CHEO, Ottawa
105. Yong-Li Zhang, MD, Family Physician, Ottawa
106. Holly Jackman, RN, Pediatric ED Care Facilitator, CHEO, Ottawa
107. Mohamed Eissa, FRCPC, Anesthesiologist, TOH, Ottawa
108. Stephanie Cesar Young , CYC, Case Coordinator MH Inpatient, CHEO, Ottawa
109. Sana Aman, MD, Family Medicine
110. Anne-Marie Pelletier, CCFP(EM), Emergency physician, Ottawa area
111. Nick Wasslen, Admin, CHEO
112. Robyn Woollard, RN, Emergency Department, CHEO, Ottawa
113. Ashlee Yang, MD, Former CHEO Pediatrics Resident
114.Salma Iqbal, Clinical Research Assistant, CHEO, Ottawa
115.Emily Ruttle, MSN, NP, Paediatric Nurse Practitioner, CHEO ENT
116.Arshad Saeed, MD, Physician, St. Laurent Ideal Health Clinic, Ottawa
117.Jennifer Purdy, MD, Family physician, Ottawa
118. Erika Ellis, RN, Emergency Department, CHEO, Ottawa
119.Tia Bowring, Administration, Medical Records Clerk, CHEO, Ottawa
120.Marita Smith, RN, Emergency Department Nurse, SANE, CHEO, Ottawa
121.Muna Ali, RN, Emergency medicine, TOH/CHEO, Ottawa
122.Mohamad Abdallah, Care facilitator, Emergency department, TOH-civic campus, Ottawa
123.Marcela Jenner
124.T Armstrong, Clerk, CHEO
125. Liyana Kukkadi, MD, Pediatric Resident, CHEO, Ottawa
126.El-Shaddai Ganda, RN, Pediatric ED RN, CHEO, Ottawa
127. Nesrine Awad, Ph.D., C.Psych., Psychologist, TOH, Ottawa
128.Anita Lau, MD, PEM Physician, CHEO, Ottawa
129.Danya Alomar, PA student, CLPA, CHEO, Ottawa
130. Brittany Barber, RN, ED, CHEO, Ottawa
131. Jessica Breault, RP, Psychotherapist, Private Practice, Ottawa
132. Pedro Carepa, RN, ER nurse, TOH, Ottawa
133. Lucy Karp, MD, Emergency Medicine Resident, CHEO, TOH, Ottawa
134. Lauren Lovold, RN, ED RN, TOH, Ottawa
135.Julie Ingratta, MD, FRCPC, Physician
136.Aftab Shariff, FRCPC, Physician, TOH, Ottawa
137.Mateen Akhtar, MD, MSc, CCFP, Physician, Toronto
138.Serena Arora, Family Physician
139.Wala Saeed, RN, Emergency Department, CHEO
140.Alana Belgrave, RN, Pediatric Emergency, CHEO, Ottawa
141.Sohila Aly, RN, ED nurse, CHEO, Ottawa
142. Asra Nadee, RN, TOH
143.Derek Rowsell, NP, Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, CHEO, Ottawa
144. Raegan Wilkes, RN, ED, CHEO, Ottawa
145.Hassanali Kapasi, MD, Emergency Medicine, Guelph General Hospital, Guelph
146.Danielle Figueiredo, MA, RP, Psychotherapist, Private Practice, Ottawa
147.Alix Baek, RN, pediatric ED nurse, community health nurse, CHEO, Ottawa
148.Aoife Reilly, PhD Candidate, OHRI, TOH, Ottawa
149.Aisha Osman, RN, Pediatric Emergency RN, CHEO, Ottawa
150. Christina C, RPh, Pharmacist, Ottawa
151.Nour Nourichafi, PSC, Emergency, CHEO
152. Isabelle Leblanc, MM, Family physician, Montréal
153.Dana Swan, DMS, Sonographer, TOH, Ottawa
154.Charlene Rhead, MSW student, Disability Support Worker, Ottawa
155.Sara Imadi, CRGS, Sonographer, TOH, Ottawa
156.Nora Fleming, Child and Youth Counsellor, Inpatient Psychiatry, CHEO
157.Anna Sadofsky, Contracts Administrator, OHRI (TOH), Ottawa
158.Taryn Slawter, Social Service Worker, Student, Centennial College, Toronto
159. Nasrin Jafarpour, RN, ICU nurse, TOH, Ottawa
160. Melanie Wong, RN, Medicine, TOH, Ottawa
161.Erin Moore, RN, NACU/Trauma, TOH, Ottawa
162.Brooklynn, MSW, RSW, Social Worker, QCH
163.Brigid Christison, MSc, Technician, Ottawa
164.Aida Aparicio, RN, ER nurse, TOH, Ottawa
165.Jenaya Therriault, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying), Private Practice, Ottawa
166. Farah Naz, MD, CCFP, Family Physician, Ottawa
167.Theresa Emberley, RN, Emergency Department, TOH, Ottawa
168.Supuneet Bismil, MBBS, FRCPC, Psychiatrist, Past resident and UOttawa faculty, Toronto
169. Sydnie MacDonald, MRT, Medical Radiation Technologist, TOH, Ottawa
170. Nadia Siddiqi, PharmD, Pharmacist, Ottawa
171. Mackenzie Peirce, RN, Mental Health, CHEO, Ottawa
172. Ana Dimate, RN, ED, TOH, Ottawa
173. Rachel Montgomery, LLB, ED Clerk (2019-2022), TOH, Ottawa
174. Mayssa Elkassem, OT, Occupational Therapist, TOH, Ottawa
175.Nisreen Mansour, RN, Mental health nurse, TOH, Ottawa
176.Puja S, Student Co op, CHEO, TOH, University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Ottawa
177.Afsheen Mazhar, MD, CCFP, Family Physician
178.Yousra-Imane Benaskeur, MD, Pediatrics Resident, CHEO, Ottawa
179. Suelana Taha, CMDRT, MDRD Supervisor (Past), TOH, Ottawa
180. Jean Hildinger, RN, Radiology nurse, CHEO, Ottawa
181. Doha Moharram, MA, RP, Private practice, Ottawa
182. Nour Elsify, MRT(R), Medical Radiation Technologist, TOH, Ottawa
183.Yousef Mandourah, MD, FRCPC, Pediatric Emergency Physician, Montreal
184. Kelsey Ryan, Case Coordinator, Mental Health, CHEO, Ottawa
185. Benjamin Stanzel, RN, Emergency Nurse, TOH, Ottawa
186.Heather Fabbro, RN, ED, CHEO, Ottawa
187.Ashvent Malik, MD, Psychiatry Resident, TOH
188.Kashka Ironside, Nursing, Emergency Nurse, CHEO, Ottawa
189.Alinne On, MRT, TOH, Ottawa
190. Haanieh Amiri, Inpatient Clerk, TOH, Ottawa
191. Lisa Middleton, RM, RSW, Midwife, TOH
192. Pam Letourneau, RN, CCTT and ED, CHEO, Ottawa
193. Lorin Young, MD, MSc, FRCPC, Psychiatrist, Ottawa
194. Kelly Carroll, RN, TOH, Ottawa
195.Finola Dsouza, FRCPC, Physician
196. Colleen Cooligan, MRT, X-ray technologist, TOH, Ottawa
197. Gabrielle Proper, NP-PHC, Nurse Practitioner, CHEO, Ottawa
198. Heather Fabbro, RN, ED, CHEO, Ottawa
199. Christine Giroux, MRT, Medical Imaging, TOH, Ottawa
200. Ryan Causton, MA, Health Policy Analyst, Ottawa
201. Rebecca Balasa, RN, Emergency Department, CHEO, Ottawa
202. Dylan Thomas, PhD student, TOH, Ottawa
203. Emma Gerber, PhD Candidate, OHRI, Ottawa
204. Maria Fakhouri, Registered Psychotherapist, Psychotherapist, Private practice, Ottawa
205. Shawnee Flagg, RN, ED nurse, CHEO, Ottawa
206. Erika Teodoro, Child and Youth Counsellor, CHEO
207. Najla Fasih, MD, FRCPC, Radiologist TOH, TOH, Ottawa
208. Stasia Hadjiyannakis, MD, Pediatrician, CHEO, Ottawa
209. Mariam Iqbal, Past clinic research assistant, CHEO, Ottawa
210.Zaid Taha, PhD, Postdoctoral fellow, OHRI, Ottawa
211. Mathieu Crupi, PhD, Cancer Researcher, OHRI, Ottawa
212.Suzanne Shoush, MD, CCFP, Indigenous physician, University of Toronto, Toronto
213.Mary Jiang, MD, Pediatrician, CHEO, Ottawa
214.Zeina Hassan, Clerk, Cancer center, TOH, Ottawa
215.Fatima Kmaiha, MRT (R), Medical Imaging, TOH, Ottawa
216. Angeline Antonakos Boswell, MA, RP, CCC, Psychotherapist, Angeline Boswell Psychotherapy, Ottawa
217.Michael Norton, MRT(R), Medical Radiation Technologist, QCH, Ottawa
218.Ayla Jacquard, RN, ED Nurse, CHEO, Ottawa
219.Brianna McKelvie, FRCPC, Physician, CHEO, Ottawa
220.Rachelle Viau, RP, Psychotherapist, Private Practice, Ottawa
221.Kavitha Passaperuma, MD FRCPC, Physician, Toronto
222.Nayef Abou Attyeh, RPN, TCU nurse, TOH, Ottawa
223.Kim McMillan, RN, PhD, RN (CHEO, 2009-2017); Affiliate Research Investigator (CHEO Research Institute, current), CHEO/CHEO Research Institute, Ottawa
224.Olivia Makinson, PhD Candidate, OHRI, Ottawa
225.Michelle Girard, PSC, Emerg, CHEO, Ottawa
226.Monica Walke, MD, Physician, Ottawa
227.Morgan Coulson, RP, Registered Psychotherapist, Private practice, Ottawa
228.Sara Duale, Nursing student, Student nurse, Algonquin college, Ottawa
229.Saadia Sediqzadah, MD, SM, FRCPC, Psychiatrist, University of Toronto, uOttawa MD 2015
230.Thameena Nazir, RSW, MSW, Social Worker, Psychotherapist, Ottawa
231.Chris Lambert, Physics Technologist, TOH Cancer Centre, Ottawa
232.Shania Hodgins, RN, ED nurse, CHEO, Ottawa
233.Kelly Hugh, RN, Primary Care Nurse, CHC, Ottawa
234.Jillian Auger, MA, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying), YSB, Ottawa
235.Janie Sanscartier, RN, Pediatric ED RN, CHEO, Ottawa
236. Mimmi Thompson, MD CCFP, Family physician, U of O class of 2015, Yellowknife
237.Alanna Richardson, MScPT, Physiotherapist, CHEO, Ottawa
238.Sarah Zankar, MD, Physician, TOH, Ottawa
239.Genevieve LeBlanc, RP, Psychotherapist, CTSACT, Ottawa
240. Ellen Kearley, RN, ED nurse, CHEO, Ottawa
241.Amy Gajaria, MD, FRCPC, Child Psychiatrist, Ottawa Meds 2012 alum, Toronto
242.Annam Bhatti, MD, Paediatrician (former CHEO resident), CHEO
243.Raziya Zakeriya, MD, CCFP, Family Physician, Ottawa
244.Asif Khan, FRCPC, Psychiatrist, Royal Ottawa mental health centre, Ottawa
245.Emma Herrington, MD, CCFP, Family Medicine, Graduate 2020, Ottawa
246.Kevin Danahy, RN, ED RN, TOH, Ottawa
247.Henna Shanahan, MD, Physician
248. Claire Dyason, MD CCFP(PC), Palliative Care Physician, Community Practice, Ottawa
249. Michele Moses, RN, BScN, Medsurge Nurse (2019 - 2022), TOH, Ottawa
250. Emerald Pringle, RSW, Social Worker, CHEO
251. Naïka Thomas, RN, BscN, MPH, Health Equity Specialist, Ottawa
252. Tarun Rahman, MD MPH, Hospitalist, TOH, Ottawa
253. Olivia Westland, RPN, Neurosurgery nurse, TOH, Ottawa
254. Rana Hawa, Ottawa
255. Ayesha Zia, MD, FRCPC, Physician, TOH, Ottawa
256. Amina Allalou, Resident, Doctor, Former CHEO Resident, Montreal
257.Yasser Khan, MD, FRCSC, Physician, University of Toronto, Toronto
258. Michel Shamy, MD, Neurologist, The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa
259. Adel Farah, MD, MSc, Psychiatry Resident, TOH, UOttawa, Ottawa
260.Grace Poland, RN, Nurse, TOH, Ottawa
261. Alexandra Hejazi, PT, Physiotherapist, Montreal
262.Natasha Wills-Ibarra, RN, Research Coordinator, CHEO RI
263.Flavia Sendi-Mukasa, MD, CCFP, Family physician, Ottawa
264.Aya Khalil, RN, Pediatric Nurse, CHEO, Ottawa
265. Mélissa Langevin, MD, FRCPC, Pediatrician, CHEO, University of Ottawa, Ottawa
266.Tim Asmis, MD, Med ONC, TOH, Ottawa
267.Hafsah Al-Azem, MD FRCPC, Former staff, TOH
268. Nabeel Samad, MBBS FRCPC, Hepatologist/ General Internist, Usask, Saskatoon
269.Simon Wells, MD, Pain Medicine, Calgary
270. Meredith Hall, RN, ER Nurse, TOH, Ottawa
271.Munaha Mostofa, MD, FRCPC, Psychiatrist, University of Toronto, Toronto
272.Paige O’Neill, DC, Chiropractor, Ottawa
273.Eugenie Waters, MD, General Practice Oncology / Family Medicine, TOH / Your Health - Votre Santé, Ottawa
274.Tara Virtue, RN, Emergency Nurse, TOH, Ottawa
275.Shamraiz Khan, MRT, DMS, Ultrasound technologist, TOH, Ottawa
276. Iman Al-Buhaisi, MHSc PT, Physiotherapist , TOH, Ottawa
277.Nidaa Awaja, Nidaa Awaja, PhD, Postdoctoral fellow, OHRI, TOH, uOttawa, Ottawa
278.Erica Oddleifson , RN, ED RN, Ottawa
279.Sam Houseini, RN, PHC-NP, Nurse Practitioner, Primary Care
280.Mohammad Ameen, MD, Resident, TOH, Ottawa
281.Griffin Taylor, CYC, Mental Health, CHEO, Ottawa
282.Reem Buhaisi, RPN, Acute care, TOH, Ottawa
283.Katie Campeau, Therapy student, Psychotherapist (Qualifying), Ottawa
284.Huda AJ, BDS, DDS, Dentist, Ottawa
285.Gihad Shabib, MD, MRCOG, FRCSC, Obstetrician & Gynecologist, TOH, Ottawa
286.Andrea Barrass, PT, Physiotherapist, TOH, Ottawa
287. Irene Firoz, Mb BCh BAO LRCP LRCSI, Resident physician, University of Saskatchewan, Moose Jaw
288.Katie Mumford, MSW, RSW, Mental Health and Substance Use Therapist, Youth Wellness Hub, Renfrew Victoria Hospital, Renfrew
289.Erik Rumsey, RN, NICU & Obstetrics nurse, TOH, Ottawa
290.Chris Murray, MD, CCFP, Physician, Montfort Hospital, Ottawa
291.Lea Bouckley, RN, Oncology nurse, CHEO, Ottawa
292.Patrick McKenna, RP (Qualifying), Student, Psychotherapist (Qualifying), MA Student, Ottawa
293. Colleen Thornbury, Paramedic/RPN, OB nurse, TOH, Ottawa
294.Roshena Moledina, RN, IBCLC (TOH employee 2010-2020), TOG, Ottawa
295. Tamanna Islam, Doctoral Candidate, Researcher, TOH (OHRI), Ottawa
296. Jennifer Andrews, RN, Emergency Nurse, CHEO, Ottawa

297. Alexandra Goudreau, MSc, Graduate student, TOH, Ottawa

298. SN, B.Sc, Physics Technologist , TOHCC, Ottawa
299.Rachael Smith, RN, pediatric float RN, CHEO, Ottawa
300.Asha Mohamed, PSW, UCP, Personal Support Worker, CBI HealthCare Agency, Ottawa
301.Matthew Bryan, RN, Emergency Nurse, TOH
302.Jesse Bossé, D.Ps., C.Psych, Clinical psychologist, Tall Tree Psychology, Ottawa
303.Sinda Garziz, Health promoter at CCHC, Health promoter, Centretown Community health centre, Ottawa
304.Arif Yousuf, MScEng, Engineer, Ottawa
305.Alia Ali, MD, Family Physician, GBGH, Midland
306.Liam Petrusev, RN, MEd, ICU nurse, nurse educator, TOH Civic, Ottawa
307. Harjeenna S, Clerk, QCH, Ottawa
308.Rebecca Minish, MSW, Registered Social Worker, Psychotherapist, Private practice, Ottawa
309.Audrey Renaud-da Costa, PhD Candidate in Clinical Psychology, Psychologist/Student, uOttawa, Ottawa
310.Qamar Amin, MD, MSc, FRCPC, Physician, Toronto, Ontario
311.Robin Harnden, RP (Registered Psychotherapist), RP (Registered Psychotherapist), Private practice, Ottawa
312.Kate Higgison, MA, Registered Psychotherapist, MA, RP, Ottawa
313.Vivian Solana, PhD, Associate Professor, Carleton University, Ottawa
314. Liyana Mohammad, RN, Inpatient, TOH
315.Ayat Amourah, Nursing student, Extern/nursing student, TOH, Ottawa
316.Brazil Turansky, Addictions counsellor, OPSEU Local 454, Ottawa
317.Chrisy Tremblay, OPSEU/SEFPO Union, EBM, OPSEU/SEFPO Union, Ottawa
318.Danya Daccash, MSW, Psychotherapist, Private practice, Ottawa
319.Tamsin Fitzgerald, Co-founder, Defend Choice, Ottawa
320.Lee Cameron, M.Ed., Service User Engagement Coordinator, YWHO - CAMH, Toronto
321.Hannah Gray, Research assistant, OHRI, Ottawa
322.Chelsea Wilson, RPN, complex chronic care RPN, Saint Vincent Hospital, Ottawa
323.Danika Lambert, PT, Pediatric physiotherapist, CHEO
324.Alexandre Coutin, MD, FRCPC, Emergency & Addiction Medicine Physician, Previous CHEO & TOH resident physician 2019-2024, Vancouver
325.Heather Bocz, MD, Family Physician, Ottawa
326.Brogan Van, RP, Psychotherapist, Private practice, Ottawa
327.Lauren Parcher, MSW, Social Worker, Ottawa
328.Nacera Bensmaine, MD, Family physician, Ottawa
329.Kirsten Ladouceur, RN, Emergency, TOH, Ottawa
330.Kerrie Watts, BSc, MRT(R), CTIC, Medical Radiation Technologist, TOH, UOHI, Ottawa
331. Maaike de Graaf, RP, Registered Psychotherapist, Private Practice - Bytown Counselling, Ottawa
332.Ana Sykes, Admitting/Emergency Clerk, Admitting/Emergency Clerk, TOH Civic Campus, Ottawa
333.Lindsey Grodesky, RN, CSICU nurse, UOHI, Ottawa
334.Luke Smith, Child and Youth Care Practitioner, Child and Youth Care Practitioner - Crisis, inpatient mental health, CHEO, Ottawa
335.Jade Huffman, RN, ICU nurse, UOHI, Ottawa
336.Shauna Daly, RP, Psychotherapist, Ottawa
337. Karen Luyendyk, Retired RN, Currently a Lived Experience Partner with an Ontario Health Team, Rainbow PFAC of TOH, Almonte
338. Tina Ouellette, SSW, DS, Community living, Ottawa
339.Hanan Shabaan, DDS, Dentist, Private practice, Ottawa
340.Julie Tremblay, RN, Emergency, CHEO, Ottawa
341.Louise Lafond, RN, Neurology Nurse, The Ottawa Hospital, Civic Campus, Ottawa
342.Zeinab Mahfoudhi, Porter, Transportation, TOH, Ottawa
343.Melanie Strike, MD FRCPC, Psychiatrist, ROMHC, Ottawa
344.Zaineb Al-Haddawi, RN, Chronic pain nurse, TOH, Ottawa
345.Marla Hanson, MRT, Radiology Technologist, TOH, Ottawa
346.Maaike de Graaf, RP, Registered Psychotherapist, Private Practice, Bytown Counselling, Ottawa
347.Sarah Macleod, MRT, Medical radiation technologist, TOH, Ottawa
348. Fareed Khan, Advocacy organization, Founder, Canadians United Against Hate, Ottawa
349. Jake McTavish, RN, Harm Reduction Nurse, Former TOH employee, Ottawa
350.Dalton Scammell, MRT(R), CT Technologist, TOH
351.Brooke Willis, Social worker, Crisis counsellor, TOH, Ottawa
352.Sarah Saroop, RN, ICU RN, TOH, Ottawa
353.Adaleide Kissoon, Child and Youth Counsellor, John Howard Society, Ottawa
354.Christianne Clarkin, Former Clerk, Patient Registration, TOH Riverside Campus, Ottawa
355.Bernita Butler, RN, PHN
356. Pegah Akbari, PT, Physiotherapist, Ottawa
357. Eric Burant, Registrar
358. Alma Tower, Travel Expert, Brule Point, NS
359. Ashley Sutton, RN, Care Coordinator, Ontario Health At Home, Ottawa
360. Brianne Namini, RN, Med Surg ICU

361. Nabha Shetty, MD, FRCPC, MSc, Physician, Dalhousie University, uOttawa Medical Grad, Halifax
362. Erin Roach, M.Ed, RP, CCC, Psychotherapist, Private Practice, Ottawa
363. Ali Sadek, PSW, PSW, TOH, Ottawa
364. A, MD, Physician, Community clinic, Ottawa
365. James Vu, MD, Physician
366. Sarah Alderbas, MD, FRCPC, Psychiatrist, Locum at TOH
367. Joël Xavier, MSW, RSW, Social worker, psychotherapist, Mental Health Counsellor, CCHC & private practice, Ottawa
368. Rabiah Siddiqui, RPh, ACPR, MHM, Former pharmacist at CHEO and former pharmacy resident at TOH
369. Arif Ali Awan, MD, Medical Oncologist, TOH, Ottawa
370. Amelia Palumbo, Research Assistant, OHRI, Ottawa
371. Mejbel Alazemi, MD, Resident physician, TOH, Ottawa
372. Bradey Rosettani, ICU RN, TOH
373. Lena Borno, Stittsville
374. Elijah Dorval, BSW & MSW, Youth Worker, Ottawa

OPEN LETTER: Concerning CHEO and TOH Withdrawal from Capital City Pride (2024)


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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.