Winfield, Kansas.

by Mary Ann Wortman
March 6, 2000

Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.

COWLEY COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Owing to the unfavorable state ofthe weather during the late fair which prevented a proper exhibition ofthe articles entered for display, there will be an Exposition of all articlesrelating to the following classes: farm and domestic products, fruits, flowers,fine arts, textile fabrics, natural history, etc., on Saturday afternoonand evening, October 28th, 1871, in Rodocker’s Hall, Winfield. . ..


Farm Products: A. T. Stewart.

Domestic Products: Mr. Clingman.

Fruits and Flowers: H. Hawkins.

Fine Arts: Prof. Palmer.

Textile Fabrics: W. W. Andrews.

Natural History: Prof. Hickok.

D. N. EGBERT, Secretary.

Winfield Messenger, March 15, 1872.


The Cowley County Agricultural Society was fully organized by representativesfrom all parts of the county August 17th, 1871, with the following offices.

President, M. M. Jewett; Vice Presidents, A. T. Stewart and B. C. Swarts,Secretary, D. N. Egbert, Jr.; Assistant Secretary, A. B. Lemmon; CorrespondingSecretary, J. B. Fairbanks; Treasurer, J. D. Cochran; General Superintendent,C. M. Wood; Assistant General Superin-tendent, A. D. Speed; and with a Boardof thirteen Directors.

Its first annual fair commenced October 12th, 1871, though late in theseason and attended with very inclement weather, was a very creditable affair,and attested the fact that the Society was a success.

The land consisting of twenty acres, the gift of Messrs. W. W. Andrewsand A. D. Speed, situated three-fourths of a mile from Winfield, is admirablyadapted for the purposes of the society. The society has been in correspondencewith farmers in all parts of the county, and the report has invariably beenthat all crops were a success the past season, and that the present graincrops promise well.

At this date many farmers are plowing and otherwise preparing for spring.On looking over our prairies in all parts of the county we notice a numberlessgrowth of young trees of all our native kinds.

The introduction of forest, fruit, and fancy trees has been very great,and almost every farmer that has not done so already will, the coming spring,set out an orchard. The laws of the State give every man $2 a year for eachacre of forest trees for twenty-five years, and the same amount for everyhalf-mile of the same planted along the public highway, not more than onerod apart, provided the trees shall be cultivated, growing three years beforethe bounty begins.

The next annual fair will be held in September, at the above named grounds.

The limited space allotted to us cannot be better employed than appenda price list of articles that most interest farmers and others intendingto emigrate.

Apple trees (1 year) $8 per 100.

Apple trees (2 year) $15 per 100.

Pear and Plum trees, 40 cents each.

Peach trees, 10 cents a piece.

Quince trees, 50 cents.

Grape vines, $2 per dozen.

Raspberries, $1.50 per dozen.

Strawberries, $2.00 per dozen.

Honey, 25 cents per pound.

Osage Orange seed, 30 cents per pound.

Lime, 40 cents per bushel.

Plows, breaking, 18 inch, $36.

Plows, stirring, 14 inch, $19.

Harness, double, $25 to $30.

Horses, $75 to $125; Oxen $10 to $15.

Milch cows, $35 to $45; wagons $50 to $110.

Potatoes (best seed), $1.50.

Tomatoes, cooking, 75 cents to $1.00.

Turnips, 25 cents.

Corn, 35 to 55 cents.

Oats, 55 cents.

Cornmeal, $1.50.

Flour, $5.

Beans, per bushel, $2.00 to $2.50.

Butter, best, 35 cents.

Eggs, 20 cents.

Hay, per ton, $2.50.

Solid walnut furniture, from first-class mechanics, are as low in pricehere as in the East, and better made.

The above prices include the best in the market.

D. N. EGBERT, Jr., Sec., Cowley Co. Agri. Soc.

Winfield, Kans. Feb. 20, 1872.

Winfield Messenger, June 28, 1872.

The Cowley County Agricultural Society are preparing a pamphlet containingthe premium lists and other items connected with the Fair. It will alsocontain advertisem*nts of the leading business houses of Southern Kansas.


Winfield Messenger, July 12, 1872.

Mr. A. T. Stewart and Mr. Wood of Winfield were in town last week ontheir way to Wichita in the interests of the Cowley County AgriculturalSociety.

These gentlemen talk very encouragingly of the prospect of their praiseworthyenterprise, and we doubt not but their fall Fair will be a grand success.The managers of the affair are men of experience in such matters and thepeople of the county seem to be thoroughly awakened to the importance ofmaking the Agricultural Society a permanent success. The Society have secureda donation of twenty acres of beautiful land adjoining the city of Winfieldand lying in the valley of Walnut, as permanent location of their Fair grounds.The society starts out with a capital stock of $2,000. If there ever wasan Agricultural society established under favorable circ*mstances that ofour neighbor county is certainly the one.

The citizens of Winfield, and, indeed, of the entire county, are characteristicof energy and enterprise and will reserve none of that very necessary elementon such a question as this. The soil of Cowley is rich and productive andconsequently her citizens are prosperous, and encouraged to go on in theirlabor for the development of their great resources. The valley of the Walnutis as rich a country as can be found anywhere, and numerous creeks and rivuletsare a great advantage to the county. We are glad to see our friends in Cowleymaking a successful attempt to advance the interests of our farming andstock raising communities and trust their efforts will be duly appreciatedand the gratitude of the people be manifested by a general patronage atthe Fair this fall. Other counties and other states are invited to bringin any article or animal which they may wish to exhibit. Success to thework.

Belle Plaine Herald.

Winfield Messenger, July 19, 1872.

Everybody is preparing something to bring to the Fair.

Winfield Messenger, July 19, 1872.

THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. This society has secured by deed 24 acreson the east side of Main Street just south of Winfield for a Fair ground.

This ground is beautifully graded by nature and cannot be excelledas a location for this purpose. The Directors now propose to fit up thegrounds as rapidly as possible for the approaching Fair. Let every farmernow come in and subscribe from one to ten shares at five dollars each, asthe funds are wanted to improve the grounds. Persons wishing to furnishlabor, posts, lumber or other material, will please call on the undersignedcommittee. C. M. WOOD, J. D. COCHRAN, E. DAVIS.

Winfield Messenger, July 26, 1872.

The improvements on the Fair ground are progressing rapidly.

Winfield Messenger, August 16, 1872.

NOTICE: To Stock Holders in the Cowley County Agricultural Society. Anassessment has been made for the full amount of the shares and is now due.All persons having taken stock to be paid in cash will please call at theoffice of J. B. Fairbank, Secretary, and pay up as the funds must be hadto purchase material for the completion of the fence and buildings of theGrounds. By order of Directors, A. T. STEWART, Pres.


Winfield Messenger, August 16, 1872.

Winfield has a brass band at last, under the leadership of Prof. Stewart.The band has been engaged to play during the Fair. The citizens will becalled upon to assist the boys in getting instruments.

Winfield Messenger, August 30, 1872.

NOTICE. Those parties having taken stock in the Cowley Co. Agr. Societyto be paid in hauling lumber from Wichita, and those wishing to haul lumberto be paid in stock, will report at once to the secretary of the societyand make positive arrangements to do said hauling. There has been 40,000feet of lumber purchased at Wichita for the Fair grounds, which will beready for teams in a few days. Let everyone respond promptly. C. M. WOOD,Chairman. Committee on Fair Grounds.

Winfield Messenger, September 6, 1872.

NOTICE. The refreshments brought on the Fair Grounds will be sold atauction on Saturday, Sept. 7th, 1872, at 4 o’clock. A. T. STEWART,President.

J. B. FAIRBANK, Secretary.

Winfield Messenger, September 6, 1872.

Directors Meeting.

There will be a meeting of the Directors of the Cowley County AgriculturalSociety Saturday, Sept. 7th, at 2 o’clock p.m. to transact some importantbusiness.

A. T. STEWART, President.

J. B. FAIRBANK, Secretary.

Winfield Messenger, September 6, 1872.

ATTENTION: Those persons having taken stock in the Cowley County AgriculturalSociety to be paid in work on the Fair Grounds and those persons wishingto take stock and pay in work will report at once to the Committee.

It is necessary that you should respond promptly as this work must beperformed before the 20th, of the month.





Winfield Messenger, September 20, 1872.

The lumber for the fence and buildings of the Fair Ground has arrivedand the work will be completed in a short time.

Winfield Messenger, September 20, 1872.

Remember the fair begins next Wednesday. Let everybody in the countybring something to exhibit, and make this year’s exhibition a grandsuccess.


Winfield Messenger, Friday, October 4, 1872. Front Page.

Premium List of the National Horse Fair, to be Held on the Groundsof the Cowley County Agricultural Society, at Winfield, Kansas, Wednesday,Thursday, and Friday, October 16th, 17th, and 18th, 1872.


W. M. Boyer, Superintendent.

Best blooded stallion any age, $20; best blooded mare any age, $20; bestblooded colt under three years old, $10.


B. H. Dunlop, Superintendent.

Best stallion any age, $20; best mare any age, $10; best span of horsesor mares, $25.


R. L. Walker, Superintendent.

Best span of mares or geldings any age, $20; best single mare or geldingany age, $15. Style and beauty to be considered above speed.


W. W. Limbocker, Superintendent.

Best span of mares or geldings, $25. Actual test required on the ground.


Henry Martin, Superintendent.

Best mare any age, with colt by her side, $20; best spring colt, $15.


James Stewart, Superintendent.

Best span of mules for general purposes, $20; best span of mules fordraft, $25; best jack, $40. Actual test of draft mules must be had on thegrounds.


Best stallion, with 5 mares and colts by their side, $50. Three entriesrequired in each grade.


T. H. Benning, Superintendent.

Race No. 1—TROTTING—Purse $150.

Fastest trotting stallion, mare, or gelding, any age, in harness, mileheats, best three in five. First premium, $100; second premium, $50. Threeto enter, two to go. Time required, two fifty.

Race No. 2—RUNNING—Purse $150.

Fastest stallion, mare, or gelding, any age, one half mile heats, besttwo in three. First premium, $100; second premium, $50. Four to enter andthree to go.

Race No. 3—PACING—Purse $200.

Fastest stallion, mare or gelding any age, in harness, mile heats, threebest in five. First premium, $110; second premium, $50; third premium, $40.Four to enter and three to go. Time required, two thirty-five.

Race No. 4—TROTTING—Purse $150.

Fastest double team of stallions, mares, or geldings, any age, mile heats,best three in five. First premium, $100; second premium, $50. Three to enter,and two to go. Time required, three ten.

Race No. 5—RUNNING—Purse $150.

Fastest stallion, mare, or gelding, any age, mile heat, best two in three.First premium, $100; second premium, $50. Four to enter and three to go.

Race No. 6—RUNNING—Purse $75.

Fastest stallion, mare, or gelding, any age, 500 yard dash. First premium,$50; second premium; $25. Three to enter and two to go.

Race No. 7—RUNNING—Purse $200.

Fastest stallion, mare, or gelding, any age, two mile heats, best twoin three. First premium, $120; second premium, $60; third premium, $20.Four to enter and two to go.

Race No. 8—TROTTING—Purse $200.

Fastest stallion, mare, or gelding, any age, in harness, mile heat, threebest in five. First premium, $110; second premium, $50; third premium $40.Four to enter and three to go.

Entry fee in all of the above, 20 percent.


John Irwin, Superintendent.

Lady exhibiting the best horsemanship, on side saddle, silver pitcher,valued at $30; second best, silver pitcher, valued at $20. These premiumswill be on exhibition at the Secretary’s office. Entrance fee, 10 percent;five to enter. Ladies taking premiums at the last Cowley County AgriculturalFair are barred from showing in this ring.

In case the receipts of the fair are not sufficient to pay the premiumsin full, a prorata payment will be made.


Winfield Messenger, October 4, 1872.


There will be a joint discussion of the political questions of the daybetween the candidates on the Republican and Liberal County tickets, atthe following times and places.

Vernon, at Werden’s, Monday, Oct. 14th, 1 o’clock p.m.

Nenescah, Tuesday, Oct. 15th, at 1 o’clock p.m.

Maple, at Bush’s store, Wednesday, Oct. 16th, 1 o’clock p.m.

Rock, at Holmes’ store, Wednesday, Oct. 16th, 7 o’clock p.m.

Little Dutch, Tuesday, Oct. 17th, 1 o’clock p.m.

Richland, at H. L. Barkers’, Friday, Oct. 18, 1 o’clock p.m.

Windsor, at Omnia, Friday, Oct. 18, at 7 o’clock p.m.

Windsor, at Armstrongs, Saturday, Oct 19, at 1 o’clock p.m.

Windsor, Lazette, Saturday, Oct. 19, at 7 o’clock p.m.

Dexter, Monday, Oct. 21st, at 1 o’clock p.m.

Cedar, at Pattan’s, Tuesday, Oct. 22nd, at 1 o’clock p.m.

Spring Creek, at Sutliff’s store, Wednesday, Oct. 22, 1 p.m.

Silver Dale, Wintin’s schoolhouse, Thurs., Oct. 24, 1 p.m.

Pleasant Valley, at Constant’s, Friday, Oct. 25, 1 p.m.

Beaver, at Thomasville, Friday, Oct, 25, at 7 o’clock p.m.

Bolton, at Sumner Oaks’, Saturday, Oct 26th, 1 o’clock p.m.

Bolton, at Wilkinson’s, Saturday, Oct. 26th, 7 o’clock p.m.

Arkansas City, Tuesday, Oct 29th, at 7 o’clock p.m.

Tisdale, Wednesday, Oct. 30th, at 7 o’clock p.m.

Winfield, Friday, November 1st, at 7 o’clock p.m.

By order of the County Central Committee.

JAMES KELLY, Chairman, Republican Committee.

A. A. JACKSON, Chairman of Lib. Committee.


Winfield Messenger, October 4, 1872.


Class A—Farms—One Entry.

Premium not awarded.

Class B—Farm Crops—One Entry.

Premium not awarded.

Class C—Lot 1—Blooded Stock—Three Entries.

Premiums to W. J. Snodgrass, H. C. Fisher, A. T. Stewart.

Lot Two—Stallions for General Purposes—Seven Entries.

Premiums to A. S. Williams, C. Lamb, W. J. Snodgrass, James Stewart.

Lot Three-Draft Stallions, Mares, and Geldings—Eight Entries.

Premiums to B. W. Setter, W. J. Snodgrass, A. B. Gardner, R. H. True.

Lot Four—Mares and Fillies—Eleven Entries.

Premiums to W. J. Snodgrass, James Stewart, James Renfro, Daniel Miles,J. A. Kinney, George Nott, E. P. Hickok, W. McClellan.

Lot Five—Matches—Spans for Carriages.

Premium to E. Davis.

Lot Six—Spans for General Purposes.

Premium to Henry Martin.

Lot Seven—Single Horses for Carriage and Harness—Ten Entries.

Premiums to J. Hooker and E. Davis.

Lot Eight—Single Horses for General Purposes—Five Entries.

Premiums to Henry Martin and B. H. Dunlap.

Lot Nine—Short-horned Cattle—Nine Entries.

Premiums to Joseph Foos, J. H. Werdan, W. Stewart, A. McClellan, W. E.Cook, E. P. Hickok.

Lot Ten—Grades and All Other Breeds—Twelve Entries.

Premiums to James Foos, John H. Davis, B. H. Lacy, T. C. Dunn, J. D.Cochran. In this class Mr. J. A. Churchill had a beautiful cow—gradeAyrshire—entered, one worthy of a premium, but when the class was calledMr. Churchill was on duty as a judge of swine, and his cow was not exhibitedto the committee. Through no fault of his own, his cow was not brought intocompetition. It is only justice to Mr. Churchill to make this statement.

Lot Eleven—Working Oxen—Six Entries.

Premiums to Mrs. S. B. Johnson and J. H. Davis.

Best Dairy Cows.

John H. Davis—Belle Blascoe.

Class E—Sheep.

Two second premiums were awarded to G. M. Miller & Co. and W. K.Davis.

Class F—Lot 16—Swine—15 Entries—Poland-China,

Chester White, and Other Large Breeds.

Premiums to W. K. Davis, B. C. Swarts, A. S. Monger, W. J. Lewis, W.H. H. Maris.

In the department of swine we have never seen a finer exhibition. Noone supposed that there were so many and so fine hogs in this part of theState. We have never seen such a display at a county fair before, and, inquality, we have never seen it surpassed at a State fair. The growing andfeeding of swine will be one of the most profitable branches of industryof the county, and we are glad to know that so good a start has been madein their breeding. Great credit is due to Messrs. Voris, Swarts, Maris,Lewis, Allen, Stewart, Johnson, Cottingham, Boutwell, Snodgrass, and othersfor the interest they have taken in this department. Hereafter, in thisdepartment, we shall look for the finest display of any fairs of the State.

W. K. DAVIS, Supt.

Lot 17—Berkshire, Essex, and Other Small Breeds—15 Entries.

Premiums to W. S. Voris, W. J. Snodgrass, D. W. Boutwell, D. W. Allen,L. Cottingham.

Lot 18—Sweepstakes—Sixteen Entries.

Premiums to W. J. Snodgrass, W. J. Lewis, D. W. Allen.

Lot 19—Best Exhibition Thoroughbred Swine.

Premium to W. J. Snodgrass.

Class G—Lot 20—Jacks and Mules—Four Entries.

Premium to B. W. Setter.

Class H—Lot 21—Poultry—Ten Entries.

Premiums to Mrs. W. Q. Mansfield, Mrs. Mary M. Voris, J. A. Churchill,A. Menor.

Class I—Farming Implements and Machinery—Eighteen Entries.

Class L—Grains and Seeds—Eleven Entries.

Premiums to John Lowrey, A. Menor, J. H. Curfman, A. S. Williams, C.M. Wood.

Class M—Domestic and Other Products.

Premiums to Mrs. J. Magness, Mrs. W. H. Magness, J. G. Young.

Class N—Vegetables—Thirty-Four Entries.

Premiums to J. Nixon, J. A. Churchill, J. D. Cochran, John Lowrey, A.Menor, Samuel Waugh, N. R. Churchill.

Class O—Domestic Manufactures—Thirty-seven Entries.

Premiums awarded to Mrs. W. T. Tucker, Miss E. Tusker, Mrs. E. P. Hickok,Miss E. A. Graham, Mrs. J. H. Curfman, Mrs. W. H. H. Maris, Mrs. C. M. Wood,Mrs. W. J. Walton, Mrs. A. Bullen, Mrs. L. Lowrey, Mrs. W. W. Andrews, Mrs.H. Y. Churchill.

Class P—Horticulture, etc.

Premiums to T. B. Ross, J. Brown, Henry Marshal, D. W. Boutwell, Mrs.J. C. Blandin, Miss Mollie Bryant.

Class R—Millinery, etc.—Sixty-five Entries.

Premiums to Mrs. W. Q. Mansfield, Miss Mary Deming, Mrs. A. McClellan,Mrs. M. Fitch, Mrs. C. M. Wood, Mrs. Hiram Fisk, Miss Maggie Harper, MissM. Stewart, Mrs. L. Lowrey, Mrs. E. C. Manning, Mrs. A. A. Jackson, Mrs.Luella Blandin, Mrs. E. Maris, Miss E. Davis.

Class V—Painting, etc.—Eighteen Entries.

Premiums to J. C. Monfort, Graining; J. M. Reed, three styles penmanship;J. H. Bonsall, lot of photographs; Miss Virginia Stewart, oil paintingsand pencil sketches; Miss Kate Millington, photographs; Mrs. N. T. Tucker,crystal painting.

Lot 42—Jellies, Marmalades, etc.—Fourteen Entries.

Premiums to Mrs. W. Q. Mansfield, Mrs. C. M. Wood, Mrs. J. H. Curfman,Mrs. W. H. H. Maris.

Lot 43—Instrumental Music.

Premium to Miss Luella Blandin for performance on piano.

Lot 49—Special Premiums.

Display of cut flowers, Mrs. J. C. Blandin. Display of house plants,Miss Mollie Bryant. Display of parlor ornaments, Miss Mary Deming and Mrs.W. Q. Mansfield.

We call special attention to the ladies’ department. The exhibitionin the hall was worthy of the highest praise, and the thanks of the communityare due to the ladies, both for the interest they manifested and the greatcontributions they made to the success of the fair. Where all did so wellwe cannot specify anyone in particular, but commend all alike.

Lot 40.

There were some very interesting specimens of Cowley County salt andcoal, also gypsum, and some stalactites from a cave in Tisdale Township,exhibited by Mrs. Magness.

There were placed on exhibition, but no premiums awarded, a cane, a beautifulspecimen of wood carving by Mr. Webb; two telescope rifles by Mr. Wigton,sewing machines by Mr. Boyer and Mr. Best, school desks by Mr. Boyer, Mr.Greer, Mr. Best, and Mr. Brower.


Six Entries.

First premium, saddle, valued at $20, Mrs. Laura Wells; second premium,saddle, valued at $15, Miss A. B. Collins.


Six Entries—$50 Purse.

First Premium, A. T. Stewart; second premium, W. J. Snodgrass.


Four Entries—$100.

First premium, J. C. Baker, for two-year-old colt; Robert Lee, secondpremium, H. L. Fisher.


Four entries—$150 Purse.

First premium, C. Lamb, $100; second premium, J. T. Hooker, $50.


Forty-Six Entries—Class F—Lot 16.

Finest display in the State. Poland-China, Chester White, and other largebreeds. Boars over one year old, B. C. Swarts; First premium under one yearold, W. K. Davis; second premium, A. L. Menser; sows over one year old,First premium, W. J. Lewis; sows under one year old, First premium; bestlitter of pigs, shown with sire and dam, First premium, W. K. Davis.

Lot 17.

Berkshire, Essex, and other small breeds. Best boar over one year old,First premium, D. W. Boutwell; First premium, D. W. Allen; best sow overone year old, First premium, J. W. Snodgrass; best sow under one year old,First premium, W. J. Snodgrass; second premium, W. S. Voris; best litterof pigs, First premium, W. J. Snodgrass.

Winfield Messenger, October 4, 1872.

The Cornet Band will give a grand ball each night of the horse fair,which takes place on the 16th, 17th, and 18th of this month.

Winfield Messenger, October 4, 1872.

One of the articles on exhibition at the fair was an oil bean stalk,about fifteen feet high.

Winfield Messenger, October 4, 1872.

Mrs. Mansfield made twenty-six entries at the fair. She exhibited somewax work which was the finest we have examined in this part of the State,and carried off the first premium.

Winfield Messenger, October 4, 1872.

Maggie Harper received a fine assortment of millinery goods just beforethe fair at which place she exhibited them and carried off the blue ribbon.She has them on exhibition at her shop opposite the MESSENGER office, soremember where to get the best.

Winfield Messenger, October 4, 1872.

We have engaged the services of Mr. Pope, an expert job printer, andcan turn out work in the highest style of the art. Bring in your ordersbefore the fair and have some nice bills or cards printed for that occasion.The sooner you hand in your orders the better work you will get done.

Winfield Messenger, October 11, 1872.

Mrs. W. H. H. Maris has our thanks for a glass of peach jelly, whichwas exhibited at the fair, and to which was attached a blue ribbon, which,in our judgment, it merited.


Winfield Messenger, October 18, 1872.

The National Horse Fair.



"Champion Searcher," owned by Mr. Lamb of Douglas; and "Fashion,"of Arkansas City; the former receiving the first premium, and the latterthe second premium. The time of Champion Searcher was first heat, 3:17;second, 3:15; third, 3.08.


"Fannie Stewart," owned by A. T. Stewart; "Frog Leg,"owned by J. Anderson; "Bloody Nathan," owned by Charles Meech;"Aspire," owned by Jas. Reynolds; "Dollie Lynch," ownedby Wm. H. McCullom. Race—half mile heats, best two in three.



"Prince" and "Baker," the former owned by Mr. Lamb,and the latter by Dr. Carlisle. Time: 2:57; 2:50; 2:15; the former receivingthe first premium.


"Aspire," "Boston," "Bob Lee," and "HogDriver." First heat, Aspire first, Boston second, Bob Lee third, HogDriver fourth. Time: 2.02. Second heat: Aspire first, Boston second, andBob Lee third. Time: 2.00.

The attendance in the afternoon was very good, being considerable betterthan the day before.

The Fair has been quite interesting, and we believe, somewhat of a success.We feel justified in saying that there has never been a better exhibitionof fine horses than the present one at Winfield. The officers of the Societyand people of Winfield deserve great credit for the energy manifested ingetting up this fair. Next year will show greater things than these. Wewill give the rest of the proceedings next week.


Winfield Messenger, Friday, October 25, 1872.

Fine Stock.

On Saturday morning last we accepted an invitation through Mr. Stewart,from Mr. Reynolds and others to visit the fair ground and make a close examinationof their stock exhibited during the fair. Mr. Reynolds brought out two beautifulthoroughbred mares, Aspire and Soothing Syrup. Aspire is five years old,from Escape and Lexington. Soothing Syrup is six years old, from importedAustralian and Lexington. These mares for purity of blood, beauty, speed,and style cannot be excelled in the State. Mr. Reynolds has a large farm—over800 acres, all under fence—one mile from Longton in Howard County wellstocked with thoroughbred stock from Alexander’s farm in Kentucky,embracing the following breeds: Hambletonian, Bellfounder, Patchen, andBashaw. He has a fine lot of thoroughbred short horned cattle from Myers’farm, Racine, Wisconsin; Sheldon’s farm in New York; and some fromJ. P. Roe, importer of thoroughbred stock. Also a large number of thoroughbredswine. Mr. Reynolds’ stock farm cannot be beaten in the State and willdo much for the improvement of stock and the increase of fine blood. Suchstock and such enterprise is worthy of the highest encouragement.

Mr. Fisher introduced his fine horse, Steve Boston, and kindly furnishedus his pedigree, which is as follows:

Steve was 11 years old last May, 16 hands high, a dark chestnut sorrel,and of excellent proportions both in bone and limbs. Boston was sired byVenmeter’s Boston and he by old Boston; Venmeter’s Boston’sdam was by Monarch, Steve Boston’s dam by Hyflyer and he by Torant’sRattler, and he by Archey and he by imported Diomede. Hyflyer’s damwas sired by Cook’s Whip grand dam imported Hyflyer; Steve Boston’sgrand dam Grey Medley; great grand dam Florasel, and was foaled on the farmof John Hays. He was raised by John Hays living in Fayette County, Ohio.

Mr. Fisher is opening a stock farm on the west side of the countyline between Howard and Cowley near Silverdale.

After partaking of some fine wine furnished by Mr. Reynolds, and witnessinga couple of pony races, we returned to town feeling that what we had seenhad well repaid us for our trip.


Winfield Messenger, October 25, 1872.

We clip the following from the Leavenworth Commercial. We wouldlike to publish the whole article, but our space forbids; so we publishthe portion relating to our young city. That "Wanderer’s"opinion of Winfield is correct, no one will deny, and we hope to see himhere again—and in fact, many more such "wanderers" if theirvisits will only end with like results.

WINFIELD, Oct. 13, 1872.


is delightfully situated in a bend on the east side of the Walnut,which, at this point, is a considerable stream and affords ample water powerduring the entire year. The country surrounding Winfield is settled, thesoil rich and well cultivated considering the short time that has transpiredsince the first white man made it his permanent home. The citizens of Winfieldare enterprising, energetic, and far sighted, with a spirit that might wellbe emulated by older communities. This year they fenced in a large fairground, erected buildings thereon, made a fine race track, and held a fairabout two weeks ago, which is said to have been largely attended by citizensfrom the immediate vicinity and the adjoining counties. The display of agriculturalproducts and stock was large. Indeed, I doubt if many of the other countiescould have made a better display of blooded cattle and hogs.

Winfield Messenger, October 25, 1872.

Owing to the absence of the Secretary of the Agricultural Society, wewere unable to get a report of the proceedings of the last day of the fair.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 8, 1873.

The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Cowley County Agriculturalsociety was held on Saturday last, at the office of the Secretary.

228 shares were represented, and voted upon.

The reports of the former Board of Directors were heard, and accepted.

The following persons were chosen directors for the ensuing year.

J. D. Cochran, W. W. Limbocker, W. K. Davis, H. Silver, E. Davis, J.B. Fairbank, Amos Walton, S. C. Winton, F. M. Schwantes, C. M. Wood, A.S. Williams, and J. R. Smith.

A. T. Stewart was chosen President, C. M. Wood, Vice President, J. B.Fairbank, Secretary, and J. D. Cochran, Treasurer.

Two committees were appointed to prepare and submit premium lists tothe board of directors.

One, of the ladies; consisting of Mrs. Dr. Mansfield, Mrs. C. M. Wood,Mrs. J. S. Towsey, Mrs. A. A. Jackson, and Mrs. John Lowery, to submit alist for the ladies department.

The other committee, consisting of J. B. Fairbank, C. M. Wood, A. Walton,H. Silver, and W. K. Davis.

It was voted that the members meet May 5th, and plant trees on the fairgrounds.

J. B. Fairbank, H. Silver, and S. C. Smith were chosen a committee tosuperintend the planting.

It was voted that the society meet Saturday, May 17th, at the fair groundsto repair the fence.

The assets of the society are in round numbers, $5,000.

The liabilities are about $2,400.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 8, 1873.

The Agricultural Society voted to plant trees on their grounds, and choseH. Silver, S. C. Smith, and J. B. Fairbank to superintend the same. Anyperson interested in the proposition, who may wish to take part in plantingtrees will, at any time, find someone of the committee ready to assist.

Stockholders, and others, are requested to meet at the grounds Saturday,the 17th inst., to repair the fence. J. B. FAIRBANK, Sec’y.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 8, 1873. [From the AtchisonChampion.]

Cowley County-Splendid Location-Excellent Water-Populous-EducationalInterests-Mills, Bridges, Fair Grounds-New School Buildings and Churches-$10,000Court House, and $2,500 School House on foot, etc.

WINFIELD, KAS., April 24, 1873.

An unusual degree of enterprise on the part of these people for so newa county, has been manifested in their arrangements for County Fairs. Neartown, on the south, they have enclosed about twenty acres of beautiful groundwith a good board fence, and furnished it with suitable buildings. The halfmile track is one of the finest we have seen anywhere. It is beautifullylevel and smooth. Last year they furnished two fairs, an agricultural anda horse fair. At the latter there was some of the finest trotting stockin the country in attendance, including the famous Goldsmith Maid.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 19, 1873.

The County Agricultural Society have their premium list completed. Thetime for holding the exhibition has been fixed for Sept. 16, 17, and 18.No effort will be spared to make the fair a complete success. The premiumsare liberal and cover every department of industry. The president of thesociety, M. A. T. Stewart, would like to make some arrangement with someperson or persons to repair the fence around the grounds.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 19, 1873.

A regular "old time" Celebration of the Fourth of July willbe the order of the day in Winfield. Speakers for the occasion have acceptedinvitations to be present, and Sumner, Howard, and Butler counties are invitedto be present and participate with us in the grandest celebration ever witnessedin the county. We expect to see five thousand people on the grounds. Thefair ground will be properly arranged by building a rostrum for the speakers,and an arbor with seats for the audience. Not the least attraction of theday will be the grand races of the afternoon. Messrs. Davis & Fargohave several blooded horses that will fly around the track to the amusem*ntof everybody, while there are several other persons preparing horses forthe occasion. A basket dinner will be spread at noon, and eating, drinking,and merriment will sway the hour.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 26, 1873.

We propose to show at the next County Fair that Capt. Chenoweth of thistownship has as fine a lot of stock hogs as any man in this county, JudgeJohnson’s celebrated swine family to the contrary notwithstanding.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 26, 1873.

The citizens of Winfield, in pursuance to a previous call, met at theMethodist church this evening to take into consideration the subject ofappropriately celebrating the 4th of July, 1873. Col. J. T. Quarles waschosen chairman, and J. C. Lillie Secretary. The various committees appointedby a former meeting were read and approved. The only principal questionbefore the meeting was the selection of appropriate grounds upon which tohold the celebration.

It was resolved to prepare an arbor with seats and rostrum for speakers,in the nearest and best adapted grove for the purpose. The races, as heretoforeadvertised, to come off at 3 o’clock p.m. upon the Fair Grounds ofthe Cowley County Agricultural Society.

Officers of the day were chosen as follows: Chaplains, Rev. J. B. Parmeleeand Lowry. Reader of the Declaration of Independence, Byron A. Snow. Marshal,Col. J. T. Quarles. Orators, J. B. Fairbank, Hon. Jas. McDermott, J. W.Scull, Esq.

It was ordered by the meeting to prepare grounds for the accommodationof 5,000 people.

COL. J. T. QUARLES, Chairman.

J. C. LILLIE, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 3, 1873.

The high winds of last Monday night blew down and completely demolishedthe houses on the Fair Grounds of the Cowley County Agricultural Society.The storm raged here for about three hours, and considerable damage wassustained in different parts of the county by the blowing to pieces of out-housesand breaking and throwing down of corn and wheat.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 10, 1873.

RECAP: Grand march at 11 a.m., with at least 2,500 in march to the speakers’stand. Rev. Lowery invoked blessing; Byron A. Snow read Declaration of AmericanIndependence; John B. Fairbank, Esq., delivered oration. After lunch: addressby D. C. Scull, speech by Hon. James McDermott, benediction by Rev. J. B.Parmalee. March again taken up. Late in the evening a balloon ascensiontook place. Funny thing: fireworks not mentioned.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 24, 1873.

Mr. E. B. Johnson, of Beaver Township, is preparing to exhibit at theFair this fall some of the finest stock that has been seen in the county.He has an imported thoroughbred Black Hawk Morgan horse, four years old,that would make the fingers of the Winfield horsem*n clutch nervously toeven see. He expects to carry off the blue ribbon on his fine Durham bullthis fall.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 21, 1873.

Grand farmers meeting Sept 16th, 17th, and 18th, 1873, on the groundsof the Cowley Co. Agricultural Society.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 21, 1873.

The Fair grounds of the Agricultural society have been put in completeand thorough repair for the coming exhibition Sept. 16th, 17th, and 18th.The directors are manifesting the same enterprise and energy that resultedso successfully last year and we expect that their efforts will be crownedwith even greater success.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 28, 1873.

Come to the Fair on the 16th, 17th, and 18th of next month.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 28, 1873.

The result of having work executed away from home is plainly visiblein the Premium list for the coming fair. The mechanical part of the worklooks very well, but the typographical errors, and misspelled names areamusing. We don’t wonder that the office that turned out the bookswas ashamed to acknowledge the work and printed Cowley County Telegramon the title page to convey the impression that they were printed at that"shop."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 4, 1873.

Directors, Stockholders, and every able bodied man are invited to meetwith the officers of the Cowley County Agricultural Society on the fairgrounds of the Society on Saturday, September 13th, to prepare the grounds,stalls, etc., for the reception of stock, etc., which will be the last weekbefore our fair begins.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 4, 1873.

The directors of the Agricultural Society will meet at the Fair Grounds,Saturday, Sept. 6th, 1873, at 2 o’clock P. M. They earnestly desirethat the Superintendents of all the departments meet with them to acquaintthemselves with their duties. The following are the names of the variousSuperintendents.

Capt. E. Davis; A. Walton; J. H. Churchill; J. P. Short; John R. Smith;E. B. Johnson; W. K. Davis; A. S. Williams; Will S. Voris; S. H. Myton;Samuel Darrah; James Stewart; Jas. H. Land; T. B. Myers; Geo. W. Martin;W. M. Boyer; Max Shoeb; John Swain; S. C. Smith, Mrs. L. H. Howard; Mrs.J. D. Cochran; Mrs. E. Davis; Mrs. J. C. Fuller; Mrs. C. A. Bliss; Mrs.Fitch; Max Fawcett; J. O. Matthewson; H. B. Norton; D. A. Millington; E.B. Kager, C. M. Wood; T. A. Wilkinson.

The Superintendents are desired to study carefully the rules and regulationsof the society so they may be able to render assistance to exhibitors.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 11, 1873.

It is said we are to have three bands of music at our Fair.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 11, 1873.

Have you seen the beautiful Silver Pitcher from Jaggard’s, St. Louis,that the Agricultural Society offers as a first premium for lady equestrians?If not, just peep into Mr. Fairbank’s office and feast your eyes. Wewonder who will be the lucky rider.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 11, 1873.

The ladies of the Presbyterian Aid Society will hold a festival on Wednesdayevening Sept. 17 (the second day of the fair) in Mr. Hudson’s building,one door south of the Lagonda House. A supper and other refreshments willbe furnished.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 11, 1873.

Will S. Voris, Superintendent of Poultry at our fair next week, offersone of his fine Magee pigs, which he raises and sells at ten dollars apiece,to the person making the largest and best exhibition in his department.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 25, 1873.

S. H. Myton drew the valuable wax fruit made and exhibited at the fairby Mrs. H. P. Mansfield.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 25, 1873.

We give this week a cursory report of the 3rd annual fair of the CowleyCounty Agricultural Society, held last week. Notwithstanding the dust whichat times was almost stifling, the fair was quite successful and the managersare entitled to much credit for the energy and good judgment they used.We are informed by the secretary that there were over 400 entries, and morethan 1,000 different articles on exhibition. We report some of the premiumsas furnished us. The race horse and fast trotter had to take a back placethis year, while the horse for service came to the front. The "pureagricultural horse trot" gave way to the tests of strength, and excellencewas not measured by the short time required to run 300 yards. We were gladto notice some very good young stock in this department. The premiums wereawarded as follows.


Thoroughbred stallion, H. C. Fisher.

Stallions for general purposes, over 4 years old, H. C. Fisher; over3 years old, R. Richards, under 3 years old, James Renfro.

Brood mares with colts by their side—1st pr. J. Stewart; 2d pr.J. Renfro.

Mares and fillies 2 years old: 1st pr. D. Miles; 2d A. P. Forbes.

Spring colts: 1st pr. J. Stewart, 2d, John Renfro.

Draft horses, spans: 1st pr. J. H. Davis; 2d, J. E. Willis. Single horseJ. Mooso.

Saddle horses: 1st pr. R. B. Saffold; 2d Jas. Stewart.

Spans for general purposes: 1st pr. C. C. Price; 2d, J. Mooso.


Best Jack: 1st pr. T. H. Wright.

Span mules: 1st pr. H. Shaver; 2d W. K. Davis.


In this department there was a fair exhibition of grades in all lots,but it might have been largely increased if people would have brought outtheir stock.

The premiums were:

Bulls, three years and over: 1st pr. John R. Smith; 2d E. B. Johnson.

Bulls 2 years old and under 3: 1st pr. W. K. Davis. Yearling: 1st pr.A. P. Forbes; 2d J. A. Churchill.

Best cow: 1st pr. W. H. McArthur; 2d T. H. Johnson.

Calves: 1st pr. J. A. Churchill; 2d, W. H. McArthur.

Working oxen: 1st pr. A. J. Thompson; 2d Wm. Bartlow.


The exhibition here was worthy the attention of every farmer. We neversaw a larger or better collection at any fair, and we are glad to attestthe fact that the county is so largely stocked with fine blooded stock.

There were 77 swine on exhibition. The premiums were awarded as follows.

Poland China, Magee, and other large breeds.

Boar, 1 year old and over: 1st pr. C. C. Pierce; 2d W. K. Davis.

Sows 1 year old and over: 1st W. K. Davis; 2d C. C. Pierce.

Boars under 2 years old: 1st pr. F. W. Schwantes; 2d C. Duen.

Sows under 1 year old: 1st p. F. W. Schwantes, 2d H. B. Lacy.

Pigs best lot under 6 months old shown with dam: 1st pr. C. C. Price;2d the same.

Sows 1 year and over: 1st pr. L. Cottingham; 2d the same.

Boar under 1 year: 1st pr M. B. Keagy; 2d H. J. Page.

Sows under 1 year old: 1st pr. M. B. Keagy, 2d A. Meaner.

Pigs best lot thrown with dam: 1st pr. L. Cottingham, 2d the same.

Best Boar pig any age or breed: C. C. Pierce.

Best sow pig any age or breed: M. B. Keagy.

Best litter of pigs and age or breed: W. S. Voris.


The exhibition in this department was a remarkably large one. All themost approved breeds were on exhibition in great numbers and pure blood.Premiums were awarded to E. B. Johnson, Mrs. J. Magness, Thos. F. Wright,and J. A. Churchill. Mr. Voris’ special premium to J. A. Churchill.


We took great interest in this department for the future wealth of thecounty is assured if the soil and climate are well adapted to corn and othersmall grains. The exhibition in this department was quite full, and thequality of the samples excellent.

The premiums were awarded on corn to J. G. Titus, R. L. Cowles, F. W.Schwantes. On wheat, white, A. Meaner; red, J. H. Curfman, spring wheat,J. Lowery.


The collection was good. We remember the time when vegetables were asrare and as great a luxury in this county as the rarest tropical fruits.Now most every kind is abundant and the quality excellent. There were someforty entries in this department.

The premiums were awarded to J. H. Land, J. Lowery, H. H. Johnson, C.M. Wood, J. H. Curfman, J. A. Churchill, Jno. Irwin, and Mrs. J. H. Curfman.

The exhibition in the Floral Hall was not as extensive as last year,yet there were some very fine articles shown.

We were pleased to find excellent fruit trees from nurseries in thiscounty.

Premiums were awarded to J. O. Matthewson of Winfield and H. D. Gansof Lazette, for house plants, and cut flowers to Mrs. McLaughlin and Mrs.W. K. Davis.

In the department of fine arts were some splendid articles. The oil paintingsof Miss Foos and Miss Stewart, the crayons of Mrs. Howard, and the collectionsof photographs of Mr. Bonsall were deserved of the premiums they received.

We call attention to a rose made by Mr. Max Fawcett, the beautiful waxwork of Mrs. Mansfield, which excited a great deal of admiration.

In the department of needle and fancy work, there were many beautifularticles. We have not time to specify but give a list of those to whom premiumswere awarded.

Mrs. Bonsall, Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. McLaughlin, Misses Deming, Mary Stewart,Foos, Porter, Jane Stewart, Lakosky, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Mansfield, Mrs.Bostwick, and Mrs. Shepherd.

In the department of millinery, premiums were awarded to Mrs. Howard,for the finest collections.

In the class of textile fabrics, domestic products, etc., premiums wereawarded to Mrs. Curfman, Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Voris, Mrs. Shepherd, and J.Irwin.

Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.

There will be a meeting of the directors of the Cowley County AgriculturalSociety on Saturday, May 16th, 1874, at 2 o’clock p.m. at the courthouse.J. B. FAIRBANK, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.

It is said that Mr. Holmes Smith of the Fair grounds has been offered$10,000 for his farm.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.



The 98th anniversary of American Independence will be celebrated at WINFIELD!On the votive day, JULY 4th!

Arrangements have been made to make this one of the Grandest Celebrationsever held in Southwestern Kansas. No labor or expense have been spared tomake it an ENTIRE SUCCESS.

An invitation has been extended to the SOLDIERS’ ASSOCIATION tobe present, and they have accepted and will without fail participate inthe exercises adding to the interest of the occasion by giving a DRILLINGEXERCISE.

The Patrons of Husbandry (Grangers) are expected to be present in FULLREGALIA!

Hon. John Guthrie!

and Geo. R. Peck, have been invited and are expected to be present.

The festivities of the day will be closed in the evening with a granddisplay of FIREWORKS. (In the purchase of which over $200 have been expended)after which a

Grand Ball

Will be given in the fine Hall at the Courthouse.


A national salute of thirty-seven guns will be fired at sunrise.

The procession will form on the north end of Main street, at 10 o’clock,in the following order:

Winfield City Silver Cornet Band.

Floral Car with goddess of liberty and thirty-seven young ladies, representingthe several states in the Union.

Reception Committee and Speakers.


Patrons of Husbandry in Regalia.


And march through the principal streets of the city to the grove on WalnutRiver.

Exercises of the day will commence by Music by the Band.

Reading of the Declaration of Independence.

Vocal music, Red, White and Blue solo, by Mr. John Swain, and chorus.

Orations by Hon. John Guthrie, and other eminent speakers.

Music by the Band.

Vocal music, solo by Mr. Hall.

Music by the Band.

Basket Dinner and Toasts.

Music by the Band.

Vocal music, Star Spangled Banner solo by Mrs. A. H. Green, and chorusof 37 young ladies in costume.

Music by the Band.

Grand Tournament by the Fantastic company of Winfield, after which therewill be several heat and dash races at the Fair Grounds, for which somecelebrated horses are now in training.

The exercises of the day will close with a grand display of fire-worksat 8 o’clock p.m., and a Grand Ball at the Courthouse.

By order of committee. G. S. MANSER, Chairman.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Dissolution Notice.

Notice is hereby given that the firm of Jones & Reynolds is thisday dissolved by mutual consent. T. J. Jones will assume all liabilitiesand collect moneys due the old firm.


Winfield, Kan., June 22nd, 1874.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.


We will run a double seated carriage with careful driver from all partsof the city to the picnic and fair grounds the 4th. Also to the ball atthe courthouse at night. Parties wishing to engage can leave their ordersat our office in stables on Manning street.



Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

We notice that A. T. Shenneman has returned from Texas.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

H. M. Swasey of Independence has been in town for the last few days.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

B. B. The Winfield club were "scooped" at El Dorado last Saturdaytwo to one.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Reynolds and Jones have dissolved partnership; see dissolution noticeelsewhere.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Winfield is well stocked with fast horses and sporting men, all waitingfor tomorrow.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Miller & Jones are erecting a new Meat Market between Miller’srestaurant and Nichols barber shop.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

F. M. Concannon has opened a tobacco store in the building formerly occupiedby Bakers barber shop.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

A matched game of base ball will be played at the fair ground, on the4th of July, at 2 o’clock P.M. All persons are invited to be present.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Elder Wm. Martin will deliver a discourse at the meeting house of thedisciples of Christ on Lord’s day, July 12th, at 4 o’clock P.M.Subject, "Duties of Elders and Deacons," after which an ordinationwill take place.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

We are pleased to see the smiling countenance of Col. J. M. Alexanderback in Winfield. The Col. has been for some months past in Leavenworth,looking after his large property there. He came through, as Sid. Clarkewent to Topeka last winter, in his own conveyance.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

The Galveston market reports show the following prices: Wholesale, flourfrom $7.50 to $10.50 per barrel; butter 20 to 35 cts.; corn $1.10 per bushel;oats 75 cts.; coffee 23 to 27 cts.; sugar 6 to 11 cts.; potatoes $1.50 to$1.75; cornmeal $1.60 per cwt.; hay $2.00 per cwt.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

The medical fraternity of Winfield has received an addition in the personof Mr. Anderson, who was formerly located for a short time between thistown and Arkansas City, but who has now made up his mind to locate in thiscity. We hope he will be successful in securing a large practice.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

The advertisem*nt of J. C. Weathers & Co., which will be found elsewherein this issue, will inform our readers where they can purchase their groceries,queensware, etc., cheap and at the same time be sure of getting a good article.Both members of the firm are well known to most of our citizens and needno recommendation from us.



Wholesale and Retail Dealers in





Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Isaac L. Comfort (our old boy) having been superseded by a younger "devil"has left this office, but has not gone to Texas nor upon the warpath, neitheris he expecting to go east after his wife, but proposes to continue in thebusiness of manufacturing stove wood. Orders left at the Lagonda House willreceive prompt attention.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

R. C. Story, Esq., is now here looking up a location in which to practicehis profession—the law. He expresses himself as being well pleasedwith Cowley County, and especially Winfield. He thinks, as does everyonethat has ever visited us, that Winfield is destined to become the metropolisof the southwest. We hope that he will conclude to remain with us for althoughthere are quite a large number of local gentlemen located here, reinforcementsare always in order.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Read, while driving out to the cemetery the otherday, met with rather a serious accident. a pair of mules ran up behind them,frightened their team, which started to run, and before Mr. Read could checkthem up, upset the buggy, dislocating Mrs. Read’s collar bone and otherwiseinjuring her. Mr. Read had his arm considerably hurt; the buggy was badlysmashed; the horses ran but a short distance, however, when they stopped.It is hoped that neither will sustain any permanent injury.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Reports from Arkansas City state that the new cattle trail to that placeis being extensively used. The route is said to be a good one and the prospectsare that the first railroad to strike through that section of the countrywill reap a rich harvest in the transportation of cattle. Garnett Plaindealer.

Now really that’s too bad. Why didn’t you tell us of yourgood fortune, Bro. Scott? so that we might have rejoiced with you. Comingas it does, by the round about way of Garnett, we will not believe thatour neighbor’s cattle trail "is being" extensively used.We don’t believe they have got a cattle trail. And more, we don’tbelieve they will get that, or anything else, until we have a member ofcongress from this district, who will pay some little attention to our wants.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Attention Everybody.

Go and see the fun at the Fair Grounds on the 4th. Admission only 25cents, the proceeds to be applied in repairing grounds, etc.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

In the Courts.

Last Monday night Mrs. W. D. Roberts was brought into her own house—havingpreviously been arrested by officer Bliss of the police force, upon thecharge of disturbing the peace. Upon being brought before his honor, JudgeHickok, Hon. S. D. Pryor arose and gave the Court to "understand andbe informed, that Mrs. W. D. Roberts, at the county of Cowley, and on the10th day of May, 1873, and on every Sunday save one, since said 10th dayof May, 1873, at the Baptist church in Winfield, she, the said Mrs. W. D.Roberts, in a bold fearless manner, wilfully and knowingly disturbed thepeace and quiet of many citizens of Winfield by using her tongue wilfullyand fearlessly, in a loud voice, singing songs of praise to God, againstthe peace and quiet of many saloon-keepers, and contrary to the laws ofking alcohol."

The prisoner was ably defended by Rev. N. L. Rigby. Before the counselfor the defense had concluded, however, the prisoner was discharged.

To show that they didn’t believe her guilty of any crime and asa slight token of their esteem, Mr. Rigby, on behalf of the company, presentedher with a beautiful silver cake basket, which was indeed a surprise toMrs. Roberts, but nevertheless appreciated by her. After the presentationthe guests were right royally regaled with Ice Cream and cake. All wenthome glad that they had been there, and glad that so much affection existsin the human family, and hoping that many such occasions may be experienced"ere the roses droop and die."


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

Our Trip to El Dorado.

Last week, in company with the Frontier Base Ball Club, we took a tripto El Dorado, for the purpose of witnessing a match game of ball betweenthe El Dorado club and the above mentioned Frontier. The game was playedSaturday afternoon, and resulted in favor of the El Dorado’s by a scoreof eleven to five. The day was a bad one, as the wind blew very hard, andwe think that everything considered, the game was a remarkably good oneupon both sides, and especially that of the El Dorado’s. The El Doradopeople have good cause to be proud of their Base Ball Club, as it is theuniversal opinion of those who have seen them play, that there are few clubsin the state that can compete with them. The Winfield boys consider it nodisgrace to be beaten by so good a club as the El Dorado.

Just before the game was called the scene was enlivened by the runningaway of a team attached to a buggy containing two young ladies and a gentlemennamed Cooper. When the horses started, one of them got the reins over hishead, and Mr. Cooper, seeing there was no possibility of stopping them withthe reins, leaped to the ground while the team was dashing across the prairie,and grasping one of the horses by the bit, finally succeeded in stoppingthem, but not until the buggy was overturned, and its occupants spread aroundon the prairie. The vehicle was totally wrecked, but the young ladies receivedonly slight injuries.

While in the city we found time to call upon Mr. Murdock, the editorof the Times, whom we found snugly ensconced in as pretty, if notthe prettiest little office we have seen in the state of Kansas (and wehave seen a good many). After taking a survey of the office and its editor,we are not surprised that the Walnut Valley Times is one of the neatestand best papers in the state. Mr. Murdock has a nice residence nearly completed.

In behalf of the Frontier ball club, we would thank the El Dorado cluband the citizens generally (excepting the National Hotel and Phillips &Bro.’ livery stable) for the kind and gentlemanly treatment we receivedat their hands, and we hope to return the favors upon their visit to Winfield.For the benefit of the traveling public, we would say that the above mentionedhotel and livery stable are first-class swindles, and only await the opportunityto gull their customers. As they have but little patronage, they expectto make a fortune by charging those who are unfortunate enough not to knowthem, two or three prices for their third class accommodations. We weretaken in once, but we shall give them a wide berth next time. We are gladfor the sake of El Dorado that she has few like them.


Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.


The following is the programme of set races at the Fair Grounds on the4th of July, commencing at 3 o’clock p.m., after the exercises at theGrove—besides a number of other races.

First Race: purse twenty dollars. Half mile dash. 1st premium fifteendollars. 2nd premium five dollars. Entrance fee: two dollars and fifty cents,three entries required.

Second Race: purse fifty dollars. Half mile heats. 1st premium twenty-fivedollars. 2nd premium ten dollars. 3rd premium five dollars. Entrance fee:five dollars, three entries required.

Third Race: purse fifteen dollars. Quarter mile dash. 1st premium tendollars. 2nd premium five dollars. Entrance fee: two dollars and fifty cents.

Fourth Race: citizens purse. One mile heats. Best two in three.

The following are among the horses now here in training, and expectedto take part in the races:

Minnie Warren, Commodore Nutt, Tom Thumb, Bill Funke, Black Bess, andGrey Eagle, of Cowley County. Sleepy Pete, Yellow Hammer, Gray Cow, andRobert E. Lee, of Sumner County. Sorrel Frank and Arthur Miller, of Independence.Hickory Creek, of Douglass. Big Liz, of Wichita.

Tickets may be had at W. M. Boyers, A. H. Green’s, Maris & Baldwin’s,and the Post Office. Only 25 cents.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.


The Biggest Gathering Ever Seen on the Walnut River.


Five Thousand People Join in the Celebration.

The 98th anniversary of the declaration of American independence wasushered in at Winfield with a round of 37 guns. a more beautiful morningnever dawned on the day made immortal by the heroes, who, to achieve theindependence of the thirteen colonies, pledged their "fortunes, theirlives, and their sacred honor." Before 10 o’clock the city wasa perfect jam of people. But Chief Marshal Walker, with his corps of ableassistants, soon had the mass in motion headed for the grove. The WinfieldSilver Cornet Band, closely followed by the car of freedom, containing 37beautiful young ladies, and drawn by four horses driven by Mr. N. Roberson,headed the procession. Arrived at the grove everything was found to be infirst-class order.


The meeting was called to order by G. S. Manser, president of the day.The Declaration of Independence was read by L. T. Michener, Esq. Speecheswere then made by Col. John M. Alexander and Judge Ross. The "StarSpangled Banner" was sung by Mrs. A. H. Green, assisted by J. T. Hall,and a full chorus of young ladies, when a short recess was had for


Everybody seemed to have plenty and to spare as we can testify, for wesampled more than one dinner basket.

After dinner several toasts were proposed, and responded to, by JudgeRoss, L. J. Webb, Col. Manning, Capt. S. C. Smith, and L. T. Michener.

3 o’clock, the hour announced for the races having arrived, theassembly adjourned to the Fair Grounds. (As the races formed no part ofthe celebration proper, we will treat of them in another place.)

The day was finished with a beautiful pyrotechnic display and a ballat the Courthouse where all went merry as a 4th of July belle, and everybodywent home fully satisfied with themselves and all mankind.


There were none. Any ordinary Saturday would have furnished a greatervariety of incidents or accidents. Never has a more orderly day been passedin Winfield. Not a solitary case of drunkenness; no fights, no cursing orswearing, nothing of the sort.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.

The Fair.

Now that the fourth of July is over and the National bird has retiredagain to her eyrie, attention is turned to the Agricultural fair, whichis to come off on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of September.

The parties interested with the arrangements are hard at work in sucha manner as will insure success.

There will be no pro rata and no delay in the payment of the premiumsthis year.

Whenever a committee makes an award, the prizes will be paid at onceand in full on the grounds.

We think that is an important reform in the right direction, and willadd greatly to the interest and enthusiasm of the exhibitors.

This will doubtless be far superior to the former fairs in every respect.

Arrangements are being made to secure the attendance of the best bloodedtrotting and running stock in the State, at the approaching Agriculturalfair at Winfield.

The display of horses will be exceptionally good.

One or more races will come off on each day of the fair. If there isany difference, the best will occur on the first day.

The citizens of Winfield are raising a large fund for prizes in thisdepartment which will attract the best stock of this and all the surroundingcounties.

This feature alone will make each day of the fair a gala day.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874. Front Page.

Note: Skipped details re exhibition September 1, 2, 3, 1874.

Officers of Cowley County Agricultural Society: A. T. Stewart, President;C. M. Wood, Vice President; J. D. Cochran, Treasurer; J. B. Fairbank, Secretary.

Directors: A. T. Stewart, W. Q. Mansfield, H. S. Silver, J. P. Short,F. W. Schwantes,

W. H. Grow, D. A. Millington, Amos Walton, W. K. Davis, C. M. Wood. J.D. Cochran, J. R. Smith, J. B. Fairbank.

Chief Marshal: H. S. Silver.

Chief of Police: R. L. Walker.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.


The Fair of the Cowley County Agricultural Society has been postponeduntil September 29, 30, and October 1st, 1874.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.

The Cowley county fair has been postponed indefinitely. Cause, nothingto show.


Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.

A Bad Law.

We hope that a law will be passed repealing the law enacted last winter,prohibiting trials of speed at Fairs. If this is not done, it might as wellbe understood that fairs in this state will not be held. They cannot bemade successful without good, square, "agricultural horse trots."The state fair last fall was a wretched, miserable failure because of thisabsurd prohibition. The reforming asses of the last legislature who undertookto abolish trials of speed might just as well have entitled their bill,"An act to Abolish Fairs." For that is its practical effect. Wipeit from the statute books and let us have our annual state, district, andcounty fairs. Champion.

Them’s our sentiments.

Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.

It has been decided to have no state fair next fall.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

The most dilapidated thing "barrin’" in the reform partyin Cowley County today, is the fair ground fence and buildings below town.Not less than fifteen thousand feet of lumber have been maliciously, feloniously,or otherwise, been carried away from there the present year. It’s aburning shame, and our lumber men should rise up in their might and scoopthe agricultural society in. They need never expect to sell their lumberwhen the choicest pine can be got for the taking.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

C. M. Scott is one of the directors of the Southwestern Kansas DistrictFair, to be held at Emporia, from 21st to 24th prox., inclusive.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.

Mrs. P. G. Smith, of Dexter, sends us in three monster beets, weighing39 pounds. They weighed 14, 12-3/4 and 12-1/2 pounds respectively. We wantto exhibit them at the Southwestern Kansas Fair, at Emporia, on the 20thprox.


[Covering Period January 6, 1876 - December 28, 1876.]




The Cowley County Agricultural Society was organized Aug. 19, 1871, andon Aug. 31 the directors elected the following officers: M. M. Jewett, president,A. T. Stewart, vice president; D. N. Egbert, secretary; A. B. Lemmon, assistantsecretary; J. B. Fairbank, corresponding secretary; J. D. Cochran, treasurer,C. M. Wood, superintendent.

Some preliminary meetings were held for the organization prior to thefirst date given. On the 12th day of October, 1872, the first fair was held.The Society had purchased twelve acres of land south of town and constructeda high, tight, pine fence around it, and cleared an elegant race track thereon.This occurred in 1872, after the Society was incorporated under State lawin May 7th and 8th.

At that time A. T. Stewart became President; C. M. Wood, Vice President;J. D. Cochran, Treasurer; D. N. Egbert, Secretary. The second AgriculturalFair, held under the Society, transpired 15th to 18th of September, 1872.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.

TOM WRIGHT has built a house near the fair ground, and is going to dairyingthis summer.

Cowley County Democrat, Winfield, Kansas, Thursday, July 13, 1876.


The Cowley County Agricultural Society was organized August 19, 1871.Its first officers were M. M. Jewett, president; A. T. Stewart, vice president;D. N. Egbert, secretary; A. B. Lemmon, assistant secretary; J. B. Fairbank,corresponding secretary; J. D. Cochran, treasurer; and C. M. Wood, superintendent.On the 12th day of October, 1872, its first fair was held.

In 1872 the society was incorporated under the state law. It purchasedtwelve acres of land lying adjoining Winfield on the south, and erectedthereon commodious buildings. The race course was laid out and a high pineboard fence was built around the grounds during the fall of that year. Thesecond fair transpired from the 15th to the 18th of September, 1872.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.

Will Cowley County ever have another agricultural fair?

Winfield Courier, October 4, 1877.

"A Horse, a Horse!"

The Topeka Driving Association will hold a fair at Topeka, from Oct.16th to 19th inclusive. The finest and fastest trotting horses in the westwill be there. 2:20 to be beaten by three different horses for $1,000. Everybodyis going. The cheapest rates ever offered to the people of the southwest.The A., T. & S. F. railroad will sell round trip tickets, good from16th to 20th, from El Dorado or Wichita to Topeka for $5. Round trip stagetickets will be sold for $4. Good board at the best hotel in the State,the Tefft House, only $1.50 per day. You who want to have a good time fora week, see the State Capitol, the fastest horses on the turf and otherwise,take the train for the north.

Winfield Courier, October 18, 1877.

Hon. J. McDermott, Hon. T. R. Bryan, Prof. Will G. Robinson, and others,whose names we did not get, have gone to Topeka. Wonder if the horse fairwas the attraction.

Winfield Courier, October 18, 1877.

J. Ex. Saint and lady, James Kelly and lady, and L. J. Webb have goneto Topeka to attend the Masonic Grand Lodge, or the horse fair, or to visittheir friends, we forget which. Hope A. B. will keep them out of mischief.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1877.

On account of wet weather, the horse fair at Topeka last week was a failure.

Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.


To the Editor of the Courier:

What is the reason that Cowley County cannot have an agricultural society?Are the people too poor to support one? Or, are they too lazy to organizeit? Other counties have agricultural societies, and Cowley being the leadingcounty ought to have one. Let us organize at once and have a fair next fall.Who will be the first to move in this matter?

Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878. Back Page.

Hon. Thomas Ryan, member of congress from the third Kansas district,in his speech delivered at the Sedgwick County Fair, at Wichita, Sept. 27,1877, paid a just tribute to Cowley County in the following words.

"Over three hundred years ago, a Spanish expedition passed not manymiles from where we now stand. One Coronado, at the head of 1200 men, thentraversed the counties of Barbour, Kingman, Reno, Harvey, and McPherson.Could he have done the same thing again but a few short years ago takingin the counties of Cowley, Sumner, and Sedgwick, he would have exploredthe garden of the universe, still occupied by beast and savage, preciselyas he found it three centuries before. But were he to return today and chroniclethe preternatural change, and could we go five hundred years into futurityand read his marvelous narration, we should doubtless conclude that Coronadowas the champion liar of the age in which he wrote. But seeing is believing;with our own eyes we behold Cowley County with her 15,000 population; herschoolhouses, her magnificent churches, her mills, her newspapers, her fourhundred thousand acres paying tribute to government, and one hundred andfifty thousand producing acres; and yet she was organized but seven yearsago."

Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.



EDITOR COURIER. The great and growing agricultural interests of CowleyCounty demand at this time the attention of the farmers to the importanceand necessity of organizing an agricultural society, which will enable themto compete with other counties in the state, and, in fact, place our favoredcounty in the foreground to which her super-excellence entitles her.

In order to give the farmers an opportunity to discuss this measure andcompare notes, I would suggest that a meeting be called to be held at theCourthouse on Saturday of court week (May 11th) for that purpose.

I would also suggest that farmers officer the meeting and the society,if they form one, and run it in their own way; and I am certain that success,instead of the failure that characterized the former undertaking, will bethe result. J. M. ALEXANDER.

Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.

Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.


We think that J. M. Alexander’s call for the organization of anagricultural society is timely, believing with him that our county is ableto support, and should have, such a society to develop its industries byfriendly rivalry; but we doubt the wisdom of the suggestion of offeringthe society by farmers exclusively. In an organization of this kind, everyindustrial pursuit should be represented to make its annual fairs a success;the undue preponderance of any one interest to others is detrimental. Agricultureis the occupation of fully three-fourths of our population, and while thisinterest is paramount, it should not be to the exclusion of others as well.It was a most signal failure in our old society to make agriculture thetail of the kite, instead of the kite itself; and we hope that this extremein the opposite direction will not be taken, but that all interests willbe represented as their merits deserve.

April 5, 1878. REX.

Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.

Cowley County Fair.

A public meeting will be held at the courthouse in Winfield on the 11thday of May, 1878, at 2 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of organizingan agricultural society, and to take into consideration the propriety ofholding a Fair during the coming fall. All are invited to attend, and itis hoped that all interests appropriately connected with the enterprisewill be represented.

J. E. Platter, B. B. Vandeventer, J. B. Lynn, T. B. Bryan, C. A. Bliss,E. P. Kinne, H. D. Gans, E. E. Bacon, Winfield; J. B. Holmes, W. White,W. J. Funk, Rock; S. M. Fall, R. F. Burden, Windsor; N. J. Larkin, A. Kelly,Richland; Charles A. McClung, J. S. Wooley, Vernon; Dr. Holland, G. Teeter,Beaver; W. B. Norman, Adam Walck, Maple; Dr. A. S. Capper, Ninnescah; IraHow, Liberty; Wm. J. Hodges, C. G. Handy, Tisdale; J. B. Callison, SpringCreek; D. W. Wiley, Cedar; E. Shriver, Sheridan; Jonas Messenger, Omnia;J. A. Bryan, Dexter; R. Stratton, Harvey; S. B. Adams, Creswell; J. M. Sample,D. P. Marshall, Bolton; G. W. Herbert, Silverdale; D. B. McCollum, S. Watt,Pleasant Valley.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

Cowley County Fair.

A public meeting will be held at the courthouse in Winfield on the 11thday of May, 1878, at 2 p.m., for the purpose of organizing an agriculturalsociety, and to take into consideration the propriety of holding a fairduring the coming fall. All are invited to attend, and it is hoped thatall interests appropriately connected with the enterprise will be represented.

J. E. Platter, B. B. Vandeventer, J. B. Lynn, T. R. Bryan, C. A. Bliss,E. P. Kinne, H. D. Gans, E. E. Bacon, Winfield; J. B. Holmes, W. White,W. J. Funk, Rock; S. M. Fall, R. F. Burden, Windsor; N. J. Larkin, A. Kelly,Richland; Chas. A. McClung, J. S. Wooley, Vernon; W. B. Norman, Adam Walck,Maple; Dr. A. S. Capper, Ninnescah; Ira How, Liberty; William J. Hodges,C. G. Handy, Tisdale; J. B. Callison, Spring Creek; D. W. Wiley, Cedar;E. Shriver, Sheridan; Jonas Messenger, Omnia; J. A. Bryan, Dexter; R. Stratton,Harvey; S. B. Adams, Creswell; S. M. Sample, D. P. Marshall, Bolton; G.W. Herbert, Silverdale; D. B. McCollum, S. Watt, Pleasant Valley. Courier.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.

An effort will be made to hold a fair in Cowley County this fall. Press.

A fair will be held in Cowley County this fall.

Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.

To The Farmers of Southern Kansas.

Arrangements are nearly completed for a district fair to be held nearthis city this coming autumn, and you can do a great favor to all concerned,and aid in its attractiveness, by gathering your best specimens of grainsand grasses, and such other vegetable matter that will be of a necessityharvested. All grain should be preserved with the roots. Liberal premiumswill be offered for the best specimens.

EUGENE E. BACON, Acting Secretary.

Winfield, Kansas, May 6th, 1878.

Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.


WINFIELD, June 18, 1878.

A meeting of the Directors of the Walnut Valley Fair Association willbe held at the Courthouse in Winfield on Saturday, June 22, 1878, at 1 o’clockp.m. Important business.

By order of the Board, EUGENE E. BACON, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.

Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.

Walnut Valley Fair Association.

WINFIELD, KANSAS, June 24, 1878.

Board met pursuant to adjournment at the office of Col. J. M. Alexander.Present: J. W. Millspaugh, President; Col. Alexander, Treasurer; E. E. Bacon,Secretary; and Messrs. E. P. Kinne and E. C. Manning, Directors.

Reading of the proceedings of last meeting was dispensed with.

The committee to prepare premium list submitted for consideration a printedlist and recommended its adoption. It was then read, corrected, and adopted,whereupon the following named ladies and gentlemen were appointed superintendentsof the various classes, to wit:

Class A - Horses - R. B. Pratt.

Class B - Cattle - L. Finley.

Class C - Sheep - John Stalter.

Class D - Swine - W. L. Mullen.

Class E - Poultry - ____ Bull.

Class F - Agricultural Implements - S. H. Myton.

Class G - Mechanical Arts - J. Hoenscheidt.

Class H - Farm Products - R. F. Burden.

Class I - Horticulture - S. S. Holloway.

Class J - Pomology - I. H. Bonsall.

Class K - Floral - Mrs. W. Q. Mansfield.

Class L - Fine Arts - Mrs. M. E. Davis.

Class M - Textile Fabrics - T. H. McLaughlin.

Class N - Plowing Matches - J. H. Worden.

Class O - Honey - E. P. Hickok.

Class P - Boys and Girls - J. E. Platter.

Class Q - Riding and Driving - W. H. Walker.

Class R - Speed - B. M. Terrill.

Class S - Fruits, etc. - Mrs. S. M. Fall.

On motion, A. J. Pyburn was appointed Chief Marshal.

On motion, R. L. Walker was appointed Chief of Police.

By motion the committee on grounds were instructed to close contractfor the same that the committee on track might commence work.

The board then adjourned until called by the president. E. E. BACON,Secretary.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.

We would call attention to the notice of the Walnut Valley District Fair,to be held in Winfield some time in September. This fair promises to bethe big thing of Cowley County for this year, and no expense will be sparedto make it one long to be remembered. The premiums will be as liberal asthe directors can afford, and we guarantee the farmers that this year Cowleycan make as good a show as many older counties in the State.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 31, 1878.

Walnut Valley District Fair.

The attention of farmers in the District, and all others interested inthe same, are now called upon to send in their names and take one or moreshares and thus help in one of these institutions which will add much tothe wealth and prosperity of Southern Kansas. The shares being five dollarseach and but 20 percent, paid down (and not more than 40 percent, can becalled upon in any one year), places it in the reach of all to contribute.Besides this, anyone taking one share and paying the same in full will receivea certificate of stock paid up and a season ticket for himself and familyduring the fair, free.

The management is in the hands of a good and sufficient board, who willdeal fairly with all and allow no personalities before merit; avoiding asfar as possible any unpleasantness to arise. They ask this as an especialfavor, for the reason that they wish to incur the least possible expensein getting up and maintaining a good fair, and to go to each and lay thesematters before them, would take more time than any committee of personscan spare; but by the above course both time and money can be saved andthe same end reached. Starting out anew they find it necessary to get alongwith the least possible expense and fulfill every promise made and onlyask that each one so interested will take at least one share. Do not delaythis matter, but call on one of the committee, viz: J. B. Lynn, Frank Williams,E. P. Kinne, committee; or Eugene E. Bacon, Secretary, who will issue toyou certificate for amount subscribed. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.

Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.

Walnut Valley Fair Association.

There was a meeting of the board in Winfield last Saturday, which waslargely attended. Many farmers were in attendance and took great interestin the proceedings. They are coming forward and subscribing stock liberally.They mean that the fair shall be a success. There are a great many morethat should be heard from. Let every farmer take hold and help this movementthrough.

Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.

VERNON, KANSAS, July 14, 1878.

Would not "Cowley County Fair Association" have been a moredefinite name than the misnomer The Walnut Valley District Fair? . . . .REX.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

The Walnut Valley Fair begins on the second Wednesday in September andcontinues four days.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.

We have been complimented with an invitation to attend the Walnut ValleyDistrict Fair, to be held at Winfield on September 11th, 12th, 13th, and14th. The board of directors have made great efforts to make it a success,and it evidently will be, from the number we have heard express themselvesthat expect to attend.

Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.

The band, after a rest of several weeks, met again Friday night at theCourthouse. The boys say they’ll make that Leavenworth military bandfeel sick if it comes down to our fair.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

County Fair next week.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.

The Cowley County Fair is to be held at Winfield next week, commencingon Wednesday and continuing until Saturday night, and we advise the farmersto go and see the sights—not forgetting to take all the vegetable monstrositiesyou can raise. The committee have selected a beautiful grove, and have endeavoredto make the fair a success, so that it now remains for the people to turnout in large numbers and show their appreciation of the work done. Thereis a fine track on the grounds, and we may expect to see some good runningor trotting.

Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878. Editorial Column.


At Winfield, Sept. 11, 12, 13, & 14.

All is Ready, the Ground is in Trim,

And Everything Convenient.

The Funds All Subscribed and Paid In.

On the Opening of the Fair the Association

Will Not Owe a Dollar.

Success Assured.

Through the exertions of the officers of the Walnut Valley Fair Associationall the necessary funds have been subscribed and paid in, the grounds havebeen procured and elaborately prepared, the sheds, booths, and other conveniencesbuilt, and everything is in readiness for the opening of the fair. The associationstart into the fair exposition free of debt and success is assured. Therewill be the finest exhibition ever held in this valley. From the flood ofapplications and correspondence that have been received, we gather thatalmost every kind of produce, manufactures, and stock that is seen at westernfairs will be exhibited. It promises to be an occasion of the greatest interestand advantage to the people of Cowley County.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.

Fair opens today.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

The District Fair.

On the whole the Walnut Valley District Fair was a success. Owing toshort notice and busy times, the farmers did not compete as well as theymight, yet there was a good showing of stock, textile fabrics, and generalarticles.

The horses on the ground were very good animals, and made a record equal,if not greater, than most trotting stock at any of the neighboring fairs.

There were a number of large Norman and Morgan draught horses, and agood representation of running, trotting, and pacing stock.

On Friday, the grand day of the exhibition, Gray Pet, an inferior lookinggray mare owned by Jones, made a mile, or twice around the track, in threeminutes and twenty-nine seconds. Cheyenne Kate, owned by Jack Hastie, ofWellington, came in second best on the first round, and Iron Sides, ownedby H. M. Balch, of El Dorado, third, and Fanny, owned by Ensign, fourth.In the second heat a mile was made in 2.40, and in the third heat, 2.30.

The race between Brown Dick, a Texas pony, owned by Beech, of Wichita,and the Missouri mare Kate, owned by Wilson, was won by the mare comingout ten feet ahead. The distance run was a quarter of a mile, and both horsesexhibited wonderful power and speed.

Mr. Shurtz, of Bolton Township, took first premium on his cattle, andMr. Norman, of East Creswell, first premium on the largest two year oldstallion.

There were a number of varieties of fruit, vegetables, and grain.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

There was a large attendance at the fair Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

The stage coach carrying passengers to and from the fair grounds, lastFriday, was loaded with 25 passengers: 10 inside and 15 on top.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.

Missouri Kate, a fine, well muscled sorrel mare, beat Brown Dick, ofWichita, ten feet in a quarter mile rate at the fair grounds Saturday.

Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.

The many attendants at the fair last week were delighted with the musicfurnished so freely by T. A. Wilkinson and the Roberts Brothers.

Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.

The Fair.

We shall not be able to give the awards of the committees this week nora complete report of the Fair in other respects, but we can say here thatit was a success.

We had a display of fine blooded hogs, cattle, and sheep. In fact, thiscounty is noted as having a greater proportion of fine stock in these linesthan any other county in the southwest. It is also a fact that our horsesare mostly small—too much of the pony order. We were glad to note,however, some very large, heavy Norman horses, weighing near 2,000 poundseach. These horses, we think, will be the kind for farm horses and for haulingloads to and from market. Altogether the show of stock was excellent.

But little farm machinery was displayed on the ground. We noticed thehedge-crusher invented in Butler County; now in the hands of W. W. Limbocker,of which we shall speak at another time. The display of fruit was very finebut not large. A pear exhibited by Mr. Manwell, of Greenfield, was the largestwe ever saw. J. H. Curfman and others exhibited fine peaches, and the applesshown were large and fine. Mr. Manwell had a fine assortment of cheeses;C. A. Bliss of flour, F. Gallotti of shoes and boots; Dr. Van Doren of dentalwork; and various ladies exhibited specimens of various handiwork, preservedfruits, bread, etc. The usual display of organs and sewing machines wason hand. But we do not propose at this time to attempt to do justice tothe exhibit. When we shall get the awards from the secretary, we will tryto do better. There was considerable attention paid to the trials of speedeach day. On Saturday, the last day, there was a large concourse of peopleon the grounds. All seemed to enjoy the occasion.

Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.

E. P. Kinne.

The measure of success that attended the fair last week has been purchasedby the expenditure of a large amount of labor and energy. It was no smalljob to work up the scheme, solicit the subscriptions to the stock, arrangethe schedules, prepare the grounds, attend to the details in a hundred differentphases, and, most important of all, to excite an interest in the people.To E. P. Kinne more than to any other man is due the credit of this work.His time and energies for months have been devoted to this scheme. He hastalked, worked, planned, and dreamed scarcely anything else, and his effortshave been powerful, constant, and untiring until, now it is over, he findshimself worn down and exhausted. We desire to place him in a high nicheamong those who have expended their energies, time, and money, without remuneration,for the good of our county.

Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.

E. E. Bacon.

This gentleman is the secretary of the Walnut Valley Fair Association,and his knowledge and experience have proved indispensable in the conductof the late fair. To his efficient labor much of the success of the undertakingare due, and the people will not be slow to recognize his services.

Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.

Skipped the lengthy listing of premiums awarded at the Walnut ValleyDistrict Fair, held at Winfield September 11-14, 1878, given in this issue.Very long.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.

Al. Requa has purchased the sorrel mare that got away with Brown Dickhere during the fair. Al. has a rattling horse, and he may be sure the boyswill back her every time. Telegram.

Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.

Office of the Secretary of the Walnut Valley Fair Association.

WINFIELD, KANS., Oct. 18, 1878.

To the officers, stockholders, and patrons of the above named association:I have the honor to submit herewith a detailed statement of the receiptsand disbursem*nts of the association from its organization to the presenttime, as per order of the Executive Board dated Oct. 17th, 1878.


Received from sale of stock: $57.40

Received from sales of tickets: $567.25

Received from entry fees: $42.00


DISBURsem*nTS: $659.15


Eugene E. Bacon, Secretary.

[Interesting with regard to people named under disbursem*nts.]

A. Brown, work on grounds; F. M. Freeland, work on grounds; J. Mentch,work on grounds; H. Whistler, work on grounds; W. C. Hayden, work on grounds;P. Gardner, work on grounds; M. W. Brown, work; Mrs. Andrews, rent of ground;Sam’l. Trowbridge, race track; Jas. Benson, race track; Jas. M. Riser,police; Isaac Davis, police; J. W. Beal, police; C. C. Cruck, police; W.R. Sears, police work; J. E. Bates, police; A. W. Jones, police; Geo. Klaus;J. C. McCollum, police; Cyrus Walker, police; E. S. Eades, police; PerryMartin, police; J. W. Beal, work on track; J. F. Force, gate keeper; JohnSnyder, police; H. Grommes, police; Bert Crapster, chief police; D. A. Millington,printing; J. H. Raney, clerk; W. O. Lipscomb, clerk; Baird Bros., merchandise;S. M. Jarvis, asst. marshal; H. Jochems, nails, etc.; J. VanDoren, police;Brown & Glass, stationery; S. H. Myton, hardware; F. M. Freeland, hay;D. F. Jones, premium; Jas. Benson, premium; A. Brown, premium; S. G. Miles[? Mills ?], premium; Wm. Allison, premium; W. Ensign, entrance money forfeited;W. C. Hayden, police; McCommon & Harter, books; W. C. Hayden, work ongrounds; Ed. Nicholson, police; Wallis & Wallis, goods; L. C. Hyde,carpenter work; John Reynolds, hauling; W. C. Hayden, work on grounds; Lynn& Gillelen, goods; John Moffitt, lumber; Geo. H. Crippen, use of band;John Moffitt, fencing; Will Allison, diploma.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 8, 1879.


After a careful examination by the judges of agricultural implementsat the Walnut Valley Fair Association, W. A. Lee, of Winfield, Kansas, receivedthe first premium on the Crossley Sulky Plow over seven others competing.

Winfield Courier, April 3, 1879.


Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the Walnut Valley Fair Association,will be held at the courthouse in Winfield on the second Monday in April,A. D. 1879, at 1 o’clock p.m., agreeable to sec. 2, chap. 9, sessionlaws of 1873. All shareholders, and others inter-ested, are expected tobe present. An election of officers for the ensuing year will take placeat that time. EUGENE E. BACON, Sec’y.

Winfield Courier, April 17, 1879.

Since the commissioners allowed the claim of the Walnut Valley Association,this agricultural society now have the funds on hand to pay up the premiumsawarded at their fair last fall.


Winfield Courier, April 17, 1879.

At a meeting of the stockholders held in this city on the 14th inst.the following were elected officers of the Walnut Valley Fair Association.

R. F. Burden, President.

E. P. Kinne, Vice President.

J. M. Alexander, Treasurer.

E. E. Bacon, Secretary.


W. J. Hodges.

A. A. Wiley.

S. R. Marsh

John Stalter.

H. B. Pratt.

Chief Marshal: P. M. Wait.

Chief Police: Jno. C. Roberts.

E. E. BACON, Sec.


Winfield Courier, May 8, 1879.

There will be a meeting of the Officers and Directors of the Walnut ValleyFair Association, on the 17th inst., at the office of Col. Alexander, inthis city, at 12 o’clock m.


Winfield Courier, May 29, 1879.

The Fair Association has secured grounds of Dr. Graham, which they intendto begin to improve at once, and will have the grounds in first-class conditionfor the next fair. They are paying off all outstanding premiums as soonas presented.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1879.

There will be a grand union Sunday School picnic Thursday in the oldfair grounds north of town.

Winfield Courier, June 12, 1879.

At a meeting of the directors of the Walnut Valley Fair Association,at the office of Col. Alexander, last Thursday, it was decided to hold thefair October 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. The following appointments were made:

General Supt.: J. L. Horning.

Chief of Police: J. C. Roberts.

Chief Marshal: P. M. Waite.


A. R. B. Pratt.

B. P. B. Lee.

C. C. S. Smith.

D. Wm. Hodges.

E. J. F. Miller.

F. Jas. Berry.

G. J. Hoenscheidt.

H. J. Nixon.

I. S. S. Holloway.

J. A. J. Burrell.

K. Mrs. J. E. Platter.

L. Mrs. M. E. Davis.

M. T. H. McLaughlin.

N. J. H. Worden.

O. E. P. Hickok.

P. J. E. Platter.

Q. G. W. Prater.

R. W. P. Hackney.

S. S. M. Fall.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Max Shoeb came very near losing his ponies in Dutch creek on the Fourth.He attempted to cross the ford at the fair ground, which had become miryfrom the large number of teams crossing and the rising water, and drivingin without knowing the danger, his team mired down. By considerable exertionand cutting his harness up badly, he succeeded in saving the team.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

The balance of the old fair ground, comprising about four acres in thesouth part of town, was sold at Sheriff’s sale, last Monday, and wasbid off by Mr. Tom Wright for $335.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.

Our band favored the citizens with some excellent music on the streetSaturday evening. The boys propose to make it red hot for any band thatattempts to compete with them at the coming fair.


Winfield Courier, August 28, 1879.


TOPEKA, KS., Aug. 25, 1879.

EUGENE E. BACON, Secretary, Fair Association Winfield, Kansas.

My Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your letter of the 23rd inst., invitingme to deliver an address at the Fair Grounds one day during the annual exhibitionof the Walnut Valley Fair Association, commencing Oct. 1st, and holdingto the 4th, inclusive, and asking me, also, to solicit the President toaccompany me.

Thanking you for the invitation, I accept the same, and will come thereon one of the days indicated, if you will only notify me, within the nextten days, of the day you desire me to be there. I will also try to prevailupon President Hayes to accompany me.

Thanking you again for your kind invitation,

I am, very truly, JOHN P. ST. JOHN.

[Mr. Lemmon has secured the promise of Manager Strong of a car forthe excursion to this city from Topeka at that time, and if the Presidentand suite shall consent to come, it will be a grand occasion. Result nextweek.—Ed.]

Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1879.

E. E. Bacon, Secretary of the Walnut Valley Fair Association, visitedArkansas City last Sunday. Mr. Bacon reports everything promising for asuccessful fair next month, and if his predictions are verified (and weare sure they will be), it will, in a great measure, be owing to his untiringefforts.


Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.

Walnut Valley Fair

Opens at Winfield Fair Grounds on Sept. 30, ‘79,


Grand Railroad Excursion.

The Cowley, Sumner and Fort Smith railroad will bring in large excursiontrains loaded with visitors to celebrate the opening of their road to Winfield.


will be given on the fair grounds on that day, free to the immense crowdthat is expected. Toasts and speeches will be in order. Complete arrangementshave been made to insure complete success and general enjoyment. Each dayof the five days of the fair will have special attractions in trials ofspeed and in various other ways. On Thursday, the fourth day of the fair,GOVERNOR J. P. ST. JOHN

will deliver the occasional address. One of the attractions of the occasionwill be the


It will be the largest balloon in the world, sixty-five feet in diameterand ninety feet in height. It is secured at a very large expense, and theproprietor will come with it from Chicago and superintend the ascension.The day is not yet definitely fixed, but probably Tuesday or Wednesday.It will certainly come off one day of the fair. The officers and managershave worked faithfully, and have left nothing undone to make this fair thegrandest affair that ever come off in the GREAT SOUTHWEST.

Let everybody turn out and have a grand old time. Arrangements will bemade if possible for a free excursion from the fair grounds to Wichita andreturn on the same day during the fair, possibly Tuesday or Wednesday.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 24, 1879.

The members of the Stock Protective Union, of Bolton Township, will takenotice that the next meeting of the Union will be held the following Mondayafter our county fair at the usual hour and place. The change is made asmany wish to attend the fair.



Arkansas City Traveler, September 24, 1879.

Railroad Celebration.

WINFIELD, KAN., Sept. 22, 1879.

Editor Traveler: We are going to celebrate the completion of therailroad to this point on Tuesday, Sept. 30. Excursion trains are comingfrom Wichita. The Fair will open that day and give a big barbecue on thegrounds. An excursion train, with four coaches, and 20 platform cars, withseats, will go up the road from here, at noon, and return at 5 p.m., givingall an opportunity to see and ride over the road, free of charge.

Your city government has been invited, through our Mayor, and a generalinvitation is extended to you and your readers to come and help us celebrate.

The track is laid to the river. The last abutment will be finishedtomorrow, and the bridge will be on by the last of the week, and cars runningto the depot, on time.


Winfield Courier, September 25, 1879.

Terrill & Ferguson will run a four-horse omnibus during the fair.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1879.

There will be an extra excursion train from Newton on the 30th, bringingthe leading men of that burg to attend our grand jubilee.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1879.

The excursion from Wichita and Wellington to the opening of our fairpromises to be an immense affair. The railroad people are bound to bringall who wish to come, if it takes three locomotives to haul them.


Winfield Courier, September 25, 1879.


Opens at Winfield Fair Grounds on Sept. 30, ‘79, With a GrandRailroad Excursion.

Winfield to have the Biggest Time Ever Known in the Annals of CowleyCo.

City Authorities of Wichita, Wellington, Arkansas City, & otherpoints, will be present.



Excursion for the Cowley County People Leaves at 12:30 P.M.,

Goes to Mulvane and Returns at 4 o’clock P.M.

The committee appointed to make arrangements for the reception of theexcursionists next Tuesday, met at the council chamber, Monday. The followingis the programme decided upon.


Excursion Trains start at 8 a.m. from Wichita and Wellington, arrivingat Winfield at 10 a.m.

Excursion Train for Winfield and Cowley County starts at 12:30 p.m.,going to Mulvane and back, arriving at Winfield at 4:30 p.m.

Return Trains to Wichita and Wellington leave Winfield at 5 p.m.

Carriages will be furnished at the depot to carry excursionists to anypart of the City or Fair Grounds as desired.

A committee upon the down train will sell Fair tickets and distributecarriage tickets to excursionists.


At the Fair ground at 12 m.


By 15th Co., K. S. M., of Wichita, in full uniform—commanded byCaptain L. N. Woodco*ck, at 11 a.m.


Will form at Depot and march through the principal streets of the city,and thence to Fair ground.


1. Military Band.

2. Military Company.

3. Wichita Fire Department.

4. Saxe Horn Band.

5. Mayors and Councilmen of Wichita, Wellington,

Arkansas City, and Winfield in carriages.

6. Railroad Officials in carriages.

7. Foreign excursionists in carriages.

8. Citizens of Cowley county in conveyances.


By Hon. J. Wade McDonald, at 10:45 a.m.


By order of the Executive Com.,

M. G. TROUP, Chairman. E. C. MANNING, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.

Terrill & Ferguson have purchased an omnibus, which will hereafterrun to trains, carry passengers to and from the fair grounds, and do anythingin the carriage line. Persons desiring to leave on the train will be calledfor by leaving their orders at Terrill & Ferguson’s livery stable.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1879. Editorial Page.

The Cowley County Fair.

To criticize properly the recent display at our county fair, we musttake into consideration all the surrounding circ*mstances, which would helpor mar a good display. To give the managers and officers credit or discreditin the conduct and details, we must bear in mind that we are a new county,that heretofore our fairs have not been financially a success, that to presentcharges of bad faith this year, the managers were determined to pay as faras they agreed to, which necessarily made premiums low, and consequentlyheld out less inducements to parties to display either stock or articles.

Taking these things into consideration with the fact that they were unableto offer enough inducements for speed, to make the speed ring a success,we are bound to say that under the circ*mstances, the managers have donewell, and that we believe that with the success financially of this year,the society can offer inducements sufficient by another year to make theCowley County Fair equal to the best.

The ladies department as usual was well represented and made a displayworth taking time to look at. The agricultural display, although not large,was sufficient to show the capacity of Cowley County soil to produce grainand vegetables equal to the best raised anywhere.

Right here we offer an idea with regard to the exhibit of grains andvegetables, which is that each exhibitor should furnish so that the publiccan read its information in regard to kind, manner of culture, land raisedon, bottom or upland, amount per acre, and every other item which may teachthe people the way to secure a better crop and more of it.

The display of sheep, although small, was good. The representations ofthe Merino and Coarse Wool sheep, both showing that some of our farmersare taking an interest in introducing the best of stock. From careful inquirywe find that this branch of stock raising has scarcely a drawback, if thefirst stock are entirely free from disease.

The cattle display we do not think was a large or as fine as the countycan do even now, but at the same time the gentlemen making the display deservethanks for the effort they made considering the small chance they had toget pay for their trouble and exhibited some very fine animals all the waythrough from Durham to Jersey’s.

The showing of horse stock should be larger next year. We have them inthe county, and they should be induced to come out, believing as we do thatany county can raise the standard of its horses to a high grade as wellas it can raise scrubs. We believe that a general showing of horses andtheir colts will tend to vast improvement in this respect. Give the largepremiums to the horses that show the best stock.

Of the speed ring we will say that no more competent gentleman or harderworker could have been selected, and that we don’t believe many besidesBill Hackney could have worked up the entertainment he did under the adversecirc*mstances and lack of inducement to horse men he had to contend with.As it was, the races were fair and gave good satisfaction.

To close, let us say to the farmers you must not expect to go to a fairsimply to look on if you want that fair to be a success. There may be agood many just like you, and then how will the county show anything. Wesay commence in time and resolve that you will show something and that itshall be the best of the kind, and if a good many of you do this you willgo home saying we have had a rousing old fair, whether you take a premiumor not.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1879.

Yellow Bull’s Speech at the Cowley County Fair.

At the request of the fair managers, Yellow Bull, 2nd chief, Red Elk,chief of a band, and Yellow Bear, a young chief, all of the tribe of theNez Perce Indians, were escorted to the grounds of the Cowley County Fairby Mr. C. M. Scott, on Friday last. They were invited to the platform withthe Governor, and after the Governor’s speech, Yellow Bull respondedthrough his interpreter, Capt. Chapman, saying that he was glad to meetthe people there. Last summer he fought the whites, but wanted them to knownow that he knew how to make friends. The Great Spirit made this world forthem all to stand on, and he wanted to live like one people, under one roof,with one law to govern them all. He said that he knew that the people werefriendly towards him because they did not turn away from him as though theywere mad.

The Chiefs took a great interest in the display of fine stock, especiallyhorses and cattle, and showed their appreciation of the same. In the fineart hall the things that called out the most praise from Yellow Bull werea tanned dog skin, and a variegated rug, which he remarked would make agood saddle blanket.

We hope that each fair may be visited by a delegation of Indians, andthat every delegation will be treated with the same respect that was shownto these, and have no doubt but that it will reach our neighboring tribeswith a civilizing influence.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

Terrill & Ferguson’s bus did a rushing business during the fair.They also have a large majority of the train business.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

Chief of Police Roberts had the hardest job of any at the fair, thatof keeping order and clearing the track. He did his duty in a manner thatwon high words of praise from most of the peaceable citizens who visitedthe fair.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

The races during the fair were very lively, many good horses being onthe track. Those during the last day were by far the best. The big trottingrace was won by "Wichita Charley." These were the fairest racesever run on the track, and every semblance of fraud was condemned by thejudges. Although exceptions were taken to some of their decisions by thejockeys present, the majority of the people sustained them in their rulings.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

A large party of invited guests assembled at the residence of Mr. C.A. Bliss, last Friday evening, to pay their respects to Governor St. John.The party, numbering thirty-seven, were entertained right royally by theobliging hostess, and everything passed off "as merry as a marriagebell." After partaking of a splendid supper, the party spent a coupleof hours in conversation and music, when they dispersed. Gov. St. John hasmade many warm friends in our community during his several flying visitshere, all of whom delight to do him honor.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

A very large crowd gathered on the fair ground last Friday to hear Gov.St. John speak. The officers of the association had announced that he wouldbe here on Thursday, but he was taken ill on the road and telegraphed thathe could not get here until Friday. He spoke from the judge’s stand,and was listened to with eager attention by the sea of faces around him.His speech was full of good points, and contained some advice in regardto small farming and machinery. In the evening he was tendered a socialreception at the residence of C. A. Bliss.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.

Last Saturday ended the most successful fair ever held in Cowley county.The display, especially of blooded stock, was large, and shows that ourpeople are awake to the advantage of well-bred over common scrub stock.We hope this may result in rooting out the old scrubby breeds that are sonumerous at present.

The department allotted to


was well filled. The thoroughbred Devonshire bull, "Red Bird,"owned by Mr. James W. Hunt, attracted much attention, and was truly a fineanimal. He carried several premiums, for best thoroughbred bull and sweepstakes.Mr. Ezra Meech’s herd of thoroughbred Jerseys were admired by all.They were the only ones of that breed on the ground, and were not entered.

The herd of Durhams owned by Mr. Heath received much notice from stockmen, and were certainly a fine lot of cattle. They carried two premiums.

The three Short Horn cows and calves, owned by N. J. Thompson, showedmany fine points, and carried the blue ribbon.

The premium three-year-old bull, graded Durham, owned by Mr. Limbocker,was with-out doubt the finest three-year-old on the ground.

Marsh & Lee’s herd of thoroughbreds received much notice andwere decorated with both red and blue ribbons. These gentlemen are old stockmen and are bound to raise good stock or none at all.

Mr. Millard, of Silverdale township, exhibited two of his thoroughbredDevonshires, one of which carried the blue ribbon. Mr. Millard has longago learned the superiority of well-bred over common stock, and is now raisingsome of the best calves that can be found anywhere.

Perhaps the largest and best herd of thoroughbreds in the county, ownedby Mr. C. C. Pierce, of Pleasant Valley township, was exhibited here. Histhoroughbred bull, "Julian," 27 months old and weighing 1250 pounds,was the envy of all the lovers of fine stock on the grounds. His grand-sire,the third Duke of Oneida, was sold at the Utica mills sale for $12,000.He is, perhaps, the most thoroughbred of any bull in the southwest.

The display of SHEEP

was not as good as was expected, as many of the largest sheep raisersin the county did not exhibit.

The exhibit of J. A. Hood, of Graded Cotswolds, was very good. He took1st and 2nd premium on best buck lamb, under one year, 1st premium on bestewes one year and over, and 1st premium on best lambs under one year. Hesays his flock, in fleece and increase, have netted him $4.50 per head forthe last year. He is strongly in favor of coarse wooled sheep.

Mr. J. W. Thomas, of Tisdale, exhibited several of his flock of Merinos,of the celebrated Hammond stock. He sheared last spring 50 bucks that averaged20-1/2 pounds per head, and sold the wool for 19 cents per pound.

Mr. M. N. Chaffee, who owns a flock of 900 of the common breed, exhibitedseveral specimens. He was not present at the time we visited this department.

Several fine Merinos were exhibited by Mr. Raymond, of Knox county, Ohio,who has recently located in our county, and intends to deal exclusivelyin sheep and wool. He has a flock of 500 thoroughbred Merinos, and is decidedlyin favor of fine wooled sheep.

Mr. Meech exhibited several of his Merinos, and carried off two premiums.He recently sold from his flock over twenty thoroughbred bucks, which willbe scattered throughout the county.


The competition for premiums in this department was very lively. Thedisplay was so large and the different crosses so near alike, that it wasdifficult for the judges to decide which was better than the other.

The exhibit of Mr. S. S. Holloway, of Berkshire and Poland China, crossed,was very fine, and received much notice. He has taken great pains in theselection and crosses of the different breeds, and has a good lot of hogs.

The thoroughbred Poland China boar, owned by Mr. Wood, carried a wholetail full of blue ribbons, and was a magnificent hog.

Mr. N. F. Wright exhibited several of his thoroughbred Berkshire hogs,which were considered the finest lot there. One boar, 11 months old, andweighing 300 pounds, with not enough hair on his skin to make a tooth brush,attracted as much attention as any hog on the grounds, hardly exceptingthe 1010 pound hog belonging to Mr. W. J. Hodges.

Mr. C. C. Pierce also exhibited several of his fine Poland China hogs,of which breed he has the best in the county.


The display of horses was first-class. At the time we visited this department,a great many of the exhibitors were absent attending the races, and we didnot get a full report of all the stock.

The yearling colt, exhibited by Mr. Jas. M. Marshall, was undoubtedlythe finest animal of his age on the grounds. He was one year old the 15thof June, weighs 1040 pounds, and is Norman and Messenger. He carried offtwo premiums.

Mr. C. G. Handy, of Tisdale, exhibited a colt five months old, weighing578 pounds, Norman and Messenger, which was a perfect beauty.

Mr. Treadway also exhibited a five months old, graded Norman, weighing510 pounds. It took a red ribbon.

The graded Norman colt, owned by Mr. Furman, attracted much notice, andis a promising animal.

Mr. Joel Mack exhibited a two-year-old colt, which had many fine points.

Mr. Stout, of Richland, also exhibited a two-year-old mare, and carriedoff two premiums.

Several colts exhibited by Mr. Chas. Eastman, were universally admired,and were as promising colts as we saw on the grounds.

J. L. Johnson, of Maple City, had one of the best mule colts that weever saw. It was one year old, and weighed 780 pounds. It carried a blueribbon.

Mr. Hurst exhibited a splendid stallion, which was the center of attractionfor horsem*n. It took the first premium in the sweepstakes ring.

There were a large number of horses exhibited, whose owners we did notsee. Altogether the display in this department was very fine.


This department was well filled. The coops which the association hadprepared for the accommodation of the exhibitors, were filled to overflowing,and boxes of every description were brought into use.

One coop of Buff Cochins deserve special mention, and were admired byall who saw them. There were also several choice specimens of Dark Brahmas,Golden Pheasants, and Pekin ducks. We think the display in this departmentwas as fine as any we have seen.


was resplendent with needle work, etc. Quilts worked in all the colorsof the rainbow, matts, "log cabins," (at least, that’s whatthey called them) and everything that feminine ingenuity could devise, ordeft fingers execute. The delicious bread and butter, jellies, cakes, andpreserve looked very tempting, and it was with the greatest reluctance thatwe passed on to look at the giant pumpkins, and elephantine sweet potatoesin the next room. The display of vegetables, field and garden seeds, etc.,was rather limited from some cause or other. Mrs. T. A. Wilkinson’spreserved fruits and vegetables attracted much notice.


made by Mr. T. A. Wilkinson, was the biggest thing in the grove. He isagent for the renowned Estey organ, three of which instruments he had onthe ground, and also a splendid Mathushek piano, the whole presided overby Miss De Grass, lately from Milwaukee, and who is one of the most accomplishedmusicians it has ever been our fortune to hear. Large crowds were entertainedby the music from these instruments.

Taken all in all, the fair has been a grand success, and our people maywell feel proud of the display. Messrs. Bacon, Kinne, Burden, and otherofficers of the association have worked unremittingly to place it upon asolid foundation, and deserve much credit for their labors.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

Charlie Clayton tells the following story illustrative of the crowdedstate of the Winfield hotels during the fair, and as the story is reasonable,"we take it in" without a murmur. A couple of regular lodgersat the Olds House were out rather late one evening, and when they came in,found a couple of transients occupying their bed sleeping as soundly asa log while every nook and corner in the hotel large enough to lie downin was filled. The regular lodgers were not to be cheated out of their sleepingfacilities in that way, so they stood the two transients up in one cornerof the room and went to bed in their places. When they woke in the morning,the transients were still standing asleep, but soon awoke and remarked thatit had become colder during the night.


Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

ED. COURIER: In my saunterings about your beautiful little city, duringthe past few days, certain things have come under my observation, whichI furnish herewith. Give them to the "comp." or the waste-basket,as you please.

Stencil-plate sign-writing, in a town where so much printing can be hadfor so little money as here in Winfield, does not speak well for the enterpriseof the parties who use that style of advertising. "Oysters stuedand fride" graces the front of a new restaurant on Main street.We takes our "wraugh!"

On dit, that a wedding in high-life is on the tapis, and the timedraweth nigh when the bridegroom cometh.

Apropos of the above, it is said that certain of the fancy thingswhich carried away first premiums at the late fair were part and parcelof the bridal trousseau. Pretty enough, they certainly were.

Talking about the fair, how is it that three or four individuals receivedfirst premiums on the same kind of stock or article? Has "somebodyblundered," or is it a sort of mutual-admiration society?

And how is it that a foreign newspaper office is allowed to compete withthe home offices on printing? Is not this doing our friends of the Telegraman injustice?

And who is responsible for the wholesale gambling carried on, night andday, on the fair grounds?

But there were so many mysterious things connected with the fair thatI refrain from asking any more conundrums, but will fling in just one interrogationpoint in a matter in which everybody is interested. Would it not be wellto arrange a railing at the post office general delivery, in such mannerthat persons could approach the window only one at a time and in regularturn? It is very annoying to a lady, or a modest man, after having waitedten or fifteen minutes, until the crowd begins to thin out, to have a freshinflux of saucy boys and men crowd to the front, without as much as "byyour leave," or "d__n your soul," or "any other bitof politeness."

I am pleased to see the placards announcing the Emma Leland TheatricalCombination. I speak by the card when I say this is a fairly-good companyand worthy of patronage.

A gentleman from the cast remarked in our hearing, on the fair ground,that a better-looking or better-dressed crowd could not be convened in anyagricultural community in the States, than was there assembled.

The success of the "fakirs," in the various gambling schemeslicensed by the managers of the fair, demonstrates the unwelcome fact thatthere are just as many "suckers" to the square rod here in Winfieldas any place else.

I notice the little subterranean daily is dealing sledge-hammer blowsat that glaring nuisance, the Saturday street auction. But the Telegramhas not yet struck at the root of the matter. Not only is the institutiona nuisance, by reason of the uproar and obstruction of the streets, butit is an unmitigated swindle, as well; a mock-auction, in fact, inwhich the pur-

chaser, and not the article, is the thing sold. Frequently a single animalis put up and sold (?) as many as five times in one day. I do not know thatall the auctioneers have adopted the "by-bidding" tactics, butuntil positive assurance to the contrary is given, I would advise your readersto make their purchases elsewhere.

Next Sunday services will be held at the little Catholic church, on 8thavenue, at the regular hours. The services are interesting, and you willbe welcome. Father Kelly, of Topeka, the new priest, is expected to officiate.

I tumbled against an itinerant spectacle-pedlar, on one of the back streets,who knew more (I took his word for it) than all the opticians since thetime of Galileo. Good people, there are men of honor doing business in Winfield,who handle such articles, and who, you may be confident—if they donot know much about the goods, or how to fit them—will not swindleyou any quicker than would a stranger, and whom you know where to find ifthey do.

The keno room is apparently doing a fine business. The medical, legal,and literary talent, as well as the bone and sinew of the city, is wellrepresented at its nightly sittings, and the cry of "Stop her!""Hold her!" etc., alternates regularly with the monotonous 4—11—44of the caller. As this institution of learning is only tolerated by thecity authorities for the sake of the money they expect to get from it inthe way of licenses, fines, and costs (as is claimed with the saloon nuisance),I would suggest that it is about time they were "run in" again.

Curious, isn’t it? That men and women who have lived in towns alltheir lives have not learned to "keep to the right?" It is notonly amusing, but ludicrous, and sometimes ridiculous to see handsomely-dressedladies and gentlemen, bowing and scraping and dodging to avoid collision,simply because they failed to observe this simple rule, "Keep to theright." A good rule in politics and religion, as well as in walkingand driving.

By the way, can you or anyone tell what imp of discomfort prompted thecity fathers to construct such narrow walks at many of the street-crossings?Either a fellow or his girl must go in the mud these dark nights. The ideaof Indian file is preposterous.

Hand-bills are out for a birthday "fizz" in honor of one ofour enterprising merchants, on Thursday evening. Of course, it will be oneof the most "recherche" affairs of the season. (They always are,you know.) We should like to go, but fear we shall not be able to attendfor several reasons. 1. Girls are a sine qua non, and we have nogirl. 2. It is to be full dress, and our "white kids" are stillon the sheep. 3. We don’t engineer a clothing store. 4. Our grandfatherwon’t come down with the "scads"—he is dead. 5. Somebodyelse said "keno" too often. 6. We haven’t received an invitation.If these reasons are not deemed sufficient, we can give nine more why youshould not drink whiskey or use tobacco.

Yours pathetically, C? SIR?


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

A fish out of water soon dies, and me thinks an individual possessingliterary inclinations is out of his element unless permitted to write whenthe spirit moves him. Belonging to the class of mortals termed "quillists,"you need not be surprised if we occasionally enter your sanctum sanctorumin spirit if not in person, to chat awhile through the medium of a faithfulpen. And if, as time rolls along, our acquaintance with the COURIERproves beneficial and pleasant as that of other columns we might speak of,we shall be happier as well as wiser for having known each other.

While many heroic souls first set foot upon Kansas soil when the redmen were to be feared—grasshoppers viewed—lands broken up andhardships of various kinds endured,—it was ours to enter Winfield forthe first time on its great day of Sept. 30, when she welcomed not onlyher incoming railroad, but the thousands of neighbors who flocked into herstreets with hearty smiles that seemed to say, "O Cowley County, liveforever!"

There are people in the older states who have listened so long to thetune of "bleeding Kansas" that they fear to leave familiar scenes,and tarry where they own no land, and at present prices never can who, werethey to get one view of Winfield and adjacent country, would do as did thegold hunters of earlier days, bleed and sweat for homes in this promisinglocality. Were they to come, doubtless they would unite with us in sayingthere is more business transacted upon your streets in one day than is seenin a week in eastern cities of even greater magnitude, and that industryis the goddess whose wand is to beautify and enrich Kansas until she willrank second to none as a state where prosperity and plenty reign.—Surely"now is the accepted time" when all those who are able to do so,should purchase a home before these broad acres advance in price.

If there are those who think people here engage in naught save hard labor,let them have a bird’s-eye view of this and surrounding neighborhoods.The week of the Fair we saw so many people we were almost inclined to believethat some densely-populated country like China, for instance, had emptiedher humanity into our borders, but upon close examination exclaimed, inthe language of Paul, "We also are men of like passions with you,"and pronounced them western pioneers of the better class. We found the Floraldepartment well represented, and many kinds of work beautifully executed.Upon the whole it was good.

The show was patronized extensively judging from the numbers who werebound for town that day. "Sich is life." OCCASIONAL.


Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

In looking over your account of the late fair, I notice some mistakesin regard to townships, and as we know you to be just and honest and alwayswilling to give honor to whom honor is due, I take the liberty of callingyour attention to them.

The two Devonshire calves exhibited by H. S. Millard, belong in SilverCreek instead of Silverdale, as did also the fine colt belonging to Mr.John Stout.

The 1,010 pound hog was also raised by Mr. Stout, of this township.

Please give us a fair start and we will try and keep up with the restof them.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 21, 1880.

At the annual meeting of the Walnut Valley District Fair Association,the following named persons were elected as officers for the ensuing year:

President, Hon. E. P. Kinne, vice-president, Hon. J. W. Millspaugh; treasurer,J. L. Horning "76," secretary, E. E. Bacon, general superintendent,Hon. W. J. Hodges, chief of police, John C. Roberts; Directors, Hon. A.A. Wiley, Hon. R. F. Burden, Hon. S. R. Marsh, Hon. W. W. Limbocker, Hon.P. B. Lee.

EUGENE E. BACON, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

E. C. Seward was out training his horse Monday evening. He will likelytry for the 6:30 prize at the next fair, and is determined not to be distanced.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

There will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Walnut Valley FairAssociation at the office of Jennings & Buckman, on Tuesday, July 6th,1880, at two o’clock sharp, for the transaction of important business.E. P. KINNE, President.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 13, 1881.


May 4th is the day appointed for a mass meeting to be held at Winfieldof all those who are in any way interested in the question of raising andhandling sheep. All the sheep owners in the county will be there, and itis expected that a fine collection of sheep will be on the ground, one ofthe features of the meeting being prizes to the owners of the best animals.Several shearing machines of different patterns will be on the ground andbe publicly tested as to their efficiency.

Winfield Courier, April 21, 1881.

The committee in charge of the public shearing of sheep at Winfield onWednesday, the 4th day of May, have about completed all arrangements. Uhl,of Butler County, has notified the committee that he will be present withsome of his blooded and heavy fleece sheep. This public shearing is attractingthe attention of nearly all the sheep men in Cowley and Sumner counties,and will no doubt draw a large crowd of sheep men and spectators. The committeeexpects to have a patent sheep-shearing machine on the ground for the purposeof testing its ability to perform the work that is now being claimed forit. Telegram.


Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

The public sheep shearing held last Wednesday under the auspices of theCowley County Wool Growers and Sheep Breeders Association, proved to bea much greater success than the management had hoped for. Almost every flockin our county was represented, and several of the leading wool growers ofButler County were present with some of their finest sheep. Much interestwas exhibited, and the shearing was visited by crowds of visitors all daylong.

During the early part of the afternoon it was almost impossible for personsto move about, so thick was the crowd. The sheep exhibit and the interestmanifested in the matter was a surprise to many, who had no idea of themagnitude the sheep business has attained in this county, nor of the excellentgrade of stock. This shearing has done much for sheep breeding by awakeningan interest in sheep raising among persons who have heretofore been indifferentas to the demands of sheep men for protection. We think that could halfthe counties in the state make as good an exhibit as Cowley sheep, men wouldhave no difficulty in getting a dog law through the next legislature.

Perhaps the finest lot of sheep on the grounds were those of Mr. Copeland,of Butler County. His exhibit consisted of one three-year-old Merino weatherand two two-year-old Merino bucks. The weather sheared 25 pounds and weighedafter being sheared 117 pounds. His buck "Gen. Grant" yieldeda fleece of 35-1/4 pounds, and weighed after shearing 113-1/4 pounds. "PhilSheridan," another two-year-old Merino buck, weighed 128-1/2 pounds,and fleeced 36-1/2 pounds.

Senator Wilkie, of Butler County, brought two magnificent two-year-oldMerino bucks, one of which was imported. Only one of his, "CaptainJack," was sheared, however. The "Captain" weighed, aftershearing, 122-1/2 pounds, and his fleece tipped the beam at 28-1/4 pounds.

Mr. Uhl, Butler County’s far-famed sheep man, was present with sixof his thoroughbred Merinos. Only four were sheared. Two yearling ewes,one weighing 77 pounds and fleecing 18 pounds; the other weighing 66 poundsand fleecing 15. One three-year-old ewe, weight, 92, fleece, 19-1/2; andone yearling buck, weight, 103 pounds, fleece, 25-3/4.

Eight of our Cowley County flocks were represented. Messrs. Meech &Blue brought several thoroughbred two-year-old Merino bucks and three yearlinglambs, a first cross between Merino buck and Colorado ewes. Two of theselambs were sheared and showed remarkable results. The first one weighedafter shearing 51 pounds, and fleeced 9 pounds. The second weighed 48 poundsand fleeced 6-3/4. These lambs being from ewes which fleece at best fromeffect of the cross is apparent. One of their two-year-old bucks weighedafter shearing 89 pounds and fleeced 24-1/2, the second best, accordingto weight of carcass, sheared on the grounds. Another of their two-year-oldMerino bucks weighed 82-1/2 pounds, fleece 21-1/2.

Mr. Wimple made a good showing. One of his ewes, a two-year-old Cotswold,yielded 9 pounds of fleece, and pulled the scales at 151 pounds. One year-oldMerino buck weighed after shearing 103 and left 26 pounds on the board.

Mr. Linn, one of Cowley’s most energetic sheep raisers, exhibitedtwo two-year-old bucks, thoroughbred Hammond stock, and several lambs. Thebucks sheared 26-1/s and 24-1/4 pounds, and weighed after shearing 63-1/2and 24-1/4 pounds. The lambs were not sheared.

Mr. Linn carries off the palm, one of his Merino bucks having shearedmore to weight of carcass than any on the grounds. Mr. Meech showed secondbest heaviest fleece to weight of mutton. In this respect our Cowley Countyfolks laid it over Butler nicely.

Mr. John Stalter, Cowley’s veteran sheep man and one of the largestowners, was on hand with two of his thoroughbred Merino bucks. They werefine-looking fellows, two year olds. One of them sheared 30 pounds and walkedoff with 123-1/2 pounds of carcass remaining. The other weighted 109 pounds,and dropped 20 pounds of fleece.

Mr. Taylor, another Butler County man, brought a yearling Merino buck,which sheared 24 pounds and weighed 99.

Mr. Brown exhibited three fine Cotswolds. One two-year-old buck and twotwo-year-old ewes. The buck only was sheared. It fleeced 16-1/2 pounds,weight after shearing, 195-1/2.

Mr. Newcomb had a two-year-old Colorado ewe sheared. It weighed afterthe operation 56-1/2 pounds and fleeced 3-1/2 pounds. Not enough to payfor shearing and the wear and tear of the sheep.

Mr. Saunders brought several Merino bucks and a ewe and a lamb; did nothave any of them sheared.

When the shearing commenced, the Association offered premiums, $5 tothe best shearer, $3 to the second, and $2 to the third. A committee wasselected to award the prizes, and the boys sailed in. Those contesting forthe prizes were John Snider, Lafe McPherson, J. E. Majors, M. M. Kennedy,A. S. Taylor, W. Cole, and W. N. Young. The committee chosen to award theprizes were W. Stapleton, of Ohio; W. A. Campbell and G. L. Gale, of Cowley;C. B. Vail, of Elk; and W. Snodgrass, of Butler. The way the wool flew aroundwas a caution, and if there is any county round about that thinks it cantrot out better sheep shearers than Cowley, we should like to have themgive us a hint to that effect. The shearing closed about five o’clock,and the committee awarded the first prize to Mr. Cole, the second to Mr.Kennedy, and the third to Mr. Taylor. All the boys "shock" withthe lucky contestants, and the first annual sheep shearing of the CowleyCounty Wool Growers and Sheep Breeders Association wound up in the pleasantestmanner possible.

Our Butler County visitors went home feeling they had been well treatedand left hearty invitations to attend their shearing at Douglass next week.Although we have to admit that Butler County beats us a little in averageweight of fleece and heavy mutton this year, we give them fair warning thatit is the intention of our sheep breeders to push them hard next year, andthat due diligence will be used to accomplish this end.

The effects of this meeting will be felt by the flocks all over the countyand will be made apparently by better exhibits and heavier fleeces nextyear. Although our reporter spent the largest part of the afternoon on theground, he failed to get several important paragraphs. One of the most importantwhich escaped his notice was quickly observed by the astute Telegramreporter. Here it is:

"The reporter heard a number of the sheep men regretting thelack of interest taken by the press of the county in not having reporterson the ground that a thorough publication of what was done might be givento the people throughout the county. The only reporters present were Mr.Hulse, of the Douglas ‘Index,’ and the ‘Telegram’ man."


Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

Why don’t we have a county fair in Cowley County this fall. We haveprospects of good crops all over the county, and we think that it wouldbe a good time to revive the county fair. Get those who are interested inthe matter to work and stir this thing up. Would like to hear from someoneon this subject.


Winfield Courier, September 22, 1881.

The writer was among the hundreds of Cowley County people who spent lastweek at the Topeka State Fair, and unlike Cliff Wood and R. B. Pratt, heis glad of it. They had their pockets picked. He didn’t. Topeka pickpocketshave long ago learned to know newspapermen and respect them. They nevertry to get a nickel out of one.

The fair was of course a grand success: the Santa Fe railroad never helpsanything that it does not make a success. Our first attention was givento the agricultural display. This occupied one wing of the main buildingand was one of the finest ever shown at any fair. That of the Santa Fe roadoccupied the north end of the building and was flanked on either side bycounty displays from the different counties along its line.

Above the Santa Fe display was arranged a railroad train made of differentgrains, under which was the motto "Through Kansas and Colorado to NewMexico." It was represented as running through an immense grain fieldof wheat, oats, and rye, while back in the distance gleamed the snow-cappedpeaks of Colorado and New Mexico. The effect was superb. This was supportedby pillars made of corn stalks sixteen feet high, with ears ten feet fromthe bottom. On top of each of these pillars stood a large rooster made ofgrain, and between them just over a bin overflowing with corn stood a bigShanghai, crowing lustily with a motto "Hurrah for Kansas" aroundhis neck. Then followed on each side the county displays behind arches seton glass pillars. The pillars were filled with different kinds of grainand beans and garden truck.

Sumner County occupied the end of the hall opposite the Santa Fe display.It was by long odds the finest county display in the hall and took the secondpremium. When we got around to this, it made us sick. Here was our neighborcounty without half the chance to make a display that Cowley had, the admiredof all admirers, and carrying off the second premium. We have had bettercorn and wheat, and oats, and pumpkins brought into our office all summerthan Sumner had there. And there we stood hearing people praise the exhibitand tell about Sumner being "the next county west of Cowley" fortwo solid hours; and in fact, we might have been standing there yet hadnot an old gentleman, evidently from the east and looking for a location,who came along and after examining the display thoroughly, turned to usand said: "Young man, can you tell me where the Cowley County displaycan be found?" We told him that the Santa Fe display was a fair averageof the state. "Yes," said he, "but where is the Cowley Countydisplay? I have heard that it was one of the finest counties in the stateand I should like to see some of her products." "Sir," saidwe, "you at this moment have the honor of addressing a Cowley Countyman. We do not bring our magnificent products here to flaunt in the facesof our neighboring counties, who must be satisfied with raising such punycorn and cholicy pumpkins as you see yonder. You see that handsome gentlemanthere rubbing his hands so complacently. That is Capt. Folks, a warm friendof ours; and should we roll one of our big pumpkins in here and cover uphis whole display, he would feel bad about it, and therefore we don’tdo it. Just come down to Winfield some time and we will show you a wholestate fair on every quarter section." He promised us that he wouldand passed on, while we wended our way to the nearest water tank and voweda solemn vow, pledged in a cup of St. John’s favorite beverage, thatthis ignominy should rest upon us no longer. Next year Cowley shall havea display if we have to tote a fat hog from here to Topeka.

One of the pleasantest features of the week was the soldiers reunionon the 15th. Over fifteen thousand old soldiers had gathered here to meetcomrades with whom they had walked shoulder to shoulder through the leadenhail for Lookout mountain, Chickamauga, and the wilderness—to fightover again the battles which they had fought sixteen years ago and to cheeragain the same old flag they had cheered in days gone by when they riskedtheir lives and their fortunes to preserve its honor.

Ah, this was a day for men to remember. Old gray haired, battle scarredveterans, with tears streaming down their faces as they brought to eachothers minds the exact spot "where Johnnie fell," or to see theirfaces light up with the old fire as they told of a gallant charge on theenemy’s works almost "into the jaws of death," was worthten years of one’s life.

We were especially interested in one party, where a gallant fellow withboth legs off below the knees and a frightful saber scar across the face,was surrounded by a half dozen of his comrades, two of whom had been woundedwith him, and they had laid together on the battlefield among the dead anddying all night. He had fainted from loss of blood during the night andhis comrades had thought him dead. They were taken away in the morning andhad never heard of one another since. Gabriel himself couldn’t havemade a better reunion.

The militia were out in full force. There were twelve companies in all,commanded by Col. Woodco*ck. They had a sham battle on Saturday, which wasone of the finest features of the fair. St. John’s battery was captured,but the victors failed to spike the guns, which omission was noticed bythe audience and severely criticized. The evening dress parades were witnessedby thousands of people and were clothed with all the pomp and circ*mstanceof war.

Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.

A trial of speed between Lou Harter’s trotter and J. B. Lynn’sbuggy horse took place at the fair ground Friday. Mr. Harter’s horsewon the race: time 6:59-3/4. Mr. J. E. Allen says he "bet on Lynn &Loose—d."

Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.

Dell Valentine, President of the State Band Union, has issued a circularannouncing the premiums to be given to bands by the State Fair this falland urging bands to organize, practice, and be present at the fair.

Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.

Pursuant to call, a number of gentlemen interested in the organizationof a Cowley County Agricultural Society met at the Courthouse Saturday,April 15th, 1882, and was called to order by T. A. Blanchard. Thereupon,J. W. Millspaugh, of Vernon township, was elected Chairman and T. A. Blanchard,Secretary. F. H. Graham stated that the object of the meeting was to organizefor the purpose of holding a county fair this fall. On motion of J. B. Jennings,the meeting unanimously resolved to hold a fair, and a committee of sixgentle-men, consisting of J. C. Roberts, W. P. Hackney, W. J. Hodges, J.W. Millspaugh, J. H. Horning, and W. A. Tipton, was appointed to draft articlesof incorporation and report at the next meeting. The meeting then adjournedto meet on Saturday, April 22nd, 1882, at 2 o’clock, at which timeall feeling an interest in the fair are requested to attend. All CowleyCounty papers requested to copy.

Cowley County Courant, April 27, 1882.

The next meeting of the Cowley County Fair Association will be held onSaturday, May 6th, instead of the 13th, as announced in a previous issue.

Cowley County Courant, April 27, 1882.

The Fair Association held their second meeting at the courthouse Saturdayafternoon, and the meeting was called to order by the president, J. W. Millspaugh.The committee appointed on permanent organization made their report, whichembraced a carefully prepared constitu-tion and by-laws, and the followingofficers were then elected: President. J. W. Tipton; Vice President, H.Harbaugh; Secretary, T. A. Blanchard; Treasurer, J. W. Millspaugh. The meet-ingadjourned to meet again, according to the minutes, "at two o’clockin two weeks," which means of course, Saturday, May 6th, 1882, at twoo’clock P.M.

Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.

At the meeting to consider the propriety of calling a fair, a strongorganization was effected. It was decided to hold a fair Sept. 21st to 24th.We will give a full list of officers and directors next week.

Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.

The officers elected for the Fair Association are J. W. Tipton, president;T. A. Blanchard, secretary; J. W. Millspaugh, Treasurer. The Directors areJ. C. Roberts, J. J. Johnson, H. B. Pratt, P. M. Waite, W. A. Tipton, Chas.Schiffbauer, S. Phoenix, H. Harbaugh, W. J. Hodges.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.

About the Fair!

The Board of Directors of the Cowley County Agricultural Associationmet at the COURIER editorial rooms Saturday afternoon for the purpose oforganizing and getting into working order. The directors present were Messrs.J. C. Roberts. R. B. Pratt, P. M. Waite, W. A. Tipton, W. J. Hodges, S.W. Phoenix, and J. W. Millspaugh. The following officers were elected forthe ensuing term.

W. A. Tipton, President.

Henry Harbaugh, Vice President.

T. A. Blanchard, Secretary.

J. W. Millspaugh, Treasurer.

W. J. Hodges, Superintendent.

The Treasurer was required to enter into a bond of $2,000 and to havethe same ready for approval at the next meeting.

The following committee was appointed.

Finance: W. J. Hodges, J. C. Roberts, James Vance, J. L. Horning, JamesSchofield.

Printing: T. A. Blanchard, E. P. Greer, W. A. Tipton.

Grounds: W. S. Hodges, J. C. Roberts, J. W. Millspaugh.

By-Laws: W. A. Tipton, F. S. Jennings, Henry Asp.

Committee on grounds were directed to meet May 8th, 1882.

Committee on premium list, the board.

The Secretary was directed to procure a rubber stamp seal bearing thelegend, "Cowley County Agricultural and Horticultural Society Seal."The Secretary was directed to publish the proceedings in all the countypapers. Adjourned to meet May 26th, 1882.

T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.

Silverdale Splinters.

The citizens of this part of the county as far as they have expressedan opinion, are pleased with the effort that is being made to have a Countyfair this fall, and hope for a success financially that will continue theorganization and lead in the future to a yearly bringing together of thepeople of Cowley County that will be pleasant and profitable to all. RAY.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.


Let everybody work for the success of our County Fair. Col., let’shold a vet’s reunion this fall during the County Fair. Yes, beat thereveille and let us begin to rally for the grand reunion at Topeka. I alsoadvise that someone be appointed immediately to gather grains for the StateFair. Let the county be fully represented in stock, grain, and produce.


Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

The Board of Directors of the Fair Association met at the COURIER officeSaturday, but owing to the rain there was not a full attendance.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

Secretary Blanchard of the Fair Association, is up to his eyes in work,getting the premium lists ready. He is bound to make the fair this yeara success.

Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.

The Board of Directors of the Fair Association will meet at the COURIEReditorial rooms at 2 o’clock Saturday, June 10th. All the members areearnestly requested to be present as business of importance will be transacted.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882.

To the Farmers of Cowley County.

GENTLEMEN: Let me urge upon you the importance of securing specimensof agricultural products for our fair in September, with a view of displayingthe same at the State fair. Specimens of wheat, oats, rye, grass, etc.,should be carefully gathered and cured in the straw, taking pains to selectthe best filled as well as the tallest straw. Place your name upon the same,giving kind, time of growing, time of harvesting, kind of land upon whichsown, and manner of sowing. Specimens of fruits may be kept in the naturalstate, or by canning or preserving in alcohol. We are determined to makethe fair in Cowley a success, and in order to do so it is only necessarythat you take hold of the matter with this object in view. Our premium listwill be ready for circulation in a few days. Persons who desire a copy mayprocure the same by addressing the Secretary at Winfield.

T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.

The Directors of the Fair Association held a very interesting meetingat the COURIER editorial room Saturday. The constitution and rules wereadopted, the superintendents and committees appointed, and other businessof importance transacted. Almost the full board were present.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Joe Mack comes to the front this week as one of the boss wheat raisersof Cowley. He brought in three large sheaves of wheat from his farm twoand a half miles southeast of this city, last Thursday, that are simplyimmense. Two sheaves of it are the "Boss" variety, and the otheris Fultz. The straw is five feet high, and the grains are large, plump,and beautiful. Many farmers while in the COURIER office have examined itclosely, together with other samples on exhibition, and are of the opinionthat it cannot be excelled for quality, yield, or rankness of straw. Thesamples will be sent to the State Fair. The "Boss" wheat is avariety that Joe Mack has propagated himself, and he has the only seed inthe county. It yields 48 bushels to the acre.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

The Kansas City, Lawrence and Southern Railroad Company has donated tothe Fair Association the free use of all the iron they need to build thebridge over Timber Creek to the Fair ground. This will be a great savingto the Association and a kindness that is appreciated.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Notice. The Cowley County Agricultural and Horticultural Society willreceive bids at the COURIER office on the 29th day of July, 1882, for theprivilege of keeping eating houses, ice cream, and lemonade on the groundsof said Society during the fair. The bids may be made to include all, ormay be separately for each. W. A. TIPTON, President.

T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

The track at the fair grounds will soon be ready for driving, and thebridge will be finished this week. The managers are pushing things alongrapidly.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

The "Courier" Cornet Band.

The boys have organized a new band under the leadership of Ed. Farringer,and have christened it the COURIER CORNET BAND. They are practicing diligentlyand propose to furnish some excellent music for the fair. The band is composedof our best young men and they seem disposed to make it what it should be—afirst class organization. This band should receive the hearty encouragementof our citizens. We need a good band badly, and can afford to help the boys,financially. They need a hall for practicing, new music, uniforms, and otheritems of expense that must be made up outside of the organization. If theygive their time, it is all that should be asked of them.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

The County Fair.

For some unexplainable reason this county, with the exception of oneor two years, has been without a fair ever since its organization, and inthis respect behind all the leading counties of the state. But this yeara number of our best citizens, having the welfare of the county at heart,have taken this matter in hand, organized a fair association for holdinga fair at Winfield this fall, and with unusual energy and increasing efforts,the management are rapidly getting everything arranged for one of the bestever held in the state.

The Association have been exceedingly fortunate in the selection of alocation for holding the fair, which for natural advantages, convenience,and comfort has not an equal. The grounds are situated about one-half milenortheast of town on Timber Creek, and include about eighty acres of loosebottom land, including fifteen acres of the finest grove in the county,thus affording ample shade for the comfort of all who attend. The groundsare surrounded on three sides by Timber Creek, which will afford an abundanceof water for all purposes, a feature so absolutely necessary for the successof an association of the kind. The directors are arranging for the erectionof stalls, yards, and pews in sufficient numbers for the accommodation ofexhibitors, which will be erected in a short time. The track, which is oneof the best, is being put in good condition for use and the admirers ofspeed will be gratified to learn that several noted racers have alreadysignified their intention to be here and compete for the liberal pursesoffered by the association for trotting and racing.

The premiums offered are very liberal and cover every article and productimaginable, so it is hardly possible for anyone to be without somethingto place on exhibition.

Now that this organization is a fact and the managers are doing theirduty so faithfully and with such favorable prospects of success on theirpart, it is incumbent on the people of Cowley County to add to the successof the enterprise by giving it their liberal patronage. This county withits large population and superior natural advantages is in a situation tohave the most successful fair this fall ever held in southwestern Kansas.

Let everybody turn out and assist in making our fair a success as a moreworthy and necessary institution in a county of this size does not exist.

Nothing promotes competition or adds more to the social and materialinterests of a county than a well conducted and represented county fairsuch as this county is certain to have this fall.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

The Premium Loaf.

The premium offered by Messrs. P. H. Albright & Co., for the firstloaf of bread made of flour from this year’s wheat by a Cowley Countyfarmer’s wife was captured last week by Mrs. S. W. Hughes, of BeaverTownship, on July 15th. The loaf is still on exhibition at Messrs. Albright& Co.’s office, and the premium of five dollars has been paid.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

The ladies of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union have leasedthe entire privilege of the fair grounds for stands. Anyone desiring toengage a stand can secure all necessary information by calling at the officeof Curns & Manser. Sealed bids for five stands will be received up toAugust 11th. By order W. C. T. U.

Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.

The Fair.

Each day the prospects of the county fair grow more flattering, and shouldno unforseen event interfere, Cowley County will have one of the best inthe state this fall. Exhibitors are already making application for spacefor their productions in almost every department, and at this early daythe management see the necessity of providing much more space for exhibi-torsthan they at first anticipated would be needed. Some of the largest stockbreeders in the state are in correspondence with the association in regardto bringing their stock here, and without doubt there will be the largestcollection of blooded stock ever collected in the county on exhibition,which will be a feature that will well repay anyone for his attendance andpatronage.

The superintendent, W. J. Hodges, is fitting the race track up in goodshape for the use of the steppers that will be on hand for the honors ofthe turf.

The association has recently built, at a large expense, a new bridgeacross Timber Creek a short distance above the ford leading to the grounds,thus providing both an entrance and exit gate, which will prevent the jamand commotion that would otherwise result from the great number of teamsthat will be continually going and coming from the fair grounds.

The officers of the association are to be commended for the energeticefforts they are putting forth to make this exhibition a success, and everycitizen in the county should assist them with their patronage in makingit such. This association is not a money making scheme to aid or promotethe interests of any private object or association of individuals, as incredu-louspersons are always read to surmise; but is intended for the promotion andbuilding up of the industrial interest of the entire population of the county,and as such should receive a unanimous support.

Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.

Horticultural Society Meeting.


Society called to order by President Martin. Minutes of last meetingread and approved. President appointed F. A. Williams, G. W. Robertson,and R. I. Hogue a committee to test and report on fruits placed on exhibitionon table. Committee on State Fair collection re-ported by Secretary; goodencouragement and cooperation of our orchardists, so far. State reportsfrom State Horticultural Secretary for 1881 received and distributed tomembers present. Suggestion from President Martin that bees are necessaryto fertilize flowers of tomato by carrying the pollen. General discussionon grape. It was suggested by a member that the Delaware grape should beplanted on the north side of buildings to insure returns this far south.Invitation extended to society by T. A. Blanchard, Secretary of AgriculturalSociety for this Society to take charge of the Horticultural exhibit atCounty fair this fall. Mr. Hogue moved that "Resolved, Thatthe Cowley County Horticultural Society take charge of and make an exhibitionof fruits at our County Fair this fall." Carried. Moved and carriedthat President appoint a committee of five to take charge of such exhibitionat Fair. President ap-pointed Jos. Taylor, F. A. Williams, S. Maxwell, R.I. Hogue, and J. Nixon such committee. Motion prevailed that the Societymeet at COURIER office each Saturday in August at 2 p.m. Committee on fruitreported as follows.

"The Committee find exhibited the following specimens of fruit.

"Apples. Chimney Strawberry and Pennoch, G. W. Robertson; WhitePippins, J. F. Martin; Variety unknown, fine, S. H. Jennings.

"Peaches. Crawford’s Early, very fine, Mr. Howland and Mrs.Parker; Geo. 4th, Geo. W. Robertson; Large Early York; S. H. Jennings.

"Plums. Lombard, extra fine. J. C. McMullen; Noise Seedling, G.W. Robertson. Nectarine Early Violet, very fine, G. W. Robertson.

"Grapes. Unknown (supposed to be Early Amber), J. D. Guthrie.


Jas. Kirk, Jas. M. Bair, A. H. [?M.?] Broadwell, Mahlon Fatout, H. C.Catlin, F. H. Brown, H. E. Asp, T. A. Blanchard, and F. W. McClellan enrolledas members of the Society. J. F. MARTIN, President.

JACOB NIXON, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.


A number have expressed a desire to exhibit farm products both at theCounty and State fairs. RAY.


Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.


The First Annual Fair of the Cowley County Agricultural and HorticulturalAssociation will be held at the Fair grounds in Winfield, September 21stto 23rd. The Fair grounds of the Association are conveniently situated one-halfmile north of Winfield, and for natural advan-tages are unsurpassed. Anabundance of water and a large grove make them the most desir-able, forfair purposes, of any in the state. The Association offers over $1,500.00in cash premiums. Adjoining the grove and within the grounds is a first-classspeed ring, one-half mile in length. Liberal premiums are offered by theAssociation for trials of speed. Entries of articles for exhibition maybe made up to 9 o’clock a.m., of the second day. Entrance fee for allarticles for exhibition. In speed ring competitors will be requested topay 10 percent of the premium to be competed for, as an entrance fee. Anample police force will be furnished by the Association to protect the propertyof patrons from loss or injury.

T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.

W. A. TIPTON, President.

Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.

Special Horticultural Meeting. August 19th, 1882.

Met at COURIER office. Minutes of last meeting passed to regular. Messrs.Taylor and Mentch appointed as Committee to report on fruit on table, whor*ported as follows.

Your committee find exhibited on table by A. J. Thompson very fine oldMixon Cling, and an extra fine seedling from the Crawford, deep flesh, smallred, fine flavor, and a very desirable acquisition to prolong the EarlyCrawford season by a succession.

G. W. Robinson, a supposed seedling of Early Crawford, with same meritsas last; also Wilson’s seedling peach, fine flavor, small to mediumsize.

Wm. Butterfield, Cling peach, fair size.

De Turk, fine Conrad and Clinton Grape, best exhibited for 1882, showingthe benefit of thorough cultivation and judicious pruning.

M. L. Read, fine L. B. De Jersey and duch*esse D’Angonieme pears.

J. L. Darnell, extra large white Dent corn; also Hybrid flint corn, grainwell hardened.

A. J. Thompson, New York Flour corn, very good.

Henry Hawkins, Maiden Blush apples, very large.

I. N. Davis, Butcher corn, large ears, very good.

N. J. Larkin, wild plum, good.

A. M. Holmes, extra large Early Vermont potatoes.

Members and visitors present partook of fine Nutmeg musk melons presentedby President Martin. Signed, Taylor and Mentch, committee.

On motion Society adjourned until next Saturday. J. F. MARTIN, President.

JACOB NIXON, Secretary.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1882.

L. J. Darnell, of Silverdale, exhibits much the largest and finest lookingears of corn we have seen. His will probably take the lead at the StateFair. Courier.


Winfield Courier, August 31, 1882.

Special Horticultural Meeting.

August 26th, 1882.

Society called to order by President Martin. Minutes of last meetingpassed. President Martin introduced Prof. E. A. Popenoe, of Riley County,to the members present, who stated that he was on a professional tour throughthe eastern and southern counties of the state, collecting entomologicalinformation for the State Agricultural College, and found the orchards ladenwith fruit; pears very fine in the southern counties—pear blight andother causes producing a failure on the Kaw river. He hoped to meet themembers of the society at the State Fair, with a display worthy of our county’sorchards. . . .

President appointed Dr. Marsh, J. A. Burrell, and T. A. Blanchard committeeto report on fruit on table. Their report follows.

Mrs. Mary E. Murphy, 6 large apples unknown.

J. T. Pruitt, large seedling peach, yellow, good.

J. L. Andrews, Indian Cling peach.

Mrs. McCalvary, Bartlett pear and Crawford late peaches.

J. H. Watt, Crawford late peach, very fine.

J. J. Stevens, Large Globe musk melon, insipid.

Isaac Beach, Crawfords late peach.

Wm. Butterfield, Indian Cling, Butterfield’s favorite, and seedlingpeaches. Jonathan apple, and four varieties unknown, wrongly labeled.

H. W. Marsh, A. J. Burrell, and T. A. Blanchard, committee.

Committee to attend exhibition of fruit at Topeka to be appointed nextSaturday.

Adjourned to meet at COURIER office next Saturday at 2 p.m. J. F. MARTIN,President.

JACOB NIXON, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, August 31, 1882.

Mr. Isaac Beach sends us half a dozen Stump of the World peaches, thefinest we have seen. They will appear at the fair.


Winfield Courier, August 31, 1882.

Fox Chase.

John Keck offers a premium of five dollars for best hound in a fox chaseto run at the fair ground the last day of the fair.

Ben Cox offers $3.00 premium for the second best hound at the same chase.

E. C. Seward offers $2.00 for third premium at same chase.


Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.

Minutes of Horticultural Meeting.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved. President called attentionto the fact that it would be necessary to appoint a committee to collectspecimens for exhibition at Topeka.

Moved by Mr. Burger that president appoint a committee of two to collectfruit for State Fair, and that they be paid not more than $2 a day.

Mr. T. A. Blanchard, Secretary of Agricultural Society, stated that AgriculturalSociety would make no exhibit at State Fair.

Motion prevailed.

President appointed R. I. Hogue, Mr. Maxwell, and Messrs. Hawkins andJos. Taylor. Mr. T. A. Blanchard appointed committee to raise funds to paycommittee to collect specimens. R. I. Hogue, T. A. Blanchard, S. E. Burger,Jos. O. Taylor, committee to take charge of fruit at State exhibit.

Dr. Marsh, H. Hawkins, A. J. Burrell committee to make report on fruiton table.

Committee on fruit reported as follows.

Fine display of apples, consisting of Dominie, Maidens Blush, Wine Sap,Rome Beauty, Ben Davis, and Ortley. Whitney and Hyslop crabs and Bartlettpears from H. H. Martin of Vernon.

Collection from A. J. Burrell of Creswell: Jonathans, Maidens Blush,Mo. Pippin, Dominie, Winter Rambo, Huntsmans Favorite apples, Bartlett andSeedling pears, Late Crawford and Cling peaches, Concord and Catawba grapes,very superior specimens.

From Henry Hawkins of Vernon: Michael Henry, Striped Pippin, Ben Davis,Winter Rambo, and one variety unknown, apples.

Hamilton Hawkins of Vernon: Bartlett pear, extra fine.

Fine display of Catawba grapes from A. De Turk, Pleasant Valley.

James Foster, Vernon: Dominie and two varieties of apples unknown.

Seedling peaches from J. Mentch of Walnut.

Fine display of Apples by Dr. Marsh from J. H. Watt’s orchard, ofBeaver: Geniton, Limber Twig, Rambo, Ortley, and Milam.

J. Earnest: Red Yam sweet potato weighing 5 lbs.

E. C. Martin: 2 Brazilian sweet potatoes.

W. C. Hayden: fine display of tomatoes.

A. T. Spotswood & Co.: Early Rose potatoes and extra large MaidenBlush apples.

Mrs. Elizabeth Capper: fine Indian peaches.

S. E. Burger, Walnut: Seedling peaches, Mo. Pippin apples.

J. Nixon, Vernon: 6 Belle Lucrative and 6 Bartlett pears. Sutton Beauty,Wagner, Mo. Pippin, Grimes Golden and Willow Twig apples, George IV andPresident budded peaches, with two varieties unknown.

Extra good samples of corn from Bryant Fowler of Fairview, also stalks18 ft. Long.

From G. W. Prater: two varieties of apples, name unknown, and committeewas unable to agree upon variety.


T. A. Blanchard reported $15.15 collected to pay expenses of collecting.Adjourned.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.

Farmers who bring samples of fruit for exhibition at the State Fair arerequested to bring a twig from the tree also, to assist in determining thevarieties. All who have fruit are earnestly requested to bring samples nextSaturday, to the COURIER office. By order of the President of the HorticulturalSociety.

Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.

The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union is preparing to entertainthe people at the fair, and as temperance is a principle the promotion ofwhich should interest every citizen of our county, and as money is necessaryto the success of any cause, we therefore ask every lover of sobriety andgood order to donate provisions of all kinds, fruits, tomatoes, melons,and potatoes, uncooked, with other things ready prepared for the table.We will send commit-tees in the country to solicit, and we hope you willbe ready to give liberally of the great abundance God has given you, believingit an evidence of his being well pleased with our efforts thus far, verifyingthe promise, "If ye are willing and obedient, she shall eat the goodof the land." Then let us not weary in well doing, but bring in yourdonations, whether you are solicited or not, for which you will receivethe gratitude of the ladies and the blessing of God. COMMITTEE.


Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.


The Horticultural Society took quite a large collection of Cowley Countyfruits to Topeka Monday, for exhibition at the state fair. The society shouldhave the thanks of every citizen of the county for its enterprise in thismatter. The collection was most creditable, and displays to good advantagethe wonderful resources of our county in fruit raising. We regret that nodisplay of our agricultural products will be made.

Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.

The Reunion.

The Soldiers’ Reunion and State Fair now in progress at Topeka isan immense thing. About 30,000 veterans are present, and the city is overrunwith people. Cowley County contributes about four hundred to the crowd.A large number of the old soldiers spent Monday night in town and had agrand time. A large bonfire was built in the square, and the Opera Housewas brought into requisition. The boys spent a jolly evening as a starter.


Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.

Horticultural Meeting.

Special meeting of the Society held at the Courthouse in Winfield, onSaturday, Sept. 9th, 1882. Present: J. F. Martin, President; G. W. Robertson,Treasurer; the Secretary being absent, T. A. Blanchard was elected Secretarypro tem.

Mr. Blanchard, the committee appointed at last meeting to solicit subscriptionsfor the purpose of defraying expense in making collections of horticulturalproducts for display at state and county fair, reported $17.00 collectedand $3.00 subscribed and not yet paid, and upon motion of S. E. Berger,was directed to turn the same over to the Treasurer. The com-mittee wasthen discharged.

Dr. Marsh made a partial report of the committee on fruit collection,and was requested to prepare a full report for publication, which he consentedto do.

The committee appointed at last meeting to take charge of our fruit displayat the State Fair, was directed to preserve and return the same for displayat our county fair. Messrs. Berger, Brown, and Williams were appointed acommittee to take charge of all fruit on the table not needed for the Statefair, and preserve the same for exhibition at the county fair.

Mr. Hogue exhibited a seedling apple grown by J. W. Curfman, which issaid to possess excellent keeping qualities, and is of fine flavor. Therewere displayed on the table three watermelons by Mr. N. T. Snyder, weighingrespectfully 50, 52, and 53-1/2 pounds; also some mammoth onions, all ofwhich were kindly donated for display at the State fair.

Society adjourned to meet at the COURIER office next Saturday.

T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary Pro Tem.


Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.





On the beautiful grounds leased by the Association adjoining the cityof Winfield on the North, and will CONTINUE FOR THREE DAYS.

The officers of the Association are doing all in their power to makethe Fair an honor to the county and confidently expect the citizens of thecounty will take such an interest in seconding their efforts so as to makethe coming Fair a pride to the banner county of the State.



Come one, come all, come everybody, and compete for the premiums, andyou all will receive a warm welcome. T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary. W. A. TIPTON,President.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882.

Horticultural Matters.

MR. EDITOR: Being appointed to report the display of fruits made at theCourthouse, from which to make selections for the State Fair, it would bedesirable to give the names of all the contributors; but being appointedat a late hour, and many who contributed brought their fruit and told somemember who forgot to properly label (trusting to memory), and thus the nameof the donor was lost, I am unable to do so. We desire to give credit toall; yet if, under the circ*mstances, we should fail, we hope there willbe no hard feelings; for, Mr. Editor, if you had seen the deluge of finefruit and the crowd of visitors, you would certainly commend us for thework we accomplished as a society. I must be content to present the namesof those who brought their offerings to the Courthouse, as far as I wasable to obtain them, with the name of each variety of fruit (and it willbe needless for me to say there were no inferior specimens) and presentthe reports of special committees as far as they have been handed in.

Mr. Henry Hawkins and Mr. Taylor, who were to visit the northwest partof the county, brought a fine collection, but failed to report.

Mrs. C. H. Phenix brought Grimes’ Golden, McAfee’s Nonsuch,Willow Twig, Maiden Blush; Fall Wine, Missouri Pippin, Sops of Wine, SweetPear, Wine Sap, Cannous Pear, Maine and Kentucky red apples.

J. W. Brown: Morris White Peaches.

Wm. Butterfield, Silverdale, brought Ben Davis, Wine Sap, White Pippin,and Rome Beauty apples.

D. C. Bellville brought some fine Blue Victor and White Star potatoes.These were not strictly horticultural specimens, but were very fine.

N. T. Snyder brought in two Gipsey watermelons, weighing 53 and 50 poundsrespec-tively, and one Cuban Queen weighing 52-1/2 pounds. These melonswere raised by Mr. Dalzell, near Arkansas City.

Mr. Snyder also brought some very large Giant Roeca and Red Tripoli onionsand some early Ohio potatoes. The society sent them to the State Fair.

Mr. R. J. Hogue reports some very fine seedling apples raised by J. W.Curfman, from seed of the Rambo variety, with the Pound Pippin. These applesshow a cross of the two varieties, and promise to be very productive, anda valuable acquisition to our list of apples. So mote it be.

J. J. Arnold contributed fine Missouri Pippins, Grimes’ Golden,West field, Seek No Further, Willow Twig, Lawrence, Janet, Dominic, andFall Wine apples.

Mr. Arnold richly deserves warm words of commendation for what he hasdone to make fruit growing a success in Cowley County; but I must hastenand say:

T. Perry furnished American Russets, Ortley, and Willow Twig.

L. H. Jennings, Wine Sap (very large), Winter Pennock, Willow Twig, PennsylvaniaRed Streak and Buckingham.

Wm. Craig, Huntsman’s Favorite and Danver’s Winter Sweet.

John Ross, Clyde Beauty and Munson’s Sweet.

Mr. Walker, Yellow Bellflower, Rambo, and Fall Wine.

While I have specially commended some, yet all the orchards named aboveare in high cultivation, and much taste and care has been bestowed, or suchresults could not obtained.

I would not close this report without returning my thanks to Messrs.Weekly, Ferguson, and others who had not time or inclination to pilot methrough the jungle that they call an orchard; but as I was not looking forwater-sprouts or big weeds, I should have undoubtedly been lost, and soI appreciate muchly their kind consideration, and further deponent saithnot.R. J. HOGUE.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882.

Take in the County Fair.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882.

The Fair opens today (Thursday) and continues over Saturday. The displaywill be well worth the attention of every citizen. The grounds are pleasant,shady, free from dust, and furnished with an abundance of pure water.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882.

Now is the time for the farmers to get out their big ears of corn. P.H. Albright & Co., offer one cent a grain for the ear with the largestnumber of grains brought in by Nov. 1st. The COURIER has entered an eargrown by L. J. Darnell which carries 1,296 grains.

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882.

A great many entries have been made for the Fair and it promises to bea success. A large number of stalls and pens have been erected, the grovetrimmed up, new wells dug, and the race track put in good order. A largeFloral Hall has been built, and a building for the exhibition of fruitsand agricultural products is about up.


Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882.

Horticultural Meeting.

SATURDAY, Sept. 16th, 1882.

In absence of secretary, S. H. Jennings was elected pro tem.

The first thing was a verbal report from R. I. Hogue from State Fair,which was very satisfactory and interesting.

The committee on fruits at State Fair reported a shortage in their fundsamounting to $1.25, and direction given for secretary to give order on treasurerfor same to Mr. R. I. Hogue.

Same committee that had charge of fruit at State Fair is to have chargeof fruit at County Fair.

A fine branch of apples, "King of Tompkins County," was displayedby R. F. Bailey, of Rock Township. Also by same a fine branch of Rambos.Also a nice collection of peaches by H. E. Silliman named Heath SeedlingCling, which usually reproduces same as planted; cause of this, the bloomusually fertilizes before the petals open.

Society adjourned to meet at the fruit table at County Fair on next Saturdayat 1 o’clock p.m.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1882.

The Winfield Fair was largely attended on Saturday last, and the displayof sheep and hogs was very good, although the other departments were notas complete as they should have been.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.

Fred Williams’ thorough-bred short horn bull attracted universalattention at the fair. He was a magnificent animal.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.

Mr. Isaac Wood, of Vernon Township, exhibited the finest lot of hogsat the fair. He has been breeding fine hogs for several years, and now hasa herd of sixty-five which he has imported from different states.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.

T. A. Blanchard, Secretary of the Fair Association, was taken quite illSunday with bilious fever, and his duties in settling up the premiums andawards of the fair have devolved upon the secretary pro tem, Ed. P. Greer.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.

Mrs. J. J. Johnson took the first premium on bread and butter at thefair last week. This only convinces us more strongly than ever that Mr.Johnson makes a mistake in running for the legislature. If we were in hisboots, we wouldn’t run for anything but meals.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.

We had the pleasure of meeting Mr. O. P. Ergenbright, correspondent ofthe Kansas City Journal, who spent a day here during our fair. Heis a very clever and agreeable gentleman and one of the best correspondentson the road. The Journal always is fortunate in the selec-tion ofits correspondents.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.

The Fair Association will pay their premiums in full, and as soon asthe Secretary can complete the lists, each premium holder will be paid ason call.


Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.


A Complete Summary of the Premium Articles and Their Exhibitors.

A Magnificent Display.

The weather during the fair was most favorable and added much to thepleasures of the visitors. The attendance was not as large as was expected.

The first day, Thursday, was devoted to entries and but little else wasdone. This left but two days in which to exhibit. Had the time been settwo, or even one day earlier, it would have been much better. The exhibitin every department was good. In the department for horses, mules, etc.,"Class A," there were one hundred and fifteen entries and thirtypremiums awarded as follows.

Best filley under two years, E. O. Burden 1st; O. P. Pratt, 2nd.

Best Gelding, A. T. Spotswood, 1st.

Best Stallion 4 years and over, D. P. Hurst 1st; Sol Burkhalter 2nd.

Best Stallion Colt, heavy draft, B. W. Sitters, 1st.

Best mule, 1 yr. and under 3. D. A. Byers carried off both 1st and 2ndpremiums.

Best Filley, heavy draft, 1st, D. S. Sherrard.

Best Filley under 3, sweepstakes, D. S. Sherrard took both 1st and 2ndpremiums with two entries. Mr. Sherrard also took a premium on his broodmare.

Mr. F. A. A. Williams carried off 2nd premium on filley and on heavydraft mare. Mr. F. Childers took sweepstakes premium on his 6 year old mare,and Isaac Wood on best pair of draft mules.

J. J. Tribbey, of Little Dutch, took 1st premium on heavy draft stallionand 2nd on stallion colt for all work.

R. B. Noble of Dexter took 2nd on his heavy draft stallion, and B. F.Childers 2nd on carriage horses.

W. D. Crawford took four 1st premiums with two entries, one class andsweepstake on his heavy draft mare, and a class and sweepstakes on one yearold filley. J. D. Reda two 2nds on best colt. A. D. Crowell took 1st andsweepstakes on his carriage team. Mr. Jackson took 2nd on draft mules andS. W. Chase 2nd on carriage mules. Jas. Fahey took 2nd on his three yearold stallion, and Mr. Fuller 1st. D. P. Hurst took another 1st premium onhis stallion colt.


This class was well represented, there being forty-one entries, all agood grade of stock. The exhibit shows a decided advance in the qualityand grade of our stock.

Messrs. Taylor and Platter exhibited some very fine stock and capturedthe sweepstake premium for best cow of any age. S. T. Shepherd took 1ston his 4 year old bull. N. J. Thompson of Burden carried off four 1st andtwo 2nd premiums, making six premiums in all on his herd of nine. R. B.Waite took 2nd on his three year old bull, and Mr. A. Hurst carried offfive premiums on his herd of thoroughbreds: 1st for best bull, best bullcalf, and best herd of Kansas raised cattle; also 2nd on heifer calf andcow.


There were sixteen entries and the grades were excellent. J. A. Hood,of Seeley, took 1st on best three ewes, 1st on best fine sheep with sire,and 2nd on best three ewe lambs.

W. E. Seaman, of Red Bud, took three first premiums for best ram oneyear and over, best three ewe lambs, and best ram under one year.

Geo. H. Stalter, of Rock, carried off four premiums: 1st on ram lamb,pen of ewes and pen of ewe lambs, and 2nd on ram of any age.

S. Lowe took first premium on best pen of ewes, any age or breed.


In this class the exhibit was very fine and the stock shown fully upto the average at the state fair. There were thirty-eight entries, and fifteenpremiums awarded as follows.

To Mr. E. R. Morse, of Maple Township, 1st premium on best lot of pigsunder 6 months old, 1st premium on best lot of shoats under one year old,sweepstakes on best lot of pigs with dam, and 2nd premium on best boar underone year old.

Mr. F. W. McClellan received 1st premium on best boar over one year old.His animal was not entered for sweepstakes.

Mr. Isaac Wood, of Vernon, exhibited a fine lot of hogs and carried offseven premiums; 1st for best board under one year old, 1st for best sowover one year old, 1st for best sow under one year old, 1st for best boar,1st for best sow, 2nd for best boar over one year old, and 2nd for bestsow under one year old. He also took the sweepstakes premium for best herdof thoroughbred hogs.

Messrs. Kellogg & Co., exhibited a nice lot of pigs and carried offtwo premiums—2nd on sow over one year old and 2nd on lot of pigs withdam.


There were fourteen entries in this class, and some very fine specimenswere exhibited. Wm. Bryan took 1st premium on his game Bantams. Dr. C. C.Green took 2nd on his brown Leghorns. Mrs. Olds took 1st premium on hertrio of Black Spanish and 2nd on Silver lace bantams. Mrs. Trezise took1st on her white Leghorn; Mrs. Asp 1st on best trio of partridge Cochins;Prestin Dorin 1st on golden pheasants; Ed. Thomas 1st on bantam chicks;and A. R. Gillette, 2nd on trio of partridge Cochins.


There were only four entries in this class. The committee recommendedfor premiums the Casady sulky plow and Union Grain Drill exhibited by S.H. Myton, and the steel harrow, exhibited by J. Croco.


This class was the most closely contested on the grounds. The competitionin churns, sewing machines, washing machines, and such like is always lively.J. E. Mitchell carried over the first honors for best washing machine, andT. A. Miller the second. The 1st premium for best churn was awarded to Brotherton& Silver, and the 2nd to Geo. Bull and John D. Pryor. The high honorson sewing machines were easily won by D. F. Best with his "Silent No.8." Fitch & Barron, of Arkansas City, got the second prize. Forthe best twelve brooms C. E. Smith got 1st and J. A. Grop 2nd premium. Thedisplay of buggies by Albro & Co., of the Winfield Carriage Works, andthe Columbus Buggy Co. of Ohio, was very fine and resulted in a completevictory for the home institution, Messrs. Albro & Co., taking 1st premiumfor best top buggy and best display of buggies.


This class was full and overflowing and the most magnificent displaywe have ever seen. If the products exhibited there last week had been takento Topeka and Bismarck, Cowley would surely have carried off the prize.There were one hundred and sixteen entries.

Jas. Kenzie took 1st premium on best sorghum and 1st on best peck ofwhite beans.

J. A. Venable also got a diploma on his sorghum.

S. Mullen took 1st on best sample of Early Irish potatoes and 2nd onbest sample Late Irish potatoes.

Wm. Moore got the prize for best yellow corn and Wm. Sanborn for bestonions. D. J. Bright took 2nd on sweet potatoes.

L. J. Darnell exhibited some magnificent specimens of white corn andcarried off two premiums over all competitors.

Isaac Wood exhibited a new variety of corn (Improved prolific bread)on which he was awarded the red ribbon.

Brotherton & Silver had a very fine display of seeds and produce,entering some thirty or forty varieties. They carried off twelve premiums,as follows: On Red wheat, rye, oats, timothy seed, blue grass, early potatoes,big pumpkins, and white wheat.

J. R. Sumpter took second prize on yellow corn and corn on stalk. J.H. Curfman took second on Timothy seed and Irish potatoes. J. J. Johnsontook the 1st premium for best butter and a diploma for best dried corn.J. W. Douglass took 1st on onions.


This class was very fine and showed the advantages of our county to thesatisfaction and surprise of all. There were thirty-eight entries in all,and each and every specimen was very fine.

The first premiums were awarded to A. Dawson for fall pippens; W. C.Hayden for beets, greatest display of vegetables, and best head of cabbage;John Kenzie for best display of pippins; Cowley County Horticultural Societyfor best display of apples and best four fall varieties of apples; Hogue& Mentch for best general display of Nursery stock, best display Nurserygrown trees, and best display of evergreens. S. E. Maxwell second best displayof ornamental trees, second best display of Nursery grown evergreens, andsecond for best display of Nursery stock. D. J. Bright for cucumbers, sunflowers, and 2nd for water melons. Geo. Van Way, 2nd for table corn. JohnMentch for Wine Sap and Ben Davis apples. Brotherton & Silver for watermelons and musk melons. A. R. Gillett for tomatoes and table corn. The HorticulturalSociety also took second on best collection of winter apples and best peckof Wine Sap apples. Mr. Maxwell took 2nd on best display Nursery grown fruittrees.


There were ten entries in this department, all very beautiful. The premiumsfor most beautiful display of plants was awarded to Mrs. Olds. Mrs. J. A.Maus took 1st and 2nd premium of two beautiful hanging baskets.


This department was not extensive, but the display was excellent. Mr.F. M. Friend had a fine array of musical instruments on which he took twopremiums, one on the Estey organ. D. Rodocker’s display of photographywas very fine and carried off all the honors. F. M. Pratt, of Douglass,exhibited a splendid collection of stuffed birds and secured two premiums.W. B. Caton’s display of tombstones was very fine.


This department was magnificent, and both in quantity and quality, andwas an honor to the county and the ladies, whose skill with the needle wasso well attested by the many beautiful articles, wrought in all conceivableshapes and styles.

The judges had a difficult job to perform, but they did it as well ascould be expected, many of the tags being lost and misplaced.

Miss Bertha Wallis took the honors on the best specimen of embroidery;Mrs. R. B. Waite on worsted log cabin quilt; H. B. Esinger on plain sewing;Mrs. E. F. Nelson for the most beautiful article; Minnie Fahey for pin cushioncover; Ida Trezise on crochet Fascinator; Mrs. E. E. Thorpe, tatting; Mrs.Geo. C. Robinson, lace item, stitch and application work; Mrs. A. T. Spotswood,dress, two patch silk quilts and cotton patch quilt; Mrs. Waite, fancy work;Mrs. J. O. Taylor, floss embroidery; Mrs. Olds, wax work; Mrs. Trezise,fancy knitting; Miss Bee Carruthers, bead cushion.

Second premiums were awarded to Amy Chapin on log cabin quilt; Mrs. JohnA. Maus for crochet tidy; Mamie Fahey for embroidery on canvas; Mrs. J.D. Pryor for patch quilt; Mrs. Olds for dress; Mrs. Trezise for cotton quilt.

A large number of very fine articles were on exhibition which were notentered on the secretary’s books and consequently did not come underthe jurisdiction of the committee. Among these were some very fine specimensof needle work by Mrs. Albro, and a beautiful silk patch quilt, elegantlyembroidered by Mrs. Houston.


This department was tolerably well represented, there being thirteenentries. All the articles were meritorious, but as premiums could only beawarded when there were compet-ing articles, only four were given.

Harry Caton took 1st for best hand sled; and J. F. Taylor took 1st and2nd for ornamental work. J. S. Taylor took 1st for best specimen of mechanics.


There were seventy-three entries in this class, all very fine. Mrs. Geo.Van Way took the red ribbon on brown bread, fruit cake, ginger cake, 2ndpremium on gold cake, and 1st premium on piccalilli, Mrs. J. A. Maus took1st premium on grape jelly, and Cora Andrews 2nd premium on brown bread.Mrs. Andrews took 1st premium on peach butter and grape marmalade.

Miss Curfman carried off the premium for loaf of bread by a girl.

Mrs. Green took 1st premium on apple jelly, tomato ketchup, and Siberiancrab preserves.

Minnie Thomas took first premium for best salt rising bread.

Mrs. T. R. Bryan got the 1st ribbon for best preserved peaches, can peaches,and Siberian crab jellies.

Mrs. J. J. Johnson carried off the 1st premium on yeast bread. MamieFahey took second premium on bread, and first premium on sponge cake andplum jelly.

Mrs. Trezise captured the 1st premium on pickled peaches, 1st premiumand sweep-stakes on can fruit and 2nd on loaf of bread. Miss E. Trezisetook 2nd premium on fruit cake. Mrs. Trezise also took 2nd premium on spongecake and 1st on pickled tomatoes.


There were four entries in this class, but owing to a misunderstandingonly two of the ladies appeared. Miss Foster rode bareback and held herseat nicely. Florence Drummond made a most graceful appearance and rodesuperbly. The first premium was awarded to Miss Foster, and the second toFlorence Drummond.


This was the biggest feature of the fair and was really enjoyed by thespectators. There were four entries for the Association purse—AliceEthel Wright, Lula Wood, J. H. Daugherty, and Mable Kinzie. The babies wereranged along in a row and the three able-bodied judges, in the persons ofCol. Loomis, Ben Cox, and O. M. Seward, appeared on the ground. After carefullyhefting the babies, tickling them under the chin, and other amusing andinteresting performances, the judges withdrew and after much vehement discussionawarded the premium to J. H. Daugherty, son of B. B. Daugherty. As the contestingbabies filed off the floor, one of them was heard to remark that it didn’twant any more bald-headed men for judges.

The next thing in order was a free for all baby show on a $2.50 purse.There were eleven entries, and a lot of prettier, brighter babies were nevergathered together. The judges realized this, and it was with great difficultythat they were enabled to make a decision. The babies competing for theprize were: Maud Lahr, Edward E. Thorpe, Ethel Wright, J. H. Daugherty,Lula Woods, Morris Brown, Belle Crawford, Mable Kinzie, Mamie Murphey, EddieWeitzel, Gracie Crabtree. It was a trying hour for Messrs. Loomis, Cox,and Seward, and as they went from one baby to another, and the full measureof the task in hand dawned upon them, the perspiration stood out on theirmassive foreheads as prominent as points in a democratic platform. Theyfinally awarded the prize to Edward E. Thorpe. The judges dis-appeared immediatelyafter the decision was rendered.

The Association had many disadvantages to work under. Starting withouta cent, they had to run everything on the most economical basis, and makeall the improvements temporary. The result has been in a measure satisfactory.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.

Cowley County Fair.

The exhibition by the Cowley County Agricultural and Horticultural Society,which began on Thursday of this week, at Winfield, is a very decided success.The phenomenally large yield of leading staples in the wonderful valleysof the Walnut and Arkansas has so excited the average granger that a collectionof the products of these famous localities insured a large attendance ofthe best class of people. The grounds of the society are near the very beautifuland rapidly growing city of Winfield, and next to Bismarck are, naturally,the prettiest fair grounds in the state. The exhibition is in the highestsense an agricultural fair—distinctively a reunion, not of men whowent forth to battle for flag and country, but of men, women, and brighteyed merry girls, who have faith in God, Kansas, and hard work. Of course,such exhibitions as Topeka and Bismarck dwarf fairs like this into insignificanceas to numbers and qualities, but in quality of live stock and horticulturaland agricultural products, I sincerely believe the difference is in favorof the stone capped city of the Walnut.

Of the 5,000 in attendance at this home gathering of intelligent farmersand their handsome wives and daughters, each seemed to have an especialinterest in the products exhibited; and in each other—to believe inthemselves, and in the capacity of their wonder-fully beautiful valleys.And in this, I take it, may be found the secret of the surprising successof this exhibition.

Some features predominant at Topeka and Bismarck were noticeably absentat Winfield, and the management of those gigantic shows would do well attheir next meetings to borrow a little common sense from the Winfield farmers,and draw out of their practical partnership with pickpockets and gamblers.

Snide shows, cheap johns, and yelling devils were not allowed on thegrounds of the association, and nowhere did you see or hear of pickpockets.The ladies of the association had charge of all the booths, and the quiet,domestic air with which they served their well behaved patrons gave a graceand pleasure to the occasion which was appreciable by one fresh from thejostling beer guzzlers of the classic Kaw.

Blushingly elbowing my way through a bevy of splendid girls in the fineart hall, I found a display of textile fabrics and home adornments, quilts,mats, rugs, dresses, drawings, paintings, and various devices, fresh fromthe nimble fingers and practically educated brains of the beauties aroundme—an earnest of the practical sense that will predominate around thehearthstones of their homes as the wives of Kansas farmers.

Nearby on a long table was the exhibit of the Cowley County HorticulturalSociety, which included forty-six varieties of apples, one represented byan apple measuring sixteen and a half inches in circumference, and weighingnineteen ounces, said to be the heaviest apple ever grown in Kansas. Theapple display, including the entries of Hogue & Mentch, leading nurserymenof the Arkansas valley, was exceptionally fine. S. E. Maxwell, who has avery fine nursery at Arkansas City, showed a very elegant collection ofnursery stock, demonstrating the feasibility of growing forest trees rapidlyand certainly from seed. Among other of his exhibits of shade trees, wereash, sycamore, and catalpa trees one year from seed and measuring five andone-half feet high. The contributions of Messrs. Hogue & Mentch includedsome evergreens grown from seed that were quite beautiful.

The vegetable men did themselves proud; Brotherton & Silver, seedmen, of Winfield, exhibited a Cuban queen watermelon, perfect in form andweighing fifty-five pounds. Messrs. Sanburn, Hall, and others of the leadinggardeners of Winfield, displayed remarkable collections.

In another letter I shall write of stock growing in Southern Kansas,and will then endeavor to do full justice to the most noticeable featuresof that part of this exhibition.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.

New Salem Pencilings.

Quite a number of Salemites attended the County Fair, myself among thenumber, and many smiling faces were in that vast concourse of people, andfriendly hands were clasped and greetings exchanged, and nothing to marthe harmony of friends and neighbors was noticed by your sister, Olivia.The display was as good as can be expected in our infancy; and could ourEastern friends see some of the Kansas productions this season, they wouldnot think us on the verge of starvation. OLIVIA.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.

T. A. Blanchard is out again after a severe spell of sickness.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.

In our hurry last week we overlooked Frank Sydall’s display of harnessand saddles at the fair. It was very fine and attracted much attention.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.

The premiums awarded at the fair have been almost all paid and the balanceis liquidated in full on demand. The fair pays its way this time.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.

Mr. Kenzie’s display of specimens at the fair was one of the finestthings on exhibition. They were all gathered by himself, and many of themwere cut and polished by his own hand. We are proud to know that the countycontains such a collection.

Winfield Courier, October 12, 1882.

The secretary, president, and board of directors of the Fair Associationwill be at the COURIER office on Saturday of this week. All who have businesswith them should call at that time for they wish to close up all businessconnected with the late fair.

Winfield Courier, October 19, 1882.

The Board of Directors of the Agricultural Fair Association met at theCOURIER office last Saturday to close up the business of the late fair.Present: Judge Tipton, president; T. A. Blanchard, secretary; J. J. Johnson,J. C. Roberts, W. J. Hodges. After transacting such business as came beforeit, the Board adjourned until Saturday, October 28th, which is the regularmeeting.

Winfield Courier, October 19, 1882.

It Does Prohibit a Little.

Ed. Weitzell was tried last week before Justice Buckman for selling beerand whiskey contrary to law. The trial lasted three days. Jennings &Troup and Henry E. Asp prosecuted and J. Wade McDonald and S. D. Pryor defended.Saturday evening the jury of twelve, after consulting two or three hours,brought in a verdict of guilty. The Justice assessed a fine of $200, andcosts. The costs, attorney’s fees, and some little outside matterswhich he would not like to mention, must have cost him about $250, and thereare yet five complaints against him to be tried. He took an appeal witha thousand dollar bond. If tried in the District Court, the witness whohappened (?) to be absent will be present, there will be no doubt aboutthe result, and it will probably cost him $1,000 in all. Frank Manny saysthat Ed. was an officer of the Good Templars and a warm advocate of theprohibition amendment and that he is now taking his own medicine so he mustnot squeal.

It seems that Ed. commenced selling at his hotel stand, which he wasusing as a billiard hall, during fair week. He hired W. D. Smith to tendbar for him at $25 per month. He kept his business so close that it didnot get out on him until last week. He had then sold intoxicat-ing liquorsto the amount of about $60. Frank Jennings got hold of it, investigatedthe matter, and made six complaints against him and one against the boy,Smith, his bar tender. Ed. got bail for himself, but let Smith go to jail.Ed. was tried on one case, convicted and fined $200, and cost. Smith pleadguilty and was fined $100. Ed. then plead guilty on another complaint andwas fined $100. The fines and costs in all amounted to over $600, besidesattorney fees and other expenses, with four complaints standing against.Verily the way of the transgressor is hard.

Winfield Courier, November 2, 1882.

Card of Thanks. We, the undersigned, extend our sincerest thanks to eachand everyone who so kindly assisted us with their labor and so generouslyaided the great temperance cause during the recent County Fair. We makethis notice in order that you may know that we appreciate your kindness,and to tell you that we, jointly and severally, pray that God in his mercywill bless you, as we know and feel that he is blessing and prospering thecause of temperance. LADIES OF W. C. T. U.

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.

What Disinterested Citizens of Other States Think of Cowley County.

We clip the following extract from an article published in the KansasCity Daily Times of May 20th last.

After making mention of the splendid condition of our crops at that timeit says:

"Old settlers of eastern Kansas, who think they have lived in anage of progress and enterprise, while witnessing the growth and developmentof this portion of the state, will be convinced that they have been eclipsedin enterprise by other sections by visiting the Arkansas Valley. Take thecounty of Cowley. Twelve years ago there was not a white settler in it;today it claims a population of 25,000 souls, and has thriving cities andtowns well improved, and productive farms and five newspapers, some withdaily editions and steam presses. The only inducement offered for the settlementof this section was the productive quality of its soil. There were no mineraldeposits to offer attractions to the settlers. What other part of the worldcan show a like development within the short space of twelve years, whereno promise of returns were assured save from what could be produced fromthe soil? The county of Cowley will make exhibits at the Bismarck fair nextfall. No other section of the state has more or better material for an attractiveagricultural display than that portion of the Arkansas Valley. These displaysnot only show the stranger what that section can pro-duce but they willalso exhibit the character of the people making them. An inspection of theexhibitors will be as fully interesting and instructive as a view of thearticles exhibited. The stranger will see in these exhibitors, intelligent,wide awake and stirring people, with hope fully developed, self-reliant,unlimited confidence in the possibilities, and undying faith in the grandfuture of their section. To converse with and grasp the warm hands of suchpeople is a pleasure and treat to the stranger. All honor and success tothe exhibits at Bismarck of the county of Cowley."

Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.

The members of the Fair Association meet on the tenth of next month toelect a board of directors for the ensuing year.


Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.

Meeting of the Fair Association.

The annual meeting of the Cowley County Fair Association met at the CourthouseTuesday afternoon. W. A. Tipton called the meeting to order, and announcedthe first business in order to be the election of nine directors for theensuing year.

The following persons were elected directors.

C. M. Scott, Creswell.

R. W. Stevens, Richland.

Jas. B. Scofield, Winfield.

J. L. Stewart, Ninnescah.

Henry Harbaugh, Pleasant Valley.

R. B. Pratt, Fairview.

Jas. F. Martin, Vernon.

J. L. Hodges, Winfield.

B. F. Wood, Winfield.

An election for officers resulted as follows.

Henry Harbaugh, president.

B. F. Wood, vice-president.

Ed. P. Greer, secretary.

J. W. Millspaugh, treasurer.

The time for holding the Fair this year was fixed on Wednesday, Thursday,Friday, and Saturday, October 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th. Messrs. Wood, Hodges,and Greer were appointed a committee on purchase or lease of Fair Grounds.The directors were notified to meet at the COURIER editorial rooms on Saturday,April 28th, at 2 o’clock p.m.

Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.

The committee on selection of Fair Grounds was out Monday afternoon andcarefully examined the different proposed sites. Their action will be laidbefore the Board of Directors of the Association at their meeting Saturday.

Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.

The committee of the Fair and Driving Park Association were busy Mondayafternoon securing subscriptions to the capital stock. Many new names wereadded.


Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.


The Grounds are Purchased and We are to Have the Biggest and Best Fair

In the Southwest.

Last Saturday the directors of the Fair Association met and a propositionfrom Senator Hackney and others was laid before them. The new plan was toreorganize the Fair Associa-tion under a charter which would allow the issuanceof ten thousand dollars of capital stock, which should be placed at onceand the proceeds used in purchasing grounds and improving them. The planmet with favor from the directors and they adjourned to meet again in thirtydays, when if the subscription to the stock of the new corporation is completed,they will accept the new charter as an amendment to the old one. Immediatelyafter adjournment the subscription to the stock was opened and three thousanddollars subscribed at once.

As soon as the success of the stock subscription was assured, a committeewaited upon Capt. Lowry and purchased of him sixty-five acres of groundnear the west bridge and ad-joining Riverside Park on the north. This tractincludes about twelve acres of a magnificent grove—one of the few inwhich the "grand primeval forest" has escaped the ruthless ax.The open ground is as level as a floor and affords one of the finest locationsfor a speed ring to be found anywhere. Altogether the location is almostperfect for a magnificent fair ground.

The grounds will be surrounded at once with a tight high-board fence.Men will be put to work trimming up the grove, clearing out the underbrush,and laying off walks. In laying off the speed ring, the services of a professionaltrack man will be secured and no pains or money will be spared to make itthe best in the state.

The great drawback to successful fairs in this county heretofore hasbeen a lack of capital and a lack of financial backing which would secureto exhibitors the payment of their premi-ums promptly and in full. Underthe new charter the Association will start out owning a splendid fair ground,and with five thousand dollars in the treasury as an improvement fund. Atlast it begins to look as if Cowley would have a fair which will be a creditto every citizen within her borders.

Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.

Sam Phoenix was down from Richland Friday and gave the new fair associationa lift in the way of a stock subscription.

Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.

The Secretary of the Fair Association has received an application forthe privilege of running a "Knife Board" on the Fair grounds.This is probably some new arrangement for the benefit of agriculture, andshould receive the support of all good and true Fair Associations. Bringon your "Knife Board."


Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.

Fair Meeting.

A mass meeting of farmers was held in the Opera House Saturday afternoonto consider the Fair question. A goodly number of farmers from every partof the county were present. W. J. Millspaugh, of Vernon, was elected chairmanand S. P. Strong, of Rock, secretary. The report of the committee on solicitingsubscriptions to the stock reported four thousand eight hundred dollarstaken. The committee was then increased by the following additions, onein each township.

Maple: W. B. Norman.

Ninnescah: W. B. Norman.

Vernon: W. J. Millspaugh.

Beaver: Dr. Marsh.

Beaver: S. D. Jones.

Creswell: Capt. Nipp.

Bolton: J. D. Guthrie.

Rock Creek: Geo. L. Gale.

Fairview: Cleve Page.

Walnut: T. A. Blanchard.

Pleasant Valley: Henry Harbaugh.

Richland: Sam Phoenix.

Tisdale: J. S. Baker.

Liberty: Justice Fisher.

Silverdale: L. J. Darnell.

Omnia: Wm. Gilliard.

Silver Creek: Harvey Smith.

Sheridan: Barney Shriver.

Spring Creek: H. S. Andrews.

Harvey: Sam Rash.

Windsor: S. M. Fall.

Dexter: John Wallace.

Cedar: Jas. Utt.

Otter: T. H. Aley.

[Yes! Paper showed W. B. Norman for both Maple and Ninnescah!]

The Secretary was instructed to prepare and forward to each of the townshipcommittee blank subscription lists, with the request that they circulatethem at once. This committee was instructed to report with the lists ata public meeting in the Hall at 2 o’clock, May 19, when all who havesubscribed to the stock are requested to be present and form a permanentorganization.

Short speeches were then made by Senator Hackney, Jas. F. Martin, S.P. Strong, S. S. Lynn, Henry Harbaugh, F. W. Schwantes, John C. Roberts,D. L. Kretsinger, and others. After the meeting many new names were addedand the list now foots up over five thousand dollars.

Great interest was manifested by all the farmers present for the successof the enterprise. Over half the capital stock is already taken and it looksas if we were at last going to have an institution that will be a creditand an honor to the county. Winfield has responded nobly in this matter,and it now remains for the farmers to do their share, which they will undoubt-edlyaccomplish.

Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.

Several of our merchants have signified a desire to offer special premiumsfor displays of different kinds at the fair, and the committee on premiumlist has decided to include such special premiums in the published list.Any merchant who desires to offer a special premium should hand it in beforenext Wednesday, as the list will go to press on that day.


Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.

HURRAH! Getting Ready for the Fourth of July.

Over forty of our businessmen have united in a call for a citizens’meeting at the Opera House this (Thursday) evening, for the purpose of organizing,appointing committees, and getting ready for a Fourth of July Celebrationthat will take in the country for fifty miles around and be the biggestthing out—a regular old-fashioned "whopper!" It is the intentionto dedicate the New Fair Grounds with this opening ceremony. The fair groundpark will be a delightful place, and will afford all the people of the countyan opportunity to look over the fair grounds and see just what they havegot. Let every citizen turn out and take a hand in the work.


Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.

More Fair Matter.

We publish in full below the Charter and By-laws of the Fair Association.The organiza-tion is now complete and at work. Every farmer should readthis carefully and be ready to suggest any changes necessary at the nextregular meeting.


The undersigned do hereby voluntarily associate ourselves together forthe purpose of forming a private corporation under the laws of the stateof Kansas, and do hereby certify:


That the name of this corporation shall be "The Cowley County Fairand Driving Park Association."


That the purposes for which this corporation is formed are to encourageand promote the agricultural, horticultural, mechanical, and live stockinterest of Cowley County, Kansas, and the establishment and maintenanceof a driving park and speed ring, and to acquire, hold, and control allreal and personal property necessary, proper, and convenient for carryingout the purposes aforesaid.


That the place where its business is to be transacted is at Winfield,Cowley County, Kansas.


That the term for which this corporation is to exist is ninety-nine years.


That the number of directors or trustees of this corporation shall beseventeen (17), and the names and residences of those who are appointedfor the first year are:

A. H. Doane, Winfield.

A. T. Spotswood, Winfield.

D. L. Kretsinger, Winfield.

J. B. Schofield, Winfield.

C. C. Black, Winfield.

W. J. Hodges, Winfield.

E. P. Greer, Winfield.

W. S. Mendenhall, Winfield.

Sam Phoenix, Richland Township.

S. S. Lynn, Vernon Township.

G. L. Gale, Rock Township.

Henry Harbaugh, Pleasant Valley Township.

R. F. Burden, Windsor Township.

E. B. Nicholson, Dexter Township.

J. W. Millspaugh, Vernon Township.

J. B. Nipp, Creswell Township.

J. F. Martin, Vernon Township.


That the estimated value of the goods, chattels, lands, rights, and creditsowned by the corporation is ten thousand ($10,000) dollars; that the amountof the capital stock of this corporation shall be ten thousand ($10,000)dollars, and shall be divided into two hundred (200) shares, of fifty ($50)dollars each, non-assessable above face value.

In testimony whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names, this 3rdday of May,

A. D., 1883.

(Signed) A. T. Spotswood, W. S. Mendenhall, J. B. Schofield, A. H. Doane,Charles C. Black, Ed. B. Greer, D. L. Kretsinger, Wm. J. Hodges, S. C. Smith.


Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for Cowley County,Kansas, the above named: A. T. Spotswood, W. S. Mendenhall, J. B. Schofield,J. Wade McDonald, Ed. P. Greer, D. L. Kretsinger, A. H. Doane, Wm. J. Hodges,and S. C. Smith, who are person-ally known to me to be the same personswho executed the foregoing instrument of writing, and duly acknowledgedthe execution of the same.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, and affixedmy notarial seal, this 4th day of May, A. D., 1883.

LOVELL H. WEBB, Notary Public. (My commission expires Sept. 8, 1883.)


I, James Smith, Secretary of State of the State of Kansas, do herebycertify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original instrumentof writing filed in my office May 5th, A. D., 1883.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, and affixedmy official seal.

Done at Topeka, Kansas, this fifth day of May, A. D., 1883.

JAMES SMITH, Secretary of state.


Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.

Minutes of Fair Meeting. May 10th, 1883.

The directors of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Associationmet at the office of A. H. Doane & Co. Present: Directors Millspaugh,Martin, Gale, Burden, Leslie, Har-baugh, McDonald, Spotswood, Doane, Baden,and Nicholson.

J. W. Millspaugh was called to the chair and D. L. Kretsinger chosensecretary. On motion of Mr. Spotswood, the meeting proceeded to the electionof officers as follows.

For president, J. F. Martin; for vice president, A. T. Spotswood; forsecretary, E. P. Greer; for treasurer, A. H. Doane; for General Superintendent,D. L. Kretsinger.

On motion of Mr. Kretsinger, Messrs. Harbaugh, Martin, Millspaugh, Lynn,Spotswood, Doane, and Greer were appointed a committee on premium list,to report at the next meeting of the directors. On motion of Mr. Lynn, thesuperintendent was instructed to commence work on the speed ring and cleaningup the ground. On motion of Mr. Doane, the meeting adjourned until Saturday,May 26, at 1 p.m. D. L. KRETSINGER, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.

OPERA HOUSE, May 19, 1883.

The stockholders of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Associationmet pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Millspaugh called S. P. Strong to the chairand D. L. Kretsinger was chosen secretary. Minutes of last meeting readand approved. The committee on subscription of stock reported progress andwere on motion continued. On motion of Mr. Martin, the meeting proceededto a permanent organization, without change of officers. The charter wasthen read and approved. A form of constitution and by-laws was then submittedby the secretary. Mr. Short moved they be adopted as read. Mr. Lynn amendedto read and adopt by sections. Motion prevailed as amended.

Sec. 1 to 13 read and adopted. Sec. 14 amended to read "four-fifthconsent or vote," instead of unanimous.

Section 1 to 10 of the by-laws made and approved. On motion of Mr. Gale,the constitu-tion and bylaws were then adopted as whole. After quite aninteresting talk on the part of secretary and stockholders, a sense of themeeting was had instructing the Directors to push the work of improvementof grounds as fast as possible. On motion the meeting adjourned.

D. L. KRETSINGER, Secretary, S. P. STRONG, Chairman.

Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.

The books of the old fair association have been balanced up, and severalpremiums here-tofore in dispute fixed up and orders drawn for their payment.The following persons are entitled to the amounts set opposite their names,and can get their money by calling upon the secretary, Ed. P. Greer.

W. E. Seaman, $10; J. A. Jackson, $2; Kellogg & Co., $4; J. L. Stewart,$2; Wm. Moore, $2; Wm. Sanborn, $2; J. W. Douglass, $1; Mrs. P. M. Waite,$1; B. F. Childers, $5; Albro & Co., $2; D. J. Bright, $1; Mrs. E. F.Nelson, $2; Mrs. S. D. Pryor, $1; Miss Curfman, $1; B. W. Sitter, $3; J.J. Tribbey, $11.50.

This winds up last year’s fair with every premium paid in full,and money still in the treasury.

Winfield Courier, June 7, 1883.

We received a very pleasant call from Mr. Rawson, General Superintendentof the Arkansas Valley Fair Monday. He was accompanied by his father andon his first visit to Cowley.

Winfield Courier, June 7, 1883.

The Directors of the Fair Association, at their meeting Saturday evening,made arrangements to fence the grounds at once. The fence will probablybe a nine wire, with a board and posts painted white. The track is alreadygetting in good shape and the trimming of the grove is almost completed.Everyone who looks through the grove pronounces it fully equal to anythingon the river.


Winfield Courier, June 7, 1883.

Fourth of July.

The citizen committees on 4th of July celebration have most all reportedand the program is being made up. A large amount of money has been raisedto defray the expenses of music, fireworks, speakers, etc. Special trainswill be run from as far east as Cherryvale, and every indication is thatWinfield will see the largest crowd on that day ever congregated withinher limits. The speaking and celebration will be held in Riverside Park,and the races and games on the new Fair Grounds adjoining. A committee isnow in the Territory arranging for an Indian war dance in which severalnoted chiefs will participate. One of the features will be a glass ballshoot for a purse of $100.


Winfield Courier, June 7, 1883.

Cowley County Horticultural Society Meeting, June 2nd, 1883.

Minutes of last meeting, March 3rd, read and accepted. Majority of committeeon conference with Co. Agricultural Society reported adverse to the Societypurchasing interest of Fair grounds, but would advise the individual membersto cooperate in said Society. Reported offer of room from Mr. Johnson. Reportaccepted, and committee continued to report at next meeting. Vote of thanksunanimously given COURIER Co. for the use of their editorial rooms duringthe past year. Report of committee on charter reported. Report adopted.

Messrs. Hogue and Mentch exhibited splendid box of Sharpless strawberries,½ box of Chas. Downing, and ½ box Crescent. Have sold $40worth from 6 sq. rods of bed. Crescent beats anything for bearing—littlecare, mulch last fall, mulch left on. President Martin has been busy settingout strawberries—set out at once from a vessel, keep roots moist, plantnow and they will set fruit buds for next year’s crop. Mr. Geo. Martinin city presented splendid cluster of new potatoes.

Members present signed articles of incorporation to procure charter.Application for charter signed by J. F. Martin, J. Nixon, R. D. Thursk,G. M. Robertson, F. A. A. Williams, James Cairns, Jno. Mentch, F. H. Brown;prepared by Elder Cairns. Vote of thanks given him by Society.

Motion prevailed that the president of this Society prepare an essayon "the mutuality of the Cowley County Horticultural Society and theCowley County Agricultural Society, in the county in the advancement ofthe material interests of the county." Mr. Williams appointed to readessay on grasses at next meeting. Adjourned. J. F. MARTIN, President.

J. NIXON, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, June 7, 1883.

Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the CowleyCounty Fair and Driving Park Association have caused the books to be openedfor receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of said Association atthe office of the Secretary thereof, in the city of Win-field, Cowley County,Kansas, which books will be kept open until the whole amount of capitalstock is subscribed. By order of the Board of Directors. E. P. GREER, Secretary.

Newton, Kansas, May 31, 1883.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, June 13, 1883.

Courier Clips.

The citizen committees on 4th of July celebration have most all reportedand the programme is being made up. A large amount of money has been raisedto defray the expenses of music, fireworks, speakers, etc. Special trainswill be run from as far east as Cherryvale, and every indication is thatWinfield will see the largest crowd on that day ever congregated withinher limits. The speaking and celebration will be held in Riverside Park,and the races and games on the new Fair Grounds adjoining. A committee isnow in the Territory arranging for an Indian war dance in which severalnoted chiefs will participate. One of the features will be a glass ballshoot for a prize of $100.

Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.

The committee on grounds for the Fourth of July decided to sell eightprivileges for refreshment stands at $25 each, first come, first served,also two circle swings at $10 each. Persons who want stands had better applyto Capt. Smith, chairman of committee, at once, or they may get left, asonly eight will be admitted.

Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.

Wanted. One thousand old soldiers and citizens to volunteer to take partin the sham battle on the fourth of July at Winfield. Also one thousandmuskets and shot guns for the occasion, to report immediately to committeeon military parade. By order of the committee,

H. L. Wells, chairman.


Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.

Fourth of July Oration.

In answer to the conundrum presented on the bills for the IndependenceCelebration as to who is meant by "the silver-tongued orator of Kansas,"we will mention that the committee on speakers have secured the servicesof Dr. T. B. Taylor, who will be better known here after the 4th. He isknown elsewhere as an orator of rare powers and we anticipate one of thebest and most finished addresses we have ever heard.

Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.

The directors of the Fair Association meet at A. H. Doane & Co.’soffice Saturday morning at 9 o’clock.

Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.

Date of Fair. The date for the Fair has been fixed for the last weekin September—the 25th to the 29th inclusive.

Winfield Courier, June 21, 1883.

Riverside Park is the most beautiful, cool, and inviting place in SouthernKansas. It will be a delightful place for the celebration, and the arrangementfor putting the teams in the fair grounds will leave the Park entirely freefor the dinner and for people to enjoy themselves in. Police will be furnishedto look after everything.

Winfield Courier, June 21, 1883.

The grading on the race track at the new fair ground is almost completed.It is raised on the outside and slopes toward the inner edge, making whatis known to horse-men as a "dish-track." The track will cost whenfinished, about five hundred dollars, and had it not been for the favorable"lay of the land," two thousand dollars would not have made abetter one. It will be the best in the State, and reflects much credit onSuperintendent Kretsinger. It will be opened to the public for the firsttime on the fourth of July.


Winfield Courier, June 21, 1883.


Program of the Day’s Doings.

At sunrise on the morning of the Fourth, the artillery will inauguratethe festivities of the day by a salute.

The procession will form on Main Street, right resting on Tenth Avenue,at 10 o’clock a.m., in the following order.

Mayor and City officers.

Courier Cornet Band.

Posts of Grand Army of the Republic.

St. John’s Battery.

Societies in Regalia.

Citizens in wagons and on horseback.

The procession will enter Riverside Park at the east gate, drive to thecenter, unload, and then drive on to the open ground in the west of thePark, where they can be quartered. Such as desire can drive on through thewest Park gate, across the road into the Fair Ground Park, where teams maybe placed. Persons must carefully avoid damages to trees in either park.

There will be addresses and a basket picnic dinner at the park, whichwill be followed by trotting, pacing, and running races, games, etc., onthe Fair Grounds, as follows.

1st. Mixed pacing and trotting race, free for all county horses, besttwo in three mile heats—10 percent entrance. Four to enter, three tostart. 1st, $45.00; 2nd, $22.50; 3rd, $7.00.

2nd. Running race, free for all, half mile dash—10 percent entrance.1st, $15.00; 2nd, $10.50.

3rd. Slow mule race, free for all, half mile dash, change riders, lastmule out gets $5.00.

4th. Tub race, winner takes $3.00.

5th. Sack race, $2.50 to boss runner.

6th. Base ball Tournament for a premium ball and bat, $5.00.

7th. Potato race, 1st, $3.00; 2nd, $2.00.

8th. Apple string; the one who bites the apple gets $1.00.

9th. Wheelbarrow race, blindfolded; one who wheels closest to stake gets$1.00.

10th. Greased pole; he who climbs it gets the $5 gold piece on top.

11th. Glass ball shoot, $5. Premium. $1.00 entrance fee—best shottakes 50 percent of premium and entrance money; second best, 25 percent;third 15 percent; fourth, 10 percent.

At 4 o’clock the sham battle will take place on the Fair Groundsunder the direction of Col. Whiting, marshal of the day, participated inby the 1st Kansas light artillery and several posts of the G. A. R.

The Courier Band will furnish music during the day.

In the evening there will be a grand flambeaux procession of 200 men,bearing Roman candles and accompanied by illuminated balloon ascensions.

Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.

The board of directors of the old Fair Association meet next Saturdayto wind up their business and "close out." The directors of thenew Association meet at nine o’clock Saturday morning at A. H. Doane& Co.’s office.

Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.

The preparations for the Fourth of July are all completed and Winfieldwill witness a celebration on that day never before equaled in the historyof the county. Large numbers of people from other counties will be present.

Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.

The illuminated balloons to be sent up on the evening of the Fourth area new feature of fire works and exceed in beauty anything yet invented inthat line.

Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.

The race track presents a lively scene evenings while the horsem*n aretraining their steppers for the Fourth of July races. It promises to bea lively contest.

Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.

Mr. A. Hurst, one of the prosperous farmers in the south part of thecounty, was up Tuesday looking a little after matters pertaining to thecoming county fair. He was one of the largest stock exhibitors last yearand carried off several premiums. He proposes to make some of our fine cattlebreeders worry this year if they get away with him.

Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.

Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the CowleyCounty Fair and Driving Park Association have caused the books to be openedfor receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of said Association atthe office of the Secretary thereof, in the city of Winfield, Cowley County,Kansas, which books will be kept open until the whole amount of capitalstock is subscribed. By order of the Board of Directors. E. P. GREER, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

The Courier Band gave an open air concert Friday evening from the stepsof the Winfield Bank building. It was made in accordance with the programpublished last week. All the pieces were delightfully rendered and the musicwas highly appreciated by all who heard it. During the concert the streetwas filled with buggies and carriages whose occupants stopped to take inthe treat. Several of the overtures rendered were composed by Mr. Geo. Crippen,their leader, and are very fine. The progress of the Band is a matter ofcongratulation to every citizen. We understand that the open air concertswill be regularly continued during the summer.

Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

Several horses came over from Burden Tuesday to take part in the raceson the Fourth. About ten horses will enter for the different purses.


Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.

The weekly tournament of the Winfield Gun Club came off Thursday afternoonon the old fair grounds. The shooting was not so good as usual. The followingis the score:

Jas. McLain 1-14; W. J. McLain, 1-12; J. N. Harter, 0-14; Frank Manny,1-10; C. C. Black, 1-13; Ed. P. Greer, 1-10; C. E. Steuven, 1-10; FrankLockwood, 1-9; T. H. Soward, 1-9.


Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

The Fourth.

The one hundred and seventh anniversary of the Nation’s independencewas celebrated in grand style last Wednesday. The people commenced gatheringbefore sunrise, and from that time on until eleven o’clock every roadleading into Winfield was crowded with teams, pedestrians, and horsem*n.

At ten o’clock the procession was formed on Main Street by W. J.Hodges, Chief Marshal, and marched to Riverside Park, headed by the CourierBand.

Arriving at the Park the band discoursed several patriotic tunes, afterwhich the address was delivered by Dr. T. B. Taylor. After the speech camedinner and after dinner the various games, races, etc.

The sack race was won by J. W. Bradley and the tub race by D. Quier.A twelve-year-old boy succeeded, after several attempts, in getting thefive dollar gold piece on the top of a greased pole. In the glass ball shootthe high honors were divided between Jas. McLain and Charlie Black.

The races were the most interesting feature. In the mixed trotting andpacing race, there were six entries. The race was won by Ed. Reed’s"Blanche Belle," in 3:09 and 3:05; P. T. Walton’s "Mollie,"second; S. W. Phoenix’ "Lilac," third; Sol. Burkhalter’s"Jumbo," fourth; Dorley’s "Dan," fifth; Rez Stephens’"Tinker," sixth.

In the running race one of the riders was thrown, but the race was repeatedin the evening. A sham battle took place after the races, and in the eveninga flambeaux procession with Roman candles wound up the festivities in abrilliant manner.

It is estimated that ten thousand people were in attendance, which estimationis placed below rather than above. In fact, the "woods were full of’em."

The sickness of Col. Whiting interfered somewhat with the regular coursehe had mapped out, but everything went off smoothly. Capt. S. C. Smith,R. E. Wallis, Geo. H. Buckman, Chas. C. Black, and J. P. Baden did faithfulwork in the formation and carrying out of the program. Especially was thisthe case with Charlie Black, in whose hands the amusem*nt business was placed.

Perhaps the highest praise is due to the Courier Cornet Band. They wereout by seven o’clock and until ten o’clock at night were continuallyin the harness, adding pleasure and entertainment to the vast crowd. Themusic was splendid and was highly appreciated by citizens from all partsof the county. We heard dozens of persons express surprise at the fact thatWinfield could support such a band. The boys covered themselves all overwith glory, and the doubters who howl that Winfield can’t support agood band are heard no more.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

The committee on Fourth of July met at the COURIER office Tuesday afternoonand "settled up." After all the bills were paid, there was $31.20left in the treasury. A meeting of the subscribers will be held at thisoffice soon to decide what shall be done with the balance. This was themost successful Fourth ever held here, and it was carried on and wound upwithout friction or unpaid balances.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

We would call the attention of the "Champion Beer Bottle Discoverer"of the Telegram to the fact that in spite of his statistics, outof the ten thousand people here on the Fourth, we did not see a single drunkenman, or hear of a disturbance of any kind, nor was there an arrest madeon that day. This is a record that we are proud of, and one that could neverhave been made with open saloons on the street. As long as his beer bottlestatistics produce no bad effect, we are willing he should figure. It willdo no harm and his brain needs rest.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

At a meeting of the Courier Cornet Band held July 6th, 1883, the followingresolution was unanimously adopted.

WHEREAS, It is the intention of the Courier Cornet Band to serenade sundryof the citizens of Winfield at different times during the summer, Thereforebe it

Resolved, That it will be impossible for the organization to beentertained by any of the citizens on the nights of serenade. A word fromthe door or a light at the window is all the recognition they desire.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.

Riverside Park looked like it had been struck by a cyclone the day afterthe Fourth. The beautiful blue-grass was tramped into the ground, and thedebris of picnics and lemonade stands were scattered thick around.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1883.

The Cowley County Telegram offers three premiums at the coming fair.Ten dollars and one year’s subscription for the fastest walking workteam to farm wagon. Three dollars, first premium, and two dollars secondpremium for the best letter of one hundred words to the Telegram writtenby a Cowley County boy or girl not over fifteen years old. For further particulars,see the Telegram.


Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

We publish this week entire the premium list for the first annual exhibitionof the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association. It is a matter ofinterest to everyone and should be carefully preserved. Every farmer andhis lady in Cowley County should try to furnish something for competitionand make the best fair ever held in Kansas. The premium lists are now readyfor distribution and will be furnished upon application to the secretary,Ed. P. Greer.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

[Skipped by me...Premium List of the Cowley County Fair and Driving ParkAssociation...Took up almost all of the Front Page.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

The posts are all set around the fair ground and the fence will be completedin another week.

Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

The new fair grounds catch all the buggies in town every pleasant evening.The track is a splendid place to drive.


Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.

Old Soldiers’ Reunion.

At the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Fair Association lastSaturday, arrangements were made with a committee from the G. A. R. fora grand reunion of old soldiers in the Southwest to be held here duringthe fair. The Association will furnish camping ground, fuel, and ammunitionfor a sham battle, free, and admit all old soldiers and their families duringthe four days of the fair at 50 cents each for adults, 25 cents for childrenunder 18 and over 12. These tickets admit at all times during the four daysof the fair at a gate provided especially for them and under the controlof the G. A. R. It is thought that fully five thousand old soldiers willbe in attendance, and one of the biggest times in the history of the countywill be had. A barracks will be built in the Fair Grounds. Park and everythingput in pleasant shape for their accommodation.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1883.

We were shown the plans of the new fair buildings this week at the superintendent’soffice, drawn by S. A. Cook. The main building will be 50 x 50, two storieshigh, with two wings 30 x 50. The wings only will be constructed this year.The structure is on the Gothic order and will be very handsome. The fencingin of the grounds is rapidly going on and is constructed of barb wire ninestrands high; the posts are of oak and sunk three feet in the ground; theeighth wire runs along the top of the posts, the ninth wire being carriedby iron stanchions placed between each post. To beat this fence you willhave to dress up in an iron suit. The general entrance gates will be inthe southeast corner of the grounds, opposite Riverside Park entrance. Therewill be another gate in the southwest for the convenience of people livingin the west and the reception of stock and general exit purposes. The ticketoffice will be located in the southeast corner at the general entrance.Telegram.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

The Board of Directors of the Fair Association put in the forenoon ofFriday inspecting the grounds with a view of locating buildings, pens, cattlestalls, etc. At the afternoon meeting of the Board, the bids for lumberwere opened and the contract let for $948.50. Work will be begun on thebuildings as soon as the lumber arrives. Ample space is being provided forthe grand display which will be made.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

The splendid track on the Fair grounds is proving a big attraction fordrivers. Every evening for two hours the track is crowded with buggies,and some very slow-time-to-heavy-buggy races are the result. It will notbe long until most every citizen will own a good roadster.

Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

As soon as the stock in the Fair Association is all placed, the secretarywill prepare for publication a full list of those who have taken stock andthus enabled Cowley to secure a permanent fair.


Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.

Paper Read Before the Cowley County Horticultural Society by its President,J. F. Martin.

We have at this time in this county two chartered institutions that havenot only grown out of the prosperity of agricultural pursuits, but willbe reciprocal of great good to these vital interests. I refer to the CowleyCounty Horticultural Society and the Cowley County Fair and Driving ParkAssociation.

The first named society was organized five years ago by a few enthusiasticfruit-growers, and has not only maintained its existence, but has grownin interest and influence. The exhi-bition of fruit at the state and ourcounty fairs last year which was grown in this county and collected by thissociety showed the possibilities of our section and the vitality of thesociety. Much was the interest created in our county by these exhibits andthe good influence thus brought to bear was not confined to our own state,but extended to other states and is aiding in bringing desirable personsto settle among us.

We have lately formed the Fair Association, and it is on as firm a basisand with as fair prospects for a grand success as ever attended a similarorganization.

These two societies are destined to exercise an important part in thedevelopment and history of our county and state. No one will question theimportance and good results arising from a permanent and well managed fair.It is simply a matter of necessity in order to rapidly develop any county.Is it not the duty of every good citizen to encourage both of these organizationsto the extent of their ability?

But the special purpose of this article is to refer to the relation ofeach of these societies to the other. Agriculture is the art of cultivatingthe soil, management of stock, etc., while horticulture embraces the culturein small plats or fields of vegetables, fruits, and flowers. The formerembraces the latter, while the latter demands of the gardener a greaterproficiency in manipulating the soil, and a greater knowledge of the diversityand needs of vegetable growth. The farmer may decide on what preparationwill be best in reference to planting certain crops, then give the matterbut little additional thought except to properly execute the work; whilefor the gardener there is a continual demand for the exercise of skill andjudgment.

No successful horticulturalist finds the time when he can stop investigatingand learning as to the objects to be attained and as to the best means tobe used to secure the ends desired. In the management of each kind of vegetablediffering in variety or time of planting, or in the culture, pruning, etc.,of each tree or flower, knowledge is in demand, and a continual exerciseof a well informed judgment is imperative.

It is the lack of this training and exercise of brain power that detersmany successful farmers from enjoying the blessing of a good garden of vegetables,fruits, and flowers. It is this active use of brain power directing hisskillful hands that constitutes one great differ-ence in his employmentand the too often monotonous operations of the farm. While these and theircharacteristic differences are apparent, there can be no antagonism betweenthe two occupations, for horticulture is but agriculture diversified andrefined. Our first parents were divinely instructed in this finer branchof agriculture; for "he was put into the garden of Eden to dress itand to keep it."

Therefore, societies for the advancement of agriculture and horticultureshould not embarrass or antagonize each other, but each, working in itsdepartment in its own peculiar way, may and should perfectly harmonize inthe one great work of giving encouragement and disseminating knowledge,so often needful to toiling husbandmen. A brotherhood of the tillers ofthe soil should not only be acknowledged, but encouraged everywhere by thesekindred organizations. And may we not hope that the time may soon come thatfarmers will recognize and enjoy a union of interests, so that when theymeet, they will no longer feel a repelling but an attractive power towardeach other.

The horticultural society has its peculiar work to do, and while we enthusiasticallypursue it, we may gladly join hands and aid, as permitted, the laborersin the county agricultural society; that while we are working separately,we may remember that our interests are one and inseparable.

Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

O’Meara & Randolph have on exhibition at their store the splendidbaby carriage to be given in their special premium offer during the fair.It is one of the finest ever brought to Winfield, and the lucky baby willtravel in state.


Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Five families in Cowley County have indicated their intention of competingfor the COURIER special premium at the fair. It will take two columns ofthe paper to publish the names of all the families. It will be interestingmatter, not only to the families, but to the public generally.

[Notice relative to special premiums appeared in earlier newspaperissue. MAW]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 19, 1883. Front Page.


The special premiums offered below will be assigned to special locationin the main building, or on the grounds, and will be under the managementand control of the General Superintendent. Entries must be made as in otherclasses, but the Secretary’s card shall indicate for whose specialpremium the exhibit will enter for, and the exhibitors must be governedby the restrictions named in the special premium. Payment of premiums willbe made by the parties offering the same, on the certificate of the awardingcommittee, said committee to be appointed by the executive board of theassociation.


For the fastest walking team one half mile, in common farm wagon, $10.00,and the TELEGRAM for one year. Entries free and limited to teams owned inthe county.

Lot 2. BY M. L. READ’S BANK.

TEN DOLLARS. For the best and largest collection of farm products raisedby any farmer in Cowley County in the year 1883. Three or more to enter.


FIVE DOLLARS. For the best five pounds of butter made by any farmer’swife in Cowley County. Three or more to enter, and the prize butter to bethe property of Wallis & Wallis.


TEN DOLLAR DRESS PATTERN. For the best pair of hand knit men’s allwool socks, by any lady in Cowley County. Three or more to enter. Dresspattern on exhibition at my store thirty days before the Fair. The prizesocks to remain on exhibition at my store.


TEN DOLLARS. For the largest hog of any color, sex, or breed, open tothe world. Bring out your big hogs.


TEN DOLLAR SILVER CASTOR. For the best and neatest made sun bonnet byany lady in Cowley County. No restrictions as to material, style, or shape.Three or more must enter to take Premium.


TEN DOLLARS. For the best and largest display of vegetables raised inCowley County this year. Three or more must enter to take money.


THREE DOLLARS. For the best and largest 300 ears of straight, white,or yellow corn grown in Cowley County this year. Three or more must enterto take money.


SEVEN DOLLAR FRUIT CHROMO. For ten of the largest apples grown in CowleyCounty. No restrictions as to variety. Three or more to enter. Chromo onexhibition at my place of business and at the main building during Fairweek.


THREE DOLLARS. For the best trained colt foaled in 1883. Must be trainedby boy under 15 years, and exhibited under halter in the speed ring. Twoor more must enter to take money.


FIVE DOLLARS. For the best exhibit in the culinary department to be preparedby the exhibitor. Open to all.


FIVE DOLLARS. For the largest yield of wheat per acre, of not less than10 acres, sample of wheat shown, and affidavit of grower and thresher asto the quantity produced. Restricted to Cowley County growth.


FIVE DOLLARS. For the best five pounds of butter in one pound prints,made by exhibitor. Restricted to Cowley County. Creamery butter barred.


TEN DOLLAR LADIES CLOAK. For the best and neatest hand made calico comfort,by any lady in Cowley County. Three or more to compete for the prize.

Lot 15. BY A. H. DOANE & CO. COAL & WOOD.

FIVE DOLLARS. For five stalks of corn with ears attached. The corn tobe husked, shelled, and weighed by the committee, and the largest and heaviestyield to take the money. Three or more to enter.



THIRTY DOLLAR BABY WAGON. Will be awarded to the lucky baby under oneyear of age, open to the world as follows. Entries open on Friday, Sept.28th, from 2 to 3 p.m. Each baby as entered will be numbered 1, 2, and 3,and up, until the hour of closing, after which, cards corresponding withthe number of babies will be placed in a box, when the awarding committeewill conduct the drawing to the satisfaction of all. The prize baby wagonwill be on exhibition in the show window of Messrs. O’Meara & Randolph,thirty days before the opening of the Fair, and on the grounds during exhibitionweek.


For best colt, sired by "Lilac," Ten Dollars. Second best $5.00.


For the best loaf of bread made by Miss under fifteen years of age, FiveDollars.


To the parents of the largest family in Cowley County, embracing sons,daughters, son-in-laws, daughter-in-laws, and grandchildren. The WINFIELDCOURIER will present a ten dollar gold piece, and a life subscription tothe COURIER. All entries in this class must be made at the office of thesecretary on or before the third day of the Fair. The result will be publishedin detail in the COURIER together with the names of all contestants andtheir families. This premium is offered so that the most material interestof our county may not pass without recognition.


For the best letter of not more than one hundred words, to the TELEGRAM,written by a Cowley County boy or girl not over fifteen years old, $3.00and ten years subscription to the TELEGRAM. For the second best letter onsame condition, $2.00 and five years subscription to the TELEGRAM. Lettersmay be written on any subject concerning Cowley County or Cowley Countymatters. The letters must be addressed to the TELEGRAM and signed by thewriters’ full name accompanied by post office address, and must bewritten in time for publication previous to September 17th. The letterswill all be published in the TELEGRAM. The manuscripts will be carefullypreserved and submitted to competent judges on the first day of the Fair.The winners may have their papers sent to themselves or their friends asthey may prefer.


Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.

Cowley County Fair.

Cowley County holds a fair from the 25th to the 28th of September. Mr.D. L. Kretsinger, of Winfield, is the Superintendent. He was in the cityyesterday making arrangements for cheap fares and freights on exhibits,and succeeded in procuring three cents a mile for round trip tickets andreasonable rates for exhibits. He informed us that a stock company had beenformed with $10,000 capital, on which 70 percent had been paid. They havebought 53 acres of land for fair purposes, paying $75 per acre therefor.It looks as though Cowley County would have a big fair. Commonwealth.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1883.

We have received a copy of Premium List, Rules, and Regulations of "FirstAnnual Exhibition of Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association"to be held at Winfield on September 25, 26, 27, and 28, 1883. Quite a largeamount of money will be paid as premiums, and we feel certain that a glorioussuccess awaits our county fair. Lists can be furnished at this office.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Four new wells are being put down on the fair grounds by David Dix.


Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

The Directors of the Fair Association at their meeting last Saturdaylet the contract for building the main exhibition building to D. R. Layco*ck,who will commence work this week. Several car loads of lumber are now onthe track. The two wings of the main exhibition building, each 30 by 69feet, will be put up at once. The center building, which is to be 40 x 40,two stories high with towers and minarets, will not be erected until later.The lumber for the stalls, pens, amphitheater, and offices will be herethis week and put in place as soon as workmen can be secured to do it. Themillet crop now growing on the grounds will be removed by the twenty-fifthof this month. During the next month the grounds will present a scene ofgreat activity. As soon as the box stalls are completed, they will be occupiedby horsem*n who intend to put their horses into active training and desireto keep them near the track.


Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

We have received a copy of the Premium List, Rules, and Regulations ofthe First Annual Exhibition of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Associationto be held at Winfield from September 25th to 28th, inclusive. It is a neatlyprinted pamphlet of 66 pages and contains the articles of incorporation,constitution and by-laws, general rules and regulations, and a completelist of premiums to be awarded by the association. The unprecedented pros-perity,and agricultural growth of the county makes it probable that this will bethe most interesting exhibition of the kind ever held in the county. News.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

We are in receipt of the premium list of the Cowley County Fair. Likeall the lists received so far, and they have been numerous, the premiumsoffered are liberal. The fair comes off September 25th to 28th. Cheap passengerand freight rates have been given.

Topeka Daily Commonwealth.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

Five hundred dollars additional subscription to the capital stock ofthe Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association was reported to theBoard at their meeting Saturday, for the week ending on that day.


Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.

We’ll Go.

Ed. Greer, of the Winfield COURIER, is secretary of the Cowley countyfair and driving park association. He sends us a complimentary ticket whichsays: "Admit Sinner Shelton and lady." Now we are satisfied thatwe can’t get in on this ticket, but we’ll be there all the same.When the gatekeeper beholds our pious physiognomy, he will refuse to admitus on a sinner ticket. The fair and races will be held on September 25,26, 27, and 28, and a big time is expected. Wichita Times.

The gatekeeper will be especially instructed in regard to Mr. Shelton,so we hope he will feel perfectly safe on that score. We cannot afford tohave him miss attendance as he is advertised as one of the principal attractionsin the natural curiosity department.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

Spencer Miner has purchased a fine horse and buggy of Dr. Dunn and nowchases the boys around at the fair grounds every evening.

Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.

The Kansas Band Union meets at Topeka during the State Fair. The bandspay a railroad rate of two cents per mile, one cent of which is borne bythe State Fair Association. This will take the boys to Topeka and back forlittle or nothing. Del. A. Valentine, the president, is doing everythingin his power to make the meeting as pleasant as possible.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

The races at the Fair Grounds Saturday will be first-class and livelyones. There will be a big crowd in attendance.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

The interest in the Cowley County Fair is increasing to a regular boom.The fair will be the best ever held in Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

The colored poster work for the Fair Association has arrived and soonthe buildings all over the county will be illuminated with it.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Every morning between six and seven o’clock, the horsem*n traintheir race horses on the track at the Fair Grounds. There are about a dozenhere now in training for the Fair.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

O’Meara & Randolph are getting up an advertising novelty whichwill attract numerous attention when it comes out. The premium baby carriagedon’t give everyone a fair chance, so this latter novelty will be broughtout to satisfy those who are unable to come in on the baby show.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Mr. R. B. Noble, of Dexter, has several of the finest pieces of horse-fleshin the county. His two Norman stallions are splendid specimens of heavydraught animals. In addition to these he has an excellent Clydesdale stallionand a fine Kentucky Jack. As they will probably be exhibited at the countyFair, our people will have a chance to examine them.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

A misunderstanding seems to exist in regard to the premium baby carriageoffered by O’Meara and Randolph. It is not to the prettiest baby, butto the "luckiest" baby. All babies may compete and no entrancefee of any kind will be charged. It will simply be a general drawing tosee which baby gets the carriage.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

W. A. Lee is arranging to exhibit one of his patent sulky plows at thefair. It has the Anti-friction roller landside, as perfected and built bythe Hapgood Plow Co.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

The Fair.

The fair grounds present a scene of unusual activity now-days. Duringlast week the large force of men were at work on the building, box stalls,cattle stalls, and offices. These are now mostly completed, leaving onlythe hog and sheep compartments to finish. The two main exhibition buildings,each thirty by fifty feet, are firmly laid in solid stone foundations. Theyare located between the grove and the judges’ stand near the race track.West of this, under the spreading boughs of a cluster of elm trees, is thesecretary’s office, a neat little building, fitted up in good shape.Farther north, just in the east edge of the grove, are twenty box stallsfor the fine horses and race stock. Six of these stalls are now being occupiedby race horses with their trainers. The stalls are in the grove far enoughto be entirely shaded during the afternoon, and are as pleasant and comfortableas anyone could desire. Beyond these, still farther north and in the timberedge are seventy cattle stalls, substantially built, in double tiers androofed over. Along the north side of the grove is the location selectedfor the sheep and hog departments. These will be entirely under the treesand shaded all day. Stretching out south from this is a seventeen acre grove,as cool, pleasant, and shady as can be found anywhere, and bounded on thewest by the clear waters of the Walnut River. The grove is in splendid conditionand is one of the most attractive features of the grounds. On the race trackthe judges’ stand is up and by Saturday night the track will be enclosedon the outside with a light picket fence. There is no finer half mile trackin Kansas. The amphitheater, which will be located opposite the judges’stand, will not be up for several weeks. The grounds are fenced with ninebarb wires, and is man or boy proof. Near the main entrance gate the fencingis made with high pickets instead of wire, to prevent damage from crowding.The location, arrangement, and general convenience of the grounds are notsurpassed by those of any county fair. All that is needed now to make ourfair a perfect success and benefit to the people is for everyone to combineto make the exhibits complete, showing the best of every product our countycan produce. If you have a good sample of your farm products, save it forthe fair. Let it be brought into competition with the products of otherfarms in other parts of the county, and if you are beaten, find out howit was done, and how you can best bring your products up to a higher standard.The exhibit in stock promises to be something heretofore unknown in thehistory of county fairs, and the public will be astonished to find whatexcellent grades of horses and cattle, hogs and sheep Cowley County canshow.


Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

The First races of the season come off at the Fair Grounds Saturday.A lot of horses are now on the grounds training for the fair and more arecoming, and the horsem*n and citizens have combined in making these races.An admission fee of 25 cents for adults, 10 cents for children, and 10 centsfor teams will be charged. Part of the proceeds go to make up the pursesand part for rent of track and grounds. The following is the program.

1. Running race, one mile dash.

2. Trotting—matched race, mile heats, two best in three.

3. Running race—half mile dash, open to all. Purse $25.00.

4. Trotting—mile heats, county horses. Citizen’s purse, $75.00:$45.00 to first, $22.50 to second, $7.50 to third. Four to enter, threeto start. Entrance fee, 10 percent of purse.

5. Matched pony race, half mile dash.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Mr. John Coulter of Topeka spent a few hours of Wednesday in the city,in the interest of the State Fair. He conducts the Kansas bureau of theKansas City Journal, and is one of the brightest young newspapermen in the state.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

Ed. Nicholson and family left Thursday for a short visit among friendsin Illinois. He will return in time to take a hand in the fair.

Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

The price list of privileges for stands, etc., during the fair will befurnished on applica-tion to the secretary, Ed. P. Greer.


Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.


AUG. 18TH, 1883.

Society called to order by President; minutes of special meeting readand approved. Society requested Mr. N. G. Davis to publish his essay on"Onion Culture and Varieties." President appointed as a Committeeto collect and exhibit fruit at the County Fair (not to compete for premiumas a society) by consent of Society, Jacob Nixon, S. H. Jennings, Dr. Marsh.S. E. Maxwell, A. J. Burrell, N. J. Larkin, R. L. Hogue, A. R. Gillett.President read report on Tree Growth, from Mr. Frederick McIntosh, as follows.

"It has been said by the poet that the groves were God’s firstTemples. And in years that are gone by; in the lapse of centuries when theDruids met in groves to practice their heathen rites, we see that they,rude and barbarous though they were, chose groves to practice their mysticand magical ceremonies.

"Aside from their grandeur, beauty, and utility, there is nothingthat adds so much to the value of a farm as groves. At my few leisure momentsof the past week I have visited some of the groves of your county, and learnedwhat I could of them. I first inspected Mr. Penning-ton’s place, onthe western border of the county. I found he had about 5,000 cottonwoods,60 feet high, 5 feet, 10 inches in circumference—that is, a great manywere; some not more than three feet. the largest were nine years old, fromcuttings; the others being planted some years later. He then went with meto his walnut grove, consisting of 400 beautiful trees about 50 feet high.They were also 9 years old from seed.

"We then visited Mr. Joseph Han’s catalpa grove, which wasa grand sight indeed. There were 2,000 trees in his ground about thirtyfeet high, 8 years old from seed. We then took a glance at Mr. Pennington’scatalpa trees. They were fully 40 feet high, planted from seed 9 years ago.He had about 100.

"We then had completed all that was of interest in forestry at thatpoint, so we visited Mr. Isaac Wood’s place. He had about 2 acres offine cottonwood trees, about 50 feet high; could not learn when they wereplanted—would judge about 7 or 8 years from cuttings.

"There being no other groves on my road, and having only a few momentsto spare, I found I could not visit the grounds of some other parties. Iconcluded to drive back to this place and tell you the result of my trip.You will see at once that you may all be able to sit in the shade of grand,beautiful groves if you only will. A great many persons think and act asthough they could not have trees around them. To prove to the people ofKansas that they could have forests, Mr. Robert Douglas, of Waukegan, Illinois,who certainly understands forestry, says: ‘In order to establish thefact that forests can be successfully planted without the aid of experts,we took three contracts in Crawford County, Kansas. We have already planted500 acres, two contracts, and will plant 500 acres more before the firstday of May. These trees are planted by ordinary laborers, superintendedby a man who never worked a day in a nursery. They are planted with spades,and stand 4 x 4 feet apart. We plant 2,720 trees to the acre. Our contractcalls for 2,000. They consist of three-fifths catalpa speciosa and two-fifthsailanthus. The catalpa three years planted stand 6 to 10 feet high, 2 to3 inches in diameter at the collar.’

"Thus you may see what can be done in your own county and also atother places in Kansas. In conclusion, I will say that walnut, from itsvalue, deserves to be planted largely, and as a county laborer in horticulturalpursuits, I wish that you who are without groves would make a strong effort,and I am sure you will not fail. As we glide slowly down the stream of life,we can have the consolation that someone will be benefitted by our labors,and the wind will whisper among the leaves as the sounds of many AeolianHarps, making music in our souls for the good we have done" FREDERICKMcINTOSH.

Mr. Hogue—Have 2 year old cottonwood from cuttings that are 16 ft.high.

Mr. Robertson reported growth of trees at Mr. Beach’s farm in BeaverTownship as follows: Black walnut 25 feet high, 7 inches in diameter; boxelders 20 feet high, diameter 8 inches—one acre in grove one year old.On his own farm the mulberry, 11 years since set, is 10 inches in diameter.Red cedar 10 yrs., from seed is 6 inches in diameter, 15 to 20 feet high.Cherry, 8 years in hedge rows, 2 to 3 inches in diameter.

Report on Tree Growth was read by Secretary, as follows.

"I made the following measurements on the 15th inst. on tree growthon my farm 3 miles east of Oxford; elevation 1165 feet (elevation of Winfield1105 feet), mulatto soil—excellent drainage—all on hill. Varieties—blackWalnut, from seed planted the spring of 1872, 4 x 4 feet, 20 rods long,no cultivation; circumference 8 to 14 inches, 16 feet high; have born nutsfor three years. Two cottonwoods in this row are 45 feet high and 40 inchesin circumfer-ence. I have a cottonwood grove, 12 rows 40 rods long, 4 x4 feet, from cuttings April 6th, 1877; circumference 18 to 28 inches, 35to 40 feet high. I am thinning to 8 x 8 feet. My catalpa grove of 2400 treesplanted spring of 1881, are 4 x 8 feet—only lost ten out of the lot—circumference4 to 6 inches, 8 to 12 feet apart, planted in 1876—20 rods long—circumference12 to 18 inches, 18 to 20 feet high, badly injured by a round-headed borer,purple color. Box Elder—planted in 1877, circumference 18 inches, height20 feet. Soft Maple—planted seed spring of 1871 in subsoiled sod; ruinedby borers in 1874; what few that are left are 20 to 25 inches in circumferenceand 25 feet high.

"Ben Davis apples—circumference 18 inches, 18 to 20 feet high.

"Sweet June—circumference 24 inches, 18 to 20 feet high.

"Winesap—circumference 24 inches, 18 to 20 feet high.

"Bartlett Pear—circumference 18 inches, 18 to 20 feet high.

"Foster Peach—planted 1882, circumference, 6 inches, 10 feethigh.

"On the Hafer farm on the Arkansas Valley, elevation 1125 feet,is a sample row of cottonwood planted by Messrs. Dunn and Ettenborough springof 1882; circumference 48 to 60 inches and 60 feet high.

"On the Taylor farm is a grove of 2-1/2 acres 4 x 8 feet apart,planted in 1877, I think, which are 40 to 50 feet high.

"Mr. Jackson has a three acre grove equally as good; stand 4 x 4feet apart.

"The soft maple has made a splendid growth on the Wooley farm.

"The Mecca for tree-growers is Mr. Ware’s farm, on the uplandin section 21, township 32, range 3, and will well repay a visit from anyoneto show the adaptability of our soil to tree growth: elevation 1145 feet.Walnut—planted spring of 1874, 8 x 8 feet, 2 nuts in a hill; circumference20 inches, 35 feet high—straight and slender. Cottonwood—1 yearold, trees planted at some time and distance are 36 inches in circumferenceand 65 to 70 feet high. At same time and distance he planted 2 year oldsoft maple; circumference 25 to 30 inches and 45 to 50 feet high. A singlerow of cottonwood along hedge lot is 51 inches in circumference and 60 feethigh, with 3 to 6 inches of guano covering the ground. He would plant 4by 8 feet apart if he planted again, and cut out one-half in 10 years. Hisapple trees are a No. 1 shape and growth, which are grown with alternaterows of peach; Maiden Blush and Willow Twig are full; Ben Davis, Winesap,and Janet nearly as full of apples." JACOB NIXON.

Mr. Millspaugh—A grove of trees would be a lasting monument to anyperson. Saw soft maple lumber that squared 17 inches at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa,that was sawed from trees he planted on the prairie in that city when hewent there.

Mr. Jennings—Ash very easy grown; has maple sown from seed lastspring 8 feet high.

Mr. Hogue—We only saved 10 percent of the Russian mulberry cuttingsfrom 4,000; would not consider it a success—which seemed to be theopinion of all present.

Mr. D. S. Sherrard planted walnut last fall which are now from 18 to30 inches high and one inch in circumference; also pecans, pressed in withfoot, alternate rows of peach put in. Black locust doing fine. Maple plantedin May are 2 feet high.

Mr. Robertson would prefer red cedar to walnut—getting as much growthbesides wind-breaks in winter.

President—Plow your ground in the fall for all cuttings.

Mr. Davis—Walnut stumps are worth $5.00 each in the ground in Ohio.

Mr. Hogue—Red cedar injured by an insect cutting off the limbs orfronds.

Mr. Millspaugh exhibited Concord grapes and Keswick Codlin apples.

Mr. Jennings exhibited Hayes Wine and K. Codlin apples.

Mr. Hayden showed a 20 oz. Giant of Rocco onion.

Fine sample of Washington Territory wheat that yielded 60 bushels peracre and had five grains abreast was exhibited by A. B. Arment of this city.

Adjourned to meet 1st Saturday in September at 2 p.m.

JACOB NIXON, Secretary. J. F. MARTIN, President.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

The Fair Association has several wagons out putting up their coloredposter work in this and adjoining counties.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

The Fair Ground track is now fenced all around with the new picket fence.It looks splendid and is strong and durable.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

MARRIED. In all the joys of life there are some rough places. Mr. R.E. Brooking finds it so. His friends could not let the occasion of his marriagepass without having some fun at his expense, so several of them slippedup Sunday evening and changed the wheels of his buggy, putting the frontwheels behind. Coming out with the blushing bride he got into the buggyand drove off without noticing the change, so preoccupied was his mind.Driving through the park and fair ground, he was several times accostedwith the inquiry if it wasn’t a new style of buggy, until he finallygot mad and vowed to mash the next individual who presumed to question him.It was a good while, however, before he discovered the cause of their interest,and then the air turned blue for two blocks around.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Every stall erected up to date on the fair grounds has been engaged andthe association finds it necessary to erect additional ones at once. Exhibitorsshould apply for stall room to the secretary soon in order to insure beingsupplied.


Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

Report of Wheat Yield. We have the pleasure of reporting the followingyield of wheat: Amount of land, 9-1/2 acres; number of bushels, machinemeasure, 429; actual weight over machine measure, 25 bushels; total numberof bushels, 454, making a yield per acre of 48 bushels and 12 pounds. Thisextraordinary yield may be beaten, as there is some very heavy wheat yetto thresh. We will exhibit a sample of this wheat at our County Fair, withthe certificate of the thresher and measurer. T. B. Ware, Chas. F. Ware.

Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.

The stockholders’ tickets for the coming Fair are now ready fordistribution and each stockholder can get his by calling on the secretary.They must be applied for in person.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

The main exhibition buildings on the Fair grounds will be completed thisweek.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Several more race horses came down from Wichita Monday and are quarteredin the stables on the Fair grounds, in training.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

The ladies of the Christian Church will serve refreshments on the Fairgrounds during the Fair. The proceeds go toward seating their new church.They earnestly solicit the patron-age of all members of the church and thepublic generally, who attend. Committees will soon wait on the citizensfor donations of eatables, etc., and we hope they will be met with thatliberality which characterizes our city in all such matters.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

The workmen trimmed up the Fair Ground grove again last week and it isnow as clean, cool, and shady as any one could desire. It is a splendidgrove and will be a retreat to which visitors to the fair can go and eattheir dinners and enjoy themselves during the heat of the day, with somecomfort and satisfaction.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

At their meeting Tuesday evening the Courier Cornet Band completed arrangementsfor their new set of instruments. They will be Lecompte horns, the bestmade, triple silver plated, and will be the finest band instruments in thestate. They will probably use them for the first time during the fair.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

A force of men have been at work with scythes on the fair grounds duringthe past week, cutting and cleaning away the grass and rubbish. The groundsare being put in splendid shape under the efficient management of Supt.Kretsinger.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

The Premium Corn Stalk.

On Saturday Messrs. P. H. Albright and Co. awarded their premium of onedollar per foot for the tallest stalk of corn grown in Cowley County thisyear, to Master George McClellan Coulter of Beaver Township. The stalk wasfifteen feet five inches long and Master George received the firm’scheck for $15.42 and went home rejoicing. There were about forty competitorsfor the prize. The stalk will be on exhibition in the COURIER office untilthe next crop comes in.

Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

$30. Special Premium for Corn.

P. H. Albright & Co. at the County Fair will pay a premium of $30;$15 to the 1st, $10 to the 2nd and $5 to the 3rd, for the three bushelsof corn brought to the Fair having the least number of ears to the bushel:a bushel to weigh 75 lbs., and no person to take more than one premium.Corn to be raised by party claiming premium.


Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Cowley County Fair.

The following additional premiums are offered for Cowley County grownnursery stock, T. B. Myers, superintendent. Also special premium offeredby Hogue & Mentch.

[First Premium Listed. Second Premium: They had "Dip" underthis column.]

Best display of nursery grown fruit trees: $2.00

Best display of ornamental trees and shrubs: $2.00

Best display of nursery grown evergreens: $2.00

Best display of Deciduous trees: $2.00

Best 10 apple trees: $1.00

Best 10 peach trees: $1.00

Best 10 cherry trees: $1.00

Best 10 apricot trees: $1.00

Best 10 pear dwarf trees: $1.00

Best general display of nursery stock: $5.00

All fruit trees or shrubs shown must be grown by the person in whosename they are entered. Collections gathered from other growers will notbe entitled to premiums.

For the best display of classified insects, by any person, Hogue &Mentch will give nursery stock at list price to the amount of $8.00. Twoor more must enter.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.


Week after next Cowley County will hold her first regularly organizedand thoroughly equipped Fair. Its success is now beyond any question, andthe benefits to be derived from it by the county are incalculable. The groundsare nicely located with a splendid grove, good water, large and commodiousbuildings, stables, and pens, and one of the finest tracks in the state.The display of Cowley’s stock and productions will be full and complete,and we imagine will astonish some of our slow going neighbors from our surrounding"districts," who will no doubt be present in numbers.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.


This is a great year for soldiers reunions, The old comrades like togather once again around the camp-fire and recount the days when they stoodshoulder to shoulder under the folds of the "Bonnie Blue Flag,"and fought for the peace and prosperity they now enjoy. Winfield is to bethe gathering place for one of these in October. The Fair Association hasgiven the use of the fair grounds and buildings for the occasion. It willbe a very pleasant place for such a gathering, and will afford ample accommodations.That the occasion will be one of profit and pleasure to the old soldiersof Cowley and adjoining counties is the COURIER’s earnest wish.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

The following superintendents of their respective departments will pleasemeet with the secretary at his office as early as possible on the firstday of the Fair, Sept. 25th. The duties of the superintendents will be tohave charge, under the general superintendent, of the depart-ments to whichthey are assigned, and to select judges to award the different premiums.Those who find it impossible to serve will notify the secretary as earlyas possible that others may be appointed in their stead.

Horses, James B. Schofield.

Mules, Sol Burkhalter.

Cattle, J. O. Taylor.

Sheep, S. S. Linn.

Hogs, W. J. Hodges.

Poultry, H. T. Shivvers.

Grain, grasses, etc., Henry Harbaugh.

Fruit, Jacob Nixon.

Vegetables, J. W. Millspaugh.

Farm and household, Mrs. J. F. Martin.

Flowers and shrubs, Mrs. J. L. Horning.

Fine arts, Miss Kate Millington.

Fancy work, Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger.

Household fabrics, Kansas manufacture, W. R. McDonald.

Jellies, etc., Mrs. S. S. Linn.

Preserves, Mrs. N. S. Perry.

Speed ring, J. L. Horning.

Agricultural implements, H. Brotherton.

Mechanic arts, T. B. Myers.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Sunday evening’s train brought in "Blue Cloud," a celebratedtrotter from Bismarck Grove, who will be put in training on the track forthe fair. During the week several trotting, pacing, and running horses havearrived, and others are on the way. In addition to a grand display in everydepartment, there will be some fine bursts of speed.

Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Davie, the nine year old son of J. L. Hodges, was thrown from a horsewhile racing on the fair ground track Sunday evening and lay senseless fora time, though not injured seriously. Dolphie Green also received a fallfrom his pony Saturday, which laid him out for a few moments. Parents can’tbe too careful about letting boys of this age use horses as they please.Being very venturesome, injurious results are apt to follow.


Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.

Entries for the Fair.

The entry books of the Cowley County Fair & Driving Park Associationare now open at the Secretary’s office in the COURIER editorial rooms.All who can should call and make their entries early and avoid the rushand hurry of the first day. There are no entry fees charged except in thespeed ring. ED. P. GREER, Secretary.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.

Ed. Greer, of the Courier, and Lawyer Asp visited the city lastFriday; the former was looking up matters in the interest of the CowleyCounty Fair.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.

The Cowley County Fair commences at Winfield on Tuesday next and willcontinue till Friday the 28th. It will be a little the biggest thing everrecorded in the history of the county.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.

The Arkansas City ball players last Monday night organized a base ballclub under the name of "The Actives." The boys are now gettingtheir uniforms made preparatory to playing at the Cowley County Fair.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.

The Winfield "Nine" went down to Arkansas City Wednesday toplay her club a game of base ball for the county championship. Victory isours, saith the Winfield lites. Courier.

The tide of events proved the "Winfieldites" to be "offtheir "base" just about as bad as the "Nine" were. Ourboys scooped ‘em bag and baggage, as will be seen by a perusal of thescore of the game in another column.

That Base Ball Game.

Winfield has a fly base ball club, with fly suits, much assurance, anda reputation well calculated to strike terror to the hearts of the insignificantball tossers in the rural districts. This club has vanquished everythingin the county, and finally concluded to wind up their march of victory bygiving the good people in this neck of the woods an exhibition of theirperfect playing. Our boys have no club, and none of them have played forseveral years, still they agreed to take up a few scribs and give our Winfieldfriends a trial—only daring to hope that they might be able to gethold of the ball often enough to make it interesting for their shoulderstriking visitors. In the first inning the raw recruits of the sand hillssucceeded in making only eleven runs; the magnanimous nine from the countyseat didn’t want any this time, and proceeded to go out in the orderin which they went to the bat. Then our boys rested a couple of inningsin order that their opponents might catch up. In the fourth and fifth inningsour boys scored ten and nine respectively, bringing the total score up tothirty—the Winfield boys close behind them with a total score of five.At this point our catcher was knocked out of time, and in the remaininginnings the gorgeous uniforms ran their score up to twenty-two, while ourambling haybinders modestly retired with fifty-three marks to their credit.Below will be found the score in detail.


ARKANSAS CITY: F. Gage, c.; C. Baxter, p.; G. Wright, s. s.; O. F. Godfrey,1st b.; Ollie Stevenson, 2nd b.; John Shelden, 3rd b.; E. Gage, l. f.; McNulty,c. f.; C. Hilliard, r. f.

WINFIELD: Conner, c.; Williams, p.; McMullen, s. s.; Freeland, 1st b.;Austin, 2nd b.; Hodges, 3rd b.; Hughes, l. f.; Moore, c. f.; Sherman, r.f.

FINAL SCORE: Arkansas City, 53; Winfield, 22.

Frank Schiffbauer, Umpire.

It is the intention, we believe, to play the return game on the fairgrounds in Winfield next week.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.

The Cowley County Fair.

The Cowley County Fair begins next Tuesday and continues until Saturday.The entry books opened last Friday and during Friday and Saturday over twohundred entries of stock and agricultural products were made. This is somethingunprecedented in the history of county fairs and looks a great deal as ifCowley was going to lead the state in this, as in all matters. Thirteenrace horses are now in the stables on the grounds and more are coming. Seventhousand dollars has been spent on the grounds and improvements. The A.T. & S. F. Railroad has made a rate of two cents per mile, which makesthe round trip from Arkansas City cost 56 cents. These tickets will be onsale at all stations on Tuesday.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.

Southern Kansas Reunion of Old Soldiers and Sailors.

There will be a reunion of the old soldiers and sailors of Southern Kansasheld at Winfield October 17, 18, and 19, 1883. A cordial, heartfelt, oldsoldier’s welcome will be extended to every comrade who comes. We havelarge and commodious halls on our fair grounds for quarters. Two of themost beautiful parks in the state, on the banks of the Walnut River, willform our camp ground. Races, sham battles, night skirmishes, flambeau club,torch light processions, glass ball match, boat races, Sherman’s bummers,Joe and his mule, music and eloquence around our camp fire will form a partof our amusem*nts. A beautiful banner will be presented to the best drilledpost by the G. A. R., the drill to be by Upton’s tactics, with notless than sixteen men. Reduced rates on all railroads in the state. Rationswill be furnished at actual cost. This is no money making institution ora boom for any fair. All it need cost any veteran is his actual travelingexpenses. Bring your guns, blankets, coffee cups, and frying pans, and thenforage for your rations. The Kansas Jayhawkers have not been through thispart of the state lately and you will find peace, plenty, and a soldier’swelcome. T. H. SOWARD, W. P. HACKNEY, J. S. HUNT, J. A. McGUIRE, Committeeon Invitation.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.


Next Tuesday is the opening day of Cowley’s big fair. That it willprove the biggest thing ever yet held within the borders of our county,there is no doubt. The entry books were opened Friday, and up to this timenearly three hundred entries have been made. The prepara-tions on the groundshave been pushed steadily forward and by Saturday evening everything willbe complete. The speed stables are full and other trotting and running horsesare on the way. The displays in all departments will be first class.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.


The Board of Directors have arranged for a "Winfield Day" duringthe fair. The day will be Thursday, and the Mayor will issue a proclamationclosing all the stores from eleven till four o’clock; so that the wholecity can turn out and give the fair a boom.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.


Senator Plumb, Hon. Chas. W. Blair, Col. Hallowell, Congressmen Hanbackand Peters have accepted invitations and will be present and address theboys at the Old Soldiers reunion to be held on the fair grounds Oct. 17,18, and 19. It will be a rousing old fashioned reunion—such an one,in point of real enjoyment, as has never been held in Kansas.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Prairie Home Productions.

The approaching County Fair seems to claim the attention and time ofmany at present. People expect the finest show in the vegetable and graindepartment ever exhibited before. I hope they will not be disappointed.May their anticipations be fully realized. This is the season for a nicefair, if ever. Let every farmer try and be represented by some productionfrom his farm, and every farmer’s wife try to get the premiums on butter.I know of one baby that will compete for the carriage, and, if it was forgood looks, I am certain she would carry off the prize. C. HOPE.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

The Davis machine at the fair.

The Davis is a mechanical wonder.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

The Cowley County Fair begins next Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Mr. C. J. Durham, of Douglass, has succeeded in locating on the "DurhamRanch" in the north part of this county, two celebrated stock men directfrom Scotland, Messrs. Tweedle and Purvoi. They brought with them twentyhead of Border Leicester sheep and a Clydesdale stallion and mare. The ranchconsists of four hundred acres well improved and well watered and shaded.They are gentlemen of high standing in Scotland and England as stock raisersand will make a new era in fine stock matters in Southern Kansas. They willexhibit their stock at our County Fair next week.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Jas. F. Martin, President of the Cowley County Fair and Driving ParkAssociation, was taken quite ill last week; but is now improving and willbe able to be at his post at the Fair next week.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Williams Dramatic Co. will open at the Opera House Tuesday, Sept. 25th,and remain during the Fair. The opening bill will be "The Little duch*ess,"which has received great praise wherever presented. A change of bill willbe made each night. The Company carry a fine uniform, Silver Cornet Bandand Orchestra, and number 17 persons. Reserved seats on sale at P. O. BookStore.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

The Arkansas City base ball club are of the opinion that they sent the"Winfield Nine" home from the contest in that city on Wednesdayof last week in sackcloth and ashes. They did "lay it over" ourboys a little, but the Winfieldites were so finely entertained that theygave this victory to their opponents in order to encourage a future contest.A base ball tournament with the Winfield, Harper, and Arkansas City clubstaking part is expected as one of the attractions at the Fair next week.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Mayor’s Proclamation. By request of a part of the businessmen ofWinfield, I hereby suggest that, so far as practicable, all business housesbe closed from 11 o’clock a.m., until 4 o’clock p.m., on Thursday,September 26th, in order that all who desire may attend the County Fairon said day. GEORGE EMERSON, Mayor. Sept. 19th, 1883.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Make Your Entries Immediately.

The first day after the opening of the entry books for the Fair overtwo hundred entries were made. Parties desiring to make entries should callat the Secretary’s office in the COURIER editorial rooms and make themimmediately. During the hurry and bustle of the first day of the Fair, itwill be almost impossible to get this done satisfactorily.

Ed. P. Greer, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

You will find the Davis in the South building at the fair.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1883.

The fair at Winfield began yesterday and will close Friday. Admissiontwenty-five cents.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1883.

The Soldiers’ Reunion.

Senator Plumb, Hon. Chas. W. Blair, Col. Hallowell, Congressmen Hanbackand Peters have accepted invitations to be present and address the boysat the old soldiers’ reunion to be held on the fair grounds in WinfieldOctober 17, 18, and 19. It will be a rousing old fashioned reunion—suchan one, in point of real enjoyment as has never been held in Kansas.

Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.

The ladies of the Christian Church are out in full force on the fairground and are doing splendidly with their dining hall. They took in overforty dollars for dinner Wednesday.


Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.


Magnificent Displays in Every Department and all Expectations Fully Realized.

The first annual exhibition of the Cowley County Fair and Driving ParkAssociation opened Tuesday morning last with extensive preparations anda clear sky. Early in the morning the streets began to look active, andby ten o’clock large numbers of persons were accepting of the manyfacilities for transportation to the beautiful Fair Grounds, and the thoroughfarehas been continually thronged since. Those who have no conveyances of theirown find ample accommodation in the numerous omnibuses, express wagons,and common vehicles manned by lusty "rustlers," fare twenty-fivecents; and then there are "Walker’s Line" and "Shank’sMare," fare nothing; but we notice few who embrace the latter modeof transportation—these flush times make it unnecessary. Every largeexhibition lasting through several days has its time of preparation, andon Tuesday and part of Wednesday, Cowley’s Fair was passing throughthis period. The superintendents and exhibitors were busy arrang-ing thedisplays, and were not in shape to give details, but we gained enough informationto make a synopsis of the great "show" in this issue, leavingthe bulk of details for next week, when everything will be over and fullreport can be given.

The first place visited as nearest the entrance, was the general exhibitionhall. On the right of the entrance are the Household fabrics, Kansas manufacture,in charge of Mr. W. R. McDonald. Every conceivable kind of "spread,"some of them elaborate, splendid rag carpets, and almost everything madein this line by the energy, taste, and deftness of Cowley’s ladies,are there to be seen. The different novelties here, as elsewhere, are deservingof special mention, but under the arrangement it was impossible to get thename of each exhibitor. The next thing encountered was the Flowers and Shrubs,presided over by Mrs. J. L. Horning. The display is very tastefully arranged,contains a good variety, and taken all in all, does Lady Flora full justice.Next to this is the Fine Art department, conducted by Miss Kate Millington,the most prominent among which are specimens of photography from the galleriesof Winfield’s artists, Messrs. Rodocker, McIntire, and Beck Bros.,and a finer display we challenge the state to produce.

You pass from this to the exhibit under Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, of FancyWork, and here is where the skill and taste of Cowley’s ladies areshown in all their reality. A man is seized with a renewed admiration ofthe gentler sex as he stands and beholds these marvelous specimens of herhandiwork. This is a very unique feature of the Fair.

On the west side of this hall is the array of our dealers in musicalinstruments—and sew-ing machines, Messrs. Friend, Stimson, Best, Roberts,and Fitch & Barron. The exhibitors of musical instruments have an attractionin good vocal and instrumental music, while the sewing machine gentlemenhave to depend entirely on the oiliness of their tongues.

The next building in the row contains S. H. Myton’s elegant displayof eighteen buggies, spring wagons, and carriages, all beautifully finishedand of Eastern manufacture.

As you pass on and step into the Agricultural Hall, you are struck withwonderment at the magnificence of the display. Enormous squashes, corpulentpumpkins, and obese melons, and, arranged in various ways, about one hundredand twenty different varieties of vegetables greet the eye. Stowed in onecorner are the fifty bushels of corn entered for P. H. Albright’s specialpremium, some of the ears as large as sticks of stove wood, and there isa glorious company of potatoes and onions. Prominent in this hall are thecollections of grains and grasses exhibited by Jas. F. Martin and ,both of Vernon Township, in competition for the special premium of M. L.Read’s Bank, the former containing forty-two different varieties andboth being very nicely arranged. Down at the farther end of this hall isa "layout" of every variety of apple and peach that ever grewon a tree, and such fruit as it is! One is instantly imbued, on seeing thisarray, with the reality of Cowley’s fruit productive-ness. It is splendidevidence that this county is destined to rank with any county in the Statefor fruit. In one corner of this building is the Farm and Household display,embracing the bread, butter, cakes, jellies, etc., under the superintendencyof Mrs. J. F. Martin. Jacob Nixon and J. W. Millspaugh seem to be the "hosts"in this hall, and after being shown around among the agricultural wonders,you leave with an exalted opinion of Cowley’s mammoth productiveness.

The next attraction for the visitor is the fine horses. There are horsesin profusion, some of them big Clydesdales, Norman, and Canadian, and anynumber of trotting and running horses, together with some of as fine broodersand yearlings as any county can show. Conspicuous among the blooded horsesare the two Norman stallions and one Clydesdale stallion of R. B. Noble,of Dexter, one of the former being the largest in the county, weighing 1970pounds; also the stallions of N. L. Yarbrough, of Floral; the two year oldClydesdale of R. F. Burden, and the mammoth two year old Clydesdale stallionand four year old mare of Messrs. Tweedle and Purvoi, recently from Scotland.This mare undoubtedly excels any-thing ever brought into our county. Theexhibition of horses of all kinds is exceedingly large and astonishes everybeholder.

In blooded cattle the showing is equally as good. About thirty shorthorn bulls are on exhibition, among the best being those of J. O. Taylor,S. H. Jennings, Mr. Bain, and J. S. Baker. Mr. Taylor shows a herd of shorthorn cows and calves, three of them the celebrated Jerseys. Mrs. M. J. Gilkeyof Maple City, Mr. Thompson of Rock, S. H. Jennings of Win-field, and Mr.Bain, recently from Kentucky, also show very fine specimens of short horncows and calves—some of them exceptionally good. That Cowley has madewonderful strides in the improvement of her cattle and horses, our fairreadily shows. For the conve-nience of those who, like the writer, for instance,can’t tell a short horn cow from any other, if both cows had theirheads in a barrel, Mr. Taylor is stationed at the corrals and takes greatpleasure in showing the visitors around.

There is an immense array of hog pens, filled with Poland Chinas, Berkshires,Chester Whites, and other breeds. The hog show is magnificent, some of thembeing as fine as can be produced, and is evidence that Cowley can hold herown on hogs against all comers. The sheep exhibit is also good, showingmany different kinds. There being no one who seemed capable of giving theinformation, we did not learn the names of any of the exhibitors. Next comesthe poultry, and of the feathered friends of man there is a fine show, themost attrac-tive being the three coops of Plymouth Rock’s, exhibitedby Mr. Samuel Lowe, of this city. There are many different kinds, but the"boss" of this department being absent, we hurriedly passed itby. There is an elegant exhibit of nursery stock by Hogue and Mentch, agood array of tombstones by Wm. Dawson, and agricultural implements by Brothertonand Silver and S. H. Myton. The ground was hurriedly gone over and theremay be some important omis-sions of special departments, but we will makeall amends next week.

Many fine race horses are on the ground and some splendid tallies ofspeed are being made. The person who visits the Fair today will see it atit* "golden mean," as the displays can be seen in their entirety,and many of the premiums will have been awarded. The grounds were throngedyesterday, many being present from other counties. Taken as a whole, theFair so far is a grand success, and covers Cowley all over with glory. Theadvertisem*nt the county will receive from this magnificent showing willbe of incalculable benefit. For true enterprise, energy, intelligence, andpluck, Cowley’s people can’t be beaten, of which fact our Fairis positive proof.


Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.


The population of Cowley County is over 23,000. That of Winfield is 4,000.The area of the county is 1,140 square miles. It raised this year 1,000,000bushels of wheat, on 40,000 acres; 7,000,000 bushels of corn on 117,000.

2,000 carloads of wheat.

17,500 carloads of corn.

1,600 carloads of oats.

500 carloads of rye.

500 carloads of potatoes.

500 carloads of fruit.

2,000 carloads, miscellaneous.

TOTAL: 25,100 carloads.

1,000 trains of 25 cars each. Samples to be seen at the fair ground.


Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.

The Teter Family.

The following is a list of the names of the family of Mr. Philip Teterof Beaver Township in Cowley County, Kansas, all living within a radiusof two and a half miles. They are all of well to do, money making, farmerfamilies, intelligent and highly esteemed citizens, all Re-publicans andprohibitionists. We enter this family for competition for the COURIER prize.

Philip Teter.

Margaret Teter, his wife.

Philip M. Teter, son of the above.

George H. Teter, son of the above.

Moses S. Teter, son of the above.

Wm. H. H. Teter, son of the above.

Mrs. Mary A. Browning, daughter of the above.

Mrs. Phoebe J. Vandeveer, daughter of the above.

Mrs. Martha J. Teter, wife of Geo. H.

Children of Geo. H. Teter.

Maggie Teter.

Alma Teter.

Ollie Teter.

Otho Teter.

Ada Teter.

Walter Teter.

Frank Teter.

Children of John W. Browning, husband of Mary A. (Teter) Browning.

Clara Browning.

Jessie Browning.

Robert W. Browning.

Mollie Browning.

Jennie Browning.

Joan Omer Browning.

Children of Moses S. and Margaret J. Teter.

Philip Sheridan Teter.

Luella Teter.

Mollie Teter.

James W. Teter.

William A. Teter.

Children of Wm. H. H. and Ella Teter.

Geo. M. Teter.

Carrie Teter.

John P. Teter.

Evart Teter.

Joseph R. Teter.

Children of John L. Vandeveer, husband of Phoebe J. (Teter) Vandeveer.

Philip C. Vandeveer.

Maud Ella Vandeveer.


Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.


We are going over to the Fair in force. Look out for premium corn, potatoes,pumpkins, etc., from the Grouse Valley. We will also bring the fatted calfand prodigal son.


Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.


As little as it is known, Otter Township produced the present fall asfine a lot of corn, stock, fruit, watermelons, and girls as ever graceda Cowley County Fair. I hope the girls will excuse me for mentioning themafter the stock and vegetables. JASPER.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 3, 1883.

Thanks to the admirable management and the general response of the farmers,our county fair, which closed last Friday, was a complete success. Our peoplehave a better idea now of the resources of this county, and the displayat the fair will doubtless give them new energy resulting in still greatersuccess next year. After seeing what we can do in the way of raising stockand farm products, we are firmly of the opinion that it is good to be aresident of Cowley County.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1883.

More Base Ball. The return game of ball between the Winfield club andthe Actives, of this city, was played on the fair grounds at the countyseat last Friday, for the championship of the county. It will be rememberedthat some two weeks ago the whole-souled athletes of Winfield gave our boysthe game "just to encourage them," after which the visiting clubwas entertained at the Leland Hotel at the expense of the home nine. Forthe game of last Friday, great preparations were made by the Winfield nine,five new players from the county at large being obtained to make the defeatof our boys more crushing. They fought hard, and the following table showsthe wonderful success attending their efforts.


ACTIVES. Wright, Gage, Stevenson, McNulty, Coombs, Shelden, Hilliard,Baxter, Godfrey.

WINFIELD. Davis, Williams, Clarke, Phraner, Foster, Bangs, McMullen,Austin, Sherman.

Five minutes after the game there wasn’t a Winfield ball playerto be seen, and our boys made a Dutch treat of it and took dinner at theBrettun. Before supper Mr. Williams, captain of the county seat club, theirbest player and a perfect gentleman, came around and redeemed Winfield’sreputation for hospitality, and the rival ball tossers separated with thebest of good feeling prevailing.


Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.

The Winfield base ball club were again beaten by the "Actives"of Arkansas City at the Fair last week. It seems that they have a prettyactive club at the Terminus after all.

Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.

The best apple we have seen this year was presented to us by Mr. S. P.Case of Vernon Township and raised on his farm. It measures 13-1/2 inches,weighs a pound, and is a beauty.

Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.

Mr. A. DeTurk of Pleasant Valley, brought us last Monday twelve Bartlettpears, weighing ten pounds. They beat anything that was exhibited at thefair and were the best in quality we ever saw.


Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.

The early settler who wandered around among the grand displays at theFair last week could not fail to be impressed with the wonderful stridesCowley County has made since thirteen years ago. At that time this countywas but little more than a desert, inhabited princi-pally by the howlingcoyote; today we have a thickly settled and well improved county, largenumbers of blooded stock of all kinds, handsome and costly homes, everyonesurrounded with the comforts of life, good citizens, and soil whose productivenessfills every granary to overflowing and makes one of the largest and bestagricultural exhibits ever shown in any county. Under the present circ*mstancesif there are any people in Cowley County who are not happy and contented,it is evidently their own fault.

Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.

One of the most interesting features of our successful and attractiveFair, was the stable of thoroughbred Hambletonians exhibited by Dr. Bairdand Son of Howard, Kansas. Blackwood and his three sons, for style, action,and movement won the plaudit of the vast crowd and bore away the prize inevery ring in which they were shown. Cowley County is interested in finehorses as shown by the exhibition of her blood stock, and we hope Dr. Bairdwill find it to his interest to remove his Kentucky thoroughbreds to thiscity.

Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.

Among the many noticeable things at the Fair last week not the leastprominent was the utter absence of disorderly conduct. We did not see aman under the influence of intoxicants sufficiently to be boisterous ortroublesome—and very few who showed such influence at all. In suchlarge crowds as continually thronged the Fair Grounds, this is remarkable,and shows very perceptibly the effects of prohibition in Cowley County.


Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.

The Courier Cornet Band received their new instruments last week, andafter trying them thoroughly during the Fair, sent them back as not beingwhat they ordered. They sent for the celebrated Lacompe’s best, butreceived inferior ones. With six hundred dollars in the treasury with whichto purchase instruments, they are determined to have none but the best.When they do get them, our citizens will hear music excelled by no bandin the state.

Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.

The Ladies Aid Society of the Christian Church is elated over the successof their dining hall on the fair grounds. The total receipts were $674.04,the expenses $308.71, leaving them a clear profit of $365.33. Such a resultis enough to gratify most anyone. However, the ladies worked hard for it.

Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.

Mr. B. F. Miller brought in a seedling peach west of this city whichmeasures eleven inches around each way and is as good as it is big. He saysthere were many others in the orchard even larger, but he selected for beautyinstead of size. Mr. Miller takes the specimen to his wife in Emporia.

Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.

Lost. On the fair ground a little, black, two year old, gelding pony.He must have broken a rope with which he was tied and strayed from the grounds.Whoever will give information of where he may be found or return him toSmith’s stable on 9th Avenue, Winfield, will be suitably rewarded.Address Barney Shriver, Burden.


Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.

New Salem Pencilings.

Mr. Starr had a severe chill, from the effects of which he was unableto attend the fair.

Quite a number of the Salemites attended the fair, and myself among therest. I enjoyed looking at the pretty articles, and admired the beautifulstock, and think Kansas certainly can raise some handsome horses and cattle;and such nice vegetables, if properly cooked would tempt the most fastidiousappetite. Some of the Salemites carried off the blue ribbon. Mrs. J. J.Johnson took in one of the special premiums on butter. OLIVIA.

Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.

Prairie Home.

Everybody and his girl went to the fair.

Last Friday, while at the Fair, Mr. Bakers’ young team became quitefractious, and, while plunging and kicking, jerked the back seat from thebuggy, throwing his wife and daughter between the wheels. Fortunately theywere not seriously injured. CHARITY.


Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.

Cattle and Horses for Sale.

I will sell at private sale choice short horn, grade cattle, also horses.Among the lot a span of three year old mares, weigh 2,400 pounds, and atwo year old stallion. The same being a part of the cattle and horses onwhich I received premiums at the late fair. Call at my place 3-1/2 milessouthwest of Udall. LEONARD STOUT.


Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.

As Usual, The Mason & Hamlin Organ Takes First Premium.

I call the attention of the public to the fact that the M. & H. organcarried off the highest honors at the late fair, successfully competingwith the numerous organs on exhibition there. This is no new thing. TheM. & H. takes the first wherever exhibited. The prize organ will beoffered to the people at reduced prices for the next ten days, cash or ontime, three years time if necessary. Fully warranted by the M. & H.Company. M. J. STIMSON.

Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.

To the Public.

We would be pleased to have the person who took by mistake, the tureencontaining a 5 pound roll of butter of Mrs. J. J. Johnson’s, and thattook the special premium of Wallis & Wallis, Lot 3, No. 75. Return thetureen at the grocery store of the above.

Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.

Parties wishing to purchase the privilege of running booths, dining tables,and swings during the reunion to be held at Winfield, October 17, 1883,can do so by calling on or addressing M. M. Scott, Winfield, Kansas, onor before October 12, 1883.


Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.

We learn of a very sad and serious accident which happened to Mr. IsaacWood, of Vernon, Saturday. When returning home from the fair with his hogs,one of his teams ran away. He mounted a large mule and started back whenthe mule fell down, falling on him and crushing the bones about his hips.His recovery is despaired of. Mr. Wood was one of our most liberal, publicspirited citizens, and has many friends all over the county. His PolandChina hogs carried off most of the premiums at the fair, and it was hisintention to exhibit them at Wellington next week.


Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.

The Blue Ribbon.

The Mason & Hamlin Organ has taken first medal and highest honorsat every great worlds fairs for the last 16 years and at thousands of minorfairs. Amsterdam, Holland, and the Cowley County Fairs just closed are itslatest triumphs. Organs now on hand will be sold at reduced prices for thenext ten days, and every organ fully warranted by the Company.



Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.

We learn of a very sad and serious accident which happened to Mr. IsaacWood, of Vernon, Saturday. When returning home from the fair with his hogs,one of his teams ran away. He mounted a large mule and started back whenthe mule fell down, falling on him and crushing the bones about his hips.His recovery is despaired of. Mr. Wood was one of our most liberal, publicspirited citizens, and has many friends all over the county. His PolandChina hogs carried off most of the premiums at the fair, and it was hisintention to exhibit them at Wellington next week.


Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.

The Blue Ribbon.

The Mason & Hamlin Organ has taken first medal and highest honorsat every great worlds fairs for the last 16 years and at thousands of minorfairs. Amsterdam, Holland, and the Cowley County Fairs just closed are itslatest triumphs. Organs now on hand will be sold at reduced prices for thenext ten days, and every organ fully warranted by the Company.



Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.


Cowley Covers Herself With Glory.

A Grand Exposition of her Agricultural, Horticultural, and Stock Interests.


To say that the Fair which closed Friday was a success, is putting itmildly. It was simply the grandest exposition of material prosperity anycounty in Kansas has ever known. Every department was thoroughly represented.Perhaps the largest and best display was that shown in the agriculturalhall. Much of this was called out by the lively competition for P. H. Albright’sliberal special premium of $15 for the bushel of corn containing the leastnumber of ears. There were forty-seven competitors and the first premiumwas finally awarded to Mr. Geo. Woner, of Rock Township, who furnished abushel of corn weighing seventy-five lbs., containing only forty-seven ears.Aside from this there were oceans of potatoes and cabbage, pumpkins andbeets, big and little onions, and sweet potatoes, six of which made a bushel.Mr. W. C. Hayden’s splendid display was one of the most noticeablefeatures of the vege-table department.

The fruit department under Jacob Nixon was the wonder of all beholders.Such mammoth apples, peaches, and pears reminded one of old New England.

In jellies, pickles, preserves, and canned fruits, Cowley’s ladieshad done themselves proud. The display was very large, and in quality andattractiveness never surpassed. Mrs. S. S. Linn was in charge of this department,and her energy, enthusiasm, and taste in arrangement added much to the attractivenessof the display. No wonder Cowley’s homes are happy when presided overby ladies who can show so many specimens of nice, crisp, white bread, androlls of golden butter as were there displayed. This is certainly a poorcountry for dyspeptics.

The south main exhibition building was devoted to the ladies departmentsupplemented by a grand organ and sewing machine show. The fancy work underMrs. D. L. Kretsinger, was a varied display of taste and industry such aswe have never seen before in one collec-tion. There were articles of everyimaginable name, and Mrs. Kretsinger hid amid a wilder-ness of lace andembroideries, had her hands more than full. The fine arts under Miss KateMillington attracted much attention. The beautiful collections of paintingsof Mrs. Geo. W. Miller and Mrs. C. C. Black were greatly admired. Therewere several fine displays in the flower department, in charge of Mrs. J.L. Horning, and it made a very fine appearance. The cloths, counter panes,quilts, carpets, knitting, etc., were in charge of Mr. W. R. McDonald andmade a grand showing. There were about forty pairs of knit socks competingfor A. E. Baird’s special premiums; twelve or fifteen sunbonnets forHudson Bros. special; and fifteen or twenty handsome calico quilts for Hahn& Co.’s special. Between the two buildings S. H. Myton had a handsomebuggy show and just outside was the Albro & Dorley exhibit of home manufacturedwork. Both were very fine. The show in agricultural implements was largerthan ever before. S. H. Myton, Brotherton & Silver, and W. A. Lee hadlarge exhibits and each carried off a number of blue ribbons.

In livestock the show was especially large and attractive. There wereone hundred and ninety entries in the horse department and finer horse stockwas never seen. In cattle there was a very extensive show, and in qualityunsurpassed. Under the efficient management of Mr. J. O. Taylor, everythingworked in perfect order and with satisfaction to both exhibitors and visitors.Mr. Taylor was one of the best superintendents on the grounds and deservesthe highest praise. The cattle exhibited in his department were valued atfifty thousand dollars. In hogs the entries were very large, and of suchexcellent grades that the judges found great difficulty in forming an opinionas to which was the best. The big hog special premium of ten dollars offeredby Geo. W. Miller was awarded to Isaac Wood, his hog weighing seven hundredand fifty pounds. The entries in the sheep department were of good grade,and contained some Merino bucks that sheared fleeces almost as heavy asthemselves.

The poultry coops contained some splendid fowls—especially thoseof Mr. Samuel Lowe. He had the largest exhibit in the department.


Speaking financially, the fair was as great a success as in exhibits.The total receipts were about $3,800, which will leave a handsome surplusover expenses, for further improvements. On Thursday there were over eightthousand people on the grounds, and on Friday about six thousand. The businessthroughout was conducted without a jar, and everything passed off smoothly.Notwithstanding the vast throng of people in attendance, there was not anarrest made on the grounds nor a serious misdemeanor committed. This waslargely due to the active and efficient efforts of General SuperintendentKretsinger. President Martin was everywhere, superintending exhibits andarrangement, and overlooking and correcting errors. Directors Linn, Harbaugh,Millspaugh, Spotswood, and Phoenix also worked faithfully and efficientlythroughout the whole fair. Mr. J. L. Horning had perhaps the most difficultpart of all—that of superintendent of the race course, but he madea success of it, as of everything else he undertakes. The secretary desiresespecially to thank Jas. McLain, Will J. Barnes, and W. J. Wilson for valuableassistance in dispatching the immense amount of business con-nected withthat office. Mr. McLain stayed by it, working eighteen hours a day untilthe books were wound up and the balances drawn. In five days eighteen hundredentries were made, passed upon by committees, returned, and checks drawnfor their payment. It is a record that few fairs of such magnitude can show.The fair is now a thing of the past, but its benefits to Cowley County willbe far reaching and cannot be estimated in dollars and cents. It has stimulatedour people to greater efforts, and has given all more of an idea of thevast resources and possibilities of this county. We now have a permanentfair, owned by our farmers, with beautiful grounds, good buildings, andmoney in the treasury; and each year will make it more of a success andincrease the benefits to be derived from a general exposition of her materialprosperity.


The following is a full list of premiums awarded. It is complete andcorrect and is drawn from the Secretary’s books.


Best stallion 4 years old and over, D. P. Hurst, 1st premium.

Mares 4 years old and over, D. P. Hurst 1st premium; C. F. Main, of Cloverdale,second.

Best thoroughbred colt 2 years old and over, C. F. Main, 1st premium;R. F. Burden, second.


Best stallion 4 years old and over, L. B. Fisher, of Wellington, 1stpremium; R. B. Noble, of Dexter, second.


Three years and under four, Stalter & Yarbrough, 1st premium.

Two years and under three, R. Tweedle, of Douglass, 1st premium; R. F.Burden, second.

Four years old and over, R. B. Noble, 1st premium.

Mare four years old and over, R. Tweedle, of Douglass, 1st premium.


Stallion four years old and over, J. Shenan of Floral, 1st premium; D.R. Green, Winfield, second.

Stallion three years old and under four, J. S. Hubbard, Udall, 1st premium;L. Stout, Ninnescah, second.

Stallion two years old and under three, O. P. Pierce, Winfield, 1st premium;L. Stout, Ninnescah, second.

Stallion colt one year old and under two, J. B. Nichols, Dexter, 1stpremium; C. Kimball, Vernon, second.

Stallion foal of 1883, J. R. Thompson, Walnut, 1st premium; M. L. Read,Winfield, second.

Gelding 4 years old and over, G. S. Manser, Winfield, 1st premium; A.B. Mayhew, Wellington, second.

Gelding 3 years, Wm. Stiff, New Salem, 1st premium.

Gelding 2 year, J. J. Libby, Fairview, 1st premium.

Mare 4 years old and over, L. Stout, Ninnescah, 1st premium; D. R. Green,Winfield, second.

Filly 3 years old, J. T. Brooks, Winfield, 1st premium; E. Q. Burden,Burden, second.

Filly 2 years old and under 3, Amos Biddle, Oxford, 1st premium; Jno.Nichols, Dexter, second.

Filly one and under two, Leonard Stout, Ninnescah, 1st premium; Jno.Nichols, Dexter, second.

Foal (mare) of 1883, N. L. Yarbrough, Richland, 1st premium; C. F. Maris,Cloverdale, 2nd.


Best team of mares or geldings, D. R. Green, Winfield, 1st premium; S.H. Jennings, Winfield, 2nd.

Single stallion 4 years old and over, Vermilye Bros., Pleasant Valley,1st premium;

R. P. Noble, Dexter, 2nd.

Single stallion 3 years and under 4, R. Tweedle, Douglass, 1st premium;R. F. Burden, Silver Creek, 2nd.


Span of roadsters 4 years and over, Cal Ferguson, Winfield, 1st premium;W. S. Baird, of Howard City, 2nd.

Stallion roadster, James Fahey, Winfield, 1st premium.

Single roadster mare 4 years or over, E. C. Seward, Winfield, 1st premium;P. T. Walton, Burden, 2nd.

Single roadster mare 3 years and under 4, J. Cunningham, Burden, 1stpremium.

Single roadster gelding 4 or over, D. R. Green, Winfield, 1st premium;Cal Ferguson, Winfield, 2nd.

Single roadster gelding 3 and under 4, S. H. Jennings, Winfield, 1stpremium.

[S. H. Jennings’ premiums were withheld for disrespect towards theJudges of Class C.]


J. O. Taylor, Walnut, 1st premium; C. C. Black, second.


Stallion any age or blood, R. B. Noble, Dexter, 1st premium. [This horseof Mr. Noble’s weighed 1,600 pounds.]

Best span any age or blood, D. R. Green, Winfield, 1st premium.

Best mare any age or blood, D. R. Green, Winfield, 1st premium.

Best brood mare with colt not over 2 years old, Leonard Stout, Ninnescah,1st premium.

Gelding any age or blood. A. B. Mayhew, Wellington, 1st premium.


Best pair of mules, C. J. Hess, Winfield, 1st premium; W. W. Limbocker,Walnut, 2nd.

Best single mule, C. J. Hess, Winfield, 1st premium; C. Ralf, Winfield,2nd premium.

Best single mule, 2 years and under 3, W. W. Painter, Vernon, 1st premium.

Best mule colt, Frank Sloan, Winfield, 1st premium.

Best jack 4 years and over, R. B. Noble, Dexter, 1st premium; C. W. Paris,city, 2nd.

Best jack 3 and under 4, J. W. Wright, Sumner County, 1st premium.


Best bull 3 years old and over, P. Shehan, city, 1st premium; James Gilkey,2nd.

Best bull 2 years old and under 3, J. O. Taylor, city, 1st premium; JohnR. Smith, Tisdale, 2nd.

Best bull 1 year old, N. J. Thompson, Silver Creek, 1st premium; Bayne& Cecil, Kentucky, 2nd.

Best cow 3 years old and over, Jno. W. Curns, city, 1st premium; J. O.Taylor, Walnut, 2nd.

Best 2 year old heifer, J. O. Taylor, Walnut, 1st premium.

Best heifer 1 year old and under 2, Bayne & Cecil, Kentucky, 1stpremium; also, 2nd.

Best heifer calf, Bayne & Cecil, Kentucky, 1st premium.


Best bull 3 years old and over, Mr. Wilson, Wilmot, 1st premium.

Best bull 2 years old and under 3, Bayne & Cecil, Kentucky, 1st premium.Also, 2nd.

Best bull calf under 1 year, N. J. Thompson, Silver Creek, 1st premium;E. Rodgers, city, 2nd.

Best cow 3 years old and over, Leonard Stout, Ninnescah, 1st premium.

Best heifer 2 years old and under 3, Bayne & Cecil, Kentucky, 1stpremium.

Best heifer 1 year old and under 2, N. J. Thompson, Silver Creek, 1stpremium; A. Hurst, Bolton, 2nd.

Best heifer calf under 1 year, Jas. Gilkey, Maple City, 1st premium;A. Hurst, Bolton, 2nd.

Best fat cow 2 years or over, J. O. Taylor, Walnut, 1st premium; JohnW. Curns, city, 2nd.


Best lot of 5 spring calves shown with sire, John R. Smith, Tisdale,1st premium; A. Hurst, Bolton, 2nd.

Best herd of thoroughbreds, Bayne & Cecil, Kentucky, 1st premium.


Best bull 2 years old and under 3, N. C. Clark, Vernon, 1st premium.


Best bull 1 year and under 2, E. Meech, Walnut, 1st premium. Also, 2nd.

Best cow 3 years and under 4, J. O. Taylor, Walnut, 1st premium; also,2nd.

Best heifer calf, E. Meech, Walnut, 1st premium; J. O. Taylor, of sameplace, 2nd.


Best bull of any age or blood, J. Gilkey, Maple City, 1st premium.

Best cow of any age or blood, J. O. Taylor, Walnut, 1st premium.

Best bull shown with offspring, not less than four in number, John R.Smith, Tisdale, 1st premium.

Best cow shown with offspring, not less than four in number, N. J. Thompson,Silver Creek, 1st premium.


Best ram 2 years old and over, John Stalter, Rock, 1st premium; W. E.Leonard, Ninnescah, second.

Best ram 1 year old and under 2, W. L. Crowell, Maple City, 1st premium;John Stalter, Rock, 2nd.

Best ram lamb, John Stalter, Rock, 1st premium; W. L. Crowell, MapleCity, 2nd.

Best 3 ewes two years and over, John Stalter, Rock, 1st premium.

Best 3 ewes one year and under 2, John Stalter, Rock, 1st premium.

Best 3 ewe lambs, Jno. Stalter, Rock, 1st premium; W. L. Crowell, MapleCity, 2nd.


Best 3 ewes two years old and over, R. Tweedle, Douglass, 1st premium;J. A. Hood, Seeley, second.


Best ram any age or blood, R. Tweedle, Douglass, 1st premium; W. E. Leaman,Maple City, 2nd.

Best ram lamb, Jno. Stalter, Rock, 1st premium; W. L. Crowell, MapleCity, 2nd.

Best ewe over 1 year, Jno. Stalter, Rock, 1st premium; W. L. Crowell,Maple City, 2nd.

Best ewe lamb, Jno. Stalter, Rock, 1st premium; W. L. Crowell, MapleCity, 2nd.

Buck with 5 lambs, Jno. Stalter, Rock, 1st premium.


Best boar 1 year old and over, J. McCloy, Pleasant Valley, 1st premium;M. C. Headrick, Richland, 1st premium; E. R. Morse, Maple City, 2nd.

Boar 4 months and under 5, M. C. Headrick, Richland, 1st premium; E.R. Morse, Maple City, 2nd.

Sow 1 year old and over, J. McCloy, Pleasant Valley, 1st premium; E.R. Morse, Maple City, 2nd.

Sow 6 months old and under 1 year, E. R. Morse, Maple City, 1st premium.

Sow 4 months and under 6, E. R. Morse, Maple City, 1st premium.


Boar 1 year old and over, Isaac Wood, Vernon, 1st premium; F. W. McClellan,city, 2nd.

Boar 6 months and under 1 year, Isaac Wood, Vernon, 1st premium; also,2nd.

Boar 4 months and under 6, Samuel Axley, Geuda, 1st premium; F. W. McClellan,city, 2nd.

Boar 2 months and under 4, Isaac Wood, Vernon, 1st premium; F. W. McClellan,city, 2nd.

Sow 6 months old and over, Isaac Wood, Vernon, 1st premium; F. W. McClellan,city, 2nd.

Sow 4 months old and under 6, Isaac Wood, Vernon, 1st premium; SamuelAxley, Geuda, 2nd.


Boar, 2 months old and under 4, F. Waldemier, Creswell, 2 premium.

Sow 1 year and over, J. B. Evans, Vernon, 1st premium.

Sow 6 months and under 1 year, R. J. Yeoman, Vernon, 1st premium.

Sow 4 months old and over, R. J. Yeoman, Vernon, 1st premium.

Sow and 6 pigs, F. Waldemier, 1st premium.


Best boar of any age or blood, Isaac Wood, Vernon, 1st premium.

Best sow of any age or breed, J. McCloy, Pleasant Valley, 1st premium.

Best 6 pigs, E. H. Tyner, Creswell, 1st premium.


Best pair partridge cochins, E. R. Morse, Maple City, 1st premium; HenryPhenix, Walnut, 2nd.

Best pair dark Brahmas, C. G. Bradburry, Beaver, 1st premium; P. P. Powell,Walnut, 2nd.

Best pair black-breasted game fowls, J. D. Howland, Walnut, 1st premium;also, 2nd.

Best pair "Plymouth Rocks," D. Defenbaugh, city, 1st premium;Henry Phenix, Walnut, 2nd.

Best pair white Leghorns, C. Trump, city, 1st premium; G. Osterhout,city, 2nd.

Best pair Brown Leghorns, H. T. Shivvers, city, 1st premium.

Best pair turkeys, Isaac Wood, Vernon, 1st premium.

Best and largest display of fowls by one exhibitor, Samuel Low, city;H. T. Shivvers, city, 2nd.

Best pair Pekin ducks, C. G. Bradburry, Beaver, 1st premium; P. P. Powell,Walnut, 2nd.


Half bushel red fall winter wheat, Isaac Wood, 1st premium; A. Copeland,city, 2nd.

Half bushel white oats, R. J. Yoeman, Vernon, 1st premium; S. S. Linn,Vernon, 2nd.

Half bushel red oats, T. D. Giveler, 1st premium.

Half bushel of corn, J. B. Sumpter, Beaver, 1st premium; C. F. Johnson,Vernon, 2nd.

Half bushel sweet corn, E. Blanchard, Walnut, 1st premium; J. H. Curfman,Walnut, 2nd.

Half bushel pop corn, A. Cairns, Tisdale, 1st premium; N. S. Davis, PleasantValley, 2nd.

Display of corn on stalk, L. J. Darnell, Spring Creek, 1st premium; R.Wellman, Pleasant Valley, 2nd.

Display wild and tame grass, N. J. Larkin, Richland, 1st premium; J.Wright, Silver Creek, 2nd.

Display millet in bundle, S. Newmar, Pleasant Valley, 1st premium, A.Cairns, Tisdale, 2nd.

Display of products of one farm, J. F. Martin, Vernon, 1st premium; J.D. Hammond, Beaver, 2nd; J. W. Wright, Silver Creek, 3rd.


Peck of winter apples, S. Kennedy, Creswell, 1st premium; G. W. Yount,Walnut, 2nd.

Display of winter apples, N. C. Clark, Vernon, 1st premium; G. W. Robertson,Pleasant Valley, 2nd.

Display fall apples, S. S. Linn, Vernon, 1st premium, Andrew Dawson,Rock, 2nd.

Display free-stone peaches, John Jones, 1st premium, S. C. Sumpter, city,2nd.

Display of cling-stone peaches, S. Kennedy, Creswell, 1st premium; C.Lear, city, 2nd.

Display of apples, S. C. Cunningham, Ninnescah, 1st premium.

Display of fruit, W. C. Hayden, city, 1st premium; H. C. Hawkins, Vernon,2nd.


Best peck Early Irish potatoes, Mrs. A. Chapin, Pleasant Valley, 1stpremium; G. W. Yount, Walnut, 2nd.

Peck Late Irish potatoes, W. C. Hayden, Vernon, 1st premium; N. S. Perry,Vernon, 2nd.

Peck Turnips, J. D. Hammond, Beaver, 1st premium.

Peck Beets, Geo. Van Way, Winfield, 1st premium; T. B. Ware, Vernon,2nd.

Peck French Sugar Beets, Geo. Van Way, Winfield, 1st premium; W. C. Hayden,Vernon, 2nd.

Peck Parsnips, W. C. Hayden, Vernon, 1st premium; Geo. Van Way, Winfield,2nd.

Peck Carrots, Geo. Van Way, Winfield, 1st premium.

Peck Vegetable Oysters, Geo. Van Way, Winfield, 1st premium.

Peck Red Onions, Geo. Van Way, Winfield, 1st premium; W. C. Hayden, 2nd.

Peck White Onions, W. C. Hayden, Vernon, 1st premium; Geo. Van Way, Winfield,2nd.

Peck Tomatoes, W. C. Hayden, Vernon, 1st premium; N. G. Davis, PleasantValley, 2nd.

Peck Peanuts, N. G. Davis, Pleasant Valley; 1st premium; A. Cairns, Tisdale,2nd.

6 heads cabbage, John Peterson, Winfield, 1st premium; N. S. Perry, Vernon,2nd.

5 sweet Pumpkins, Geo. Van Way, Winfield, 1st premium.

2 Squashes, John Jones, 1st premium.

2 Watermelons, N. G. Davis, Winfield, 1st premium; D. J. Bright, Beaver,2nd.

4 Muskmelons, W. C. Hayden, Vernon, 1st premium; Geo. Van Way, Winfield,2nd.

6 Cucumbers, Geo. Van Way, Winfield, 1st premium; W. C. Hayden, Vernon,2nd.

Pie Plant, Wilber Martin, Vernon, 1st premium; T. D. Giveler, Richland,2nd.

Best display of Irish Potatoes, N. S. Perry, Vernon, 1st premium; S.W. Hughes, Beaver, 2nd.

Best display of Sweet Potatoes, Geo. Van Way, Winfield, 1st premium;W. C. Hayden, 2nd.

Best display of garden vegetables, W. C. Hayden, Vernon, 1st premium;Geo. Van Way, Winfield, 2nd.

Best collection of vegetables, W. C. Hayden, Vernon, 1st premium; Geo.Van Way, city, 2nd.


Best 2 pounds butter, Mrs. S. J. Giveler, Wilmot, 1st premium; Mrs. MaryE. Thompson, Wilmot, 2nd.

Jar June Butter, Mrs. S. W. Phoenix, Richland, 1st premium; Mrs. G. T.Stone, 2nd.

Best 5 gallons Sorghum, T. A. Blanchard, Walnut, 1st premium; John Sargeant,Walnut, 2nd.

Loaf home made wheat bread, yeast rising, Mrs. H. D. Gans, city, 1stpremium; Miss Nellie Giveler, Wilmot, 2nd.

Loaf home made wheat bread, salt rising, Mrs. J. H. Curfman, Walnut,1st premium; Mrs. J. D. Hammond, Beaver, 2nd.

Best fruit cake, Mrs. Geo. Van Way, city, 1st premium.

Best sponge cake, Mrs. P. W. Zook, city, 1st premium; Mrs. Geo. Van Way,city, 2nd.

Best display of Jellies, Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, city, 1st premium; Mrs.Cal. Ferguson, city, 2nd.

Best display of canned fruits, Mrs. S. J. Lorey, city, 1st premium.


Best and largest variety of plants, Miss Belle Linn, Vernon, 1st premium;Mrs. A. T. Roberts, city, 2nd.

Most tastefully arranged floral design, natural flowers, Miss Flora Bradbury,city, 1st premium.

Bouquet of cut flowers, J. D. Hammond, Beaver, 1st premium; Miss MattieHughes, Beaver, 2nd.


Best collection of oil paintings, Mrs. G. W. Miller, city, 1st premium;Mrs. Garlick, city, 2nd.

Best collection of photographs, D. Rodocker, city, 1st premium.

Photographic scenery, H. Beck, city, 1st premium.

Pencil drawings, Miss Mollie Trezise, city, 1st premium.

Fancy painting in oil or water colors, Mrs. C. C. Black, city, firstpremium; Mrs. G. W. Miller, city, 2nd.

Painting on silk or wool, Mrs. C. C. Black, city, 1st premium; Mrs. Garlick,city, 2nd.

Collection of crayon drawings, D. Rodocker, city, 1st premium.

Best hair work, Mrs. N. M. Schofield, city, 1st premium.

Best specimen wax work, Mrs. Weitzel, city, 1st premium.

Collection of Kindergarten work, Mrs. Garlick, city, 1st premium.

Scrap book, M. A. Johnson, city, 1st premium.

Spatter work picture, Miss Tirzah Hoyland, New Salem, 1st premium.


Best Specimen silk embroidery, Mrs. C. C. Black, 1st premium; Mrs. A.H. Jennings, Jr., 2nd.

Best silk embroidery on flannel, Mrs. A. E. Wilson, city, 1st premium.

Best specimen worsted embroidery, Katie Clergy, city, 1st premium.

Best hand-embroidered handkerchief, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, city, 1stpremium.

Hand embroidered Infant’s skirt, Mrs. A. R. Wilson, city, 1st premium.

Hand embroidered chemise, Mrs. Atha S. Lucas, city, 1st premium.

Best hand embroidered sofa cushion, Mrs. P. P. Powell, city, 1st premium.

Hand embroidered pillow shams, Mrs. Lilla Conrad, city, 1st premium;Mrs. A. R. Wilson, city, 2nd.

Hand embroidered slippers, Mrs. J. B. Schofield, city, 1st premium.

Hand embroidered sheet shams, Mrs. A. R. Wilson, city, 1st premium.

Embroidery on Java canvas, Miss E. A. Houseman, city, 1st premium; Mrs.Geo. W. Robinson, 2nd.

Best feather work, Mrs. O. L. Armstrong, city, 1st premium.

Chenille work, Miss Lizzie McDonald, city, 1st premium.

Ornamental needle work, Mrs. G. W. Miller, city, 1st premium; Mrs. Geo.W. Robinson, city, 2nd.

Lace work, Mrs. C. H. Wilson, city, 1st premium; Miss Jennie Hane, city,2nd.

Pin cushion, worsted, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, city, 1st prem.; Mrs. J.S. Mann, city, 2nd.

Lamp mat, Miss Mary Yeoman, Vernon, 1st premium.

Work basket, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, city, 1st premium.

Linen or cotton flowers, Miss Minnie Andrews, city, 1st premium; MissDora Gentry, city, 2nd.

Specimen hem stitching, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, city, 1st premium.

Specimen crochet work, Mrs. Amy Chapin, Pleasant Valley, 1st premium;Miss Tirzah A. Hoyland, New Salem, 2nd.

Specimen braiding, Miss Mattie Hughes, Beaver, 1st premium.

Tucked skirt by machine, Miss Mattie Hughes, Beaver, 1st premium.

Suit of underwear, Mrs. Etha Lucas, city, 1st premium.

Best made infant’s dress, Miss Josie Parsons, city, 1st premium.

Best sun bonnet, Maggie Sample, Bolton, 1st premium.

Best made tidy, woolen, Mrs. E. P. Denning, city, 1st premium.

Best tidy, cotton, Mrs. Cal. Ferguson, city, 1st premium; Mrs. ClaraB. Millington, city, 2nd.

Crocheted shawl, Mrs. J. L. Horning, city, 1st premium.

Best toilet set, Maggie Herpich, city, 1st premium.

Best rug, Maggie Herpich, city, 1st premium; G. M. Gillis, city, 2nd.

Best Afghan, Mrs. P. P. Powell, Walnut, 1st premium; Mrs. M. M. Marshall,city, 2nd.

Best and prettiest thing not enumerated elsewhere, Mrs. Geo. W. Miller,city, 1st premium; Miss Lena Walworth, city, 2nd.

Darnette pillow shams, Miss Matie Linn, Vernon, 1st premium.

Kensington work, Mrs. E. A. Houseman, city, 1st premium; Miss Ida Trezise,city, 2nd.

Outline embroidery, Miss Margaret Spotswood, city, 1st premium.

Best sofa cushion, Miss Alice Hartman, city, 1st premium; Miss LizzieMcDonald, city, 2nd.

Best Bracket Lambrequin, Mrs. A. R. Wilson, city, 1st premium; Mrs. ClaraB. Milling-ton, city, 2nd.

Foot rest, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, city, 1st premium.

Hand made point lace, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, city, 1st premium.

Honiton lace, Miss Margaret Spotswood, city, 1st premium.

Silk knitting, Mrs. C. H. Wilson, city, 1st premium.

Hand painted toilet bottles, Mrs. C. C. Black, city, 1st premium; Mrs.G. W. Miller, city, 2nd.

Hand painted pin cushion, Mrs. G. W. Miller, city, 1st premium.

Hand painting on velvet, Miss Ida Trezise, 1st premium.

Point Applique, Mrs. Geo. Robinson, 1st premium; H. B. Essington, 2nd.

Best counterpane, woven, Mrs. S. W. Hughes, Beaver, 1st premium; Mrs.O. L. Armstrong, city, 2nd.

Best crocheted counterpane, Mrs. Kelly, city, 1st premium.

Best quilt, white muslin, worked, Mrs. A. T. Spotswood, city, 1st premium;Miss Caroline Yeoman, Vernon, 2nd.

Best quilt, colored, patch, Mrs. Wilson, Wilmot, 1st premium.

Best worsted quilt, Mrs. A. T. Spotswood, city, 1st premium.

Best silk quilt, Mrs. A. H. Jennings, Jr., city, 1st premium; Mrs. A.T. Spotswood, city, 2nd.

Best plain knitting by a lady over 60, Mrs. E. Dollarhide, city, 1stpremium.

Scrap bag, Mrs. Amy Chaplin, Pleasant Valley, 1st premium; G. M. Gillis,city, 2nd.

Air castle, Miss Mary Dalgarn, New Salem, 1st premium.

Darnette sacque, Alma Painter, Vernon, 1st premium; Matie Linn, Vernon,2nd.


Best pair wool blankets, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, city, 1st premium; Mrs.I. N. Holmes, city, 2nd.

Best pair men’s socks, Mrs. Robinson, city, 1st premium; Mrs. H.F. Coler, Floral, 2nd.

Best pair of mittens, Mrs. I. N. Holmes, city, 1st premium; Mrs. E. A.Coler, Floral, 2nd.


Best coverlet, Mrs. Sally Holland, Constant, 1st premium and 2nd premium.

Best jeans, M. M. Barr, city, 1st premium.

Best lindsey, M. M. Barr, city, 1st premium.

Best carpet, Mrs. O. L. Armstrong, city, 1st premium.

Best rag carpet, Mrs. S. Harris, city, 1st and 2nd premium.


Best Apricot jelly, Mrs. Van Way, Walnut, 1st premium.

Best apple jelly, Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, city, 1st premium.

Best blackberry jelly, Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, city, 1st premium; Mrs.O. L. Armstrong, city, 2nd.

Best currant jelly, Mrs. S. J. Sorey, city, 1st premium.

Best cherry jelly, Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, city, 1st premium.

Best cranberry jelly, Mrs. Trezise, city, 1st premium.

Best grape jelly, Mrs. Henry Phenix, Walnut, 1st premium.

Best gooseberry jelly, Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, city, 1st premium; Mrs.Cal. Ferguson, city, 2nd.

Best lemon jelly, Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, city, 1st premium; Mrs. Cal.Ferguson, city, 2nd.

Best orange jelly, Mrs. Kretsinger, city, 1st premium.

Best plum jelly, Mrs. Lilla Conrad, 1st premium; Mrs. Cal. Ferguson,2nd.

Best peach jelly, Mrs. Kretsinger, 1st premium.

Best quince jelly, Mrs. Kretsinger, city, 1st premium; Mrs. Cal Ferguson,city, 2nd.

Best raspberry jelly, Mrs. Kretsinger, city, 1st premium; Mrs. Cal Ferguson,city, 2nd.

Best rhubarb jelly, Mrs. Kretsinger, city, 1st premium; Mrs. Cal. Ferguson,city, 2nd.

Best Siberian crab jelly, Miss Mattie Hughes, Beaver, 1st premium.

Best strawberry jelly, Mrs. Kretsinger, city, 1st premium.

Best tomato jelly, Mrs. Kretsinger, city, 1st premium; Mrs. Cal. Ferguson,city, 2nd.

Best display of jellies, Mrs. Kretsinger, city, 1st premium; Mrs. Cal.Ferguson, city, 2nd.


Best canned apples, Mrs. Geo. Van Way, Walnut, 1st premium.

Best canned cherries, Miss Jennie Lowry, city, 1st premium.

Best canned gooseberries, Mrs. S. S. Linn, Vernon, 1st premium; Mrs.Henry Phenix, Walnut, 2nd.

Best canned grapes, Mrs. S. W. Hughes, Beaver, 1st premium; Mrs. Geo.Van Way, Walnut, 2nd.

Best canned peaches, Mrs. S. S. Linn, Vernon, 1st premium; Mrs. ClaraB. Millington, city, 2nd.

Best canned pears, Mrs. Clara B. Millington, city, 1st premium; Mrs.S. S. Linn, Vernon, 2nd.

Best canned plums, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, city, 1st premium; Mrs. S.W. Hughes, Beaver, 2nd.

Best canned tomatoes, Mrs. S. S. Linn, Vernon, 1st premium; Mrs. Trezise,city, 2nd.

Best display of canned goods, Mrs. Van Way, Walnut, 1st premium.


Best preserved apples, Mrs. O. L. Armstrong, city, 1st premium.

Best preserved citron, Mrs. Trezise, city, 1st premium.

Best preserved grapes, Mrs. O. L. Armstrong, city, 1st premium.

Best preserved pears, Mrs. S. D. Gans, city, 1st premium.

Best preserved peaches, Miss Mattie Hughes, Beaver, 1st premium; Mrs.Clara B. Millington, city, 2nd.

Best preserved plums, Mrs. O. L. Armstrong, city, 1st premium; Mrs. Trezise,city, 2nd.

Best preserved Siberian crabs, Mrs. C. Collins, city, 1st premium; Mrs.D. W. Stevens, Creswell, 2nd.


Best sweet pickled peaches, Mrs. S. D. Gans, city, 1st premium; Mrs.Mary E. Thompson, Wilmot, 2nd.

Best pickled cucumbers, Mrs. S. S. Linn, Vernon, 1st premium; Mrs. Geo.Van Way, Walnut, 2nd.

Best sour pickled peaches, Mrs. S. S. Linn, Vernon, 1st premium.

Best sour pickled cucumbers, Mrs. N. S. Perry, Vernon, 1st premium; Mrs.C. C. Black, city, 2nd.

Best pickled tomatoes, Mrs. N. S. Perry, Vernon, 1st premium; Mrs. N.S. Perry, Vernon, 2nd.

Best pickled piccalilli, Mrs. N. S. Perry, Vernon, 1st premium; Mrs.C. C. Black, city, 2nd.

Best catsup, tomato, Mrs. C. C. Black, city, 1st premium.

Best apple butter, Mrs. Lilla Conrad, city, 1st premium.

Best peach butter, Mrs. Lilla Conrad, city, 1st premium; Mrs. M. E. Thompson,Wilmot, 2nd.

Best plum butter, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, city, 1st premium; Mrs. O. L.Armstrong, city, 2nd.

Best display in this class, Mrs. O. L. Armstrong, city, 1st premium;Mrs. C. C. Black, city, 2nd.

Best pickled pepper, Mrs. N. S. Perry, Vernon, 1st premium.

Best display in this lot, Mrs. N. S. Perry, Vernon, 1st premium.


Best sulky plow, S. H. Myton, city, 1st premium.

Best two horse old ground plow, S. H. Myton, city, 1st premium.

Best double walking corn plow, Brotherton & Silver, city, 1st premium.

Best riding corn plow, Brotherton & Silver, city, 1st premium.

Best two horse cultivator, W. A. Lee, city, 1st premium; Brotherton &Silver, city, 2nd.

Best grain drill, Brotherton & Silver, city, 1st premium; S. H. Myton,city, 2nd.

Best sulky hay rake, S. H. Myton, city, 1st premium; S. H. Myton, city,2nd.

Best 2 horse corn planter, W. A. Lee, city, 1st premium; Brotherton &Silver, city, 2nd.

Best check rower, Brotherton & Silver, city, 1st premium.

Best revolving rake, W. A. Lee, city, 1st premium.

Best mowing machine, W. A. Lee, city, 1st premium; S. H. Myton, city,2nd.

Best reaping machine, W. A. Lee, city, 1st premium; S. H. Myton, 2nd.

Best stirring plow, S. H. Myton, city, 1st premium; S. H. Myton, city,2nd.

Best fanning mill, Alva Marvin, city, 1st premium.

Best hand powered corn sheller, Brotherton & Silver, city, 1st premium;S. H. Myton, city, 2nd.

Best combined corn sheller and feed mill, S. H. Myton, city, 1st premium.

Best independent feed mill, Enterprise Co., Sandwich, Illinois, 1st premium.

Largest and best display of agricultural implements, Brotherton &Silver, city, 1st premium; S. H. Myton, city, 2nd.

Best potato digger, Brotherton & Silver, city, 1st premium.

Best press attachment for grain drill, S. S. Holloway, city, 1st premium.


Best and cheapest wind mill for farm purposes, Brotherton & Silver,Agents for Enter-prise Wind Mill, 1st premium.

Best pump for well, Enterprise Co., Sandwich, Illinois, 1st premium.

Best pump for cistern, Cairns & Reynolds, city, 1st premium.

Best steam cooking apparatus, Thomas Youle, city, 1st premium.

Best open buggy, home manufacture, Albro & Dorley, city, 1st premium.

Best spring wagon, home manufacture, Albro & Dorley, city, 1st premium.

Best two horse carriage, S. H. Myton, city, 1st premium.

Best top buggy of any manufacture, exhibited by manufacturer or his Agent,Albro & Dorley, city, 1st premium; S. H. Myton, city, 2nd.

Best washing machine, Lewis Conrad, city, 1st premium; J. H. Johns, city,2nd.

Best display of surgical and dental instruments, Dr. Van Doren, city,1st premium.

Best printed newspaper Kansas work, Black & Rembaugh, city, 1st premium.

Best sewing machine, F. M. Friend, Agent, Davis sewing machine, 1st premium;Wheeler & Wilson Co., 2nd. [Diploma on Wheeler & Wilson is withheldon account of exhibitor wrongfully attaching a blue ribbon without consentof awarding committee.]

Best display of artificial teeth, Dr. Bull, city, 1st premium.

Best specimen of roofing Kansas manufacture, J. C. Montfort, Walnut,1st premium.

Best specimen of marble work, W. H. Dawson, city, 1st premium.

Best marble work home manufacture, W. H. Dawson, city, 1st premium.

Best display extracts and perfumery, H. Brown & Son, city, 1st premium.


Best Cabinet organ, Mason & Hamlin Co., F. M. Friend, Agent, Chicago,1st premium; Cottage Co., 2nd.

Best piano, F. M. Friend, Agent, Story & Camp Piano Co., 1st premium.

Best display of syrups, G. C. Whitson, city, 1st premium.

Best bed spring, G. W. Miller, city, 1st premium.

Best paper flowers, Dora Gentry, city, 1st premium.

Best two sacks of flour, Bliss & Wood, city, 1st premium; Bliss &Wood, city, 2nd; Bliss & Wood, city, 3rd; Bliss & Wood, city, 4th.

Best scrap book, Maggie A. Johnson, city, 1st premium.

Best silk quilting on machine; best opera cloak; best button hole machine;best darnett by machine, H. B. Essington, city, 1st premium.

Best Macrums lace, Mrs. Hickok, city, 1st premium.


By Hoosier Grocery: Best and largest display of vegetables raised inCowley County was awarded to W. C. Hayden of Winfield.

By Cowley County Telegram, for fastest walking farm team, $10was awarded to J. C. Taylor.

By M. Hahn & Co., a $10 lady’s cloak for best and neatest calicocomfort, was awarded to Mrs. C. Johnson, of Udall.

By A. E. Baird: A $10 dress pattern, for the best pair of men’sknit wool socks, was awarded to Mrs. G. A. Woodruff, of this city, overtwenty-four competitors.

By Wallis & Wallis: $5 for the best 5 pounds of butter, was awardedto Mrs. Mary E. Thomas, of Wilmot.

By O’Meara & Randolph: a $30 baby carriage for the luckiestbaby, was drawn by Mrs. Geo. Stalter of Rock.

Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.


By Geo. W. Miller: $10 for largest hog of any age or breed was awardedto Issac Wood of Vernon. Hog weighed 700 pounds.

By A. H. Doane & Co.: $5 for the best 5 stalks of corn with earsattached; corn to be husked and shelled by committee and weighed, was awardedto J. R. Sumpter of Beaver.

By the Winfield Bank: $5 for the best loaf of bread made by a miss undereleven years of age, was awarded to Miss Willa Painter, of Vernon.

By Hudson Bros.: $10 silver castor for neatest and best made sun-bonnetby a lady in Cowley County, was awarded to Mrs. M. J. Paraden [?] of Burden.

By A. B. Arment: $10 fruit chromos for ten largest apples grown in CowleyCounty, was awarded to S. C. Cunningham, of Seeley.

By A. T. Spotswood & Co.: $5 for the largest yield of wheat per acre,of not less than 10 acres, was awarded to Mr. T. B. Ware, of Vernon, theyield being 48-1/2 bushels per acre.

By the Association: $10 to the winning base ball club was won by theArkansas City Base Ball Club, by a score of 24 to 14.

By the Cowley County Telegram: For the best written letter, ofnot over 100 words. First premium, Edgar Frazier; second, Frank Venable.

By the Winfield Courier: To the parents of the largest familyresiding in Cowley County, $10, and life subscription to COURIER. SarahLewis Martin, of Vernon Township.

By S. W. Phoenix, for the best colt sired by "Lilac," ten dollars,awarded to N. J. Thompson, Burden.

By A. T. Spotswood, for the best exhibit in the culinary department,$5, awarded to Mrs. S. J. Sorey.

By M. L. Read’s Bank: For the best and largest collection of farmproducts raised by any one farmer in Cowley County in 1883, $5, awardedto J. D. Hammond, Beaver Township.


Mr. Corbin Treadway returned a hundred and nine members of his family,in competition for the COURIER special premium, but as most of them livedoutside of the county, he did not get the award.

The splendid full blood Norman stallion which took off the blue ribbonin the Norman class is the property of Mr. L. B. Fisher, of Wellington.His horse is registered in the National Register of Norman Horses, Vol.2, as Richelieu, No. 1490, foaled in 1877, imported June, 1882, by J. C.Morrison, of Pontiac, Illinois. It is one of the purest bred Normans inthe country. Mr. Fisher is a perfect gentleman, and made many friends duringhis attendance at the fair.

Mr. R. B. Noble carried off the blue ribbon in the sweepstakes stallionclass over seventeen competitors. The total weight of the seventeen stallionswas 21,900 pounds and they were valued at $31,450. These horses were allexhibited in competition for a $15 premium, and made one of the grandestsights ever witnessed at any fair. Mr. Noble can well feel proud of hissuccess, and being the owner of horses that can carry off honors over suchcompetition. He also took a premium with his Normans and jack.

The premiums awarded to Mr. D. R. Green, of Winfield, on horses, amountedto $57. He took two sweepstake ribbons on his team of mares and severalclass ribbons, aside from first on "Tom Vance," his trotter, inthe roadster class. He was also awarded a diploma on "Leander,"as the best bred horse on the grounds.

Among the most successful exhibitors in the horse department was Mr.Leonard Stout, of Ninnescah. He made six entries and carried off six premiums—onein sweepstakes. Mr. Stout is one of the most successful horse breeders inthe county, and deserves every ribbon he has won.

Mr. G. H. Manser captured the first premium on general purpose geldingsunder 4 years with his splendid buggy horse. Mr. B. B. Mayhew, a Wellingtonexhibitor, took second.

R. F. Burden captured several ribbons on his blooded horses. He ownssome stock that is hard to beat.

Dr. Baird and C. F. Maris of Elk and Chautauqua counties carried offseveral premiums in the horse department. Our Cowley County folks will haveto look out next year.

John R. Smith carried away several ribbons on his herd of shorthorns.They were beauties and deserving.

John R. Smith carried away several ribbons on his herd of shorthorns.They were beauties and deserving.

Mr. Jas. Gilkey took 1st premium on his bull in sweepstakes, over a largelist of competi-tors. He had a splendid animal.

The Vermilye Bros. of Pleasant Valley carried off the blue ribbon ontheir draft stallion. He was one of the finest horses on the ground.

John Stalter’s sheep display was admired by all visitors. John hasvery fine stock and knows how to handle it. He took off twenty dollars inpremiums.

As usual, Isaac Wood’s exhibit of Poland China hogs was superb.Isaac never stops half way, and as a result, gets all the blue ribbons inhis class. Mr. E. R. Morse and Col. J. McCloy divided some of the honorswith him on sweepstakes, however.

Sam’l Axley, of Creswell, had some fine hogs on exhibition and tookseveral premiums.

Mr. R. Tweedle and his partner, who have lately arrived from Scotlandand settled in our county, brought with them two of the finest Clydesdalehorses in the country. They carried off blue ribbons on them.

Bolton Township got more than her share of favors on cattle. Mr. D. P.Hurst took four premiums on his herd of shorthorns.

Mr. N. J. Thompson got away with everyone with his short horn calves.They were beauties in "form and finish."

One of the premiums on horses is marked on the class book: "withheldon account of disrespect to judges in Class C." Exhibitors must learnto take their medicine and not worry over defeat. So far there has beenno evidence of unfair treatment on the part of any judge.

O’Meara & Randolph’s baby show was the biggest thing ofthe fair. Long before the time for the drawing, the secretary’s officewas surrounded ten deep with mothers and babies. There were fifty-nine entries.The mothers and babies were ranged under the trees in a semi-circle anda more promising looking circle we have never seen. When the drawing began,all was expectation. Mr. O’Meara, young and bashful as he was, couldhardly stand the pressure. After all had taken an envelope from a box, DirectorHarbaugh went around and opened. He found the lucky number "200"in the possession of Mrs. Geo. Stalter, of Rock, and to her the handsomecarriage was turned over.

We should like to make many more notes on the fair, but must reservethem for next week on account of lack of space.

Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.



Running race, ½ mile dash. Premiums, $25 and $10.50. An easy victoryfor White Rose, Pat Johnson second.

Trotting race. Premiums $20 and $10. Nellie captured first money. LongJohn awarded second money.

Match race. Half mile dash. Harper mare against Jennie S. Won by thefirst named mare. Time, 52-1/4 seconds.

Mile and repeat running race. Premiums $75 and $30. Nathan Oaks first;Little Mac second. Time 2:5, 2:12.


Pacing race. Three minute class. County horses only. Purses $45, $22.50,and $7.50. An easy victory for Lilac in three straight heats. Time 3:34,3:26-1/2, 2:53-1/4. The flag dropped in the third heat on Printer Boy andRose Stephens.

2:40 Class. Trotting race. Won handily by Blackwood, Little Fred second,and Ed. Day third. Premiums $90, $45, and $15. Time 2:59, 2:55-1/4, and2:52-1/4.

Half mile and Repeat. Running race. $50 to first, $25 to second horse.This was White Rose’s race. Time 53 seconds and 52-1/4 seconds; NathanOaks second.


Three minute trotting race, county horses. Premiums $45, $22.50, and$7.50. Nellie H. first money, Mollie B., second money, and Long John thirdstate. Time 2:59, 3:1, 3:5-1/2.

Free for all pacing event. $90, $45, and $15. Won by Lilac, Lady Bellesecond. Time 2:1-1/2, 2:51-1/2, and 3.8.

Novelty running race. Half mile, 1 mile, and 1-1/2. Jenny Lind led athalf mile, White Rose at mile post, and Mollie B. ahead at the finish.

The Ladies’ Riding Race was the last event, and substituted forthe unfiled free for all trotting race. Miss Mary A. Foster, Miss Iowa Roberts,and Miss Mamie Doty were contes-tants. Prizes of $10 and $ were awardedfor graceful riding rather than for speed. Miss Foster and Miss Robertstook the prizes.


Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.


Entry for Courier Prize.

William Martin was born in Virginia in 1812. Was married to Sarah Lewisin 1835. The following are the family of these so far as they now live inCowley County, Kansas.

Sons and daughters of William and Sarah (Lewis) Martin.

1. Mary A. Wellman.

2. Elizabeth Painter.

3. Hartzell H. Martin.

4. Morgan Martin.

5. Ellery C. Martin.

6. Wm. Emerson Martin.

7. Emma L. Hawkins.

8, Minerva C. Martin.

9. Alice J. Martin.

10. Parker W. Martin.

Children of Rudolph Wellman and Mary A. (Martin) Wellman.

1. Lena Hawkins.

2. Edwin Wellman.

3. Frank Wellman.

4. John Wellman.

5. George Wellman.


Children of W. W. Painter and Elizabeth (Martin) Painter.

1. Flora Painter.

2. Willie Painter.

3. Harry Painter.

4. Ferdin Painter.

5. Effie Painter.

6. Mabel Painter.

7. Warren Painter.

Children of Hartzell H. Martin and Jennie Martin [Maiden name notgiven].

1. Cora Martin.

2. Mary Martin.

3. Eva Martin.

4. Georgie Martin.

Children of Morgan Martin and Annie Martin [Maiden name not given].

1. Pearl Martin.

2. Fred Martin.

3. Archie Martin.


They list...

Maggie Martin, wife of Ellery C.

Flora C. Martin, wife of Wm. Emerson.

Theron H. Martin, son of Wm. Emerson.


Children of Albert Hawkins and Emma L. (Martin) Hawkins.

1. Eugene A. Hawkins.

2. Gertrude Hawkins.

Children of Daniel Hawkins and Lena (Wellman) Hawkins.

1. Jessie Hawkins.

[Appears as though Lena Martin married Wellman; and then Daniel Hawkins.]

There were four entries for the premium, two of them being incompletein that they did not state the names of the persons composing the families,only giving figures. These were thrown aside for that reason. Of the tworemaining, Mr. Philip Teter’s family numbered thirty-nine, all livingwithin a radius of two and one-half miles. Mrs. Sarah Lewis Martin’sfamily, listed above, numbers forty-two [THANKS TO THE FUNNY WAY COURIERCOUNTED], all living in Cowley County. She is awarded the special premium,consisting of a ten dollar gold piece and a life subscription to the "COURIER."

Gather No. 1 on their list was SARAH LEWIS MARTIN rather than WilliamMartin due to the fact that she was the one who entered. William Martinwas not counted.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1883.

Items from Constant.

A number of the premiums at the fair were taken by this township.

Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.

BERKSHIRES From Silverton Herd! FOR SALE.

Breeding Boars and Gilts from one month to one year old, of pure breedingand best quality. Representatives of this herd took first premium in theirclass, and sweepstakes at the County fair. Come early and get your choicefrom litters. "Silverton Farm" is situated in Liberty Township,10 miles southeast of Winfield. Post office address, Winfield, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.

Sam Phoenix’ horse, "Lilac," fairly outdid himself atthe fair. He comes off with a record of 2:51-1/4. He is one of the besthorses in the county and Sam may well feel proud of him.

Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.

Last Saturday afternoon several hundred people witnessed a race betweenthe Blenden mare and a gray horse from Sedan, "Bull of the Woods."It was won easily by the mare. The distance was five hundred yards.

Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.

We present this week an excellent report of the fruit exhibit at theCounty Fair. It is made up by Jacob Nixon, the superintendent of the fruitdepartment, and will give a better idea of our fruit production than anythingyet brought out. Mr. Nixon is an enthusiastic horticultur-ist, and believesthat possibilities of this county in the fruit line are very bright. Theexhibit at the fair certainly bears him out in it.

Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.

Bard & Harris have a fine agricultural display in their real estateoffice: relics of the fair. It comprises mammoth onions, corn, potatoes,and a squash as big as a ten gallon keg.

Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.

Col. Jos. McCloy, of Liberty, advertises a special sale of hogs fromhis herd of pure bred Berkshires. He carried off many premiums on this herdat the County Fair.


Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.

Notice. All persons to whom premiums were awarded by the Cowley CountyFair & Driving Park Association at the late fair are hereby notifiedto call for the same on or before November 1st, 1883. On the second dayof November the books will be closed and all premium checks remaining uncalledfor will be covered back into the treasury of the Association. Ed. P. Greer,Secretary.


Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.

Attention Old Soldiers.

There will be a grand re-union of old soldiers at Winfield on the 17,18, & 19 of October, under the auspices of Winfield Post No. 85 G. A.R., to which all are invited, and especially old soldiers, with their wivesand children. Bring your tents, wagon covers, cooking implements, and rationsif you wish, or you can buy them on the grounds. Soldiers are coming fromall over the state. There will be several prominent speakers and two brassbands. Turn out, everyone, and let us have a grand old rally, sham battle,army songs, hard tack, pork and beans. By order of committee.

Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.

Corrections. Since our last issue, in which was published a list of premiumsawarded at the fair, we have had a good many corrections made in the list.In the dentistry exhibit Dr. Van Doren was awarded the first premium forthe best set of teeth, instead of Dr. Bull, as published. The printers madea balk in the award on organs. The Mason & Hamlin organ was awardedthe first premium. Mr. M. J. Stimson is the agent for this organ. The Chicagocottage organ received second, F. M. Friend, agent.


Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.

Among the Directors who did faithful work during the fair, we neglectedto mention Directors Schofield and Millspaugh. Mr. Schofield had chargeof the horse department, the duties of which were heavy. Mr. Millspaughhandled the grains and grasses and made an excellent and tasty display ofit.

Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.

Mr. John Isom brought us in a lot of peaches and hidden in the centerof the package were two mammoth apples as large or larger than any we sawat the fair. Our fruit showing this year is something to be proud of.

Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.

A Fair Correction.

Someone has said that the honor of war is to die for one’s countryand then have your name spelled wrong in the Gazette. Some of the honorsof the County Fair have been equally equivocal. For instance, my formertownsman, E. R. Morse, is a resident of Maple Township, and has as finea herd, if not the finest, of thoroughbred large Berkshire hogs in CowleyCounty. This herd was bred and raised by himself with the greatest care,for sale. His hogs took several premiums at the fair, but the honor wasgiven to Maple City instead of Maple Township, as it should have been, and,in consequence, should anyone wish to confer with Mr. Morse in regard tohis exhibit, by letter, they would fail to find him. The address of E. R.Morse is Maple Township, Red Bud. Yours for the right, NORMAN.


Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.

Report on Fruit.

The following is a report on fruit exhibited at the County Fair at Winfield,Sept. 25 to 28, 1883, in Class "H."

In sub-class 1, "Best peck of winter apples," there were sevenentries, as follows.

Entry No. 27 was a half bushel of extra Missouri pippin, by Silas Kennedy,of East Bolton Township, which was awarded the first premium.

Entry No. 19 was a peck of very good Missouri pippin by G. W. Yount,of Walnut Township, which took second premium. G. W. Robertson, of PleasantValley, showed in this class half a bushel of extra Ben Davis.

Entry No. 10, in this class, by G. T. Stone, of Vernon Township, wasone peck each of Ben Davis, very good; Missouri pippin, good; Janette, verygood; Winesap, good.

Entry No. 22, by J. C. Roberts of Walnut Township, was one peck of verygood Janette; one peck very good Ben Davis; one peck good Missouri Pippin.

Entry No. 10, by G. W. Stone, of Vernon, was half a bushel of Good BenDavis.

Entry No. 29, by A. Dawson, of Rock Township, was one peck of good Missouripippin.

In sub-class 2 there were 7 entries.

Entry No. 16, by N. C. Clark, of Vernon Township, had 19 plates of apples,to whom the committee gave the first premium as the best display of winterapples. Mr. Clark’s display consisted of one plate of Rambo, good;one plate Maiden’s Blush, extra good; one plate of Ortley, very good;one plate of Rock or Shannon Pippin, very good; one plate Willow Twig, good;plate Jonathan, good; three plates Dominic, good; two plates Winesap, extragood; two plates Fallawater, very good; four plates Ben Davis, good; oneplate Janette, good; one plate Missouri Pippin, good.

The second premium was awarded to entry No. 14, by G. W. Robertson, ofPleasant Valley Township, who had one plate Jonathan, very good; one plateGrimes G Pippin, very good; one plate McAfee’s Nonsuch, very good;one plate Rambo, good, two plates Willow Twig, good; one plate Ben Davis,good, one plate Missouri Pippin.

Entry No. 23, by J. C. Roberts, was one plate Northern Spy, extra good;three plates Ben Davis, good; two plates Winesap, good; two plates Janette,good.

Entry No. 14, by S. C. Sumpter, of Beaver Township, was one plate eachof very good Jonathan, Dominic, and Ortley.

Entry No. 1 by Wm. Carter, of Vernon Township, was two plates of Dominic,very good; and six plates of very good Missouri Pippin.

Entry No. 28 was Entry 27 in Class 1.

In Sub-class 3, display of Fall Apples, there were three exhibitors.

S. S. Linn, of Vernon Township, was awarded first premium for one plateWinesap, good; one plate Jonathan, very good; two plates Willow Twig, extragood; one sample each of White W. Pearmain and McAfee’s Nonsuch.

Entry No. 30, by A. Dawson. of Rock Township, took second premium forhalf a bushel of Wine, or Pennsylvania Red Streak of the West, which wereextra good.

Entry No. 25, by C. Lear, of ____ Township, consisted of two plates BenDavis, very good; one plate Winesap, and one plate Talman Sweet, good.

Sub-class 4: no entries.

Sub-class 5: two entries. Entry 9, by John Jones, of Rock Township, offreestone peaches, was awarded blue ribbon; 1 plate good.

Entry No. 15, by S. C. Sumpter, of Fairview Township, took second premium.

Sub-class 6, Clingstone Peach, was nobly represented in Entry No. 26,by Silas Kennedy, of East Bolton Township, of nineteen plates of buddedHeath Cling, extra choice.

Entry No. 25, by C. Lear, of Fairview Township, took second premium.

Entry No. 8, by John Jones, two plates of good seedlings.

Sub-class 20, display of apples.

One entry, No. 3, by S. C. Cunningham of Ninnescah Township, was threeplates of wine, extra good, two plates King of Thompkins County, extra good,2 plates Missouri Pippin, 1 plate Willow Twig, and one plate of a seedlingraised by him resembling in shape and color the Belmont, with a fine sub-acidflavor, an apple of fine appearance, and may prove after thorough triala valuable acquisition for our climate.

Sub-class 21. Entry No. 5, by W. C. Hayden, consisting of 31 plates,was awarded 1st premium.

Entry 18 by Henry Hawkins of Vernon Township, was awarded 2nd premium;he showed 17 plates or 15 varieties, all of his own raising, viz:

1 plate Northern Spy, good.

2 plates Wagener, very good.

2 plates Dominic, good.

1 plate W. W. Pearmain, very good.

1 plate Michael H. Pippen, very good.

1 plate Graines G. Pippin, extra good.

1 plate Fallawater, good.

1 plate Missouri Pippin, good.

1 plate Ben Davis, good.

1 plate Jonathan, extra good.

1 plate Striped Sweet Pippin, extra good.

1 plate Smiths Cider, very good.

1 plate Winesap, good.

1 plate Janette, good.

1 plate Rambo, good.

J. C. Roberts and N. C. Clark had entries in this class described insub-class No. 2.


J. R. Richards, of Rock Township, showed 1 plate of Ben Davis, and 1plate of an unknown variety.

Mr. Yoeman, of Vernon, showed 1 plate of Smiths Cider and two platesof Ben Davis.

Mr. A. Conrad, of Tisdale, placed on the table 1 plate of Yellow Bellflowers,extra good; 1 plate of Cayuga Red Streak, extra good; 1 plate Maiden Blush,good; 1 plate Ben Davis, very good.

J. D. Hammond of Beaver showed Fallawater and Missouri Pippin.

A. Ray, of Winfield, 1 plate Maiden blush, extra good; 1 plate MissouriPippin, 1 plate Russian, 1 plate unknown, extra good.

Jno. Mentch, of Walnut, 1 plate, extra good Ben Davis, 1 plate Janette,good.

Entry 2, volunteer by superintendent, 1 plate Janette, 1 plate Ben Davis,1 plate Dominic, 1 plate Wagener, 1 plate Missouri Pippin, 1 plate Rambo,1 plate Willow Twig, 1 plate Limber Twig.


Entry No. 128, S. C. Cunningham, of Ninnescah Township, was awarded chromofor ten of the largest apples. His exhibit was 3 plates Wine, extra good,2 plates King, extra good. This exhibit was the best entry on the tablesof any class.

Entry No. 46 by John Jones was 3 plates of Pryors Red, extra good.

Entry No. 17 by T. B. Ware, of Vernon Township, was 2 plates Ortley,extra good; 1one-plate Maiden blush, extra good; 1 apple of Ben Davis.

Entry No. 112 by Rudolph Wellman of Vernon Township, was 1 plate of Dominic,very good; 1 plate Ortley, very good.

The general excellence of the varieties shown, and the freedom from insectwas noted by every visitor during the fair. One collection was sent at theclose of the fair to the president of the A. T. & S. F. R. R., at Boston.Two collections were sent to Illinois and one to Ohio.

A rearrangement of the fruit tables and a premium for best peach or fiveof each variety in displays of summer, fall and winter—there shouldbe 5 of each variety shown to entitle it to compete or exhibit on table,and again, all premiums should be only to growers of fruit exhibited. JACOBNIXON, Superintendent, Class H. Fruit.

Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.

The Plano Binder took the blue ribbon at the Cowley County Fair. It nowstands in front of W. A. Lee’s Implement House.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1883.

The soldiers’ reunion for southern Kansas, held at Winfield lastweek, was a very suc-cessful affair. The streets of our county seat presenteda very war-like appearance, and on every corner and scattered about allover the fair grounds could be seen groups of old sol-diers earnestly recountingtheir many experiences of joy and sadness on the tented field. CongressmanPerkins’ speech on Thursday evening elicited much applause from theimmense audience at Manning’s opera house, and was in every respecta very happy effort.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1883.

Constant Items.

Many old soldiers of this vicinity attended the reunion at Winfield,and report a good time.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.


The re-union last week in spite of the inclement weather, was a fairsuccess. About six or seven hundred of the veterans gathered together andenjoyed a general good time. The executive committee of this post of theG. A. R. worked faithfully. Their arrangements were carefully planned andeverything in readiness for a grand old-fashioned jubilee, but it com-mencedraining a week before and continued to drizzle up to the second day of there-union. It was decided on the first day to postpone it indefinitely, andvisiting posts were telegraphed not to come, but the rain clearing up onthe second day, it was resolved to go on with it. On Friday there were fullysix hundred old soldiers on the grounds and several hundred visitors, includingladies. The exercises were interesting throughout. On Thursday evening Congress-manPerkins delivered a speech in the Opera House, which was the main featureof the occasion. Mr. Perkins is a splendid speaker and "knows how itwas himself."

Taken altogether the re-union was a pleasant social gathering, and whilenot the success that it would have been had the weather been favorable,we hope to see it the beginning of regular annual meetings, which will growin interest until time shall call the old soldiers to another world.


The registration lists show the names of over four hundred old soldiers.

Dr. H. L. Wells, as chairman of the Executive Committee, did good work.He was ably assisted by Messrs. Stone, Arment, Scott, Finch, and Stubblefield.

Dexter Post carried off the beautiful banner offered for the best drilledpost. The boys deserve the honor.

Rev. Cairns, post chaplain, made one of the most eloquent and feelingspeeches we have ever heard.

During the re-union thirty members were mustered into the Winfield PostG. A. R.

The chicken chase by Tony Agler and S. Cure was one of the most laughablethings out, and only eclipsed by the sure enough chicken hunt the nightbefore.

Levi Quier was in his glory and got as much fun out of the re-union asanyone.

The address of welcome delivered by T. H. Soward was excellent, and firedthe boys with much of the old-time enthusiasm.

The re-union committee has money enough to pay all its bills and a balancein the treasury.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

An Unfortunate Day.

A little son of Mr. J. S. Beswick, living seven miles west of the city,was carried into Dr. Taylor’s office more dead than alive, on lastSaturday evening. It seems he was thrown from a horse and as he fell, thehorse kicked him in the face and cut a fearful gash close to his nose. Adangerous hemorrhage ensued, and in a deep swoon he was brought from thefair ground uptown, where by the use of styptics and restoratives his life,for the present, was restored. His father says that this is the fourth seriousaccident the child has met with, and he is now only about eleven years old.He must have been born under an "unlucky star."

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Dr. Van Doren took the blue ribbon at the Cowley Co. Fair, both for thebest set of teeth, and best display of dental instruments. Moral:Patronize the best.

The next item does not pertain to Cowley County Fairs or Fair Grounds.However, I thought it of interest. MAW

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.


EDS. COURIER: "I take my pen in hand," thinking a few itemsfrom this country might be acceptable. Through the kindness of a sister,we’ve been getting the COURIER all summer, and those reports of cropsread like tales of some fairy land, for it has not been so with us. TheFourth of July the corn here was, as my father used to say, about "kneehigh to a grasshopper," and the grounds kept saturated with cold rainsuntil August, which was dry, but as cool as could be. The eighth and ninthof September we had frosts which covered the ground, and ice was reportedin some parts of the county. Oats were very good; we never raise any wheathere, and we had a grand crop of potatoes, but no fruit of any account.I tell you, Mr. Editor, I never appreciated Kansas and prohibition as Ihave since I came here. Perhaps it will interest some of your readers tohear the result of some foot racing here this summer. The 4th of July therewere several prizes offered to Ashton on foot races, and Ed. Smith, formerlyof Dexter, Kansas, came up from Leo Center, and thought to help the funalong he’d run. He did so, winning two prizes. So after that he ranseveral around his home, beating his man every time. When Mendota had herfair they offered $10 for the first one out on 80 rods. He went there andentered with six others, one from Chicago, one from England, two who wereattending all the fairs just to run at the races, and he took that $10 in59 seconds. When Kansas contends, stand back all ye countries, old and new.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

Rams for Sale. I have, on my ranch, three miles north of Maple City,20 Merino rams from best Michigan and Wisconsin herds, and a few from Copeland,of Douglass. Will sell on reasonable terms. W. S. Crowell, P. O. address844, Winfield, Kansas. My yearlings took first premium at Cowley CountyFair.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Dr. W. F. Baird was over from Howard last week to confer with the executiveboard of the Fair Association relative to bringing his splendid thoroughbredKentucky Hambletonians over. He has sixteen of the finest horses ever broughtto the state. Among them are "Blackwood" and "Little Fred."Mr. Baird is an excellent gentleman and will be a valuable acquisition toour city. He has not fully decided to come yet, but probably will.

Winfield Courier, December 6 and 13, 1883.

The Board of Directors of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Associationwill meet at A. H. Doane & Co.’s office in Winfield, on Fridayafternoon, December 21st. The work on hand embraces the annual settlementsand setting dates for next year’s fair. Every director should be present.

Winfield Courier, December 27, 1883.

To Whom It May Concern.

I understand that parties claiming to represent the claim of nurseriesand selling nursery stock, in Cowley and Sumner counties, are using my nameas reference, stating that I have a large pear orchard in successful bearing,which is false, as I have only lived in Cowley County four yearsand have planted all the orchard that I have since that time.

I also understand that these parties are using my name as reference asto their standing, etc., which is without my authority. And I hereby requestthat no person receive as true a recommendation purporting to have comefrom me except they are shown written authority to do so from me. J. F.MARTIN. President of the Fair & Driving Park Association, also Presidentof the Cowley County Horticultural Society.

Winfield Courier, December 27, 1883.

Stockholders’ Meeting.

The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Cowley County Fair &Driving Park Association will be held in the Opera House at Winfield on


at 2 o’clock p.m. for the purpose of electing seventeen (17) Directorsto serve during the ensuing year. ED. P. GREER, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.


The Stockholders Meet and Elect a New Board.

A Splendid Record.

On Monday afternoon the stockholders of the Cowley County Fair and DrivingPark Association met in the Opera House for the purpose of re-organizingthe Board of Directors for the year 1884, and receiving reports of the conditionand doings of the Association for the year. About seventy-five stockholders,representing nearly all of the subscribed stock, were present.

The report of the Secretary disclosed the fact that there were 149 sharestaken, leaving 51 shares yet to place. It also set forth that the Fair lastfall had cleared for the stockholders a net sum of $1,406.57, that therehad been received from the rent of the grounds to other parties and fromother miscellaneous sources the sum of $329.75, making a total of $1,736.32profit from which the expenses of officers’ salaries, postage, blanks,books, insurance, etc., $505.04, were deducted, leaving a net profit of$1,231.28, to be divided among 133 shares, being those of the number subscribed,which were paid up: or $9.25 to each share. This is 19-1/4 percent on everydollar invested, and as the first money was paid in only eight months ago,and some of it but a few weeks ago, it is a wonderful showing. The amount,however, was not set aside as dividends, but was converted to the generalfund of the Association by the stockholders, to be used in further improvementson the grounds. This item of profit, therefore, those who subscribe forthe remaining shares will get the benefit of, which is a rather unusualthing in a business point of view. It is the only place we know of at presentwhere a man can get $59.25 for fifty dollars.

The President of the Association, Mr. Jas. F. Martin, made the followingreport, which was ordered filed and published in the county papers, by aunanimous vote of the stockholders.

To the Stockholders of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association.

"GENTLEMEN. The first eight months of the history of our Associationhas closed, and it is with pleasure that we refer to the progress whichhas been made. In the careful reports of the Secretary and Treasurer, herewithpresented, are exhibited its past and present financial condition.

"In our brief history, fifty-four acres of land, 17 acres of whichare finely timbered, have been purchased and placed under a substantialfence; a speed ring unsurpassed if equaled in the state, is in fine orderand finely fenced; the large exhibition buildings and improvements havebeen made, and with the exceptions hereafter referred to, all is or maybe paid for and no debt as an incubus hangs over the Association.

"The first Fair of the Association, held last September, resultedin the most gratifying success, and gave an earnest of the perpetuity andfuture usefulness of the organization.

"At your first meeting you elected the Board that has had chargeof and performed with such signal success the work you assigned them todo. As chairman of that Board and exer-cising, as far as my ability permitted,vigilant and kindly supervision over its management, it is with pleasurethat I acknowledge the ever prompt and efficient services of the Secretary,Ed. P. Greer; the skillful and energetic discharge of the duties of Superintendentby D. L. Kretsinger, and the honest and faithfully performed duties of Treasurerby A. H. Doane. Wisdom was exercised in the selection of these gentlemento act in these important positions, which are of vital importance to thesuccess of the Association, and a happy adaptation, in each case, was evermanifested in the discharge of their various duties.

"To such members of the Board as devoted their time and labor inaiding and directing the work of the Executive Board, many thanks are due.In view of the success attained and experience acquired by the retiringBoard, and especially the executive part of it, I would suggest for yourconsideration the importance of retaining all, or at least a part of saidofficers in their present positions for the ensuing year. I have no personalinterest or ambition to serve, and therefore I hope you will not in anysense regard this suggestion as applicable to myself, intending it especiallyto apply to the Secretary, Treasurer, and Superintendent.

"In the work of the Board while devising plans and means for presentand future success, many questions arose, on which at first diverse opinionswere held, but after due consultation unity was generally reached. In voting,the Board was, with few exceptions, unanimous; so, whatever good or evilwe have done, each member will share alike the praise or censure of a criticizingpublic. Much as has been accomplished, very much remains to be done. Fifty-oneshares remain to be taken, which will enable the Board to continue the improvementson the grounds; such as erecting the Central Exhibition Building, enlargingthe amphitheater, and increasing the number by erecting better stables andstock pens. May we not also hope, in the near future, to erect a tasteful,two story central office; connect the same with other parts of the groundand with the city by telephone; and arrange to have an abundant supply ofwater, from the City Waterworks? Early attention should be given to settinglines and groups of deciduous and evergreen trees, which will soon beautifythe grounds and greatly enhance their value.

"It may be wise, at this meeting, to add a section to the By Laws,empowering the Board, at the time of holding the annual Fair, or as soonthereafter as practical, to appoint the time for holding the next AnnualFair. The State Board of Agriculture meets annually on the 2nd Wednesdayof January. It is important that this body be represented in that body anda report by delegate be made therefrom at our annual meeting. Therefore,a change in the time of holding our annual meeting, seems imperative. Changingthe time of holding the annual meeting from the 2nd Monday to the 3rd Mondayin January will prevent the occurrence of both meetings happening in thesame week.

"While handsome dividends from invested capital are generally desired,I would urge that no dividends be made on the stock of the Association untilthe grounds are improved in the best possible manner. We should aimto make this the best Fair ground and the best conducted Fair Associationin the State. The stock of the Association at present is worth more thanits face value, and at no distant time it will command a high premium, andthose taking the remaining shares will be fortunate. To insure the continuedinterest and healthful influence of the agricultural producing class, theremaining shares should be taken and permanently held by them. Whilethe finances of the farmer will be benefitted, his influence and interestwill also be secured.

"You, no doubt, will endorse, tacitly at least, the action of theBoard in disallowing gambling devices, games of chance, and intoxicatingdrinks on the ground during the Fair. The good behavior of the thousandsof our citizens and strangers attending the Fair was attested by the factthat not a single arrest for violating the rules or disorderly conduct wasmade. This was, to some degree, referable to the absence of these evils.

"The legitimate object of our Association and kindred institutions,is to encourage better and more successful agricultural management, operations,and productions, and collect and disseminate useful knowledge, and lastbut not least, encourage sociality and promote virtue among the people.We live in a progressive age and in the midst of an enlightened and Christiancommunity, and however diverse our opinions may be on moral or theologicalsubjects, the management of our associations and exhibitions must, in aneminent degree, in order to have continued cooperation and prosperity, bein accord with the moral intelligence of the people.

"In conclusion, allow me to add, that, while the success attendingour short history, calls for congratulations and thanks, may we not hopeand work, that the affairs of the Association will continue to be conductedin the manner that will subserve the highest interest of the community atlarge, and that thus the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Associationmay long be an honor to our county, and the pride to everyone of her citizens."

After a thorough overhauling of the Constitution and By Laws in the wayof amend-ments, the following Board of Directors was elected to transactthe business of the Associa-tion for the year 1884.

Jas. F. Martin: Vernon Township.

Harvey Smith: Silver Creek Township.

S. P. Strong: Rock Township.

H. Harbaugh: Pleasant Valley Township.

J. B. Nipp: Creswell Township.

P. B. Lee: Vernon Township.

S. S. Linn: Pleasant Valley Township.

K. J. Wright: Beaver Township.

J. O. Taylor: Walnut Township.

H. C. McDorman: Dexter Township.

J. L. Horning: Winfield.

A. T. Spotswood: Winfield.

C. C. Black: Winfield.

D. L. Kretsinger: Winfield.

Ed. P. Greer: Winfield.

A. H. Doane: Winfield.

Jas. B. Schofield: Winfield.

This directory gives ten to the county and seven to Winfield, which placesthe full control of the Association in the hands of the live, energeticfarmers of Cowley. Let us hope that every member of the Board will be onhand at every meeting of that body and bend their united energies towardmaking Cowley’s Fair a model institution from which every county inthe state may "draw inspiration" for building up a similar one.With twelve members of the board in the city last year, it was sometimesimpossible to get nine directors out to a meeting.

After adjournment of the stockholders’ meeting, the new Board ofDirectors met, were sworn in, and elected the officers of the Associationas follows.

Jas. F. Martin: President.

J. L. Horning: Vice President.

Ed. P. Greer: Secretary.

A. H. Doane: Treasurer.

D. L. Kretsinger: General Superintendent.

The finance committee, through whose hands all the accounts of the Associationmust pass, is composed of Messrs. C. C. Black, P. B. Lee, and A. T. Spotswood.When it is remembered that the Association received and paid out duringthe eight months past, upwards of fourteen thousand dollars, their dutiesare not small by any means.

Cowley now has a fair that she may well be proud of. On a sound financialbasis, with a wonderfully prosperous past and a bright future, with beautifulgrounds, substantial improvements, and a race track unsurpassed in the state,no public institution of the kind could be in better condition. Every citizenin the county should take a commendable pride in it, and lend the Boardof Directors their heartiest cooperation.

Below we append a list of those who went down into their pockets formoney to put the institution on its feet. We can safely say none of themexpected more of a return from their investment than the upbuilding of suchan institution would bring to the whole community. That they intended sois shown by their refusal to accept the profits of the investment, prefer-ringto apply it to further improvement on the property. The shares are fiftydollars each.

Following is a list of Shareholders and Number of Shares Held.

R. E. Wallis, Jr., 4.

J. W. Millspaugh, 1.

W. P. Hackney, 2.

A. H. Doane, 2.

D. L. Kretsinger, 1.

Ed. P. Greer, 2.

Jas. F. Martin, 1.

J. S. Mann, 1.

R. E. Wallis, Sr., 1.

A. E. Baird, 1.

H. Brown, 1.

W. J. Wilson, 1.

John Lowry, 4.

M. L. Read & M. L. Robinson, 10.

J. L. Horning, 2.

Sol Burkhalter, 2.

P. H. Albright, 2.

J. B. Lynn, 2.

W. J. Hodges, 2.

Chas. C. Black, 4.

J. B. Schofield & John M. Keck, 2.

G. S. Manser, 2.

S. G. Gary, 2.

A. T. Spotswood, 2.

J. P. Baden, 2.

W. S. Mendenhall, 2.

E. B. Weitzel, 2.

Geo. W. Robinson, 2.

W. C. Robinson, 2.

Jas. H. Bullene & Co., 2.

L. B. Stone, 4.

Jacob Nixon, 2.

John Stalter, 2.

N. J. Thompson, 1.

J. P. Short, 1.

I. W. Randall, 1.

Wm. Overly, 2.

S. P. Strong, 1.

Isaac Wood, 1.

C. H. Cleaves, 1.

Hughs & Cooper, 1.

Hendricks & Wilson, 1.

F. W. Schwantes, 1.

Wm. Carter, 2.

J. B. Corson, 1.

Geo. L. Gale, 1.

G. B. Shaw & Co., 2.

D. B. McCollum, 1.

R. F. Burden, 1.

J. C. Roberts, 1.

Geo. Wilson, 1.

R. J. Yoeman, 1.

P. B. Lee, 1.

L. Barnett, 1.

J. H. Curfman, 1.

E. B. Nicholson, 1.

H. Bahntge, 1.

C. L. Harter, 1.

Tomlin & Webb, 1.

A. C. Bangs, 1.

A. J. Thompson, 1.

E. M. Reynolds, 1.

D. H. Dix, 1.

Harvey Smith, 1.

T. P. Carter, 1.

F. M. Friend, 1.

J. T. Brooks, 1.

J. O. Taylor, 1.

S. H. Myton, 2.

D. S. Sherrard, 1.

A. B. Arment, 1.

S. W. Phoenix, 1.

Q. A. Glass, 1.

H. Harbaugh, 1.

T. J. Jones, 1.

J. B. Nipp, 1.

E. D. Taylor, 1.

W. A. Tipton, 1.

W. W. Limbocker, 1.

W. W. Painter, 1.

John Holmes, 1.

S. S. Linn, 1.

G. P. Wagner, 1.

H. C. McDorman, 1.

Geo. W. Miller, 2.

G. L. Rinker, 1.

K. J. Wright, 1.

Hogue & Mentch, 1.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1884.

The second annual fair of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Associationwill be held on their grounds near Winfield on September 23, 24, 25, and26, 1884.

Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.

The committee on premium list of the Fair Association met last week andcommenced the revision of the list for the coming year. The premiums theypropose to offer this year will aggregate over three thousand dollars. Thelist will be one of the most complete ever issued by a county fair in Kansas.It will probably be published sometime in March or early in April.

Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.

We advise every person in Cowley County who intends to start an orchardnow or in the future to preserve the article by Mr. Jas. F. Martin, on thefirst page of this paper. Mr. Martin is president of the Cowley County HorticulturalSociety, also of the County Fair Association, and his conclusions are drawnfrom practical experience in Cowley County, not by himself alone, but bythe fifty or more members of the County Horticultural Society. These twosocieties, under the enthusiastic leadership of Mr. Martin, supplementedby the hearty cooperation of such men as Messrs. Nixon, Hogue, Hawkins,Robertson, Millspaugh, Linn, Maxwell, and a host of others are doing a workfor the advancement of the agricultural interests of our county valuablebeyond measure.

Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.

For sale cheap, or will trade for young stock. A French Norman and MorganStallion, four years old last spring. Took the first premium at the countyfair when a colt.

E. P. HICKOK, Winfield.

Winfield Courier, February 28, 1884.


Seeing an advertisem*nt for the coming annual meeting of the Fair Associationin your town, I write to suggest that you call the attention of the Boardof Directors to the fact of an entire absence of all accommodations forthe country people, especially with regard to seats, except where they arerequired to pay exorbitantly for their use in the amphitheater. And particularly,I would beg you to urge that they erect benches of the cheapest descriptionfor the said country people—especially when they are denied a nearerapproach with their carriages than the small space contiguous to the gates,and are turned aside by armed policeman to make way for the more elegantand stylish city turnouts, that they may have all available space for amore comfortable view of the races, and protected from the dust and sunthat the "herd" from the country have to endure as best they may.We country people certainly contribute our share and spend our money atyour fairs, and why should we be subjected to such indignities with impunity,country gawks though we are? Talk feeling to the Directors, and believeme in all truth one of the sufferers from "TIGHT SHOES."

Owing to lack of time necessary to place all the capital stock, the Directorsof the Fair found it impossible to erect free seats for last year. It willbe done before the next fair. Our correspondent is evidently mistaken whenshe says: "We country people certainly contribute our share and spendour money at your fairs." Of the seventeen directors of thefair, twelve are farmers, one from her own vicinity. The president is afarmer and a majority of the stock is owned by farmers. Therefore, if shemeans by "your Fair" that it is in any way a city institution,she is badly mistaken. In order to be a success, this fair must be conductedon business principles, that is, equal privileges at a uniform price. Everyone,whether from the country, city, or from Africa, got a seat in the amphitheaterfor 25 cents. If any policeman gave some privileges over others, it wasin direct disobedience of his orders, and the aggrieved party should havereported him to the officer and had him kicked off the grounds.


Winfield Courier, March 6, 1884.


From the Daily Republican of Decatur, Illinois, we clip the followingof a horse purchase made by Mr. Buffington, of Oxford. As these splendidhorses are coming so near to Cowley, our people will no doubt be interestedin it.

"The presence in Decatur of Mr. J. M. Buffington, of Oxford, SumnerCounty, Kansas, the most widely known stock breeder in southern Kansas,was noted in the Republican the other day. He came here for the purposeof adding to his stock of stallions, and he called upon Brenneman Bros.,of the Elm Grove stock farm, having heard of their famous collection ofNormans, 20 of which were lately brought here from France. As is well knownthroughout Illinois, Brenneman & Bros., have been the owners of imported"Niger" and "Turk," two powerful stallions that haveoften taken premiums at our fairs and whose colts are quite numerous throughoutthis and adjoining counties. Being an excellent judge of horseflesh, Mr.Buffington insisted on becoming the owner of both "Niger" and"Turk," and it was several days before the Brennemans would consentto part with their pets that have contributed so largely toward making theirstock farm and stables so famous in this part of the state. Finally, Mr.Buffington was triumphant in getting the two stallions and four others fromthe Brenneman Bros. Tuesday Mr. Buffington left for Sumner County, takingthe noted stallions with him. They are prizes, everyone of them, and willnot fail to make the Buffing-ton stables celebrated all through the west.In becoming the owner of "Niger" and "Turk," Mr. Buffingtoncaptures two of the best stallions to be found on either side of the Atlantic,and he certainly ought to feel gratified at the satisfactory result of hisvisit to Decatur, which our people who formed his acquaintance have endeavoredto make as pleasant as possible.

The Brenneman Bros. feel that two of their best stallions are gone, butas the price offered by Mr. Buffington was large—somewhere in the neighborhoodof $3,000 apiece—they concluded to part with them, and did so reluctantly.

Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.

The Board of Directors of the Fair Association meet Friday afternoon.

Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.

The Fair Association have sowed several different kinds of tame grasseson the fair grounds, some in the fall and some this spring, for the purposeof practically experimenting on the tame grass question. The actual resultsof the different times and processes of sowing will be fully apparent byfair time. The association has also made an appropriation for trees andshrubs to be purchased and set out under the direction of the county HorticulturalSociety. Complete records of the methods and means employed in beautifyingthe grounds will be kept for the benefit of citizens of the county who desireto profit by the experiment.

Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.

Why Our Fair is a Success.

Cowley County had an immense crowd at its fair last year. Why? Becausethey advertised it thoroughly all the summer previous. Sumner Co. Press.

The success of Cowley’s fair is due to the fact that in every neighborhoodthe active, energetic farmers take a lively personal interest in its welfare.It is their money which has purchased the grounds and improved them andthey control the organization. It is a farmer’s organization, but runon business principles. Its effect is already largely felt on our Agriculturaland Live Stock interests and its future success is assured by the heartycooperation of the whole people.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.

Two hundred evergreen trees were shipped in and set out on the Fair Groundsby President Martin last week. In a few years these grounds will be themost beautiful to be found anywhere.


Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.


CLASS A. HORSES. Superintendent: J. W. Browning.

Lot 1—Percheron Norman. Premiums—[First. Second. DID NOT PRINTAMOUNTS.]

[Listed Stallions, 4, 3, 2 years old, under 3; colt, 1 year old, under2, foal of 1884, mare, 4 years old and over, filly, 3, 2 1 year old, under2; foal of 1884.]

Lot 2—Clydesdales.

Listed Stallions, 4, 3, 2, 1 year old; sucking colt, mare 4, 3, 2, 1;colt.]

Lot 3—General Purposes.

By General Purposes it is intended to embrace all horses without distinctionin regard to breeding. The size, form, action, and general usefulness forfarm, wagon, and carriage work will be the test.

[Listed Stallions, 4, 3, 2; colt, 4 year old, under 2; foal of 1884;Gelding, 4, 3, 2, 1; Mare, 4, 3, 2, 1; foal of 1884.]

Lot 4—Draft Horses.

[Listed Team, mares or geldings, 4 years and over; under 4 years old.Single stallion over 4 years; single stallion, under 4 years.]

Lot 5—Roadsters.

In this lot all entries to be shown in harness to vehicles. Form, style,action, and speed to be especially considered. A pair of roadsters shouldhave timber, style, action, and speed alike. A team must be owned by exhibitor.

[Listed span of roadsters over 4 years old; under 4. Stallion roadster,any age. Single roadster, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over; same, under4 years old.]

Lot 6—Sweepstakes.

[Listed Stallion, any age or blood; Mare, any age or blood; Brood mare,with colt not more than 2 years old.]

Lot 7—Jacks and Mules.

[Listed Jack, any age; Pair of mules for farm work; Mule colt.]

CLASS B. CATTLE. Superintendent, J. L. Stewart.

Lot 1—Shorthorns.

[Listed bulls, 3 years old and over; 2 and under 3; 1 and under 2; Bullunder 1 year old.]

[Listed Cow 3 years old and over; 2 and under 3; 1 and under 2; Heiferunder 1 year old]

Lot 2—Herefords.

[Listed bulls, 3 years old and over; 2 and under 3; 1 and under 2, Bullunder 1 year old]

[Listed Cow 3 years old and over; 2 and under 3; 1 and under 2; Heiferunder 1 year old]

Lot 3—Polled Angus and Galloways.

[Listed bulls, 3 years old and over; 2 and under 3; 1 and under 2; Bullunder 1 year old]

[Listed cow 3 years old and over; 2 and under 3; 1 and under 2; Heiferunder 1 year old]

Lot 4—Jerseys.

[Listed bulls, 3 years old and over; 2 and under 3; 1 and under 2; Bullunder 1 year old]

[Listed cow 3 years old and over; 2 and under 3; 1 and under 2; Heiferunder 1 year old]

Lot 5—Grades and Crosses.

[Listed bull, 3 years old or over; 2 years, under 3, 1 year, under 2;bull calf under 1 year]

[Listed cow 3 yrs. old or over; 2 years, under 3; 1 year, under 2; heifercalf under 1 year]

[Listed Fat Cattle...steer, cow, or heifer, 2 years old or over.]

Lot 6—Herds Open to All Breeds.

The entire herd must be owned by one person.

Herd of thoroughbreds, not less than 6 in number, if three entries aremade.

Lot 7—Sweepstakes.

[Bull of any age or blood; cow, same; bull shown with 4 offspring; cow,4 offspring.]

CLASS C. HOGS. Superintendent, H. C. McDorman.

Lot 1—Berkshires.

[Listed 1 boar 1 year old or over; 6 mos. & under 12; 4 mos. &under 6.]

[Listed sow 1 year old or over; 6 mos. & under 12; 4 mos. & under6.]

[Listed sow and 6 pigs less than 2 months; pen of 6 pigs, less than 3months.]

Lot 2—Poland Chinas.

[Listed 1 boar 1 year or over; 6 mos. & under 12; 4 mos. & under6.]

[Listed sow 1 year old or over; 6 mos. & under 12; 4 mos. & under6.]

[Listed sow and 6 pigs less than 2 months; pen of 6 pigs, less than 3months.]

Lot 3—Jersey Reds.

[Listed boar over 1 year; over 6 mos. and under 1 year; under 6 months.]

[Listed Sow over 1 year; over 6 mos. and under 1 year; under 6 months.]

[Listed sow and 6 pigs under 2 months old; pen of 6 pigs under 3 months.]

Lot 4—Chester Whites.

[Listed boar over 1 year; over 6 mos. and under 1 year; under 6 months.]

[Listed Sow over 1 year; over 6 mos. and under 1 year; under 6 months.]

[Listed sow and 6 pigs under 2 months; pen of 6 pigs under 3 months.]

Lot 5—Sweepstakes.

[Listed board of any age or breed; sow of any age or breed; collectionof swine, not less than 8, of any age, but of one breed, owned by exhibitor.]

CLASS D. SHEEP. Superintendent, S. P. Strong.

Lot 1—Fine Wools.

Fine wool sheep include Spanish, French, and American Merinos, Saxons,and their crosses.

[Listed ram 2 years and over; 1 year, under 2; ram lamb.]

[Listed ewe 2 years old; 1 year, under 2; three ewe lambs.]

Lot 2—Long Wools.

Long wools include Leicesters, Lincolnshires, Shropshires, Cotswolds,Southdowns, and their crosses.

[Listed ram 2 years and over; 1 year, under 2, ram lamb.]

[Listed ewe 2 years and over; 1 year, under 2; three ewe lambs.]

Lot 3—Sweepstakes.

[Listed Ram of any age or breed; ewe, same; Buck with 5 of his lambs;Flock of 15 of any breed.]

CLASS E. POULTRY. Superintendent, C. Trump.

Lot 1. [Listed by Pairs.]

White Cochin fowls; Black Cochin fowls; Partridge Cochin fowls; BuffCochin fowls; Light Brahma fowls; Malay fowls; Dark Brahma fowls; Black-breastedgame fowls; Any other variety game fowls; Colored Dorkings; White Dorkings;Black Polands; White Polands; Silver Polands; Golden Polands; Black Spanish;Plymouth Rock; White Leghorns; Brown Leghorns; Golden-spangled Hamburgs;Silver-spangled Hamburgs; Golden-penciled Hamburgs; Silver-penciled Hamburgs;Black Hamburgs; Dominiques; Bantams; Golden pheasants; Silver pheasants;Handans; La Flech; Crevecoeur; Capons; Peafowls; White peafowls; Alesburyducks; Rouen ducks; Topknot ducks; Muscovy ducks; La Plata ducks; Pekinducks; Turkeys, African geese; Bremen geese; Meute ducks; Guinea fowls;and

Best and largest display by one exhibitor.


[To be tested under direction of the superintendent. Superintendent notNamed.]

Lot 1—Plows. [Listed under Premium: Diploma.]

[Listed plow for turning sod land or greensward; for turning under stubble;for general use, made in Kansas; for general use, made in any other state;heavy plow for new land; attachment for any plow, for covering grass orlong manure; subsoil plow; draining or ditching plow; self-cleaning plow-coulter;gang-plow; display of plows, to be exhibited by manufacturers; sulky forplow.]

Lot 2—Tillage Implements.

[Listed field-roller; spring-tooth harrow; iron harrow; wooden harrow;one-horse cultivator; machine for hoeing or weeding drills in gardens; two-horsewheel cultivator for corn; combined cultivator with seeder attachment; displayof cultivators, exhibited by manufacturers.]

Lot 3—Seed Drills, Sowers, Planters, etc.

[Listed two-horse seed drill; two-horse broadcast seeder for grain; grassand clover seed sower for horse-power; grass-seed sower for hand work; cornand bean planter, to work with horse-power; drill for sowing seeds of rootcrops by hand; hand corn-planter.]

Lot 4—Haying and Harvesting Instruments.

[Listed horse-rake; self-raking hay and grain feeder; machine for mowinglawns by hand; hay rigging for double wagon; any machine that will dig potatoesby horse-power, satisfactory to committee; hay-press.]

Lot 5—Apparatus and Machines Connected with the Cleaning and Preparationof Crops for Market and for the Feeding of Stock.

[Listed horse-power for farm use; greatest variety and best display offeed-cutters; greatest variety and best display of corn-shellers; corn-sheller;fanning-mill or grain-cleaner; straw and stalk cutter for hand-power; contrivancefor steaming food for cattle and hogs, capacity for not less than 20 headof each; plan for feeding swine; plan for feeding calves; portable steamengine, to be used for agricultural purposes; portable grist-mill; combinedportable grist mill and corn-sheller; cider-mill and press; apparatus forevaporating sorghum sugar; hay and cattle scales, to be placed near theforage and cattle, for use of society; grain register.]

Lot 6—Miscellaneous Farm Articles.

All miscellaneous farm articles pertaining to this division to be enumeratedunder this class, and the committee will make such recommendations as theymay deem proper.

[Listed drag-sawing machine; circle sawing machine; bag-holder; three-horseevener; road-scraper; wheelbarrow; six-hand corn-cutters; six grub-hoes;hand-machine for sawing wood; grain cradle; display of shovels, spades,and axes; set of grain measures; six bush-hooks; grindstone with best hangings;fruit-ladders; fruit-gatherers; hand-pump for wells; cistern pump; tubularpump; farm gate; farm fence; display hand-turned horse shoes.]

Lot 7—Dairy and Household Articles.

[Listed churn for making butter, either rotary or other movement; cheese-press;cheese-vat for making cheese; milk-strainer; milk-safe; dozen brooms; creamer,butter-worker; carpet-sweeper; carpet-stretcher; Weights and scales fordairy use; washing machine; clothes-wringing machine; clothes-horse; assortmentof wooden ware for dairy or kitchen use; assortment of tin or metal warefor dairy or kitchen use; assortment of wire ware; fluter; refrigerator;clothes drier; clothes-mangle; half-dozen wooden pails; half-dozen wash-tubs;fruit-drier; fruit-boxes for grapes and other small fruits; cans for preservingfruit; specimens of dish-covers; cheese-safe.]

Lot 8—Wagons and Carriages.

[Listed two-horse family carriage; one-horse carriage; two-spring phaeton;three-spring phaeton; top buggy; buggy without top; trotting wagon; trottingsulky; farm wagon for all purposes; spring wagon for market; omnibus; two-horsefamily sleigh; single sleigh or cutter; single farm wagon; carriage-jack;for best display of the above articles.]

Lot 9—Wagons and Carriages Made in Cowley County.

[Listed two-horse family carriage; top buggy; open buggy; two-springbuggy; three-spring phaeton; farm wagon; spring wagon; one horse carriage.]

Lot 10—Flour, Meal and Feed.

[Listed 100 pound sack of flour made of white wheat; 100 pound sack offlour made of red wheat; sample of bolted meal; sample of corn meal; sampleof ground feed; sample of buckwheat flour; sample of rye flour; sample ofGraham flour; sample of oat meal; Pest and largest display of flour, meal,and feed.]

Lot 11—Soap, Toilet Articles, Samples of Prepared Groceries, etc.

Note: In this lot space will be afforded for display without competitionfor premiums.

[Display of fine groceries; toilet soaps; washing soaps; prepared pop-corn;display of confectionery, flavoring extracts, and ground spices.]

Lot 12—Articles of Leather and India Rubber.

[Display of trunks, not less than ten in number; display of satchels;display of pellissiers; traveling trunk; hand-trunk; lady’s hand-trunk;pair of gent’s summer boots; pair of gent’s winter boots; pairof kip boots; pair of lady’s summer walking boots; pair of lady’swinter shoes; pair of misses’ shoes; pair of children’s shoes;double carriage harness, manufactured in the state; single buggy harness,manufactured in the state; double harness for farm, manufactured in thestate; sole leather, made in the state; calfskin, made in the state; gent’sriding saddle, made in the state; lady’s riding saddle, made in thestate; riding bridle, made in the state; horse-collar, made in the state;leather belting made in the state; rubber belting, made in the state; displayof boots and shoes of all kinds, made in the state; display of travelingbags; display of buffalo robes; display of fancy robes; enameled leather;assortment of India rubber goods.]

Lot 13—Articles of Furniture.

[Set of parlor furniture, not less than seven pieces; sofa; lounge orcouch; easy chair; smoking or lounging chair; upholstered reception chair;center table; library table; pier mirror and base; mantel mirror; windowcornices; lambrequin; set of chamber furniture, not less than three pieces;spring mattress; mattress for bed; dressing bureau; set of dining-room chairs;extension table; sideboard; book-case; secretary; parlor writing-desk; office-desk;office-chair; desk of any kind; hall-tree or hat-rack; display of furnitureof all kinds; child’s crib; child’s carriage; display of willowor rattan chairs; display of veneers; display of rustic wood-work; assortmentof school furniture.]


Class G. Grain, Grasses, and Vegetables.

(Grown by Exhibitor.)

Superintendent, H. Harbaugh.

Lot 1—

[Listed half bushels: red fall wheat; white fall wheat; spring wheat;rye; barley; white oats; black oats; red oats; buckwheat; white corn; yellowcorn; Bloody Butcher corn; sweet corn; pop corn.]

[Listed by bundles: broom corn, sorghum cane, any variety, flax, hemp,clover, Hungarian, millet, blue grass, orchard grass, Alfalfa, timothy,Johnson grass, meadow oat grass.]

[Listed by pecks: early Irish potatoes; late Irish potatoes; sweet potatoes(Nansemond); sweet potatoes, white or red; turnips; beets, red; beets, white;parsnips; carrots; red onions; white onions; tomatoes; beans; peanuts.]

[Listed individually: Cabbage, 5 heads or more; pumpkins, 5; squashes,2; watermelons, 4; muskmelons, 4; cucumbers, 6; pie-plant.]

Lot 2—Best Displays.

The articles comprised in each of these displays cannot compete for anyother premiums, and must be grown by the exhibitor during the agriculturalyear.

[Listed best display of grains and grasses; vegetables, Cowley Countygrown peck of clover seed; Cowley County grown peck of timothy seed; CowleyCounty grown peck of orchard grass.]

Class H. Household Products. Superintendent: Mrs. N. S. Perry.

Lot 1.

[Listed best two pounds butter; five pounds of butter, June made; hoopcheese; five pounds sorghum sugar; five gallons sorghum syrup; five gallonscorn syrup; two loaves of wheat bread, made with hop yeast; two loaves ofwheat bread, made with salt rising; two loaves brown bread; sponge cake;gold cake; white cake; pound cake; cocoanut cake; angel cake; nut cake;jelly cake; fruit cake; marble cake; ginger cake; doughnuts; apple pie;peach pie; cherry pie; lemon pie; custard pie; pumpkin pie; home-cured ham;home-cured dried beef; home-cured corned beef; sample hard soap; gallonsoft soap.]

Lot 2—Jellies.

[Listed Jellies: Apricot, Apple, Blackberry, Currant, Cherry, Cranberry,Gooseberry, Lemon, Orange, Plum, Peach, Quince, Raspberry, Rhubarb, Siberiancrab, Strawberry, Grape (green, white, and red). Also, best display in thislot.]

Lot 3—Canned Fruits.

[Listed as Canned: Apples, Blackberries, Cherries, Gooseberries, Grapes,Peaches, Pears, Plums, Quinces, Raspberries, Strawberries, Siberian crab-apples,tomatoes; also, best display in this lot.]

Lot 4—Preserves.

[Listed as Preserved: Apples, Blackberries, Cherries, Currants, Citron,Gooseberries, Grapes, Pears, Peaches, Plums, Quinces, Siberian crab apples,Strawberries, Raspberries, Tomatoes. Also, best display in this lot.]

Lot 5—Dried Fruits.

[Listed by pecks: Dried Applies, dried peaches.]

[Listed by quarts: Dried pears, cherries, plums, raspberries, blackberries,strawberries, elderberries, huckleberries.]

[Best display in this lot.]

Lot 6—Butter or Jams.

[Listed as butter: Apple, peach, plum, pear, grape, blackberry, raspberry,strawberry, and gooseberry.]

[Best display in this lot.]

Lot 7—Pickles, etc.

[Listed as sweet pickled: grapes, cherries, peaches, cucumbers, pears.]

[Listed as sour pickled: peaches, cucumbers, tomatoes.]

[Listed as pickled: cauliflower, tomatoes, mangoes, piccalilli, pepperhash, stuffed pepper, cabbage.]

[Listed as catsup: tomato, gooseberry, walnut.]

[Best display in this lot.]

Class I. Fruit and Nursery Stock. Superintendent: Jacob Nixon.

(Grown by Exhibitor.)

Lot 1—Fall Apples. [BEST]

[Listed by peck: Maiden Blush, Rambo, Cooper’s Early White, LateStrawberry, Lowell.]

Lot 2—Winter Apples.

[Listed by peck: Winesap, Ben Davis, Jonathan, Rawle’s Janet, Missouripippins, Dominie, Wagener, Willow Twig, Smith’s Cider, Grimes’Golden Pippin, any other variety, Best Cowley County seedling Apple.]

Lot 3—Peaches (not less than five specimens to plate).

[Listed as best display: Heath Cling, Ward’s Late, Large Early York,Steadley, Crawford’s Late, Cowley County seedling.]

Lot 4—Pears (not less than five specimens to plate).

[Listed as best plate: Bartlett, Seckel, Flemish Beauty, duch*ess d’Angouleme,Louise B. de Jersey, Vicar of Wakefield, and other variety.

Lot 5—Grapes.

[Listed as best plate: Concord, Delaware, Dracut Amber, I’ve’sSeedling, Catawba, any other variety.]

[Listed as best display: fruit, five of each variety to plate, from anyone orchard in Cowley County (to be entered as one exhibit only); secondbest.]

[Best display: general nursery stock, Kansas growth; forest trees, nurserystock, Kansas growth; evergreens, nursery stock, Kansas growth; shrubs andornamental.]

Class J. Flowers and Shrubs. Superintendent: Mrs. S. S. Linn.

[Listed as largest and best grown collection.]

By exhibitor, house plants, not entered in any other class.

Collection of fucheas, in flower; double and single geraniums, in flower;monthly and tea-roses, in flower; begonias; cactus; pansies; Calli lillies;verbenas; vines and climbers; cut-flower work.]

[Listed as best and most tasteful: funeral design, wedding design, basketof flowers, best pair hand-bouquets, original design in cut flowers, one-halfdozen button hole bouquets, pair bouquets of everlastings or immortelles.]

Best design in flowers, grasses, straws, etc.

Note: All flowers in this lot to be fresh and natural. No manufacturedor artificial work allowed.

Class K. Fine Arts. Superintendent: Mrs. W. H. Albro.

Lot 1. [Done by Exhibitor.]

Historical painting in oil; landscape from Nature, in oil; Animal piecefrom life, in oil; Fruit piece in oil; Flower piece, in oil; portrait fromlife, in oil, water, or crayon; fancy painting in oil; landscape paintingin water colors, Kansas scenery; Animal or bird piece, in water colors;fancy painting in water colors; Landscape in crayon; Animal or bird piece,done in crayon. Specimens: Kensington painting, pastil painting, plaquepainting, etching on glass or cloth, pencil drawing, crayon drawing. Drawingof any animal or building on the Fair Grounds; Specimen of architecturaldrawing. Displays: shell-work, feather-work, moss-work, half-work, wax-work,scroll-sawing, agricultural wreaths, of any design. Collections by owner:oil paintings, water-colors, chromos, ink or pencil drawings, decoratedpottery, stereoscopic views of Kansas, photographs done by exhibitor. Displaysby owner: Marble statuary, bronze statuary,. Landscape, in oil, done byexhibitor. Animal painting in oil, done by exhibitor. Geographical drawing,by any pupil of the public schools in Cowley County.

Class L. Needle and Fancy Work. Superintendent: Florence Beeny.

Lot 1.

Best specimen silk embroidery; best specimen silk embroidery on flannel;best hand-embroidered handkerchief; best hand-embroidered infant’sdress, best hand-embroidered lady’s underwear, best hand-embroideredpillow and sheet sham. best hand-embroidered slippers. Handsomest embroidery:transferred; on R. R. canvass; on Java canvass; on honey comb canvass. Handsomestbraided pillow and sheet shams; handsomest braiding on worsted. Best hand-tuckedskirt; suit of underwear; gent’s shirt. Best machine-made gent’sshirt; Best specimen of plain sewing; Best specimen of plain sewing, bylady over 60 years; best specimen of plain sewing, by girl under 16 years.Best specimen of hem stitching; crewel work; crochet edge, in line; crochetedge, in worsted. Best display of crochet work. Handsomest: crochet tidy;shawl; Afghan; muffler; bed-spread; mittens; gloves; knit mittens, silk;knit mittens, worsted; knit edging, in silk; knit edging, in worsted. Handsomestwork in plush. Handsomest specimens: Mosaic work; ribbon work; appliquework; cretonne work; arrasine embroidery; chenille embroidery; tied macramiclambrequin; crochet macranic lambrequin; bracket macranic lambrequin. Handsomestsofa pillow, silk, embroidery. Handsomest sofa-pillow, crazy work; worsted.Handsomest foot-rest. Best outline embroidery, silk; cotton. Best hand-madeantique lace; point lace. Handsomest Kensington embroidery, silk; crewel.Best, darned-net pillow and sheet sham. Best darned-net bed spread; child’sdress. Handsomest silk quilt; calico quilt; white quilt; log cabin quilt;fancy quilt. Handsomest rug, any design or make. Handsomest ottoman cover,any design or make. Handsomest afghan, any design or make. Handsomest smoking-cap,and design or make. Handsomest lady’s dressing saque; gent’s dressing-gown;lady’s white apron; child’s white apron. Best hand-made lady’scalico dress. Best machine-made lady’s calico dress. Best hand-madesun-bonnet. Best machine-made sun-bonnet. Best specimen plain knitting.

Note. No article, having taken a premium at any previous fair in thiscounty, can compete in this class.

Class M. Home-made Goods. Superintendent: A. H. Jennings.

Lot 1.

All goods or articles in this lot must be manufactured by the exhibitor,and certificate of the same furnished the secretary.

Pair of woolen blankets; five yards of woolen cloth; five yards of woolenflannel; five yards of woolen carpet; hearth-rug; ten yards of rag carpet;woolen coverlet; pair woolen stockings; pair woolen socks; pair woolen mittens;pair woolen gloves; two pounds stocking yarn; pair cotton socks; pair cottonstockings; ten yards jeans; ten yards Lindsey.

Lot 2. Kansas Factory Made.

Best display of goods from any woolen factory in Kansas.

Best display of cotton goods manufactured in Kansas.

Best twenty yards of woolen carpet, manufactured in Kansas.

Best white woolen blankets, manufactured in Kansas.

Best display of carpets, Kansas make.

Best display of cotton or silk goods, Kansas make.

Handsomest and best five rugs, Kansas make.

Handsomest and best five fancy door-mats, Kansas make.

Class N. Musical Instruments and Natural History.

Superintendent: Geo. H. Buckman.

Lot 1.

Grand or semi-grand piano-forte; Boudoir piano; Square piano; Uprightpiano; Church organ; Parlor organ; Melodeon; Violin; Aeolian; Dulcimer;Flute; Clarionet; Set of band instruments; Violincello; Guitar; Harp; Handorgan; Banjo.

Lot 2. Natural History.

Collection illustrating the botany of Kansas.

Collection illustrating the entomology of Kansas.

Greatest and best variety of Kansas birds, to be shown by the taxidermist.

Greatest and best collection of Kansas animals, to be shown by the taxidermist.

Collection illustrating the geology and paleontology of Kansas, includingfire-clay, ochre, and gypsum.

Flagging stone, quarried in Kansas.

Building-stone, quarried in Kansas.

Specimens, at least one ton, of coal mined in Kansas.

Best collection and greatest variety of the woods of Kansas.

Collection of minerals from State of Kansas.

Collection of minerals, open to the world.

Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Mr. Strubble, an old turf man from Wichita, came in last week and arrangedwith the Cowley County Fair & Driving Park Association to train tenWichita horses in the speed ring during the summer. Twelve horses from Wellingtonand some fifteen belonging here will also train on this track, while horsesfrom Ottawa, Newton, and other surrounding cities, where they have inferiortracks, will be brought here to train on our first-class speed-ring. TheAssociation will build about thirty large and substantial box stalls onthe fair grounds for the use of these horses.

Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.

Superintendent Kretsinger has been busily engaged during the past weekwith a large force of hands erecting new stalls on the fair grounds forthe use of the large number of blooded horses which are in training there.

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.


The property of MR. R. TWEEDIE, foaled May 22nd, 1881. Got by "TamO’ Shanter" (861), the first prize horse of the Royal Agr. Societyof England in 1874. His stock have taken more prizes than any other Clydesdaleaired in England. Dam "Nell of the Forest" (6644), the winnerof Forty-three first, nine second, and four third prizes. These prizes includea number of champion cups for the best animal in the show yard.

ALTERATION OF TERMS. The fees are $25 each mare; $15 to be paid to thegroom before the end of the season (September 1st) and $10 more as soonas the mare can be proved in foal or parted with.

From the first week in April to the first of July, if health permits,will stand at home till Friday morning, when he will leave for Winfieldand stay overnight at the Fair Ground, and will return home at two o’clockp.m., on Saturday. For card with pedigree apply to Mr. R. TWEEDIE.

The Forest Clydesdale Stud Farm is situated on Rock and Durham Creeks,six miles from Douglass and seventeen from Winfield.


Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Cowley CountyFair and Driving Park Association will be held Friday afternoon of thisweek. There is much important business on hand and every director shouldbe present.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

A large number of farmers living in distant parts of the county willcome in on the 3rd of July. The Fair Association will throw the groundsopen on that day so that all who desire may camp in the grove on the nightof the 3rd.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

The celebrated young trotting stallion, "Leander," owned byD. R. Green and valued at ten thousand dollars, is in training at the fairgrounds. "Tom Vance," the splendid iron gray trotter, is alsothere. There are now twenty-two horses in training on the track. Fifteenof these occupy stables on the grounds, and with the grooms and trainerskeep things lively there. The splendid track and grounds are making theCowley County Fair and Driving Park Association famous all over the stateamong horse men.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

The Board of Directors of the Fair Association met at the COURIER officelast Friday and arranged for about two thousand dollars worth of additionalstallion and cattle stalls, covered sheep and hog pens. The improvementson the grounds are being pushed forward rapidly.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Persons desiring to bid for the exclusive privilege of Refreshment standson the celebration grounds on the Fourth of July, will send bids, sealed,to John C. Long, chairman of the Executive Committee.


Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

Fourth of July—Attention Old Soldiers.

The Grand Army of the Republic and all old soldiers are expected to assembleat Post No. 85, over Baden’s dry goods store, in Winfield, July 3rd,at 3 p.m. sharp and march to the Fair Grounds, where a bean supper, dressparade, and grand camp fire and torch light drill will take place with otheramusing army exercises. The following committees have been appointed byPost No. 85 to carry out the programme for the 3rd and 4th of July.

Executive Committee: T. H. Soward, H. H. Siverd, J. H. Finch, A. E. Davis,and Geo. Crippen.

Invitation Committee: C. E. Steuven, J. E. Snow, and A. B. Arment.

Committee on Program: S. C. Smith, W. E. Tansey, and Capt. Wakefield.

Committee on Quarters: J. C. Long, Sid Cure, and C. Trump.

Reception Committee: H. L. Wells, C. E. Steuven, Capt. Wakefield, A.E. Davis, and J. E. Snow.

Torch Committee: H. L. Wells, C. Trump, and Dr. Stiles.

Committee on Police: J. H. Finch, chief police on fair ground, J. E.Snow, and B. W. Stout.

Committee on Music: Geo. Crippen, H. W. Stubblefield, and J. W. Arrowsmith.

Fuel, quarters, and rations free of charge to all old soldiers and theirfamilies. A jolly good time to all old veterans without money and withoutprice. Come.


Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.


The procession will form on Main Street at 9 o’clock a.m., sharp,with right resting on 12th avenue, in the following order: Burden CornetBand, Grand Army of the Republic, Old Soldiers, Courier Cornet Band, CityOfficials in Carriages, President of day and Speakers, Juvenile Band, FireDepartment, Tony’s Circus, Citizens in Carriages, Secret Societies,Citizens on Foot, Calithumpians.


The procession will move east on 12th to Millington Street, north onMillington Street to 7th, west on 7th to Main, south on Main to 10th, weston 10th to Mansfield, south on Mansfield to Riverside Avenue, thence west,arriving at the Fair Ground at 11 a.m. Music at the grand stand by the Courierband. Address of welcome and introduction of speakers by the President ofthe day.

FIRE WORKS. In the evening the city will be illuminated with a blazeof gas lights and the grandest display of fire works ever seen in SouthernKansas.



Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association,



No. 1. PACING.

Mile heats, 1 in 3. Purse, $75.00.

$45.00 to 1st; $22.50 to 2nd; $7.50 to 3rd.


Mile heats, 3 in 5. Purse, $90.00.

$54.00 to 1st; $27.00 to 2nd; $9.00 to 3rd.


½ mile heats, 2 in 3. Purse $60.00.

$45.00 to 1st; $15.00 to 2nd.

In all the above races 5 to enter and 3 to start.

Entrance fee 10 percent of purse.

JAMES H. VANCE, Com. on Races.

Stalls will be furnished on the grounds free of cost to those who desireto use them for speed purposes for a few days preceding the races.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.


By virtue of correspondence between the officers of the M. E. SundaySchool of this city and some of the authorities of Winfield, it was arrangedfor an excursion under the auspices of M. E. Sunday School to Winfield forthe purpose of spending the day in the Riverside Park, one of the most beautifulparks in the State. Accordingly, through the courtesy of the Southern Kansasrailroad, a merely nominal rate was secured for transportation and DivisionSuperintendent Messinger placed at the disposal of the excursionists ninecars, which on last Thursday morning were crowded with between four hundredand five hundred citizens of Wellington. Supt. Messinger kindly conductedthe train in person and paid every attention to the comfort of the passengersen route. The Excursionists were met at Winfield by a committee consistingof Rev. B. Kelly, Mr. M. L. Robinson, and D. L. Kretsinger, headed by theWinfield Juvenile Band, composed of twelve members, led by Ed. Farringer,the youngest member being Master Carl Farringer, six years of age. Theywere escorted to the opera house by the committee and a long concourse ofthe citizens of Winfield, where the Courier Band, led by Mr. George Crippenwere awaiting them. Riverside Park, the Opera House, the Fair Grounds wereplaced at the disposal of the guests, and, in short, the freedom of thecity was generously tended them. On account of the heavy rain the precedingnight, the park was not in a condition to be occupied, and Mr. T. B. Myers,manager of the Opera House, was untiring in his efforts to render theiroccupancy of that commodious building pleasant. Mr. Ed. P. Greer, localeditor of the COURIER, was active and unremitting in his attentions; andindeed the businessmen and citizens generally took especial pains to renderevery assistance to make their stay pleasant. Boats had been brought tothe landing of the Walnut River, that the visitors might enjoy a boat ride.Ice water and refreshments in abundance were gratuitously furnished by thecitizens of Winfield. To be short, we will say that everything was donethat kindness, hospitality, and exquisite good taste could suggest to makethe day one long to be remembered by the people of Wellington, and we canassure our good neighbors of Winfield that Wellington only waits an opportunityto reciprocate their generosity.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

Chas. Patterson, the turf man late of Indianapolis, is meeting with greatsuccess in training horses at the Fair Grounds, and says the track is oneof the best he ever saw. He brought "Long John" down to a gaitof 2:45 before he was sold; drove "Nellie Burden" a 2:57 clipwithout a slip. This is the little mare that won the Green race at the Fairlast fall. He is training some ten or twelve horses for parties in thiscity.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

Expense Account.

As the public may have a curiosity to know how the Fourth of July executivecommittee spent their money, we furnish herewith a "statement."The receipts from subscriptions, sale of privileges, etc., were $961.75.The expenditures were:

Entertaining old soldiers: $65.31

Telegraphing: $9.85

Music: $155.50

Races, greased pole, and other amusem*nts: $148.50

Battery: $100.00

Powder and ammunition for same: $42.05

Fire-works, torches, and oil: $165.50

Paid Mrs. Gougar: $25.00

Police: $30.00

Carriage for speakers: $10.00

Express on fire-works: $11.85

Rent for Fair Grounds: $100.09

Printing: $50.00

Miscellaneous: $2.50


[Figures do not add up to total given! I added it up...amount shouldbe $916.15.]

This leaves a balance in the treasury of $46.19, at present. There areseveral bills yet to pay, however, which will reduce the amount to about$25.00. This sum will be put into the new armory building scheme.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

RECAP. Fourth of July Celebration: Fully Fifteen Thousand People Present.

On the evening of the 3rd the old soldiers gathered in large numbersat the G. A. R. headquarters and marched to the tune of "Old John Brown"to the beautiful Fair Ground Park. Here they found tents already pitchedand everything in readiness for them to chase the festive bean around thecamp fire and retell the thrilling stories which will never grow old tothe comrades-in-arms. Regular old-fashioned "hard-tack" had beensupplied in abundance and a happy reunion was had that night by the boyswho wore the blue. After supper, headed by the Burden, Courier, and Juvenilebands, a torchlight procession marched into town. By sunrise Friday morningpeople from all sections began to pour in. . . .

As we watched the old pioneers as they came into town in their handsometurnouts, we noticed on their countenances pictures of gladness and independencewhich can’t be beaten anywhere in this broad Union. . . .

At ten o’clock Col. Wm. Whiting and Capt. H. H. Siverd, with a scoreof assistants, formed the procession and the march to the Park was takenup. The procession was headed by the Burden Band, led by Frank McClain.. . .

Tony Agler, with his clown suit and goat teams, trick ponies, and otherthings of his own get-up, was attractive in the procession. Tony takes greatpains in training his "pets" and shows commendable enterprisein turning out with them on all public occasions.

St. John’s battery was prominent in the procession, and awakenedthe echoes by booming of cannon from Thursday evening until well along inthe next day. The members of the Battery worked faithfully and well forthe success of the celebration.

The Robinson and Telegram Fire Companies made a splendid appearance inthe procession. The paraphernalia was all beautifully decorated with red,white, and blue, and the Robinson Fire Company represented the Goddess ofLiberty with one of the prettiest little misses of the city, Nina Nelson,gracefully seated on their hose cart amid the drapery. O’Meara &Randolph had a representation of their boot and shoe business, accompaniedby plantation music from darkies. A feature which attracted wide attentionand showed great enterprise was the stone display of Mr. Schmidt from hisquarries near town. A large, wide-framed wagon was loaded with fine specimensof stone and men were at work all day sawing it up and distributing thesmooth blocks among the people. Oration was delivered by Hon. J. Wade McDonald,who reviewed the progress of the Union from its birth to the present day.Then came dinner followed by an address by Mrs. Helen M. Gougar, the famouslady orator of Indiana.

Then came the amusem*nts. The trotting race, mile heats, best three infive, purse $90, was won by "Basham," owned by Mr. Wells of Burdenover Billy Hands’ "Nellie H." The running race, quarter mileheat, between the Blenden mare and a lately arrived horse, was won easilyby the former, purse $60.

Andy Lindsey of Winfield got $5.00 for climbing to the top of the greasedpole. Another ambitious boy preceded him, but on reaching the top slid downwithout the money, supposing it was in the hands of a committee and allhe had to do was to climb the pole. the crowd soon turned his disappointmentinto gladness by making up the five dollars. The wheelbarrow race, by blindfoldedmen, some six or seven taking part, furnished much amusem*nt and was wonby Allen Brown, a colored man of Winfield. It proved the uncertainty of"going it blind." The greased pig, after a lively chase, was caughtby Phenix Duncan, a colored boy. The festivities of the day closed witha flambeaux procession with Roman candles, etc. The Gas Company turned ona full head both Thursday and Friday evenings and the sixty bright lampposts, with the stores illuminated with gas lights gave the city a brilliantappearance. the Firemen’s Ball at the Opera House was largely attended.

Credit was extended to Messrs. J. C. Long, Jas. H. Vance, D. L. Kretsinger,J. P. Baden, A. T. Spotswood, R. E. Wallis, Wm. Whiting, C. C. Black andFred Kropp for the success of the celebration.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 30, 1884.

Cowley’s Fair.

The Cowley County Fair and Driving association will hold its second annualexhibition in Winfield next September 23rd to 27th. The association hascommenced work earlier this year, and is determined to make Cowley’sfair as much a state as local affair. The premium list has just been issued,and is so arranged as to suit everybody. Special rates for the exhibitorand visitor have been obtained from all railroads entering Winfield. Thegentlemen having charge of this enterprise are going at it in a businesslike way this year, and we feel safe in promising a most successful fairand a glorious exhibit of Cowley’s products.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, July 30, 1884.











Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, July 30, 1884.


The Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association will hold its SecondAnnual Exhibition at Winfield, Kansas, September 23 to 27, 1884. This Associationcomes before the public with more attractions and better facilities thanany like Association in the State. It is a well established fact that ourgrounds are the largest and best in the State, our build-ings, stables,and stalls ample and commodious, thus affording the exhibitor more comfort,pleasure, and money than any Fair Association in the State.

Our Premium List is very large and so arranged as to suit the agriculturist,the stock raiser, the fruit grower, the mechanic, the machinist, the artist—infact, every man, woman and child; and the premiums offered are open to theworld, except when mentioned in the list.

Horsem*n will readily note the fact that the attractions and large premiumsoffered in our Speed Department will call out the best horses in Kansasand adjoining States; also that our track is second to none, and is theacknowledged best half mile track in the State.

Special rates for the exhibitor and visitor has been obtained from allrailroads entering Winfield. The Officers and Directors of our Associationhave left nothing undone for the accommodation of everybody, be they exhibitoror visitor, and would therefore extend a general invitation to the peopleof Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, and Illinois to visit the Cowley CountyFair. Aside from the grand attractions and display at the Fair, we willshow you Winfield, the Queen City of Southwestern Kansas; we will show youCowley, the banner agricultural and stock raising county of Kansas. A visityou will never regret, except that it be, you did not locate with us.


The Cowley County Fair offers more and larger premiums to the farmerand stock raiser than any other county fair in the State.

Farmers of Cowley, do not forget to attend your County Fair. You cannotspend a few days to more profit or interest to yourself than by so doing.

Ladies, bring your jellies, preserves, fine sewing, and everything inthe household line for the Fair. The ladies’ department last year wasmagnificent—Let us beat it this year.

Any person who desires this premium list in book form, with the constitutionand by-laws and rules and regulations, can get it by addressing a postalto Ed. P. Greer, Secretary, Winfield, Kansas.

Visitors to the Cowley County Fair will find plenty of shade and waterfor their teams, and a nice blue grass lawn on which to spread your dinners.No other fair grounds in the State afford such free accommodations.

Every man, woman, and child should make it a point to visit their Fair.It will do you good to see your neighbors and to see that they are raising—notforgetting, however, to bring along some exhibit of your raising or manufacture.

The success of Cowley’s Fair last year was a matter of wonder allover Kansas. From everywhere came reports of the wonderful productions ofour county, carried by those who visited it. It was the best advertisem*ntwe have ever had.

Let each and everyone be an exhibitor at the Fair this fall. If you havesome good corn, big pumpkins, good hogs, cattle, or horses, bring them tothe Fair and help to make it the grandest exposition of material prosperityever seen in any country.

The Cowley County Fair wants an exhibit from every farm in the county.No matter how small or what the article may be; bring it as a productionof Cowley County. Compare it with that of your neighbor. Take items andlearn a lesson that will improve your exhibit next year.

The entry books will be open at the Courier editorial rooms inWinfield, August 25th, and remain open until September 29th, after whichthe Secretary will be at his office on the grounds. All articles for exhibitionmust be on the grounds by 6 P.M., Tuesday, September 23rd, at which timethe entry books will close.

The prices for admission to the Fair will be as follows:

Single ticket, adults: $ .25

Children, 5 to 15 years: .15

Double team: .25

Single team or saddle horse: .15

Season tickets: 1.00

Season tickets, with vehicle: 2.00

The Cowley County Fair Association wants to see farmers of the countyattend the Fair with their big pumpkins, big squashes, big potatoes, bigcabbage, big corn, big hogs, big colts, big calves. In fact, with a sampleexhibit of everything raised on a farm. Please don’t forget to bringyour good looking wives and big fat babies.

The Association will furnish exhibitors with stalls and pens at the followingprices.

Speed stables, 10 x 12: $5.00

Stallion stables, 8 x 12: $4.00

Box stalls, 6 x 10: $3.00

Herd pens: $2.00

Cattle stalls: $1.00

Hog and sheep pens: Free.

A part of the beautiful park next to the grounds will be reserved forthose who desire to come with their wagons and families and camp duringthe Fair. Such must provide them-selves with season tickets. Persons froma distance will find this a most pleasant way of taking in the Fair. Lastyear there were upwards of fifty families camped within the grounds.

The Cowley County Fair will have a place for everything and everythingwill be in its place, thus offering the visitor a satisfactory sight ofone of the grandest exhibitions in the way of an agricultural Fair everwitnessed. An army of able and obliging assistants will take pains in answeringall questions and giving such information as the visitor may require.

The Cowley County Fair is wholly and truly a county institution. Itsstockholders are farmers and businessmen of Cowley County, whose interestsare identified one with the other, and seek through this organization tobring the whole people of Cowley County together at least once a year ina grand exhibit of the resources and wealth of the county.

The above list comprises persons from almost every locality in the county.The forty shares remaining can be subscribed for by anyone who desires,$25 upon each share to be paid within thirty days after subscription andthe balance of $25 on each share on the 1st day of October, 1884. Each stockholderreceives a ticket which admits his family to the grounds at all times anda "stockholder’s badge," which gives him all the privilegeson the grounds. Every farmer interested in the material welfare of our countyshould report his name to the Secretary of the Association as a subscriberto the capital stock at once. The investment is a good one and the causeworthy the highest encouragement.

The Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association is not an individualconcern. Its stockholders number over a hundred and fifty of the leadingfarmers and businessmen of the county. Its capital stock is $10,000, dividedinto 200 shares of $50 each. One hundred and sixty of these shares are nowtaken and paid for and the money expended to purchasing the grounds, erectingbuildings, stalls, pens, fencing, amphitheater, and improving the finestrace track in Kansas. Everything is paid for. The profits of last year wereover $1,800, every cent of which was put on the grounds in additional improvements.There are forty shares yet to place. They will be taken before Fair timeand the proceeds used in putting up a main exhibition building between thetwo wings already erected and in other needed improve-ments. It is especiallydesirable that this stock be taken by the farmers of the county, for uponthem, most of all, will the future success of Cowley’s Fair depend.The grounds were purchased for $75 per acre. They are worth today, withoutthe improvements, $150 per acre, so in the rise of land alone the stockholderhas doubled his money. There is no doubt that that this stock will be mostdesirable property, aside from the immense public benefit of the Associationto the agricultural and stock interests of our county. Had the profits oflast year been paid to the persons who were then stockholders as dividends,they would have received over 30 percent interest on their investment. Butthey preferred to strengthen the Association and let the money remain inits treasury.

The following is a list of the stockholders of the Cowley County Fairand Driving Park Association.

R. E. Wallis, Sr.

R. E. Wallis, Jr.

J. W. Millspaugh.

W. P. Hackney.

A. H. Doane.

D. L. Kretsinger.

James F. Martin.

H. Harbaugh.

J. S. Mann.

Henry E. Asp.

A. E. Baird.

Q. A. Glass.

A. B. Arment.

H. Brown.

W. J. Wilson.

John Lowry.

M. L. Read.

M. L. Robinson.

J. L. Horning.

Sol. Burkhalter.

P. H. Albright.

J. B. Lynn.

W. J. Hodges.

C. C. Black.

A. B. Schofield.

J. M. Keck.

G. S. Manser.

S. G. Gary.

A. T. Spotswood.

J. P. Baden.

W. S. Mendenhall.

W. B. Weitzel.

G. W. Robinson.

W. C. Robinson.

James H. Bullene.

L. B. Stone.

Jacob Nixon.

S. W. Phenix.

John Stalter.

N. J. Thompson.

J. P. Short.

I. W. Randall.

William Overly.

S. P. Strong.

Isaac Wood.

C. H. Cleaves.

Hughes & Cooper.

Hendricks & Wilson.

F. W. Schwantes.

E. D. Taylor.

W. W. Limbocker.

William Carter.

J. B. Corson.

D. F. Moore.

G. B. Shaw & Co.

D. B. McCollum.

R. F. Burden.

J. C. Roberts.

George Wilson.

R. J. Yoeman.

J. B. Nipp.

P. B. Lee.

W. W. Painter.

L. Barnett.

J. H. Curfman.

John Holmes.

S. S. Linn.

E. B. Nicholson.

G. P. Waggoner.

M. C. McDorman.

George W. Miller.

Harry Bahntge.

L. C. Harter,

W. Webb.

A. C. Bangs.

A. J. Thompson.

E. M. Reynolds.

G. L. Rinker.

David H. Dix.

Harvey Smith.

T. P. Carter.

Hogue & Mentch.

F. M. Friend.

J. T. Brooks.

J. O. Taylor.

Z. B. Myers.

S. H. Myton.

D. S. Sherrard.

K. J. Wright.

Vermilye Brothers.

J. T. Nicholson.

J. N. Harter.

Ed. P. Greer.

J. C. McMullen.

R. B. Noble.

R. B. Pratt.

H. G. Fuller.

F. L. Braniger.

L. F. Johnson.

J. W. Browning.

J. H. Watts.

Warren Wood.

Alexander Fuller.

John Bowers.

J. D. Maurer.

J. E. Conklin.

T. H. Soward.

R. E. Sydall.

J. H. Evans.

Nathan S. Perry.

D. R. Layco*ck.

J. R. Sumpter.

C. G. Bradbury.

J. C. Long.

F. S. Jennings.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Monthly Meeting of the Horticultural Society.

The Cowley County Horticultural society met in regular monthly sessionAugust 2nd.

Capt. Ashby, from Chanute, committee from State Society to collect fruitsfor New Orleans Exposition, stated that the committee had received samplesof all fruits that had matured to date. He stated that he would visit ourcounty fair, and would furnish jars and material to any person who had anyextra specimens to furnish to the state society for the exposition.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.


WEDNESDAY, September 24.

Half mile heats, 3 in 5. Premium $35 to 1st, $25 to 2nd, $10 to 3rd.

THURSDAY, September 25.

Five mile race: the winner to be presented with a gold badge valued at$25.

SATURDAY, September 27.

On this day Mr. Page or Mr. Buck, the champion Bicyclists of the State,will ride a ten mile race against a horse for a purse of $200.


The following special premiums are offered by the citizens of CowleyCounty. Parties wishing to compete for them must enter articles same asin other class, and must also comply with the instructions and requestsnamed in the premium.

President J. F. Martin will have charge of this department, make assignmentof articles, and appoint the necessary judges.


$15.00. For the best display of products from a single farm, by any farmerin Cowley County. $10.00 to 1st; $5.00 to 2nd.


$10.00. For one or more sheaves of wheat taken from within five feetof the top of the stack, five days before the opening of the Fair. Judgmentto be on the best condition of the straw and berry.


($5.00) Rocking Chair. For the best display of Preserved Fruits, notless than five varieties, in glass jars—three or more to enter.


$2.50 For the Largest Pumpkin raised in Cowley County.


Boys’ saddle, worth $5.00, for graceful riding by any boy under12 years of age.

Ladies’ riding whip, worth $5.00 for graceful riding by any girlunder 12 years of age.


$5.00. For the largest Ear of Corn, by weight; must be entered on thefirst day of the Fair and weighed on the last day. Open to the world, andall corn entered to belong to J. L. Horning.


$5.00. For the best hand-made Sunbonnet, any style or material, by agirl under 16 years of age; $3.00 to 1st, $2.00 to 2nd.


$5.00. For the best Five Pounds of Butter, in one pound rolls. Premiumbutter to be the property of A. T. Spotswood.


$5.00. For the best hand-made Misses’ White Apron, by any girl inCowley County under 15 years of age; $3.00 to 1st, $2.00 to 2nd.


$5.00. For ten Irish Potatoes entered on the 1st day of the Fair andweighed on the last day. Heaviest weight, $3.00; second weight, $2.00. Allpotatoes entered for this premium to be the property of A. H. Doane &Co.


$30.00. For the bushel of corn grown in Cowley County weighing 70 poundsand containing the least number of ears. Must be entered on the 1st dayof the Fair and judged on the last; $15.00 to first, $10.00 to second, $5.00to third. All corn entered for this premium to be the property of P. H.Albright.


$15.00. For best Spring Colt sired by "Lilac": $10.00 to first,$5.00 to second.


$15.00. For best colt sired by his horse; $10 to first, $5.00 to second.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Capt. Ashby, of Chanute, visited Cowley last week to procure specimensof fruits for the Kansas exhibit at the New Orleans Exposition. He was sentby the State Horticultural Society and the State Board of Agriculture. TheCowley County Horticultural Society noised his presence around among itsmembers and as fine a display as any county can produce was on the tableat the Society’s regular monthly meeting Saturday, at the COURIER office.Everything in horticulture which could be procured at this season was representedgrandly, and Capt. Ashby took away a fine lot of specimens. He says thatSouthern Kansas leads the State in peaches and must make a reputation thisyear for the deficient sections. Cowley, Sumner, and Sedgwick, he says,are way ahead in peaches, and make showing in all kinds of fruit that wouldrival many of the oldest counties of Kansas. The specimens will all be creditedto the respective counties sending them.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

The executive Board of the Fair Association met Monday and decided tosell three dining-hall privileges at seventy-five dollars each and ten refreshmentstand privileges at forty dollars each. One dining hall and several refreshmentstand privileges have already been taken. Only the number designated willbe sold and those to the first applicants.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

The large-colored posters for the Fair Association came in Monday andin a week more every cross-road will be illuminated with them. Cowley’sfair this year will be one of the seven wonders.

Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

The directors of the Fair Association appointed a committee to securethe services of the county sheep inspector on the first day of the fairto see that no diseased sheep are brought for exhibition.

Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

Horse Racing at the Fair.

Some considerable objection has been raised in many quarters againstthe Board of Directors of the Fair Association over the fact that moneyis offered in premiums in the speed ring as is offered in premiums on agriculture,stock, and all other interests put tog ether. This, they contend, is wrong,and is more of an encouragement to horse-racing than horse-breeding or successfulagriculture. If the premises were correct, the officers of the associationwould be subverting the objects and destroying its benefits—but thepremises are not correct. The Association paid out for Speed Ring purposeslast year just twenty-four dollars and sixty-five cents. The premiums paidon stock, Agriculture, and every other department excepting speed ring,were over two thousand dollars. In considering the matter of races, personsnot familiar with the matter do not know that forty percent of the amountoffered is returned in "entry fees," otherwise that the horse-menthemselves pay nearly half of the premiums. Then the receipts of the Amphitheaterand of the quarter stretch generally makes up the balance, leaving all thatmay be taken in at the gate from persons attracted to the fair to see theraces—(and there are always lots of them)—as profits to be appliedto the payment of the premiums on the balance of the list from which thereis no return in entry fees or anything else.

Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

Capt. H. H. Siverd has been selected by Superintendent Kretsinger asChief of Police during the fair. The captain will keep things regulatedin good shape.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 20, 1884.

Every citizen is interested in a county fair, whether having articlesor animals to exhibit or not. The fair shows the energy, grit, and publicspirit of the people, and the visitors judge the county by what they see.Every farmer can have something on exhibition—there is some one thingin which they are interested, and if all will do their duty and begin preparingnow, we shall have the grandest display ever shown by our county.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

A. B. Lemmon, of the Newton Republican, came down Monday to getsome points on our fair grounds. He is the Secretary of the Harvey CountyFair.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Things on the fair grounds are assuming a lively air. SuperintendentKretsinger is erecting an additional amphitheater, fencing the inside ofthe speed ring, putting up forty new stallion stalls and a hennery, andclean everything up in readiness for the biggest fair ever held in SouthernKansas. It begins four weeks from next Tuesday—September 23rd.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Tom Lowry is building a residence near the corner of the fair groundand just across from his ice cream parlor at the entrance of the park.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

The Fair Association have allowed J. Wade McDonald the privilege of pasturinghis fine colts on the Bluegrass inside the ring on the grounds.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

The entry books for the fair are now being prepared in the Secretary’soffice, and will be ready for entry Monday. Everyone should make their entriesat as early a day as possible so as to avoid the rush.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Mr. H. C. Hawkins brought in a string of mammoth bunches of Concord grapesFriday. The clusters would weigh over a pound each. They were highly relishedby the grape-famished horde of Fair Association directors and visiting statesmen,who, unfortunately for us, were present when Mr. Hawkins brought them in.Sam Strong, of Rock, ate five pounds.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

The Fair Association have ordered baskets and plates for the use of ourhorticultural exhibitors at the fair. Will fruit men make a note of thisand let the secretary know what number will be wanted. Jacob Nixon, Secretary,County Horticultural Society.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

The Winfield Reading Room Association are arranging to run one of thestands at the fair.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Increased Premiums.

The Board of Directors of the Fair Association have increased the sweepstakepremium in the cattle department. "Class B" lot 7 as follows:

No. 43. Bull any age or blood: $25.00

No. 44. Cow any age or blood: $25.00

No. 45. Bull with 4 of his offspring: $25.00

No. 46. Cow with 4 of her offspring: $25.00

ED. P. GREER, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Winfield, Kansas, August 23, 1884.

To exhibitors of fruit for fair.

"Leave all stems attached to apples, wrap each apple and peach innewspaper to prevent bruising." Our state society is expecting CowleyCounty to furnish the perfect fruit from the state for the New Orleans exhibition.

Jacob Nixon, Secretary, Cowley County Horticultural Society.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.


25 head of good grade Durham Heifers and Steers, 1 and 2 year olds; 1thoroughbred SHORT HORN BULL; 1 thoroughbred young JERSEY BULL. If not soldbefore, the bulls will be on exhibition and for sale at the County Fair.For particulars, address me at Winfield or call at my farm, 5 miles southeastof Winfield. F. A. A. WILLIAMS.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1884.

County and District Fairs.

The A. T. & S. F. Railway Company will receive, forward, and returnlivestock and other articles intended for exhibition at any county or districtfair upon the line of this road in Kansas, including the Kansas state fairat Topeka, and the exposition at Bismarck, subject to the following conditions,viz: Full tariff rates will be charged one way. When property is returnedthis company will transport the same back to the original point on thisline where received free of charge, if the same is shipped within ten daysfrom the close of fair, providing a certificate is presented from the secretaryof the fair, certifying that the articles have been on exhibition and havenot changed hands. One man will be passed both ways with one car load oflivestock. Other necessary information relative to this matter can be procuredat the depot in Arkansas City. O. INGERSOLL, Agent.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

The Secretary has received upwards of a hundred applications from fakersand gamblers all over the country for permission to run gambling contrivanceson the grounds during the fair. Nothing of the kind will be allowed on thegrounds.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Mr. John Will Cottingham, of Fairview, brings us this week a productionof the soil that beats the record. It is a bunch of "Johnston Grass"nine feet three inches high. If any skeptic believes that Cowley can’traise tame grass as high as a house, let him wander into this office andrecline under the shade of a stem of "Johnston grass." Mr. Cottinghamwill have a bunch of it at the fair where everyone can examine it.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Mr. G. Gillman, of Omnia Township, adds to our agricultural collectionthis week four ears of corn this year’s growth. One ear is of the yellowvariety eleven inches long and well matured. Two others were not so long,but carry sixteen rows, which makes the ear very large and heavy. Mr. Gillmanwill be after P. H. Albright’s corn premium at the fair.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

The Mayor and Council should provide an extra police force for fair week.The fame of Cowley’s fair has gone abroad all over the land and therush will bring with it the attendant evils of pick-pockets, burglars, andthe like. Already reports come to us from a detective agency in Kansas Citythat several gangs of them are heading for this place.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Applications for space for displays at the Fair are pouring in already.Last year’s fair was a good one, but it will not compare with the oneold Cowley will show this year.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

The Last Share Subscribed.

Last Saturday evening the last share of the two hundred shares of theCowley County Fair and Driving Park Association was subscribed. The capitalas authorized by the charter of incorporation issued by the State, viz:"Ten Thousand Dollars divided into two hundred shares of fifty dollarseach" is now all subscribed and by January 1, 1885, will be fully paidup. Its "statement," therefore, at the present writing, is asfollows:


Present value of grounds, 53 ½ acres at $150 per acre—a lowestimate: $8,025.00.

Actual cost of improvements put on grounds to date as shown by the Secretary’sbooks:


Net profits of 1883 fair: $1,489.38.

TOTAL RESOURCES: $14,763.76.


Capital Stock: $10,000.00.

BALANCE: $4,763.76.


So it will be seen that each share of stock is actually worth today forty-eightpercent premium. The first subscription to the capital stock was made byHon. W. P. Hackney, on the 27th day of April, 1883. Messrs. Jas. F. Martin,H. Harbaugh, J. W. Millspaugh, D. L. Kretsinger, A. H. Doane, R. B. Pratt,M. L. Robinson, and Ed. P. Greer also subscribed at the same time. The nextday, April 28th, a committee consisting of D. L. Kretsinger, A. T. Spotswood,and Ed. P. Greer waited on the citizens and secured subscriptions for aboutfour thousand dollars of the stock. Half of the amount of each subscriptionwas to be paid within sixty days and the other half on the December following.Upon these assurances M. L. Robinson and W. P. Hackney contracted for thegrounds. When the 1883 fair opened the Directory had used all the moneythey had taken in on the sale of capital stock, and had borrowed upon theirown personal security three thousand dollars more, in order to erect thenecessary buildings. It was a big risk, but they were determined to seeit through, and so cheerfully carried the burden. In addition to this they,with those who were also stockholders at the time, refused to accept theprofits of last year’s work but returned it to the treasury, so thatthe gentleman who subscribed for the last share Saturday evening gets justas much as those who paid in their money over a year ago. There are onehundred and sixty-three shareholders who own the two hundred shares: anaverage of a little over one and a quarter shares to each person, so theassociation at the present time is anything but a "monopoly."One hundred and twenty-six shares are held by persons living outside ofWinfield, and one hundred and nineteen by persons now engaged in farmingso that the farmers of Cowley County own and have the power to absolutelycontrol their fair as they wish. We hope that every stockholder, especiallythe farmers, will hold on to their stock, no matter what flattering offersthey may receive for it. If it is worth a hundred percent premium to someoneelse, it is worth it to you and much more, for upon the control and managementof the farmers interested in it depends much of its future success and usefulness.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Entry Book Opened.

The entry books for the fair are now opened at the Secretary’s officein the COURIER rooms, and will remain thee until Monday evening, Sept. 22nd,at which time the office will be removed to the grounds. Already hundredsof applications have been made for entries, stalls, and privileges to bemuch greater than last year. Everyone should make their entries as soonas possible.

Arkansas City Republican, September 6, 1884.

M. N. Sinnott was down from Winfield again last Wednesday evening toattend the organization of the Lodge of Redman. Mr. Sinnott informs us greatpreparations are being made at our capital for the county fair. Speed horseshave commenced to arrive already to go in training.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 10, 1884.

There will be no gambling institutions on our fair grounds this fall.Parties interested will please take notice.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

The entry books of the fair opened Monday morning and over a hundredentries of stock were made before noon.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

The ladies of the Christian Church have secured Dining Hall privilegeon the Fair ground which will be run in first class style. All members andfriends are solicited to donate as liberal as possible in the good work,and can leave donations at Bryan & Lynn’s Grocery Store or willbe kindly received at the Dining Hall at any time during the fair.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

The famous Copeland flock of thoroughbred sheep were entered for ourfair Monday. Also a flock of Liecestershires and Southdowns. The sheep exhibitwill be as fine as ever seen in Kansas.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Albright’s Special Premium.

Mr. P. H. Albright’s special thirty dollar premium should be competedfor by every farmer in Cowley County. Bring in a bushel of your best cornon the first day of the fair and let the World know what Cowley can do inthe corn line. Mr. Albright’s premium is as follows.

THIRTY DOLLARS: For the bushel of corn grown in Cowley County this year,weighing seventy pounds and containing the least number of ears. The Premiumis drawn in as follows: Fifteen dollars to first; Ten dollars to second;and five dollars to third. Corn must be entered on the first day of thefair and judged on the last.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Our County Fair.

But two weeks will elapse and then comes the week of the Fair. From everyindication we expect a very large exhibit in every department. The utmostefforts are being put forth by the Board in preparing to accommodate exhibitorsin such a manner as not only to please them but also the thousands of visitors.There are now 140 stalls for horses and cattle, built in the most approvedmanner; also sufficient and convenient pens for hogs and sheep. Sufficientenclosures for herds are going up, and Additional room for agriculturaland fine art exhibits are being provided. The amphitheater is doubled inseating capacity and it, with the quarter stretch, will up to twelve o’clockof each day be free to all visitors. The exhibition of stock and the awardof premiums will be given during the forenoon of each day in the grand ringin front of the Amphitheater. The Grove of seventeen acres is in splendidcondition and with the abundance of good water will make it pleasant tovisitors and their teams. The grounds will be properly policed by men bothcompetent and gentlemanly, who together with the officers, members of theBoard and stockholders; all of whom will wear badges suited to their position,will be pleased to answer questions and in any other way add to the pleasureof visitors.

They expect, under the rules of the Board and from the exemplary characterof citizens, the same good conduct that was so noticeable last year.

Stockholders, on applying to Ed. P. Greer, Sec., will be supplied witha badge to be worn during the attendance at the fair; also a stockholderticket. This arrangement is made for the convenience of the stockholderand his family. The member can wear the badge and his wife and minor membersof his family retain the ticket and though they may be separated, the holderswill be permitted to enter and leave the grounds at all times and also freeadmission to the quarter stretch.


It is with pleasure I speak of this subject. Gambling and gambling devicesand games of chance; also the sale and use of intoxicating drinks are, byan unanimous vote of the Board, positively prohibited. The Dancing Floor,however enjoyable it may be to some persons, has frequently from well knowncauses been rendered disreputable and a source of annoyance, consequently,it will not be on the ground.

In all of its management the Board has acted with commendable wisdomand moral dignity, to have the fair not only a place of pleasure and profit,but also a place where parents may come with their children and realizethat all may be free from evil temptations.

Friday, Sept. 26, will be children’s day. On that day all childrenunder fifteen will be admitted free, when accompanied by parentsor guardian. Boys and girls riding, also Bicycle riding, and other performanceswill take place for their special benefit.

All persons designing to compete for premiums either regular orspecial, on Butter, Bread, Cake, or Pie, are specially requestedto bring such on Wednesday morning, Sept. 24. They will be adjudged on thatday. The entries on the same may be made up to 9 o’clock on Wednesdaymorning. The request is made that these articles especially may be examinedwhile they are alike in a fresh condition. By referring to the premium list,you will find that all entries must be made by Tuesday evening, Sept. 23,exceptions in the above cases are made for the reasons above given. Anydissatisfaction in regard to the word of awarding committee or other reasonablecomplaints should be promptly reported to any member of the Board, the Secretaryor to the undersigned. JAS. F. MARTIN, President.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.


The Cowley County fair this year will be simply immense. Cowley Countycan furnish exhibits that would astonish the world, and our people are makingpreparations for a grand display.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 17, 1884.

Fair Notes.

Supt. Kretsinger informs us that everything is in readiness for the greatexhibition.

Are you ready for Cowley County’s big exhibition of the grand andgood things to be seen there? If not, why not?

The seating capacity of the spectators’ stand has been doubled,and will now accommo-date 1,500 people.

The secretary claims that the entries in all departments will be doublethat of last year. Over 500 having already been made, and still they come.Remember it costs nothing to enter an article or an animal.

We find by actual count 220 stables, stalls, and pens on the fairgrounds.This affords ample accommodation for all exhibitors of stock. The secretaryhas the chart—go and make your entries and select your stall.

The directors have set apart Friday, September 26, as children’sday. A special programme will be added for the entertainment of children,and for this day all children under 15 years of age will be admitted freeof charge, when accompanied by their parents or guardians. Full particularsfor children’s day will be given in our next issue. Telegram.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Mr. Lewis Grimes of Tisdale, was in town Monday. He will bring his cowwith her three calves, triplets, born in February last, to the Fair. Theyare all fine large, well developed heifer calves, and are perfect beauties.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Fair Notes.

There were two hundred entries made on Tuesday.

Capt. Siverd as manager of the police force will keep everything runningright.

The new addition to the amphitheater raises its seating capacity to ninehundred.

Thursday will be "Winfield Day." On that day Winfield willturn out enmasse.

General Superintendent Kretsinger has everything about the grounds infirst-class shape.

The famous trotters "Joe Young" and "Fred Douglas"will take part in this free for all on Friday.

The race horses with their grooms have begun to come in and the speedstables are filling up rapidly.

The space between the two wings of the amphitheater has been enclosedand gives lots of additional room.

Mr. Wesley Paris has taken the contract to keep the grounds sprinkledand the dust down and has fitted up all his wagons and teams with whichto do this work.

The two-cent per mile ticket will be put on sale at all the offices onthe Southern Kansas from Cambridge to Harper Monday. An immense number ofpeople will take advantage of the low rates and attend Cowley’s grandexhibition.

The gold badge for the champion bycicler at the fair is now on exhibitionat M. A. Boyer’s jewelry store. It is a beauty and will be a most beautifultrophy. The race for it comes off on Thursday afternoon and will be contestedby ten uniformed riders. This race will be one of the most novel and interestingof the fair.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.


Excursion Rates to the Fair at Winfield Next Week.

The Secretary of the Fair has received word from General Passenger AgentHynes, of the Southern Kansas, that that road will sell excursion ticketsto the Cowley County Fair, at two cents per mile, from Cambridge on theEast, and Harper on the West. The tickets will be put on sale Monday, the22nd, and will be good to return on Sunday, the 27th. This will make theround trip fare as follows.

From Cambridge: 88 cents.

From Torrance: 80 cents.

From Burden: 68 cents.

From New Salem: 36 cents.

From Oxford: 36 cents.

From Wellington: 80 cents.

These rates will allow everyone to visit the grandest fair ever heldin Southern Kansas.

Arkansas City Republican, September 20, 1884.

Cowley’s fair commences Tuesday of next week.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Mr. Hayes, of the Kansas City Indicator, is here taking notesof Cowley’s Fair.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

N. C. Myers, now a resident of chilly Nebraska, is on the Fair Groundswith his celebrated race horse, "White Rose."

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Mr. Ralf Field, traveling correspondent of the Wichita Daily Eagle,is here taking notes of our Fair and soliciting subscribers. The Eagleis rapidly coming to the front.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.


Displays Splendid in Every Department and All Expectations Fully Realized.

Providence seems to have specially favored Cowley’s Fair this year.For several weeks past the ground has been parched and dry, the dust wasflying profusely, and people were all eagerly hoping for rain. Monday noona gentle rain set in and continued, with varying intervals, until Tuesdaymorning, completing laying the dust, and making a pure, balmy atmosphere.As a result, the second annual exhibition of the Cowley County Fair &Driving Park Association opened under auspices unexcelled.

Every large exhibition lasting through several days has its period ofpreparation and on Tuesday and a part of Wednesday Cowley’s Fair waspassing through this period. The numerous superintendents and exhibitorswere busy arranging the displays, and were not in shape to give details,so the reporter must leave details for next week, when the great "show"will be over and a full report can be given. The entries are larger thisyear than last, everything exhibited is highly creditable to the GardenSpot of the World, and our Fair promises to be another great advertisem*ntof our material wealth and prosperity.

The ball got fairly started yesterday and large numbers of persons wereaccepting of the many facilities for transportation to the beautiful FairGrounds, the thoroughfare being continually thronged all day. Omnibuses,express-wagons, and all kinds of vehicles, together with "Walkers Line"and "Shanks Mare" were doing a rushing business.

Today and tomorrow will witness an immense throng, when the exhibitioncan be seen in all its greatness. Many fine race horses are on the groundsand some splendid tallies of speed are being made. The Courier Cornet Bandis out in full uniform and is furnishing superb music.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

The person who took a half gallon jar of grape butter from the exhibitionbuilding at the Fair, by mistake, will please return it to this office.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

The White Bronze Statue, which was on exhibition at the Fair Ground lastweek, is now on exhibition on the lot adjoining D. Rodocker’s PhotographGallery. Mr. R. U. Hess is the agent.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

The display of monuments and marble work by Billy Dawson, at the Fairlast week, was a splendid representation of his superior work and enterprise.The Winfield Marble Works has a wide and meritable reputation.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Men who were never known to exert themselves before could be seen poundingaway, at ten cents a pound, on the striking machines which were on our streetsand at the Fair Grounds, last week. Verily, the mysteries of humanity arevaried.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Ledro Guthrie and wife were over during the Fair week, visiting withthe families of Dr. Mendenhall and Senator Hackney.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben S. Turner, of Cherryvale, spent several days of lastweek with her sister, Mrs. G. H. Buckman, and took in Cowley’s Fair.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hill and Mr. and Mrs. A. Graff were among the Wellingtonfolks who attended our Fair last week, the former visiting W. O. and TomJohnson, brothers of Mrs. Hill, and the latter Mr. and Mrs. C. Collins.They were highly pleased with our displays as compared to those of Sumner.

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

Mrs. Robt. Weakly of Walnut Township, was thrown from a wagon Friday,just after leaving the Fair Grounds for home, sustaining a broken hip anda severely bruised shoulder. In the crowd and jam along the avenue fromthe gate to the Santa Fe Depot, the wagon wheel fell into a rut, the seatcame down, and the old lady was thrown headlong to the ground. Being pastsixty, small hopes are entertained of her overcoming the injuries.


Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.


Cowley’s fair this year was, in some departments, especially thatof agricultural display, greatly inferior to that of last year. In the agriculturaldepartment this was largely due to the fact that crops are not generallyso good as last year, and that no one interested themselves sufficientlyin making the collection. In the cattle department the premiums were toosmall and the charges for stalls and pens too high, as was also the casein the horse department. These mistakes will be remedied in another year.The display in hogs and sheep was very fine, although many exhibitors weredeterred from bringing hogs through fear of cholera. In fruit and householdproducts the display was magnificent. In stock, while the numbers were notso large as last year, the grades were better, and spoke well for the successof our stock breeders.

Financially and in point of attendance the fair was much ahead of lastyear. The attendance on Thursday was about ten thousand, on Friday eightthousand, and on Saturday five thousand. The net profits, after paying allpremiums and expenses, will be about eighteen hundred dollars.

The fair is now on a firm, sound, and prosperous basis, with all itsstock placed and a good surplus in the treasury. It now behooves the stockholdersand directors to so adjust the next premium list as to do away with as manyof its objectionable features as possible and offer premiums large enoughto make it an object for all to bring out their stock and productions.

Mr. A. J. Thompson’s premium of his Short Horn cattle amounted to$88.50.

John R. Smith’s herd of thoroughbreds were beauties and carriedoff first premium as a herd.

J. Scott Baker’s fine premium Short Horn bull was a fine animaland attracted much attention.

Mrs. Wesley McEwen was very fortunate and had a splendid display of jellies,preserves, and canned goods.

N. J. Thompson took $89 in premiums in the cattle ring with his thoroughbreds.His cattle were very fine.

Isaac Wood took $55.50 in premiums on his hog exhibit and sold his hugeshow hog, "Kentucky King, 2661," to Stewart & Boyle, of Wichita,for $100.

N. L. Yarbrough’s fine display of colts from his noted stallion,"Clyde," attracted great attention, and he carried off a wholebolt of blue ribbon.

Bahntge, Kates & Co., only exhibited one cow out of their splendidherd of thoroughbreds, and she took $41 in premiums. Next year they expectto down the county.

E. Copeland & Son, of Douglass, exhibited their splendid herd ofMerino sheep and took a large number of premiums. The wooly friends of manwere out in beauty and value.

The display of S. Kleeman of dry goods of all kinds from his store showedmuch enterprise and he made many friends by his gentlemanly deportment inexplaining his attractions.

The beautiful vase of Cowley County stone, displaying the workmanshipand artistic taste of Frank L. Wright, worthily took the blue ribbon. Itwas four feet high and greatly admired.

"Executor," the pretty racer in charge of F. M. Harlan, ofParsons, was the lion of the free for all speed ring events, roping in firstmoney. He is a half brother of Judge McDonald’s stallion colt.

The careful manner in which Uncle Wesley Paris sprinkled the Fair groundand the avenue leading to them, last week, with a little Providential assistance,was a great source of pleasure to the vast crowd. Uncle Wesley never doesthings by halves.

There were but two fights and no arrests on the grounds. Much creditis due chief of police Siverd and his efficient aides, Messrs. Tansey andFinch, for the able manner in which the police force was handled.

Our merchants showed characteristic enterprise by closing their storesand turning out in full force at the fair, on "Winfield Day."The grounds, as a result, were continually crowded with surging humanityThursday afternoon, all city business being suspended.

Hendricks & Wilson had a display of stoves which was highly creditableto their ever-reliable establishment. Mr. Hendricks was kept busy explainingthe points of interest to the gentle housewives, who are always lookingout for improvements in the cooking art.

Mr. J. T. Orr, who won the gold medal in the five mile race, is one ofthe fastest, as well as one of the most expert riders in the state. He hasbeen engaged to travel with a large circus next year. His feats of fancyriding at the rink Saturday evening were wonderful.

The horticultural exhibit at the fair is especially worthy of note anda finer "lay out" we challenge any county in the west, of theage of Cowley, to produce. About every variety of fruit that ever grew ona tree was there to be seen. It was positive proof of Cowley’s adaptationto fruit.

The noted sorrel, "Caroline," who won first money in the 2:40pacing race, making the mile in 2:39-1/2, and also took first premium insweepstakes for best mare any age or breed, was purchased soon after hervictories by Judge J. Wade McDonald, for $1,000. The Judge is a great admirerof fancy horse flesh, and in "Caroline" has a daisy.

Harry West, the young bicyclist from Wichita, was unfortunate. His wheelthrew him the first heat, bruising him badly. In the second heat he wasthrown again, his wheel falling into that ridden by Mr. Page, and completelydemolishing it. Mr. Page was quite badly hurt, in addition to the loss ofhis hundred and fifty dollar bicycle.

A two-gallon "demijohn" of whiskey was captured by the policeforce and turned over to the secretary as "contraband goods."During the day it mysteriously disappeared, since which time neither whiskeynor demijohn has been heard of. It was taken from the office while the secretarywas attending to his duties in the judges’ stand during the races bysome parched and thirsty individual.

That Cowley is making wonderful strides in the improvement of her cattleand horses, our fair readily proved. There were any number of big Clydesdales,Norman, and Canadian and a profusion of trotting and running horses, togetherwith as fine brooders and yearlings as any county can produce. The long-horned,wild-eyed Texas cattle have given place to Short-horns, Galloways, Jerseys,Polled-Angus, and the other high grades. The hint of Providence is beingwell heeded in the number of fine cattle being raised in Cowley.

In chronicling a visit to our fair, the A. C. Republican says:"Once more the fact that Kansas leads the Union in agriculture productionswas verified. A fine display of fruits of all kind met our gaze on all sidesin the horticultural hall. S. E. Maxwell had a magnificent display of fruitthere. Corn, which beat anything we ever saw in the "Sucker" state,was piled around in the agricultural hall. One ear we picked up and examinedmeasured 14 inches in length, and as near as we could count had over 1,486grains on the cob. Wheat, oats, blue-grass, rye, and in fact all kinds ofa*gricultural products were displayed. The number of cattle on exhibitionWednesday was small, but the grade was first class."

We print below a complete list of premiums awarded from the Secretary’sbooks.



Stallion, 4 years old and over: R. B. Noble, first premium; S. Allison,second premium.

Filly, three years old and under four: C. A. Lawson, first; Henry B.Porter, second.


Stallion, 4 years old and over: N. L. Yarbrough, first; C. Kimble, second.

Stallion, two years old and under three: S. Allison, first.

Mare, four year old and over: Silas Kennedy, first.

Mare, three years old and under four: Jas. Tweedie, first.

Mare, two years old and under two: John Peterson, first.

Mare colt: Silas Kennedy, first.


Stallion, four years old and over: James Hubbard, first; Silas Kennedy,second.

Stallion, three years old and under four: C. P. Cogswell, first.

Colt, one year old and under two: M. L. Read, first; N. J. Thompson,second.

Stallion colt, E. H. Copple, first; J. P. Stuber, second.

Gelding, four years old and over: G. S. Manser, first; S. C. Sumpter,second.

Mare, four years old and over; W. P. Coff, first; C. Kimble, second.

Mare, three years old and under four: H. C. McDorman, first; U. P. Porter,second.

Mare, two years old and under three: C. Kimble, first.

Mare, 1 year old and under 2; N. J. Thompson, first.

Mare colt, J. B. Evans, first; C. Kimble, second.


Stallion, 4 years old and over: Vermilye Bros., 1st; R. B. Noble, 2nd.

Stallion, 2 years old and under 3: S. Allison.

Stallion colt, 1 year old or over; John Peterson, first.

Stallion colt, A. Tinsman, first; D. S. Sherrard, 2nd.

Mare, 4 years old and over: D. S. Sherrard, 1st; D. S. Sherrard, 2nd.

Mare, 3 years old and under 4: James Tweedie, 1st; W. P. Porter, 2nd.

Mare, 2 years old and under 3; James Tweedie, 1st.

Mare colt, T. W. Dichen, 1st; F. A. A. Williams, 2nd.


Span of roadsters over 4 years old; C. C. Pierce, 1st; Fred Barron, 2nd.

Stallion roadster any age, A. J. Lyon, 1st; S. Allison, 2nd.

Single roadster, mare or gelding, 4 years old or over; Arthur Bangs,1st, Joe Harter, 2nd.


Stallion any age or blood, A. J. Lyons.

Mare any age or blood, W. P. Coff.

Brood mare, with colt; N. L. Yarbrough.

Stallion showing best five colts, N. L. Yarbrough.


Jack any age or greed; W. T. Richardson, 1st; James Stewart, 2nd.

Best pair mules for farm work: C. J. Jess, 1st.



Best bull, 3 years old and over; J. Scott Baker, 1st; F. A. A. Williams,2nd.

Bull, 2 years old and under 3; N. J. Thompson, 1st.

Bull 1 year old and under 2; John R. Smith and Son, 1st.

Bull under 1 year, John R. Smith and Son, 1st.

Cow, 3 years old and over: Bahntge, Kates & Co., 1st; John R. Smith& Son, 2nd.

Cow 2 years old and under 3; John R. Smith & Son, 1st and 2nd.

Heifer under 1 year, John R. Smith & Son, 1st.


Bull 3 years old and over: C. Cogswell, 1st.

Bull, 2 years old and under 3, L. F. Johnson, 1st.

Best Polled-Angus bull 2 years old, Vermilye Bros., 1st.

Best Jersey bull, F. A. A. Williams, 1st.

Best Jersey cow, John W. Curns, 1st.


Bull 1 year old and under 2, J. Scott Baker, 1st.

Bull calf under 1 year, N. J. Thompson, 1st and 2nd.

Cow 3 years old or over, John R. Smith, 1st; N. J. Thompson, 2nd.

Heifer 2 years old and under 3, N. J. Thompson, 1st; F. A. A. Williams,2nd.

Heifer 1 year old and under 2, N. J. Thompson, 1st and 2nd.

Heifer under 1 year, N. J. Thompson, 1st and 2nd.

Best fat cow, Bahntge, Kates & Co., 1st; T. M. Graham, 2nd.

Best herd thoroughbreds, John R. Smith, 1st.


Best bull any age or blood, N. J. Thompson, 1st.

Best cow any age or blood, Bahntge, Kates & Co., 1st.

Bull with 4 of his offspring, N. J. Thompson.


In this lot Mr. E. R. Morse, of Maple Township, swept the board, takingevery premium, amounting to $49.50.


Board 1 year old and over, Isaac Wood, 1st.

Board 6 months old, Isaac Wood, 1st and 2nd.

Board 4 months old, John R. Smith, 1st; Samuel Axley, 2nd.

Sow 1 year old or over, John R. Smith, 1st; Isaac Wood, 2nd.

Sow 6 months old, Isaac Wood, 1st.

Sow 4 months old, Isaac Wood, 1st; Samuel Axley, 2nd.

Sow and six pigs, Isaac Wood, 1st.

Best pen of 6 pigs, Isaac Wood, 1st.


Best board any age or breed, Isaac Wood, 1st.

Best sow any age or breed, E. R. Morse, 1st.

Best collection of swine, Isaac Wood, 1st.



Ram 2 years old and over, E. Copeland, 1st and 2nd.

Ram 1 year old, E. Copeland and Son, 1st; Neer Bros, 2nd.

Ram lamb, Copeland and Son, 1st; Near Bros., 2nd.

Ewe 2 years old, Copeland and Son, 1st and 2nd.

Ewe 1 year old, Copeland and Son, 1st and 2nd.

Three ewe lambs, Copeland & Son, 1st.


Ram 2 years old and over, John W. Pierce, 1st and 2nd.

Ram 1 year old and under 2, John W. Pierce, 1st and 2nd.

Ram lamb, James Tweedie, 1st.

Ewe 2 years old and over, H. A. Ensign, 1st; James Tweedie, 2nd.

Ewe 1 year old, H. A. Ensign, 1st.

Three ewe lambs, James Tweedie, 1st; H. A. Ensign, 2nd.


Ram any age or breed, E. Copeland, 1st.

Ewe any age or breed, E. Copeland, 1st.

Buck with 5 of his lambs, E. Copeland, 1st.

Flock of 15 of any breed, John W. Pierce.

Flock Angora goats, Wm. Wright, 1st.


Best half bushel red fall wheat, J. D. Guthrie, 1st; Alex Fuller, 2nd.

Best half bushel red oats, J. W. Browning, 1st; S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Best half bushel white corn, Silas Kennedy, 1st; T. W. Dichen, 2nd.

Half bushel yellow corn, D. P. Hurst, 1st; T. H. Jackson, 2nd.

Half bushel pop corn, T. H. Jackson, 1st; T. M. Johnson, 2nd.

Bundle broom-corn, D. A. Smith, 1st; M. C. Gibson, 2nd.

Bundle millet, D. P. Hurst, 1st; A. J. McCollom, 2nd.

Bundle blue grass, S. E. Maxwell, 1st; D. Knox, 2nd.

Bundle Johnson grass, J. W. Cottingham, 1st; D. S. Sherrard, 2nd.

Peck early Irish potatoes, John R. Sumpter, 1st; George Vanway, 2nd.

Peck late Irish potatoes, J. D. Guthrie, 1st; S. P. Case, 2nd.

Peck sweet potatoes, E. M. Johnson, 1st; Geo. Vanway, 2nd.

Peck of turnips, J. M. Johnson, 1st.

Peck of beets, George Vanway, 1st.

Peck Parsnips, George Vanway, 1st.

Peck carrots, George Vanway, 1st.

Peck tomatoes, W. C. Hayden, 1st.

Cabbage, George Vanway, 1st.

Pumpkins, D. P. Hurst, 1st.

Squashes, J. M. Jackson, 1st.

Watermelons, Wm. Bahruth, 1st.

Muskmelons, Jas. F. Martin, 1st.

Cucumbers, George Vanway, 1st.

Pieplant, George Vanway, 1st.

Best display vegetables, Evalene Hunt, 1st; George Vanway, 2nd.


Best 2 pounds butter, Mrs. P. B. Lee, 1st.

Best 5 gallons sorghum, C. P. Cogswell, 1st.

Best two loaves of wheat bread made of hop yeast, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st;Mrs. D. S. Sherrard, 2nd.

Best 2 loaves brown bread, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st.

Best white cake, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st.

Best Apple pie, Miss Alice Graham, 1st; Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 2nd.

Peach pie, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Cherry pie, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st.

Lemon pie, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st.

Custard pie, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st.

Pumpkin pie, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. A. H. Bangs, 2nd.

Best sample homemade soap, Mrs. P. B. Lee, 1st.

Apricot jelly, Mrs. M. E. Sumpter, 1st; Mrs. C. Ferguson, 2nd.

Apple jelly, Mollie Mitchell, 1st; Mrs. M. E. Sumpter, 2nd.

Blackberry jelly, Mrs. M. E. Sumpter, 1st; Mrs. Cal Ferguson, 2nd.

Current jelly, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mrs. Cal Ferguson, 2nd.

Cherry jelly, Mrs. M. E. Sumpter, 1st; Mollie Mitchell, 2nd.

Cranberry jelly, Mollie Mitchell, 1st.

Gooseberry jelly, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mollie Mitchell, 2nd.

Lemon jelly, Mrs. D. S. Sherrard, 1st; Mrs. M. E. Sumpter, 2nd.

Orange jelly, Mrs. M. E. Sumpter, 1st.

Plum jelly, Mrs. D. S. Sherrard, 1st; Lydia Serrott, 2nd.

Peach jelly, Lydia Serrott, 1st; Mrs. M. E. Sumpter, 2nd.

Quince jelly, Mrs. M. E. Sumpter, 1st; Mrs. D. S. Sherrard, 2nd.

Rhubarb jelly, Mrs. M. E. Sumpter, 1st.

Siberian crab jelly, Mrs. C. Ferguson, 1st; Mrs. T. M. Graham, 2nd.

Strawberry jelly, Mrs. M. E. Sumpter, 1st; Mollie Mitchell, 2nd.

Grape jelly, green, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mollie Mitchell, 2nd.

Grape jelly, white, Mrs. C. Ferguson, 1st.

Grape jelly, red, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mrs. T. M. Graham, 2nd

Best display of jellies, Mrs. M. E. Sumpter, 1st.


Apples, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. F. W. Manser, 2nd.

Blackberries, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Cherries, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mrs. T. M. Graham, 2nd.

Gooseberries, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 2nd.

Grapes, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 2nd.

Peaches, Mrs. T. M. Graham, 1st; Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 2nd.

Pears, Mrs. T. M. Graham, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Plums, Mrs. T. M. Graham, 1st; Mrs. Ira Holmes, 2nd.

Quinces, Mrs. J. A. Cooper, 1st; Mrs. F. W. Manser, 2nd.

Raspberries, Mrs. D. S. Sherrard, 1st; Mrs. F. W. Manser, 2nd.

Strawberries, Mrs. F. W. Manser, 1st.

Siberian crabs, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st; Mrs. F. W. Manser, 2nd.

Tomatoes, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 2nd.

Apricot, Mrs. T. M. Graham, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Best display of canned fruits, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st.


Apples, Lidia Serrott, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Blackberries, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 2nd.

Cherries, Mrs. Ira Holmes, 1st; Mrs. W. W. Andrews, 2nd.

Citron, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. N. S. Perry, 2nd.

Gooseberry, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 2nd.

Grapes, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st; Mrs. N. S. Perry, 2nd.

Pears, Mrs. E. J. Dawson, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Peaches, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. N. S. Perry, 2nd.

Plum, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 2nd.

Quinces, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st.

Siberian crab, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st; Mrs. Ira Holmes, 2nd.

Strawberries, Mrs. H. D. Gans, 1st; Mrs. N. S. Perry, 2nd.

Raspberries, Mrs. N. S. Perry, 1st.

Tomatoes, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Ira Holmes, 2nd.

Best display of preserves, Mrs. Geo. Robinson, 1st.

Best peck of dried apples, S. E. Maxwell.

Peck of dried peaches, S. E. Maxwell, 1st; Mrs. Arthur Bangs, 2nd.


Apple butter, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Peach butter, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 2nd.

Plum butter, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 2nd.

Pear butter, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st.

Grape butter, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Blackberry butter, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 2nd.

Gooseberry butter, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Ira Holmes, 2nd.

Musk-melon butter, Mrs. W. Rorrick, 1st.

Best display of butters, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st.


Pickled grapes, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Ira Holmes, 2nd.

Pickled cherries, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Pickled peaches, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 2nd.

Pickled cucumbers, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st.

Sweet pickled pears, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st.

Sour pickled cucumbers, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Sour pickled tomatoes, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Pickled cauliflower, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st.

Pickled tomatoes, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st.

Pickled Piccalilli, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Pickled stuffed peppers, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st.

Pickled cabbage, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. S. S. Linn, 2nd.

Tomato catsup, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 2nd.

Gooseberry catsup, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st; Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 2nd.

Best display of pickles and catsups, Mrs. S. S. Linn, 1st.



Best peck Maiden Blush, D. Bovee, 1st; H. Hawkins, 2nd.

Best peck Rambo, H. Hawkins, 1st; D. Bovee, 2nd.


Best peck Wine Sap, J. D. Guthrie, 1st; R. Wellman, 2nd.

Best peck Ben Davis, John Mentch, 1st; T. H. Jackson, 2nd.

Best peck Jonathan, T. H. Jackson, 1st; D. Bovee, 2nd.

Best peck Rawler Janet, R. Wellman, 1st; H. Hawkins, 2nd.

Best peck Missouri Pippen, A. De Turk, 1st; T. H. Jackson, 2nd.

Best peck Dominie, H. Hawkins, 1st; D. Bovee, 2nd.

Best peck Wagener, Silas Kennedy, 1st; D. Bovee, 2nd.

Best Peck Willow Twig, T. H. Jackson, 1st; S. D. Cunningham, 2nd.

Best Peck Smiths Cider, F. A. A. Williams, 1st; D. Bovee, 2nd.

Best Peck Grimes Golden Pippin, D. Bovee, 1st; G. W. Young, 2nd.

Best display Heaths cling peaches, A. Thineman, 1st; W. L. Seacat, 2nd.

Best platter Bartlett pears, Andrews Dawson, 1st; Jacob Nixon, 2nd.

Best platter pears any variety, A. De Turk, 1st; P. Case, 2nd.

Best platter Quinces, S. B. Fleming, 1st.

Best platter None Such, G. W. Young, 1st.

Best platter King of Tompkins County, S. C. Cunningham, 1st.

Best platter Talpehoehm, S. C. Cunningham, 1st; D. Bovee, 2nd.

Best platter Ortley, S. C. Sumpter, 1st; R. Wellman, 2nd.

Best platter Vandevere, Andrew Dawson, 1st; F. A. A. Williams, 2nd.

Best display fruit from any one orchard in Cowley County, C. J. Braine,1st.


Best collection house plants, Belle Linn, 1st.

Best hand bouquets, Hope Manser, 1st and 2nd.

Best half dozen button-hole bouquets, Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, 1st; HopeManser, 2nd.


Landscape from nature in oil, Mrs. C. Collins, 1st; Mrs. A. C. Bangs,2nd.

Animal piece in oil from life, Mrs. Geo. Ordway, 1st.

Fruit piece in oil, Miss Cora Bullene, 1st; Mrs. Geo. Ordway, 2nd.

Portrait from life in oil, water, or crayon, Mrs. Geo. Ordway, 1st and2nd.

Fancy painting in oil, Mrs. Geo. Ordway, 1st.

Animal or bird piece in water colors, Mrs. A. C. Bangs, 1st.

Fancy painting in water colors, Mrs. Geo. Ordway, 1st.

Landscape in crayon, Mrs. J. A. Cooper, 1st and 2nd.

Specimen Kensington painting, Mrs. Geo. Ordway, 1st and 2nd.

Specimen plaque painting, Bertha Wallis, 1st.

Collection of oil paintings by owner, Mrs. Geo. Ordway, 1st.

Collection decorated pottery by owner, Mrs. Geo. Ordway, 1st.

Collection photographs done by exhibitor, D. Rodocker, 1st.

Landscape in oil, Mrs. S. Lowe, 1st.

Animal painting in oil, Mrs. Geo. Ordway, 1st.

Geographical drawing by public school pupil, H. L. Snyder, 1st.

Bouquet Swiss flowers, Libbie Paris, 1st.

Brass pounding, Mrs. J. S. Wellas, 1st.


Best Specimen silk embroidery, Mrs. Mattie Lahr, 1st and 2nd.

Best Specimen silk embroidery on flannel, Mrs. L. Lowe, 1st.

Best hand embroidered handkerchief, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st.

Best hand embroidered infants dress, Mrs. Wesley McEwen, 1st.

Best hand embroidered ladies underwear, Mrs. L. Fluke, 1st.

Handsomest embroidery on R. R. Canvass, Mrs. U. S. Waugh, 1st.

Handsomest embroidery on Java canvas, Mrs. W. H. Albro, 1st and 2nd.

Handsomest embroidery on honey comb canvas, Mrs. S. Lowe, 1st.

Best machine tucked skirt, Mrs. T. M. McGuire, 1st and 2nd; ditto suitunderwear.

Best handmade gents shirt, Mrs. M. F. Schooling, 1st.

Best Specimen plain sewing by a lady over sixty years, Mrs. M. F. Schooling,1st and 2nd.

Best Specimen hem stitching, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st and 2nd.

Best Specimen crewel work, Mrs. Geo. Ordway, 1st and 2nd.

Bet Specimen crochet edge in linen, Mrs. U. S. Waugh, 1st.

Best display crochet, Mrs. V. E. Christie, 1st and 2nd.

Handsomest crochet tidy, Mrs. U. S. Waugh, 1st and 2nd.

Handsomest shawl, Mrs. J. S. Wellas, 1st and 2nd.

Best crochet muffler, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st and 2nd.

Best knit silk mitten, Mrs. S. D. Pryor, 1st.

Best knit worsted mittens, Mrs. Ira Holmes, 1st.

Best work in plush, Mrs. W. H. Albro, 1st.

Best Specimen mosaic work, Gertrude McKinley, 1st.

Handsomest Specimen ribbon work, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st.

Handsomest Specimen arosene embroidery, Mrs. J. S. Wellas, 1st.

Handsomest Specimen chenille, Mrs. J. S. Wellas, 1st.

Handsomest sofa pillow, silk embroidered, Mrs. W. H. Albro.

Handsomest sofa pillow crazy-work, Mrs. M. Schooling, 1st.

Best outline silk embroidery, Miss Chrissie Wright, 1st.

Best outline cotton embroidery, Miss Minnie Binney, 1st.

Best hand-made point lace, Mrs. Geo. Robinson, 1st.

Handsomest Kensington silk embroidery, Mrs. S. Lowe, 1st.

Handsomest Kensington crewel embroidery, Mrs. W. H. Albro, 1st.

Best darned-net bed spread, Miss Mattie Linn, 1st.

Handsome silk quilt, Miss Minnie Binney, 1st.

Handsomest calico quilt, Mrs. H. L. Steele, 1st.

Handsomest fancy quilt, Miss Matie Linn, 1st.

Handsomest log cabin quilt, ditto.

Handsomest toilet set, Mrs. W. H. Albro, 1st.

Handsomest rug any design or make, Mrs. E. D. Kelly, 1st.

Handsomest ottoman cover, Miss Emma Weymer, 1st.

Handsomest camp mat, E. D. Kelly, 1st.

Handsomest afghan, Miss Chrissie Wright, 1st.

Ladies white apron, Mrs. H. G. Johnston, 1st.

Child’s white apron, Minnie Young, 1st.

Best hand-made calico dress, Mrs. Fluke, 1st.

Best Specimen of plain knitting, E. D. Kelly, 1st.

Best darned-net apron, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st.

Best Specimen fancy knitting, Mrs. M. F. Schooling, 1st.

Handsomest table scarf, Miss Ida Trezise, 1st.

Handsomest chair scarf, Mrs. H. G. Johnson, 1st.

Handsomest splasher, Miss Matie Linn, 1st.

Handsomest pin cushion, Mrs. S. Lowe, 1st.

Handsomest chair cushion, E. D. Kelly, 1st.

Handsomest chair cover, Mrs. W. H. Albro, 1st.

Handsomest pillow roll, for chair, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st.

Handsomest hand bag, Mrs. W. H. Albro, 1st.

Handsomest pin cushion, J. S. R. Bates, 1st.

Handsomest embroidered hose, Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, 1st. Best specimenof drawn work ditto.

Best and prettiest thing of any design or make, Mrs. W. H. Albro, 1st.

Lace mitts, E. D. Kelly, 1st.

Flannel skirt, E. D. Kelly, 1st.

Couch cover, E. D. Kelly, 1st.

Knit tidy, E. D. Kelly, 1st.

Child’s needle work, Flora Bullene.

Hearth rug, Mrs. Susan W. Shaw, 1st and 2nd.

Ten yards of rag carpet, Lydia Wilmot, 1st; Mrs. S. J. Hepler, 2nd.

Pair woolen stockings, Mrs. Sallie Holland, 1st; Mrs. M. F. Schooling,2nd.

Pair woolen socks, Mrs. Ira Holmes, 1st, Mrs. M. J. Norton, 2nd.

Pair wool mittens, Mrs. Ira Holmes, 1st; Mrs. M. F. Schooling, 2nd.


Church organ, Kansas Organ Co., 1st; Chicago Chapel, 2nd.

Cottage Organ, Chicago Cottage, F. M. Friend, 1st.


One or more best sheaves of wheat, $10.00 by Bliss & Wood, IsaacWood, 1st.

By Hendricks & Wilson, $2.50 for largest pumpkin in Cowley County,D. P. Hurst.

By Wm. Newton, for graceful riding by boy under 12 years riding saddleworth $5, and Ladies riding whip, worth $5 for graceful riding by girl under12, Willie Sherrard, 1st; Cora Wood, 2nd.

By J. L. Horning, $5 for largest ear of corn by weight, T. H. Jackson,1st.

By Horning & Whitney, $5 for best handmade sun bonnet by girl under14, Dora B. Kimball, 1st.

By A. T. Spotswood $5 for best five pounds of butter in one pound rolls,Mrs. P. B. Lee, 1st.

By McDonald & Miner $5 for best handmade Misses white apron by anygirl under 15 years, Mamie Young.

By A. H. Doane, $5 for 10 best and heaviest Irish potatoes; $3. to 1st,$2 to 2nd; Jno. R. Sumpter, 1st; J. D. Guthrie, 2nd.

By P. H. Albright & Co., $30 for the bushel of corn weighing 70 poundswith least number of ears: T. H. Jackson, $15; M. P. Raw, $10; Silas Kennedy,$5.



No. 1, trotting, green horses, $35 purse: R. B. Pratt, "Little Crow,"got the pot, distancing his competitors.

No. 2, running, half mile dash, purse $35, Dickie O, 1st; Little Nick,2nd.


No. 2, pacing, 3 minute class, purse $100: Sadie Burns, 1st; HoosierBill, 2nd; Monon, 3rd.

No. 4, running, half mile, 2 in 3, purse $100: Rex Stratton, 1st; CharlieRoss, 2nd.

No. 5, trotting, 3 minutes class, purse $100: Hattie R., 1st; Rebecca,2nd; Strange Moore, 3rd.


No. 7, pacing, 2:40 class, purse $125: Caroline, 1st; Hoosier Bill, 2nd.

No. 8, trotting, free for all, citizens purse of $250: Executor, 1st;Fred Douglass, 2nd; Hattie R., 3rd.


No. 9, running novelty race, $25 to 1/4 mile; $35 to ½ mile; $50to 3/4 mile; $50 to mile post. Beeswing took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd money. Estellatook the mile.

Owing to the rain on Saturday afternoon the Consolation race and the$50 purse for Cowley County buggy horses did not come off. There were sixteenentries in the buggy race, and it would have proven one of the most interestingof the fair.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

The Davis took the 1st premium at Wichita, Junction City, and elsewheregenerally at Fairs and only failed here for a little spit of snow.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

The beautiful Cowley County stone vase exhibited at the fair is for sale.It is a fine piece of work and more valuable because it is a home production.

Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

The Winfield Carriage Works carried off the blue ribbon at the fair ontheir beautiful phaeton. It was a fine piece of work and reflects crediton our home manufactory. The painting was especially smooth and glossy.It was done by Jim Clatworthy, the peer of any carriage painter in the west.


Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.

The following are some premiums overlooked last week.


Best pair Partridge Cochins, E. R. Morse, 1st.

Best pair Light Brahmas, C. Kimble, 1st.

Best pair Plymouth Rocks, Saml. Lowe, 1st.

Best pair Brown Leghorns, A. H. Doane, 1st.

Muscovy ducks, C. G. Bradbury, 1st.

Best and largest display of fowls, A. H. Doane.


Best spring Mattress, Robt. Hudson, 1st.

Best hedge trimmer, the "Throckmorton," C. G. Bradbury, Agent.

Best display of washing soap, S. E. Christalear, 1st.

Best adjustable harrow, the "Jackson," Jno. Casper, Agent,1st.

Best display of Marble Work, W. H. Dawson.

Best washing machine, Coonrod and Shearer.

Best farm fence, Coonrod & Shearer.

Best sowing machine, the "sh*te," Fred Barron, Agent, 1st;the "Davis," F. M. Friend, 2nd.

Best display of horse shoes, J. Garrett & Son.

Best dozen Brooms, Gibson & Co.

Best 2 spring phaeton, Winfield Carriage Works, 1st; Columbus Buggy Co.,2nd.

Best one horse carriage, Columbus Buggy Co., 1st.

Best display of Buggies, Columbus Buggy Co.

Best spring wagon, Winfield Carriage Works.

Best sulky plow, W. A. Lee.

Best 2 horse cultivator, W. A. Lee.

Best combined cultivator, W. A. Lee.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Bridge Matters.

EDITOR COURIER: There is some little stir for a new bridge across theWalnut River on the west side of town, main object being to give east andwest trade a direct road to the business portion of the city. The writerhas talked with some of the Vernonite and citizens of the city and it seemsthe most desirable place is at the west end of ninth avenue, this road wouldthen run direct to the crossing of Main street and ninth avenue, the centerof the business portion of Winfield and run by the fair grounds and withinone block of Bliss & Wood’s Mill. Should the bridge be built wherethe old wooden bridge stood, this would throw teams into the meanderingcrossings and switches of both the Santa Fe and Southern Kansas Railroads;while if the other was there, there would be but one crossing. It is notthought that the old piers of wood bridge are sufficient for a good doublebridge. People of the western part of this county know something of themud hole they have to encounter in crossing by this route. A direct roadcoming in at the west end of ninth avenue is surely desirable. CITIZEN.


Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Bull fighting was one of the attractions at the Caldwell Fair last week.A number of citizens met previously and resolved against such exhibitionof barbarism, but the fight came off as advertised.


Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

What Our Neighbors Are Doing.


Everybody seemed to be at the fair from Jerusalem to Jericho, and tobe hunting their mammas.

Above concludes items taken from Winfield Courier through 1884, atwhich point I had to quit. The following items were taken from ArkansasCity newspapers covering 1885 and 1886. MAW March 11, 2000.

Arkansas City Republican, April 4, 1885.

Winfield is preparing for a boom. She is trying to absorb Walnut Townshipwithin her corporate limits. She wants to extend her city limits to theriver on the west, thus taking in the fair ground and city park. On thenorth to Dutch Creek; on the east out past the mounds, taking in the reservoir;and on the south they remain unchanged. The city will be three miles wideby two miles in length.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 18, 1885.

At the last meeting of the directors of the Cowley County Fair and DrivingPark Association, faberizes the Winfield Telegram, the propositionand guarantee fund of the citizens of Winfield for a spring meeting wasaccepted. The directory appointed from their number Messrs. Kretsinger,Spotswood, and Smith; and from the citizens, Messrs. J. Wade McDonald andJas. Vance as a general committee to conduct the meeting. The outlook fora big field of horses for the western circuit is good, and promises to bringto Winfield the best and fastest horses in Kansas, Missouri, and Texas.The premiums offered are very liberal, amounting to over $7,000 for thecircuit.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 18, 1885.


One Hundred and Thirty Dollars in Special Premiums by the

Cowley County Fair Association.

At the last meeting of the directors of the Cowley County Fair Association,the following special premiums were offered, and the county papers requestedto publish the same in advance of the regular premium list, in order thatthe farmers of Cowley County may, if they choose, plant and get in readinesstheir exhibits. The articles comprised in each of these displays cannotcompete for any other premium, and must be grown by the exhibitor duringthe agricultural year, except when noted.

Best display of products from a single farm in Cowley County. Test tobe, 1st: quantity of exhibit; 2nd: quality of exhibit; 3rd: taste in arrangementof the exhibit. Premiums divided as follows: $25 to 1st; $15 to 2nd; $10to 3rd; $5 to 4th.

Best display of grains and grasses on the stock from a farm in CowleyCounty; $10 to 1st; $5 to 2nd.

Best display of garden vegetables from a single garden in Cowley County;$10 to 1st; $5 to 2nd.

Best display of Cowley County grown clover seed: 1st, $2; 2nd, $1.

Best display of Cowley County grown Timothy seed: 1st, $2; 2nd, $1.

Best display of Cowley County grown Orchard grass seed: 1st, $2; 2nd,$1.

Best display of Cowley County grown English Blue grass seed: 1st, $2;2nd, $1.

Best display of fruits from any orchard in Cowley County: 1st, $10; 2nd,$5.

Best display of fruits grown during this year, open to all: 1st, $10;2nd, $5.

Arkansas City Republican, June 13, 1885.

The Southern Kansas Fair Circuit Association held a meeting in WichitaThursday to arrange a programme for fall meeting. Dates are fixed as follows:Anthony, Sept. 1 to 5; Wellington, Sept. 8 to 12; Harper, Sept. 14 to 19;Winfield, September 21 to 25; Kingman Sept. 29, 30, and Oct. 1 and 2; Wichita,Oct. 6 to 10.

H. C. St. Clair is president and D. L. Kretsinger, of Cowley, secretary.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.

34 to 10

Winfield Muffers done up by the Border Club by the Above Score.

The Winfield Cyclones Strike the Arkansas City Border Nine

And Have to Re-Organize.

Damage Done to the Cyclones Something Over $2,000.


Thursday at the Winfield fair grounds the third and last match game ofbase ball was played. The game was for a purse of $100 a side. Wednesdayevening the Cyclones demanded by telephone that $20 of the gate receiptsbe given to their club and the remainder be divided equally between thecontestants. The Border captain refused to do this and the game was declaredoff. When this news became circulated on our streets, the lovers of thegame were greatly disappointed. Thursday morning the members of the Borderclub came together and decided to go and play the game anyway. At 9 a.m.,the club and a number of friends started for the Hub in carriages. Afterdinner the club sought the fair grounds followed by spectators. The gamecommenced at about 3 p.m., with between 600 and 700 spectators present.The Cyclones went to bat first and scored five runs. This caused a thrillof pleasure to run up the backbone of the denizens of Winfield. The Borderclub went to bat on their half of the first inning and only got two runs.This gave the backers of the Cyclones an impetus to squander their money,and in a very short time a considerable sum of money had been wagered byfriends of the clubs.

The Cyclones on the second inning scored a goose egg, while the Borderclub secured two more tallies than on the second for they succeeded in makingtwo runs. The Border club on the third inning got in two more tallies. TheCyclones were still ahead one tally at the close of the third inning. Onthe fourth inning the Cyclones increased their score one tally and the Borderclub four. Cheer after cheer went up as the Border club rung in their talliesand visitors from Arkansas City yelled themselves hoarse from enthusiasm.On the fifth inning the Cyclones went to bat a little nervous and consequentlywere treated to a goose egg. The Border club got in four tallies on theirhalf of the 5th. Excitement ran higher than ever and the backers of theCyclones began to visibly weaken. The sixth inning the Cyclones securedone tally and the Border club 13. This capped the climax. Parties from ArkansasCity went wild from enthusiasm. The seventh inning the Cyclones scored onetally and the Border club received their first and last goose egg of thegame. The eight and ninth innings the Cyclones received two more beautifulgoose eggs, while the Border club made three runs on the eight and fouron the ninth. This ended the game, the score standing 34 to 10 in favorof the Border club.

The following are the runs and outs made by each member of the two clubs...[SKIPPINGALL BUT NAMES OF PLAYERS].

CYCLONES: Beam, Jones, Gray, Land, Holbrook, McClelland, Smith, McMullen,and Leland.

BORDER CLUB: Godfrey, McGerry, Perryman, Hilliard, Geo. Wilson, Miller,Jos. Wilson, Chas. Wright, and Frank Wright.

The umpire was a brakeman from here. He gave satisfaction, we understand,to both clubs. The Cyclones did poorer playing, not coming up to the gameon the 4th. The Border Club played carefully and surely. The Cyclones triedto twist out, but the Border Club had too firm a grip on them. We suggestthat the Cyclones remodel their name; for instance, say, to the "GentleKansas Zephyrs."

On the third inning O. F. Godfrey got tripped by being hit. Of course,the Border Nine put in a substitute. The Cyclones began to cry, "rats,rats." They thought it was just a come-off to put in a better player.The substitute’s name was Roach, and he was about equal to Godfrey.Ery Miller did some excellent playing on first base and some heavy batting.Frank Perryman pitched for the Border Nine and the trouble with the Cycloneswas that they were unable to hit his balls. The Border Nine pounded theCyclones’ pitcher all to pieces. They changed on the 6th inning, butthis did not put a stop to the rapid increase of the Border’s score.Nearly three and a half hours were consumed in playing the game.

The man who tended the gate announced only $40.45 receipts. There werefully 600 persons present; 25 cents was the admission price. There is something"rotten in Denmark," and we trust the Cyclones will blow the matterstraight.


Captain Perryman delivered straight, swift balls Thursday. A sore fingerprevented his pitching curves.

Catcher Joe Wilson had a finger partially dislocated. Geo. Wright mendedmatters and Joe went right along.

Miller is immense all around.

Frank Wright is the favorite with the crowd.

Charley Wright can play anywhere. He is a handsome runner.

The new third baseman, McGerry, did not disappoint anyone. He throwsbeautifully.

Godfrey’s substitute played center field well.

Charley Hilliard did excellent fielding and base running. He and JoeWilson are the good natured members.

Right fielder Geo. Wilson was not feeling well, but stuck to the work.

The Arkansas City crowd did effective work with the lungs, the Winfieldcrowd with the lower lip.

Dr. J. A. Mitchell, Fred Farrar, F. J. Hess, Will D. Mowry, A. D. Hawk,Frank Grosscup, Jerry Adams, Leavitt Coburn, W. H. Nelson, Dr. Wright, Dr.Geo. Wright, and several other businessmen went up on the 3:05 p.m. trainto see the game.

Joe Finkleburg presented Ery Miller with a $3 hat yesterday morning onaccount of his excellent playing in the game of Thursday. W. D. Mowry presentedhim with a handsome bat. C. C. Sollitt presented Frank Perryman with a batalso, for the good service he rendered.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.

Hackney Harpings.

Next Saturday our "Hackney Scrubs" play the "Telegrams"of Winfield at the fair grounds. The Scrubs are nimble and muscular fellowsand are getting well up in the science of base ball.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

The K. C. & S. W. Depot Located.

The long suspense over the location of the K. C. & S. W. Railroadthrough the city and the depot location are about at an end. The route isdecided upon permanently to the S. K. Railroad. Sixteen lots have been boughtof W. A. [?] Andrews, just north of his residence, for the depot. J. P.Steward, of this city, has been awarded the contract for the erection ofthis depot. It will be similar to the S. K. Depot, 18 x 76 feet in size,with platforms all around 12 feet wide and 200 feet long. The road comesinto town through the old fair grounds. Thirty men are now working on theTimber Creek bridge abutments. This bridge will be twenty-seven feet wide,for double track. From the depot the road runs just north of the gas house,crosses the S. K. near the track, and will very probably follow the riverto the water works engine house and then straight in the direction of thefair grounds. It runs across the southeast corner of the grounds, throughthe main gate, whence a small depot and side track for Fair purposes willlikely be put in. It cuts diagonally through Riverside Park from the ticketoffice to the [?ALMOST COMPLETE WHITE-OUT FOR SEVERAL LINES] Courier.

Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.

D. L. Kretsinger was in the city Tuesday making arrangements for CowleyCounty’s coming fair. He empowered N. T. Snyder to take the entriesfor Southern Cowley. Parties in this vicinity who desire to make exhibitsat the fair need not go to Winfield to make entries but come to N. T. Snyder.All railroads leading to Winfield will give reduced rates. The fair commencesTuesday, Sept. 22, and continues five days. A special train will most likelybe run from here on that day.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 9, 1885.

D. L. Kretsinger, secretary to the Cowley County Fair Association, wasin town yesterday, and appointed N. T. Snyder his assistant. Persons wishingto make entries can call on Mr. Snyder, who will attend to their business,and save the delay of correspondence on a visit to Winfield. The fair openson Monday, the 21st inst., and closes the following Friday. Fare there andreturn will be 1-1/3 rates. Liberal premiums will be paid, and an unusuallyfine display is promised.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 16, 1885.

Cowley County Fair.

The annual fair of this association will be held September 21st to 25thand promises to be a meeting of unusual interest and importance. The centralexposition building, two stories high, has been erected and is now receivingthe finishing touches of the painter. The two wings of the exposition buildinghave also been floored and the interior re-arranged for the fruit, and otherdepartments. The completion of this building gives 7,500 feet of floor spaceand altogether it is not only ornamental, but will give ample space withevery pleasant facility to exhibit all entries to the best advantage. Thesecond floor will be devoted to the ladies’ departments and textilefabrics. Fifty stables and stalls have also been added to the stock department,which insures ample room for all exhibitors in this department. The amphitheateris being enlarged and other improvements are in progression. Nothing inthe power of the Board will be neglected that will add interest to the occasion.Many of the premiums, especially in the stock departments, have been greatlyincreased. Relying on the patronage of an appreciative public, the Boardhas assumed the liability of paying these enlarged premiums, and there isthe most flattering prospect that its desires will be fully realized inthus attracting the largest display of the best stock ever shown in thispart of the state. Bear in mind that the Board has adopted a rule that whenan entry is made for a premium on horses, mules, cattle, sheep, and hogsand there is no competition (there being but one entry), if, in the judgmentof the awarding committee, the animal is worthy, the blue ribbon will beattached and second cash premium paid. This will obviate one of the complaintsheretofore justly made.

All entries for butter, bread, cake, and pie should be made on the firstday of the Fair, but none of the articles should be brought for exhibitionand examination by the committee until Wednesday morning, not later than10 o’clock. By giving this attention all these exhibits will be broughtalike, fresh, and at the same time. A glass case will be provided for theabove exhibits, which will exclude the dust as well as curious hands.

Special attention is called to the liberal special premium of Mr. P.H. Albright, being $30 for the largest and best corn. Also attention iscalled to the regular premium of $55 for the largest and best display ofproducts grown this year on a single farm. The Board, in the spirit of publicenterprise, has provided liberal things and all things are now ready, socome and aid and encourage in this good work.

The Cowley County Fair, under the judicious management of the Board,has become of great importance to the general interest, not only of CowleyCounty, but of Southwestern Kansas, and is such an enterprise that everycitizen may feel justly proud. Let the people of Cowley County, especiallythe agricultural class, arrange, if possible, to make Fair week a week ofholidays. The relaxation from care and labor to the husband, wife, and childrenwill be beneficial. If possible, take something for competition; and ifsuccessful, it will aid in paying your expenses. In any event it will payto spend the time in examining the best products and animals, learning thebest methods, comparing notes, meeting friends, and making new acquaintances.In many ways you will become better yourselves and help others to becomebetter.

For premium lists address D. L. Kretsinger, Secretary, or J. F. MARTIN,President.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 16, 1885.

Fair Week.

N. T. SNYDER. Dear Sir: I have made arrangements with the Atchison,Topeka & Santa Fe railroad for a passenger coach each day on the morningtrain during the fair, and for six coaches on the Thursday morning train.Thursday will be Arkansas City and Winfield day. I would like to see ArkansasCity and vicinity well represented on that day. For the round trip 51 cents.We have room for everybody. D. L. KRETSINGER, General Manager.

Arkansas City Republican, September 19, 1885.

The fare to Winfield to attend the fair on Thursday—Arkansas Cityand Winfield—will be only 51 cents.

Arkansas City Republican, September 26, 1885.

The Buckskin Border Band went up to Winfield Thursday to enliven thefair with their elegant playing. The band will go to Topeka next Mondayto attend the state encampment.

Arkansas City Republican, September 26, 1885.

John Ireton, of Bolton Township, had a bushel of new corn on exhibitionat the fair, which only took 48 ears to make the necessary 70 pounds.

Arkansas City Republican, September 26, 1885.

Mrs. Mary Oldham, accompanied by her brother, Capt. Frank McDaniels,and Mrs. W. F. Klopf, have been taking in the fair at Winfield this week.The display of livestock and farm products they report as first-class.

Arkansas City Republican, September 26, 1885.

Dr. Sparks’ horse, Prince, took the second premium in the greentrotting race Wednesday. He trotted again yesterday, but we are unable tostate the result.

Arkansas City Republican, September 26, 1885.

The fair this week has made news scarce in this vicinity. On ArkansasCity and Winfield’s Day—Thursday—about 400 persons were inattendance from this part of the county.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 30, 1885.

An auction sale of choice brood mares will be made on the Cowley CountyFair grounds next Wednesday. Mr. J. C. McMullen, of Winfield, will disposeof three dozen choice breeders—mostly of Percheron and Clydesdale grades—whichaffords a fine opportunity to farmers and stockraisers. See his ad.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 30, 1885.

BIG AD. GREAT SALE OF HORSES. I will sell at public auction, on the horsefarm west of the fair grounds, Cowley County, Kansas, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER7, 1885, Thirty-six head of brood mares—most of them of the Percheronand Clydesdale grades—all bred to imported Clydesdale horses whichare now on exhibition at the fair grounds. These mares are of the very bestand finest of their class that could be purchased in Illinois and Iowa.Reason for selling—having disposed of my horse farm.

Terms of Sale: Twelve months’ time will be given, with good security.An Inspection of the stock solicited. J. C. McMULLEN. WINFIELD, KANSAS.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 30, 1885.

Cowley County Fair.

The heads of the Winfield people were buzzing all last week with whatthey were pleased to call "the county fair." It was Winfield fromcentre to circumference, but credit is due the managers for the excellentdisplay they got together, and the large attendance it drew is a triumphof judicious advertising. Thursday was Winfield and Arkansas City day, transporta-tionbeing provided on the early freight train for all who chose to go. Fivecoach loads of passengers went out, and later in the day hundreds of othersrepaired thither in private vehicles. The fair was visited by at least 500of our citizens on that day. There was excellent music, our Buckskin Borderband helping to swell the strains, the horse racing was spirited, and themany exhibits on the fair ground afforded food for wonder and delight. Ourpleasure seekers came back tired but pleased with the day. On several festiveoccasions in this city Winfield has furnished its contingent to enhancethe success, and these courtesies were partly returned in the ready acceptanceof our citizens to take part in their public display. Such interchange andvisits back and forth are pleasant and profitable to all concerned, andpromote good feeling in the generous rivalry which spare the energies ofthe two communities.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 3, 1885.

J. O. Sullivan Wanted.

While J. L. Howard was attending the fair last Friday, the firm of Howard& Collins had a black mare stolen from their stable in Arkansas Cityby one J. O. Sullivan.

Sullivan had been employed as a hostler, but had received his dischargeon the morning he took the horse. Parties who saw him ride off on the maredid not think it strange when they saw him out riding, but supposed he wasonly exercising her. When Mr. Howard came home from Winfield, he saw themare was gone, but thought that Mr. Collins had her. It was not until thenext morning that they awakened to the stern reality that their mare hadbeen stolen. Pursuit was immediately commenced. Capt. Rarick accompaniedMr. Howard to Winfield, making a thorough search in that city, but learningthat the thief had been seen several miles north. After rambling over thenorth part of the county for some time, they discovered the mare loose ina field on the road just as they were coming back to Winfield. They securedthe mare and brought her home; they were unable to discover the thief, butthere is a reward out of $25 for his apprehension. Sullivan, as his nameindicates, is an Irishman, about 40 years old, weighs about 130 pounds,short gray hair, and stubby mustache. While in Arkansas City, he workedat making whips and watch guards out of horse hair.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 3, 1885.

Bold Burglars.

As the Winfield Courier predicted the other day, the town is fullof thieves and roughs. Last Thursday night they got in their work on D.Palmer and Irve Randall. About 1 o’clock Mr. Palmer was awakened bysomeone touching the side of his face. He looked up immediately and askedwho it was, and what they were doing there. The fellow was after Mr. Palmer’swatch, which was in his vest pocket under his pillow. As soon as Mr. Palmerspoke, however, the burglar made a rush for the door, Mr. Palmer close ontohis heels, but Mr. Burglar was too quick for him. He dashed through thedoor and pulled it shut after him, catching Mr. Palmer’s hand and bruisingit up pretty badly. An investigation followed, and it was found the thiefhad got away with the watch—a two hundred and fifty dollar one—whichMr. Palmer had carried for years. No clue has yet been found that will leadto the identity of the thief, but the officers are on a sharp lookout, andevery available means will be used to run the rogue in. Mr. Randall, thesecond victim, also lost a watch and ten dollars in money. He retired earlyand knew nothing of his loss until morning. It is supposed that there isa gang of these fellows infesting the town, and while one or part of themwere at Mr. Palmer’s, some of the rest were at Mr. Randall’s.Winfield Courier.

Arkansas City Republican, October 3, 1885.

Cowley County Products.

This is the glowing manner in which the Indianapolis Journal speaksof the Cowley County exhibit taken from our fair and sent to the IndianaState Fair last week.

"And where is Cowley County?" was the eager inquiry of hundredsof the thousands who looked admiringly upon the magnificent array of apples,pears, peaches, grapes, melons, and other products temptingly spread inthe Exposition Building. Well might they ask for surely a finer fruit displaywas never seen in Indiana. Cowley County is in southern Kansas, on the borderof the Indian Territory. The exhibit is for the purpose of advertising tothe world the productiveness of that new and wonderful region. The displayis in care of Capt. P. A. Huffman, a well-known Indianian, recently movedthere, together with J. A. Martin, president of the Cowley County AgriculturalSociety, S. P. Strong, vice-president, and J. D. Guthrie, one of the directors.The county seat is Winfield, a beautiful city of 7,000, with gas, water,and every convenience possessed by Indianapolis. Arkansas City, anotherbeautiful place, with about 4,000 residents, is also in Cowley County. Thiscounty, only fifteen years old, is the eighth in population, ranks eighthin the production of corn, ninth in the cultivated lands, and tenth in wheat.It has thirty post offices; church organizations, thirty-six; church edifices,twenty-six; value of church property, $110,000; of organized school districts,it has 445; school buildings, 143; value of buildings, $102,817; schoolpopulation, 10,800. In June 1870, when the first census was taken, its populationwas 726. It is now 32,000. Its climate is that of the most salubrious portionsof middle Tennessee. No wonder it is fertile, as it is watered by the Arkansasand Walnut rivers, and Silver, Grouse, Rock, Timber, Dutch, Muddy, Beaver,Badger, Otter, Cedar, and Steward creeks, all of which are skirted withtimber, such as walnut, oak, locust, cottonwood, and hackberry; sycamore,mulberry, ash, elm, hickory, maple, etc.

"We fear that Capt. Huffman and the gentlemen with him, togetherwith the handsome showing of the products of this Kansas garden spot, willcause an exodus of thrifty, enterprising Hoosiers to that place which wecan hardly afford to spare."

Arkansas City Republican, October 3, 1885.

The Courier, in its write-up of the fair, talks thus wisely:

"N. T. Snyder’s Jerseys were beauties, and took the ribbonall around. His herd received universal attention and were praised by all.The Jerseys are by long odds the best domestic animals."

Arkansas City Republican, October 3, 1885.

Teams and vehicles have been fording the Arkansas River at this placeall week, and no accident occurred until Thursday morning, when Mr. andMrs. Lewis started across, driving a pony to a buggy. When part way acrossthe pony struck quicksand and got down. The alarm was given and large crowdsfrom town started down to the rescue; but before anyone on foot reachedthe river, somebody nearby went out in a boat and helped Mrs. Lewis fromthe buggy. The pony was got out and the party went on to the Winfield Fair,none the worse for their fright. The Arkansas is rather a treacherous stream,and it is not safe to ford anywhere, especially with a light horse and anykind of a load. Oxford Register.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 10, 1885.

Cowley County As seen Away From Home.

The Indianapolis Evening Minute gave the exhibit of Cowley Countyat the Indiana State Fair this meritorious send-off.

"Cowley County, Kansas, comes to the front with a display that isunparalleled in the history of our fairs, and the show is more marvelouswhen we learn the entire exhibit is from this one county alone, and notgathered up from the entire state. To enumerate more particularly, thereare forty-seven varieties of apples alone, seven varieties of pears, andan endless profusion of peaches and grapes, mammoth melons, and enormouspumpkins, corn, wheat, oats, rye, and barley, and many other items thatmust be seen to be fully appreciated. As this exhibit is intended more toadvertise Cowley County, it has been placed in charge of representativemen, including Capt. P. A. Huffman, well known citizen of Indiana, who nowmakes Kansas his home; J. F. Martin, president of the Cowley County AgriculturalSociety; S. P. Strong, vice president; and J. D. Guthrie, one of the directors.The moral tone of the county is exemplified in the fact that prohibitionof the liquor traffic is strictly enforced, schools and churches aboundon every side, and the emigrant leaving his home in the east for CowleyCounty finds that instead of moving into the wilderness, he has only exchangedone civilization for another and perhaps a better one."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 10, 1885.

Winfield is the boss prohibition city in the state, where a red noseis prima facia evidence of intoxication, and a rank breath positive evidence.A Winfield gentleman in attendance on the fair Wednesday was seen laterin the evening very close to a beer barrel, which he embraced with a fraternalcare, fearing lest it might be taken away. Old Win held to it as one ofthe luxuries of wicked Wichita, until invited to a seat in the police court.It was a mixed question with the court whether to assess a fine on him ornot, as it was not strictly speaking, a drunk in the Wichita acceptationof the term; though he had a red nose, and his mouth had a graveyard tone,the court still hesitated. It might be good evidence in Winfield, but inWichita it took a little more to weigh down the cooler side of the scales.But when the policeman making the arrest recounted how he had followed himby the light of that nose, and seen him walk on both sides of the streetat the same time, and hug the lamp post and call him "Patric ma bhoy,"the court stopped him and assessed the usual $3 and costs.

Wichita Eagle.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 17, 1885.


We dislike to engage in newspaper controversy respecting the relativemerits of our machine and those of other manufacturers, but an article ina recent issue of a paper in Winfield forces the issue upon us—a dutywe owe to ourselves and the public in contradicting several statements containedtherein.

The article referred to states that the awards given us, over the Davismachine, at the Winfield fair, were obtained by reason of the third judge,Mrs. J. M. Gundlack, of Chicago, being "an old acquaintance of theWhite family," and hence prejudiced in favor of the White machine.The facts of the case are simply these. Mrs. Gundlack is an entire strangernot only to the "White family," but to everyone in any way connectedwith the White Sewing Machine Company’s business, and was selectedas third judge by Mr. Friend’s (agent for the Davis machine) own judge.

We have no desire to say unkind things of our competitors, especiallywhen as in the present instance, they are in more need of sympathy thanchastisem*nt, but we must say that any business concern that descends tobeg for public pity through newspaper cards leaves the merits of its merchandiseopen to serious suspicion. We think Mr. Darling, agent for the Davis Co.,would have done himself and his employers much more credit both as a businessmanand a gentleman had he taken his defeat manfully instead of playing therole of "sorehead" and seeking for an apology for a lost causeby stepping aside from his path of duty to attempt to blacken the characterof a highly respectable lady.

In conclusion, we would say that we think, no matter what might be theclaims of different companies respecting the merits of their machines, anintelligent public endorse-ment is the strongest and fairest criterion bywhich they can be judged. Accepting this impartial standard of comparison,the White, since it was placed upon the market, has received an endorsem*ntsuch as has been accorded no other machine in the world.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

The Atchison Champion says: "The Cowley County fruit exhibitat late Cowley County Fair was sent to the Indiana State Fair, at Indianapolis,and there took the second prize, after which the commission in charge soldthe Cowley exhibit to Michigan parties, who took it to the St. Louis Expositionand there exhibited it as Michigan fruit, and took the first premium againstall competitors, in one of the best displays ever exhibited."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 21, 1885.

A Candle Lecture.

The Caldwell branch of the K. C. & S. W. Railroad will run from ArkansasCity. The question was settled last week. The propositions which had beensubmitted to townships in Sumner County stipulating that the branch shouldleave the main line at Winfield or a point north of the center of BeaverTownship, are withdrawn and others submitted stipulating that it shall branchfrom Arkansas City. While but few of the citizens of Winfield seem to realizeit, the fight over this question has been most fierce and bitter. The Winfieldmembers of the company bent their energies from the first to secure thisbranch for Winfield, and of course expected and counted upon the heartyco-operation of our citizens and municipal authorities. They early presentedthe matter to the company, took pains to ascertain from the citizens ofSumner County what aid could be secured, and formulated a proposition whichembraced four thousand dollars per mile for every mile constructed in Sumner,and pledged to the company hearty and liberal encouragement from Winfieldin the right of way through the city, land and money for machine shops,etc. The propositions were considered and determined upon and the matterwas fixed before the road reached our city that the road should go throughthe city on the most feasible route and branch from Winfield. But when theWinfield members were called upon for the right of way through the city,they could not deliver the goods. The route selected by the engineer asbeing the most feasible, was through the eastern part of town. Mr. Asp approachedthe city council and suggested that they allow this road to occupy somestreet in the east part of the city. Immediately there arose a great howl,the like of which we have rarely heard. Members of the council seemed tocare more for the sanctity of their backyards than for the future welfareof the city whose interests they were especially selected to protect. Thecouncil had got it into their heads that the proper place for the road wasout by Bliss & Wood’s mill, and up a canyon, despite the protestof the chief engineer that such a route was impracticable. Then the roadtried to get the council’s consent to buy their way through the easternpart. This was refused. Then they asked permission to climb the hill andcross Ninth Avenue a mile east of Main Street. The councilmen were takenin carriages to view the route and agreed verbally to let the road go there.A special meeting was called that evening only to result in their goingback on what they had agreed to in the morning. Then the road asked thatthey might follow the Santa Fe around the town and get out in decent order.But another councilman’s backyard was endangered, and even this wasrefused. The company was dismayed. Instead of finding Winfield friendlyto the road, they found her council ready to throttle it, rather than thatthe "beauty" of the east part of town should be forever marredby the presence of a railroad track, although the company offered to plankthe track inside and out, making a continual crossing from limit to limitof the city. Every new move only seemed to increase the blood-thirsty dispositionof our valiant city fathers, until the road ordered its Chief Engineer tolocate their line in accordance with the dictation of the city council ofWinfield. The Chief Engineer did so. The road is now built. It ruins thefair ground; it damages the park for public purposes. It practically vacatesthe only road over which the people of Vernon, Beaver, and part of PleasantValley can get into Winfield—and two miles of it cost the company forty-sixthousand dollars more than they receive from Winfield in aid, leaving themwith one of the most dangerous and expensive pieces of road, to maintainand operate forever, that there is in Kansas outside of the flint hills.This is Winfield’s attitude toward this company.

Now for Arkansas City.

She wanted the road. She was willing that Winfield might have two roadsto her one, and voted solidly for the D. M. & A., redeeming her pledgesfaithfully. She also wanted the Caldwell branch. She asked the company tosimply notify her of what it thought necessary to be done, and they woulddo it. The company suggested that they give the road a street, free of cost,from limit to limit of their city. The suggestion was embodied in an ordinanceand passed unanimously, leaving the company its option to select which streetit wanted, and even holding the company harmless for any damages that mightarise from its occupancy.

Had Winfield accorded the company any kind of fair and decent treatment,she would have had the Caldwell branch, the permanent division, machineshops, and general headquarters, all of which the company had offered, whichwould place Winfield far in the lead of any city in southern Kansas.

Broad-gauge men will make a live, enterprising, flourishing town; selfish,close-fisted, and short-sighted ones will kill it if given enough rope.Winfield Courier.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 25, 1885.


There is a heavy washing of dirty linen being done in Winfield. The jealousyof the people there is aroused at the advantages likely to accrue to thiscity from the Kansas City and Southwestern railroad being built throughour boundaries and then carried to the state line.

The Courier, in an article over a column long, charges hostilityto the enterprise on a number of the city council, who were solicitous forthe safety of their backyards, and this solicitude also cropped out fromthe doings and sayings of several private citizens whose property was likelyto be invaded. The Courier thus states the treatment visited on therailway managers.

"The council had got it into their heads that the proper place forthe road was out by Bliss & Wood’s mill and up a canyon, despitethe protest of the chief engineer that such a route was impracticable. Thenthe road tried to get the council’s consent to buy their way throughthe east part. This was refused. Then they asked permission to climb thehill and cross Ninth Avenue 4 miles east of Main Street. The councilmenwere taken in carriages to view the route and agreed verbally to let theroad go there. A special meeting was called that evening only to resultin their going back on what they had agreed to in the morning. Then theroad asked that they might follow the Santa Fe around the town, and getout in decent order. But another councilman’s backyard was endangeredand even this was refused. The company was dismayed. Instead of findingWinfield friendly to the road, they found her council ready to throttleit, to disembowel it, to scatter its fragments over the whole surroundingterritory, rather than that the ‘beauty of the east part of town’should be forever marred by the presence of a railroad track."

It has been frequently talked on our streets that Winfield gave the K.C. & S. W. com-pany $20,000 to go there, and charged it $25,000 to getout. But the Courier makes a still worse showing. After dwellingon the impracticable character of the route pursued, and bewailing the ruinwrought to the fair ground, the injury to the park, and the divergence ofthe track from the only road over which the people of Vernon, Beaver, andpart of Pleasant Valley can get into Winfield, the writer sums up the adventitiouscost of the road at "$46,000 more than it receives from Winfield inaid." With this further disadvantage, that it leaves the company "oneof the most dangerous and expensive pieces of road to maintain (and operateforever) that there is in Kansas, outside of the flint hills."

With such unfair and inhospitable treatment, we can understand that therailroad company has not the kindest feeling toward that city, and mustfeel that such help as was bestowed on them costs more than it comes to.

But all this talk is apart from the real question. When the city andcounty bonds to aid in the construction of the K. C. & S. W. road werevoted in this city, it was with the distinct understanding that its trackwas to be laid directly here and carried hence to the state line. Our peoplewere informed that the road was to be built through into Texas, and thehalt would be made on the border of the territory only until the right ofway through the Indian country should be granted. The bonds were voted withthat understanding and the faithful performance of the undertaking lookedto. Our cotem, in strong antithesis, contrasts the conduct of this citytoward the railway company with that of Winfield.

Here is how he puts it.

"She (Arkansas City) wanted the road. She was willing that Winfieldmight have two roads to her one, and voted solidly for the D. M. & A.,redeeming her pledges faithfully. She also wanted the Caldwell branch. Sheasked the company to simply notify her of what it thought necessary to bedone and they would do it. The company suggested that they give the roada street, free of cost, from limit to limit of their city. The suggestionwas embodied in an ordinance and passed unanimously, leaving the companyits option to select which street it wanted, and even holding the companyharmless for any damages that might arise from its occupancy."

This is in striking contrast with the conduct of Winfield toward therailroad company (as detailed by our sprightly cotemporary), but it movedno feeling of gratitude. Ever since the ordinance was passed by our citycouncil, granting the road its choice of the right of way, there have beenschemes proposed and combinations entered into, to deprive this city ofthe benefit of the road, and put us off on a stub. But these sharp trickswere defeated by the prompt, and energetic, action of our businessmen. Ontwo occasions, when they learned that the road was to be diverted from itsproposed course and good faith violated, they summoned Messrs. Young, Latham,Asp, and other managers of the road, and informed those gentlemen that ifthe engagement with this city was not honestly fulfilled, no bonds wouldissue.

This was argumentum ad hominem. It has been forcibly said: "Theman who carries the bag has many forces at his back; an empty sack willnot stand upright." This threat to cut off supplies brought the roadmanagers to terms, and the track was graded to our city without furtherflouncing.

What threat may be contained in the significant passage with which theCourier editor winds up his arraignment, we do not clearly comprehend.He says: "We may yet secure some of the advantages which seem to havedrifted away from us, but the fight has to be made over again. The Winfieldmembers of the company will work for Winfield to the extent of their abilityand means, but the measure of their success will depend on the attitudeof Winfield and her council and men of influence." If this means thatwhen the bonds of this city are issued and hypothecated, an effort willbe made by "the Winfield members" to have the track removed fromthis city, it is clear that an act of perfidy is contemplated which willbring confusion on the heads of its promoters. But we borrow no troubleover this intangible avowal. The road will be completed to this city ina few days, and the necessary depot buildings started upon, and possessionis nine points of the law. Good faith has been observed by the railway companyin spite of the machinations of "the Winfield members;" and asthey have lost their opportunity to divert the road, they will now findit a fruitless task to attempt to undo a work that has already been accomplished.

Following item about horse breeding in Cowley County...not about FairGrounds at Winfield.

Arkansas City Republican, March 20, 1886.

Stallion Notice.

I give notice to the careful breeders of Cowley County that I have broughttwo stallions to this place and will keep them at the Mammoth Livery andFeed Stable at the south end of main street and will hold them for inspectionfrom now until the first of July. One is a dark dapple gray and with hiselegant form he stands 17 hands and 1 inch high and weighs over 1,600 pounds.The other, Curly Boy, a dark red glossy sorrel, weighs 1,250 pounds; heis a splendid trotter and a natural pacer; he took the first premium atthe Independence Fair last fall in the roadsters ring and offers to giveany mare the season free that can outgo him down the road. For further particulars,call and see me. C. L. HARKINS, Owner and Keeper.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 17, 1886. From Wednesday’sDaily.

The Cowley County Fair Association is making extensive preparations forthe coming fair. It is expected that this event will eclipse all formerfairs; consequently, the Association will leave nothing undone that is necessaryto the exhibitors or the people who attend.


Arkansas City Republican, July 31, 1886.

Tannehill Tidings.

July 28, 1886.

J. R. Sumpter has finished his work on the fair grounds at Winfield.He is general manager, and has been putting everything in readiness forthe coming fair.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Monday’sDaily.

The Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association will hold their annualexposition at Winfield on August 30th to September 3rd, and days inclusive.


Arkansas City Republican, August 14, 1886.

Cowley County Horticultural Society.

CONSTANT, KANSAS, August 5th, 1886.

The Cowley County Horticultural Society met in E. R. Chapin’s grovein Pleasant Valley, and after partaking of a bountiful dinner, was calledto order by the president. The secretary being absent, F. H. Brown was chosento act pro tem. Mr. Allen opened the discussion or talk on small fruits.He would recommend the grape as one of the best, and the Warden as the best.He advanced the idea that it was beneficial in growing plumbs, that thepigs be pastured a part of the season in the orchard as a preventative ofthe curculio. The president recommended burning coal tar under trees. Geo.Robertson has tried that, but thinks it not much good. N. J. Larkin hastried jarring the trees with a sheet or blanket under them, then collectthe curculio, and destroy them; he had a good crop of plumbs this season.Messrs. Allen, Beach, and Anderson were appointed a committee to examineand report on fruit on the table.

B. W. Anderson thinks it well to put a strawberry bed where it will besheltered some. The President thinks a deep retentive soil best for strawberries.

Mr. Allen says the Gregg raspberry does very well with him. The Presidentis growing the Shaffers Collossas, and thinks it a very promising variety.The Kansas wild black currant was recommended for more extensive cultivationand he thought it to be a good fruit by those growing it.

L. Walton asked what was the best variety of strawberries to grow here.The President stated that he thinks the Crescent Seedling. Charles Downingand Captain Jack are the best for general purposes. The best time to plantis in the spring after the leaves start out, and that the bed be deep andthoroughly cultivated. He plants rows from 4 to 5 feet apart and from 12to 18 inches apart in the row; and would cut the bloom out of the plantsat setting. They should be thoroughly cultivated through the growing season,and mulched as soon as the ground is frozen enough to bear a man’sweight. Open the rows in the spring with rake or fork, leaving mulch betweenrows.

There was some discussion on tame grasses. Red clover and orchard grassseemed to be the favorites. Mr. Anderson raised 10 bushels of orchard grassseed to the acre this season. Mr. Bruce Summerville asked for informationon the best kind and cultivation of black-berries. The Kittitem & Snyderwas recommended. Plant from 9 to 10 feet rows and 3 feet in the row. Mr.Allen thinks it best to summer prune black and raspberries.

Committee reported a fine display of fruit on the table.

Apples exhibited by N. J. Parlin, 4 varieties, Letapsky, Lowell, Cadwalder’sGolden, Sweet Bliss.

Ed. Chapin, Lowell.

C. B. Summerville, Shenangs Strawberry.

Mr. Brain, Trenton Early, Autumn Strawberry, and Lowell.

D. M. Wolf, Lowell and one unknown.

Sixteen varieties of grapes.

C. J. Brain’s display was fine—Delaware, Diana, Concord, Elvira,Perkins, Dracutamber, Ionia, Pockington, Odessa, Seedling, No.’s 1,2, and 3, and one variety unknown.

F. H. Brown, 5 varieties, Dianna, Ionia, Dracutamber, Concord, and Norton’sVirginia.

Ed. Chapin, 3 varieties, Hartford, Concord, and Dracutamber.

R. W. Anderson, 2 varieties, Dracutamber and Concord.

J. F. Martin, 2 varieties, Ionia and Concord.

Pears, one kind, Bartlett, by Mike Markcum.

Crabapples, 3 kinds, by J. N. Larkin.

Two kinds of tomatoes and several kinds of wild plumbs by Mrs. Andersonand Chapin.

Society adjourned and will decide where to hold next meeting at sometimeduring the week of the fair. J. F. MARTIN, President. F. H. BROWN, Secretary.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 14, 1886. From Friday’sDaily.

Winfield has serious intentions of having her street railway in operationin time to take passengers to and from the fair grounds.

Arkansas City Republican, August 14, 1886. Supplement.

A "Premium List" of Cowley County Fair for 1886 was given.Very hard to read. Very lengthy. Had to skip this. MAW

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Tuesday’sDaily.

Tannehill Tidings.

August 31, 1886.

T. W. King started to the fair this morning with his Norman colt, whichis five months old, and weighs six hundred and seventy-five pounds.

Two loads of extra good corn were taken to the fair this morning; oneby William Sipe, the other by T. R. Bonnewell. They will compete for thetwo-horse wagon to be given as a special premium for the load of best cornexhibited.

The police force at the fair is principally composed of Democrats fromBeaver Township. Why they should be so highly honored we cannot understand,when they are such lovers of personal liberty.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1886.

From Our Exchanges.

Caldwell Journal: On the Winfield fair ground, on Thursday, acouple of sharpers laid out to bag the gate money. Their plan coming tothe knowledge of the ticket seller, he made arrangements to receive them,but they did not make their raid.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1886.

Cowley County Fair.

This is the fifth and last day of the Cowley County Fair. It closes witha great record, having achieved a success unparalleled in the history ofcounty fairs in Kansas. Every day has witnessed big things and none weredisappointed. In fact, the exhibits, the speed ring events, and the entirefair surprised even the "oldest inhabitant," who is a hard manto convince. The officers of the fair association, from beginning to end,have made things work as smoothly and successfully as could possibly beanticipated or desired. The receipts up to today were more than sufficientto pay every dollar of premiums awarded and the big crowd of today willput a good sum in the association’s treasury for a sinking fund, improvements,etc. The universal satisfaction shown by all patrons and exhibitors is gratifying—provesthe experience and liberality, yet straightforward business, of the fairmanagement.

Courier, of Friday.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 11, 1886.

Tannehill Tidings.

September 9, 1886.

T. W. King secured the prize of $15 offered for the best colt sired byMr. Allison’s Norman horse.

Mr. and Mrs. Bradbury deserve great credit for the display they madeof Beaver Township products at the fair.

A man owing over thirty thousand dollars worth of property in BeaverTownship crawled through the wire fence at the fair. (He lives at Winfield.)LAPSUS LINGUAE.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 11, 1886. From Monday’sDaily.

W. L. Kretsinger was in from Richfield visiting friends on the Sand-hillbetween trains. "Krets" came in to attend the Winfield fair. Hereports Richfield and Morton County booming.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1886.

Josiah Johnson, who raised short horns on his ranch just east of MapleCity, made a fine display of stock at the Cowley County Fair, and was awardeda number of prizes. He was in town last week and expressed unmeasured surpriseat the growth and activity that met his gaze.

Interesting story about the Bismarck Fair, which I am including becauseof the status quo prevailing during this time period concerning prohibition.MAW


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 18, 1886. From Wednesday’sDaily.

Beer Poured Out.

LAWRENCE, KANSAS, Sept. 12. There is much feeling here over the confiscationby Sheriff Corwin at Bismarck Grove, where the Western National Fair hasbeen in progress the past week, of 3,000 bottles of beer, which had beenseized the first of the week from parties who were selling it in violationof the prohibitory law. Monday last great consternation was produced onthe fair grounds by the appearance upon the counters of the largest standon the ground of beer in large quantities, being dealt out to large crowdsof visitors from Missouri and other states. Sheriff Corwin arrested theparties at the stand and stacked the entire stock on hand, over which hekept guard late Saturday night, when he set six men to work drawing thecorks from the bottles and pouring the liquor into a ravine which emptiesinto the Kansas River, and replacing the empty bottles. Five hundred thirstypeople witnessed the operation with great disfavor. This is the first caseof note of confiscation made in the state, and its legality is denied.

Back to Cowley County Fair and Fair Grounds...

Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1886.

P. A. Ireton came into our sanctum last week to exhibit a bunch of prairiegrass cut from the edge of his cornfield. It measured nine feet, and hadstalks as stout as willows. The corn raised on that land is of the samemammoth proportions, and was on exhibition at the Cowley County Fair.

And now we jump to 1891...

Daily Calamity Howler, Wednesday, October 7, 1891.

We are requested by the managers of the Cowley County fair that theyhave been able to pay all their premiums in full this year. This is a splendidshowing for the association and will encourage those who were patrons andcompetitors this year to take renewed interest, and make it a greater successnext year.

Tragedy strikes in 1920...

Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, July 19, 1920.


Elmer Michaels, better known as "Zeno," daredevil wingwalkerand circus performer, was instantly killed at Winfield last Saturday afternoonwhen the wing skid on which he was performing when flying at a height of800 feet gave way. His body plunged into a clump of trees just behind thegrandstand, which was filled with spectators.

The hundreds who packed the grandstand at the fairgrounds there whenthe round-up was being held were horrified to see the acrobat’s bodysuddenly separate from the airplane and plunge earthward. Men groaned andwomen fainted as Michaels’ body crashed into the clump of trees inplain view of everyone.

The pilot was not injured, as the plane was not disturbed in the flightby the fall of Michaels.

Michaels and Errett Williams, his pilot, had staged similar stunts atArkansas City that morning, says the report from Winfield.

The airplane performer’s home was in Bethany, Missouri. He was 25years of age and during the war was with company G of the thirty-fifth division.He was formerly an acrobat engaged by Ringling Brothers circus.

The people of this city and vicinity were shocked and more than startledat the news of the sudden and untimely death of Zeno, as he had become wellacquainted here. He had been in and out of this city for the past severalmonths and many people here knew of him as the daredevil of the air. Thathe gave his life for the amusem*nt of the masses, there is no doubt, andit is safe to say that everyone who had ever seen him perform in the airwas anxious to see him again, as they are anxious to see the airplanes timeafter time. It is said that Zeno was a daredevil in the real sense of theword, and that he thought or cared little for the dangers of the pastimehe chose to indulge in. He did not seem to realize the dangers of the stuntshe pulled off in midair, and he did not seem to care, taking it as a matterof course much in the same manner as a railroad man takes to his work whenhe is in danger at all times and must watch every step and movement lesthe make a slight mistake and forever do away with his earthly career.

In fact, it is said by Zeno’s associates that he had been instructedand warned not to hang onto the wing skid piece, which was made of wood,and was not intended for such use. He weighed about 170 pounds, it is said,and the small piece of wood could not hold his weight. The wing skids onsome of the planes are made of metal, but not so with those on this plane.It is further stated by the associates of Zeno that he was not engaged toperform at the Winfield show, but that he happened to be there and wentup with Errett Williams of his own accord. There were three planes at theshow at that time and they were arranging to form and fly in formation atthe time the fatal accident occurred. Williams did not know that Zeno washanging on the wing skid; but when the acrobat fell, the man at the steeringgear realized it at once. There was, however, no possible chance for anyof the other planes to get under the man and make an attempt to save him.One of the planes made a dash as though to get under him, but this was impossibleas it is said that the man was only about five seconds in descending tothe ground from the plane. Pete Hill, who was in the city this morning,reported that the man had no life insurance. Williams, Beach, Phillips,and Walker were the men who were engaged to put on the airplane show atWinfield that day, Mr. Hill states.

Elmer Michaels, alias "Zeno," had been a natural acrobat allhis life, it is said, and he had performed many different kinds of stuntsin his lifetime. He was with Ringling Bros. circus a number of years andhe joined the army in the recent world war. He served in the 35th divisionwith Co. G, and was a motorcycle messenger. Pete Hill says that Zeno fellabout 1,000 feet instead of 800 feet, as the first report stated. The fatalaccident occurred at 4:30 in the afternoon.

Many Arkansas City people saw Zeno the last time he appeared here, whichwas last Saturday about the noon hour, and he was seen hanging by his toesfrom the airplane as it hovered over the business section of this city.

The body of the acrobat was taken to Bethany, Mo., the home of his mother,being escorted there by Mr. and Mrs. Errett Williams. The mother of theyoung man was notified of his sad ending last Saturday evening over thetelephone, and she ordered the body sent home for burial.

Examination of the body of Zeno on Sunday showed that every bone in thebody was broken with the exception of the right arm. His face was crushedbeyond recognition, it is said. His body struck a tree—and the limbwhich he hit and which was at least 8 inches thick, was broken off entirely.

And now we skip up to 1921...


Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, July 29, 1921.

Man With Lots of Small Change Arrested Yesterday at Winfield.

He Denied the Charge, However, But Was Trying to Trade

Small Coins for Large Ones At the Time.

The Interurban office on West Ninth, Winfield, was broken into Wednesdaynight and the cash box turned in for the College Hill car was carried away,says the Courier. A man trying to get small change turned into largercoins or bills, at the fair grounds, was arrested about ten o’clockThursday forenoon by City Marshal Fred Hoover. When searched, the man’snumerous pockets yielded $27.55 mostly in small change. The man is saidto be from Arkansas City, and his name is said to be Herbert, last namenot disclosed.

The robbery took place sometime between 12:15 and seven o’clock.The last car to College Hill turned in shortly after midnight. The cashbox was set under the counter inside the cashier’s cage. This was theonly box which had any money in it. The amount in the box was $28.71, accordingto the register. The amount taken from the alleged robber was $1.16 shortof the amount from the box.

How the entrance was made is not known. The janitor who sweeps the officecomes early and leaves the outer door open when he goes away. This is sopassengers for the seven o’clock car can get into the waiting room.The burglar may have entered after the janitor left and before anyone elsearrived. When Mrs. Charley Lambrecht, cashier in the office, arrived justbefore seven, a man was in the waiting room waiting for the car. The lossof the box was noticed immediately and a search made. The man who was inthe waiting room said that no one was there when he came. The robbery musthave taken place before that.

Mrs. Lambrecht notified the receiver of the loss and phoned it to severalof the street car men. H. W. Taplin, one of the car drivers, has a hot sausagestand at the fairground. Mrs. Lambrecht notified him of the loss and toldhim to be on the lookout for a man with lots of small change. This provedto be a good guess. This was about nine o’clock. Shortly after thatMr. Taplin observed a man going from stand to stand getting small amountsof small change changed for dollars. Three dollars of it was turned in toMr. Taplin and Mr. Johnson, who have the sausage stand together.

Taplin gave the story to Charles Huston, stable man at the fairground.Huston came uptown and got City Marshal Fred Hoover, who went to the groundsand made the arrest. The man was taken to the city jail, where he was searched,and the money found scattered through his pockets. The only other moneyhe had was a dime in a small purse. The cash box has not been found.

The case was turned over to County Attorney Fink, who made the necessaryinvestigation. The prisoner was then taken to the county jail to be heldfor a hearing. He stoutly maintained that he did not steal the money. Itis possible that he will claim that he traded bills to some other man, theother man having so much small change and desiring to get bills before thebank opened. He got himself into trouble trying to trade back in small amounts.


Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, July 30, 1921.


Complaint Entered Against Herbert Cornelison Today.

A charge of burglary and larceny was entered by County Attorney Finkthis morning against Herbert Cornelison, of Arkansas City, who is accusedof breaking into and robbing the Interurban office here yesterday morning.The complaint was filed in Justice O. A. Hott’s court. No other developmentsin the case have been reported.

Cornelison was apprehended yesterday forenoon in the act of trading coinsof small denominations for larger coins at the stands in the fairgrounds.The Interurban office had been broken into earlier in the day and a cashbox from one of the cars taken. The cash box contained the collections ofthe previous night, in nickels and dimes. The amount of money found on Cornelisonwas a little short of the amount registered in the cash box. Much of itwas still in nickels and dimes, though some of it had been changed intodollars. The amount was twenty-even dollars and odd change. Courier.

Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Saturday, August 6, 1921.


Robbery of Interurban Office Taken Under Advisem*nt.

Whether to release or bind over to the district court is the questionJustice O. A. Hott is considering after the preliminary hearing of HerbertCornelison, of Arkansas City, charged with breaking into and robbing theinterurban office one night last week. The question was taken under advisem*ntuntil tomorrow. Cornelison was arrested when he attempted at the carnivalto get larger coins and bills for a lot of small change. This was a fewhours after the office was robbed of a cash box containing the nickels anddimes collected by one of the street cars during the preceding day. Brothersof Cornelison testified that Herbert had been shooting craps and playingcrackaloo with other fellow and had been lucky. This was to account forhaving so much small change.—Courier.

Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Tuesday, August 23, 1921.


Two Prisoners Caught After Effort to Saw Bars.

Winfield, Kans., Aug. 23.—Charles Wilson, and Herbert Cornelison,prisoners, attempted to saw their way to freedom early this morning. Theirefforts, however, were to no avail.

Sheriff Goldsmith awoke at 3 o’clock this morning and heard thegrating of what he thought to be a small hack saw. He arose from bed toinvestigate. Going out into the yard, the sheriff saw the dark forms oftwo of his prisoners working intently at a second-story window on the westside of the jail house.

The sheriff was armed. He shot twice into the window above the prisoner’sheads. The sawing stopped.

This morning after a thorough search, the prisoners were placed in the"cage" or "crazy cell" on the first floor.

Sheriff Goldsmith said that for several days he had the two under closeobservation.

Two ten-inch hacksaws were taken from the seam of the prisoners’pants.

The sheriff was busy today welding up the sawed bars on the second floorwindow.


Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Monday, October 17, 1921.


A Hung Jury, One Conviction, and Sonny Jones Now On Trial.

District court at Winfield was still grinding away today on the largecriminal docket and the case on trial this morning was that of the stateversus Sonny Jones, a negro of this city, on the charge of assault committedsome time ago. Testimony in this case was being taken as late as noon andit was expected that it would be completed and go to the jury late in theday.

The cases on trial Saturday were state versus Herbert Cornelison, thecharge of robbing the Interurban office in Winfield of some small changesome time ago, and state versus Wilson and Harvey, on the charge of attemptingto steal an auto off the main street in Winfield several months ago. Sundaymorning the jury was discharged, having failed to agree, and it is reportedhere that the twelve men stood 6 to 6. The case probably will be tried againat the next term of court.

Cornelison is a Geuda Springs lad and he was arrested at Winfield shortlyafter the alleged robbery, for the reason that he had a lot of small changeon his person at the time. His contention was that he won the "chickenfeed" in a crap game at Grenola, Kansas. He did not take the witnessstand. The evidence showed that he was seen near the interurban stationon the morning of the robbery, according to a report in the WinfieldFree Press. The evidence was circ*mstantial and therefore the jury failedto agree on a verdict.

Fair item in 1922...


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 8, 1922.

W. G. Buffington was in town today from his "Shoo Fly Farm"with his prize black Percheron team having them shod all around. He is keepingthem up in shape for the spring stock shows, particularly here and at Wellington.While here he had his horses weighed, the 5-year-old Percheron weighing2,190 pounds with the harness on, and the other one weighing 1,780 poundsincluding the harness. They are fine black Percheron animals, the 5-year-oldhaving won first prize at the Cowley County Fair and the A. C. LivestockShow last fall. According to reports, Mr. Buffington keeps the flies offof everything around his ranch.

Tribute to one of the Cowley County Fair founders...


Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, March 23, 1922.

Wichita, March 23.—In the recent death of Penrose H. Albright, Winfieldloses one of its most influential citizens—one who has been at thehelm in the city’s progress for more than a quarter of a century. Heresided in this city for forty one years. There has not been a popular publicmovement in the past twenty five years that did not feel his progressiveinfluence. As a member and president of the school board for many years,he championed a school building program that resulted in a number of wardschool houses and a new high school. He was one of the founders of the WinfieldChautauqua and the Cowley County Fair.

As a member of the city council, he became greatly interested in thepossibilities of the Arkansas river underflow and the city’s presentsystem of wells and excellent water supply were largely due to his enterprise.He was for a number of years a member of the board of trustees of Southwesterncollege and served conspicuously to promote and develop its success. Forthe good of Cowley County agriculture he conducted extensive experimentsin irrigation, livestock raising, truck farming, horticulture, better seedselection, and the introduction of new grains.

Mr. Albright was 70 years old. When he came to Kansas in 1877, he practicedlaw in Cedarvale for a short time and then engaged in the newspaper businessat Sedan. Upon his advent here in 1881, he started a loan and investmentbusiness which became one of the strong financial institutions of this partof the state and northern Oklahoma.


Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, April 7, 1922.

John Skaags of Winfield was in the city yesterday on business. He isin the race horse business and has a bunch of race horses at Winfield, wherehe made a deal recently with the owner of the fair grounds on a long termcontract for the use of the stables and race track for raising and trainingrace horses. He is about 75 years old and has been in this business a greatmany years. He says the automobile development has had little or no effectupon his business.

Shooting at fair grounds...


Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, July 10, 1922.

Winfield, Ks., July 10.—Mrs. Pearl Fielder, who was shot by herhusband, Ralph H. Fielder, on the morning of Sunday, June 4, is so far improvedthat she will be able to leave St. Mary’s hospital in a short timeand return home, it was stated by her physician today. Practically all thatis delaying her going home now is a plate which is being made for holdingher fractured jaw in place. When it arrives and is properly adjusted, shewill be almost as sound as she was before the shooting, it is stated.

Partial paralysis of the left forearm is about the only remaining effectof the wound made by the bullet which passed through her brain and is lodgedin the back of the skull. She is able to walk without any indication ofher leg being affected by the paralysis which rendered the left hand andarm of little use at this time. The action of this arm at the shoulder andelbow is normal apparently, but is not controlled below the elbow. This,however, may gradually change for the better.

Mrs. Fielder was shot three times. One bullet struck her in the forehead,one in the cheek, the third on the chin. The last one shattered the jaw,making it necessary for a plate to hold the bones properly in place.

The shooting was at the end of a quarrel which Fielder had started withhis wife Saturday night at the carnival at the fair grounds. After shootingMrs. Fielder, the man put the pistol to his own temple and fired. He diedin a short time.

And now comes a flood...


Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, July 13, 1922.

Winfield, Kans., July 13.—Damage running to many thousands of dollarswill be done in Winfield if the Walnut and Timber Creek continue to rise.Two or three hundred homes will be affected by the high water, and severalimportant industries will suffer from the overflow.

The training quarters at the fair ground are now in the way of the tidecoming down the Walnut. The fair management is transferring the horses toother parts of the city, to wherever stable room can be rented. People ofthe city are doing their best to accommodate the horse men with their charges.Stables, such as have not been turned into garages, are usually old andout of repair or are used as storage places for all kinds of junk. Thesehave to be cleared out before they can be used for stabling well cared forrace horses.


Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, August 8, 1922.

Winfield, Kan., Aug. 8.—The fastest race horses in the west arenow quartered at the fair grounds for the big race meet of the Cowley CountyFair, which started yesterday afternoon. Over one hundred eighty-five racehorses have already arrived in Winfield, for the greatest race meet everheld in this part of the country, Aug. 8, 9, 10, and 11.

Twenty-one carloads of horses came in Saturday afternoon from Anthonyand motor trucks carrying horses are coming from Oklahoma. Many states arerepresented by horses at the fair grounds, ranging from Illinois to OldMexico.

Ed L. Hepler, secretary of the Live stock and driving association, statedthis morning that there were at least thirty of the fastest horses in thecountry working out on the local track. Every available barn is crowdedto capacity with fine blooded racing stock. Many barns close to the groundshave been leased in an effort to get all the horses under good cover.

All harness races will be mile heats, best three out of five, so thatracing fans may "be assured of at least three heats in each race. Therewill be two or more running races each day as there are over ninety runninghorses already at the fair grounds."

Each day there will be entertainment between heats by the Wallace Amusem*ntCo., presenting chariot races, Roman standing races, Charles A. C., guilelesspacer, Wanetta, the horse with a human mind, and high school horses.

The local track was never in better shape and it is now considered byrace horse men to be the fastest in the state.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 16, 1922.

Winfield, Kan., Aug. 16.—Playing a return engagement in booze sellingcost the liberty of three camp followers of the racing game Friday nightwhen they were caught in the act of dispensing liquor to two young men ofthe country near Winfield.

Policemen George Nichols and W. C. Tucker, who were lying in wait closeto where the transaction was pulled off, made the arrest shortly beforemidnight. The men gave their names as Ed Hadley, Ernest Hanley, and WalterJackson. The arrest took place at the edge of the timber just to the westof the carnival at the fair grounds.

Night before last the night policemen arrested two young men, who hada quart of liquor in the car in which they were riding. The officers recognizedthem as the men who are not suspected of being in the business, merely customersof the bootleggers. But the fact of liquor being in the car made the carliable to seizure as a booze car. With this as a lever, the men after someargument, agreed to help the officers to the arrest of the men from whomthey had bought the liquor.

Last night the young men came in from the country and got in touch withthe police. The bootleggers were seen and arrangements made for a secondpurchase and sale. The boot-leggers told the customers that a quart couldnot be furnished, but that as much as they had left would be brought tothe place designated. When the whiskey was delivered as agreed, it was alittle over a pint, which was all the bootleggers had at that time, theysaid. The officers were hiding close enough to see the transaction. Thearrest was then made.

Hadley, it appears, is the financier of the trio. He has in his possessiona car from which he has been selling peaches. When the officers picked upthe car last night, it was full of peaches, large, luscious Elbertas. Thisfact served to remind the police of the reported robbing of a peach orchardnear Arkansas City the first of the week. The orchard was that of E. B.Barnes, south of Arkansas City. In this orchard trees estimated to havecontained about twenty bushels of peaches were stripped a few nights ago.Hadley, it is said, came here from Oklahoma, which would have brought himpast the Barnes orchard.

The Arkansas City police have been informed of the peaches in Hadley’scar so they can investigate. The prisoners probably will be turned overto the county for prosecution.

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