The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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KKtUW CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER THURSDAY AUGUST 17 1961 46 American Exchange YOUR MONEY'S WORTH The Good LifeGeting Better and Better 'lose Ch Il) Mutual Por 2 Hr 624 675 9 Banks 16 Airl 91 6 4 5 7 10 83 pf 80 z5u HS S3 z75 9 Insurance Stocks 4 1457 1598 7 41 14s orbes Tables Ease Job 16' Pt J332 I I56 481' 1 337 of Picking Mutual und 14 7 19 10 4 409 374 7 the news about 1 43 4 69 6 ZlOO 55 16 87 5 Industrial Stocks it A rd 340 3 17 34 38 11 7 161 I rs 4 18 1 in 57 1 16 4 350 4 12 606 34 items io 51 6 30 on a farm? la 6 19V? 36 24 20 45 10 Milt 54 51 64 32 29 Produce 2b pf 4 various 1 zlO Major Expenditure 6 3: 6 101 10 4 3162 3162 HAVE LEASEES 2341 2311 35 10 1214 1327 15 15 13 IS Business 1 HYDRO GLO AUTO WASH SYSTEMS 65 31 8 8 CR 3 40 LO 1 2116 Spotlight 434 20 go 34 i9i 3 53 61 few 12 11 SI 1276 6 1020 1090 11 6 45 19' 11 Butter and Eggs 3 A'ked SO qt bkts Bibb 3 1 1 11 zl 140 4 7 5 13 11 Curly ns 12 11 6 23 MIDWEST 24 SCE 421 pf 24 16 Hiffh New inancing son 4 26 1 13 9 K3 75 29 z20 68 lM Ur 16 Profit or Loss 10 3 1 1 16 60 tH LAWYER 4 0 InternaiUtilCp 4'1 Jaeger Mach Co flh 08 36 Spt North NatGasCo I 4 49 MS OR SALE Sub Pro Gas Cp 6 4b Ohio Edison Co 10 I nsum Pow Co SALE 3 43 irsts and Blemished tic 31 11 1 Dorsett El Inc 54 l2 I 10 Gn Devel Corp 3239 64 6 I 6 4 10 Lamb Ind Inc 10 15 I Ostendorf Morris Ct ParamountPiCfCp 3 19 9 Polychrome Corp 9 13 Twin Coach Cto 16 Ind Inc 6 I bi 16 9 5 Allegheny Airlines 181074 Sunshine MintnjCo Statistics Want a newer home? Erie Register Corp z75 25 6 loss 7 Cp Get expert financing Dividends 10H 5 lOu Ind adviceand helpfrom Na! 28 4 16 4 90 6 9 15 still only 104 47 0 0 16 59 65r3 19 7 a 2 13 Z150 6 10 710 zin 9 8 Novo Indu Pitt orging 29 9 14 ResA 235 46 z50 Bceinw Sanford 25 1 Autom Cantn 1 11 46: 6 Stocks V' BONDS 31 Z150 11 El zlOO 3 29 Pf 514 Chicago Board of Trade Day CURRENT RATE CHICAGO Hub 139 ON INSURED 199 Poe 134 Purchae 211 SAVINGS 246 ep 314 213 Toronto Stocks 112 120' 1 26' 126' 126'4 70' Er Oct Box 30325 Plain Dealer 74 2700 23423 WeslCO 110 Co HE 1 1700 Corner 46th Prospect REALTORS PAYS TO SAVE AT PARK VIEW EDERAL Park View national CITY BANK SAVINGS OUR CONVENIENT OICES Terminal Concourse DOWNTOWN LEE HARVARD CHAGRIN ALLS 1 North ranklin IT PAYS TO SAVE AT PARK VIEW EDERAL Inv Ed 15 35 iced and I bo Red Hamil is A 3 7 6 11 Pel Pre 10 19 6 18 4 17 3 II Capital CentNat CleveT 18' 10 141 77 20 19 1 11 4 11 16 3 9 17 17 18 6 10 14 11 76 31 3 5 3 942 950 965 24 5 6 4 84 30 38 120 Stock Sales Yr to date Bond Saits Yr to dale 8 8 51 6 4 4 6 11 11 4 12 246 250 9 42 917 9 60 1030 10 22 10 8 1OO 57'j 55 7 2 6 474 Th 2U 90 100 II 3 HI 7 15 3 9 19 19 13 14 31 10 43 9 3 6 9 1 2334 lb 10 Grth can und Muy Jul 19 16 33 45Xi 10 1 42 6 XI 'convertible rEx Dividend I I 31 9 6 Sep Dec Mar May Jul 1 16 120 41 34 1Q 10 lu 29 IOS 124 110 10 13 9 1 11 1S 6 116 120 6 13 4U 21 3 on 300 200 600 1 00 100 200 100 10 6 fe 31 8 25 8 30 ree6 16 qt 150: Dec Jan Mar 4 13 6 6 6 36 30 8 35 4 0 18 19 36 1 30 I I 31 16 b7 300 200 400 1 00 2U0 300 00 6200 300 51 1 9j a 10 R7 716 Invfs She? Trust WSec Jnves stk Inv 3 0 1 4049 II 21490 Robin Tech Roger cpiRolhr Rrd 13 16 Asked 146 60 3 1 33 Mul Mut Bnd com pf 9 19 in 6 Anl Lid wt 2 20 I I 496 45 112 116 120 5 lc1 1 9 16 I 35 84 30 64 60 30 20 25 12 130 7 13 44 10 16 34 9 9 Balan Bond Livid IT Slk Income bl ocr Giwth New EniT NY Capil 40 10 10 10 10 11 16 Sp Dec Mai May Jul Bld 22 16K 22 115 95 2737 32 51 37 40 Lat no 587 1350 24 75 1000 6250 0 20 7 13 3 1 36 162 37 37 25 Mut Stork Solee 36 18 27 90 30 fat Hmstd Husky Javelin Mare Will Rand 2 17 44 509 19 11 5 116 7 19 19 1 62 13 14 14' 13 19 OICE SPACE WELL LOCATED LMIEb I A ecu Coni Ineom Seien Cn Vai Une Vai Line Vai LSpI Wall st In Wah Mut Well Eq Well Whitehll Winfield Wisrun ep Dec Art Con Pap 2 00 207 16 16 9 4 00 3 0 50 200 1000 300 600 200 100 50 10 200 500 40 70300 110 4 00 600 200 100 700 200 100 100 1 00 400 20 100 900 200 100 100 ftO 83 6 AkrotiBr CIClif pf GenBox GravDr GLDA GrtLkT do pf Grrlf 8 I 39 138 60 65 4 13 4 111 6 12 6 6 7'L 4 46 10 29 25 39 38 9 10 24 47 5 48 200 206 1 i 10 16 70 74 A 37 34 18 31 26 Asked 39 63 79 Asked 50 60 Bui 62 408 67 16 9 Asked 78 62 148 82 1377 1571 838 1548 1674 10 76 11 2 00 207 30 zlGO 10 1 3 1830 Bld 38 37 16 24 106 16 2187 2389 1521 1659 945 1031 bl06 1532 1909 Aked 65 40 50 16 6 3 40 491 16 Chase Clu Colon Colon steers prime 2300 too 1 uo 200 100 34 500 100 ion 200 200 3 '6 9 10 4 1 6 Low Clew Ct 8 4 2 4842000 287 133400 192 00013 AlrptPk AjaxMa AlbeeHu AlcoOil AlStr Alsideln Amin AmGreA do Am Mar Am Monr AniVitrt Arvida Assembl BathCo BessLC BishopR Bost Cap Bowater Bowman Browni BrushBr BkySC( Burdett CarlProd ClTrenc ColeNat CookCof Cobles Curtlnd Diebold Di Nnc ErieRest aulties erryCap isher laSleel oote risch GtnBar Genlndu Gilmore Gregind GrowCa HallcBr HanaA 1 dn 1 HanaM I Hansen Hauser Hickok Higbee Hoove rA Inlandin JAclss KaiserSt Kromex LrasePl LeaeV LWUson MacoCh Mac Don Me Ned Metrom MidCTel 1960 3 5786053 776 293 963 136 2 23 32 61 266 Btd 35 59 3679 3758 1494 12 1 7 16 6 cc 41 246 243 3732000 223 19 ns 3 2I 16 28 28 ACRES INDUSTRIAL have climbed suburbanites 6 months Curt Wright Cp 13 33 44 1 33 11 fi 7 i2 t33 16 13 Apollo Ind AppPw pf Arco KI Ark La Gas Armour Arnold Alt 1562 1707 1639 198b 103 13 you and 15 4 1 22 Aberdeen Advis Ed Affil Am Bus Am lnv Am Mut Kale Turnip 30 8 5 1 1 4 6 53 2 53 256 9 20 11 1 qr 37V 11 16 9 15 9 15 Irdis Rans 19 63 69 74 7 7P 4 73 Gohl A Nuclear Inv 4 11 S53 28 53 99 1085 bl'i fi 11 30 25s 26 3 HaitHd St Hartl El Hastings HavLUno Hazel Bish Hazeltine Hebrew Nat Hecla Helena It Hi Coil Helmer 6 07 401 78 662 49 4 9 10 31 9 11 9 30 9 15 One WmS Oppen Penn Peoples Phila Pino st Pioneer Price TR Puntan Putnam Put Grth Quar Hist Never cud Can Scud SC kcud sik mjIoc Am Sharhld smith Ed 9 month P(kKet Books Inc 1 99 206 4 1 37 20 34 9 16 9 25 ZOSEO 5 11 4 263 10 53 1223 1340 12 64 1277 1008 1096 16 51 16 t8 837 905 1704 18 52 1909 2075 Alias Atlas Atlas Mias WHEAT zlOO 14 3 4 191 sale (act 1 100 284 500 200 200 200 200 300 70 84 86 168 316 105 91 101 cme Acme Admit Blast Aero low Aerojet Aeronca Mfg AM Invest Alan Wood Alan Wd pf Alaska Airl All Am Hnsr All Sta Prop AllStaProp it AH eg AHeg Allied Allied Allied 1356 26 1 26 144 144 la la End nk nk nk und Am und lev Gen Cap Gen lnve cROi funds are right for him they are which mutual 3 z50 38 4 3 13 23 29 18 14 2 95 1 13 7 324 L32 Oak Mfg nrrOdenf Ppf O2dn Cp 14 rh Pt n' St Hip tr Town nu Town 1 nnej'ka Low 712 62 139 02 11 Nickel Rim 'N psing Mn Noma Lts Norf So 4 No Cdn Gilt NoP'mn RR 1 No Rankin astAirL25p GeiiElee 2 Cnnm! 20a GnTAK176 Goodyear 90b Greif Br ROa Hnleman Hemern 621 Hwdlnd JOr 2 JnlandSt I 60 IntPaper i 05 Kennect2 50z IarGal 0 Lincr lnP 4 5g MarqCeml 0 Martini Met roBk MeyerB 60g MlckelberSoa NACari 40 NolUGasI 40 NoJnPSJ 20 20 Oak OhloEdl 60 OhioOil 16ob PanAAIr 80 ivatCoal 18 Pfizer 60a PhelpsD3 Potter PurrOill60 RepubSO Revlon 1 10 Richmon 2 SL PubSv 80 Schering 14 0 Sperry 1 1 21 Spigell 50b Square la SunrvOill 40 SwtftCol 60a Toledo Ed 7 0 208SLa250a VnitAtrc 2 VS Gyps24 0a Webcor 62f Wieb str 0 World 40b atesArn 12 17 4 19 16 14 14 12 248700 1 13700 42 m)0 405300 4 6 4 44 17 3 11 4 BVTTER STEADY: 11 2 10 2 9 10 1 10 10 8 31 8 31 8 25 8 31 9 1 8 1 4 1P 40 172 10 39 39 2 9 15 10 2 9 25 9 29 9 10 Pay every bill with Rate Ait4 120 AtnMoy 90 Am Stand 80 Armco 3 Ash Oil I 20 Bald 35g Bastian Bl 1 Bearings 20 Belden 120 BelkvGoss 70 Bnoth lb Borg War 2 Rrunsuk 40 Budd Co I5p Cdn Ex Celanese 1 20 Ches Oh 4 City Pd 1 30b OevEHU hO Coleman 20g CorPds 1 20b CTntetnlOg 5270000 $1 062569700 5 3 ZTO 116 4 84 88 9 16 1S 18 10 4 or Suitable High Produc tion Car Wash Sites Cl em Co 9 OPPORTUNITY TO RELOCATE IN TOWER PRESS BUILDING Wonder Valian SpmlHnit 16 qt hkts Calif Wonder tvoe su 1 i 4 SPECIAL ront End Atgnmen Wheel Balancing 34 88 29 11 0q 9 15 8 28 9 15 9 8 8 3 1 308 1 01 CANTALOUPE LAKnU 1 is: 00 475 507 1762 1762 998 1091 Kt K2 15 05 6 4 4 30 4 Clpr 718 02 1 4 1 0 166 119 23753110 ssd Asm1 Assd Vrl Assd Aten AtlCstl Co Atl del Go'fntl Research Min Cp wt Gen Elect Gen Ind Metal Paper Pctml Spec! Trans Mass ir Mass 1th Mass Life Mut Mut Mut Nat Nat coal traf wurk (li Presidenl at Cleve Ya It 54 7 ft? 440 2440 9 si Sba 1483 1621 20 18 17S4 192'J 1373 Hbl 1960 2119 501 54S 6 37 697 231 252 1276 1359 33 3 63 13SS 1 34' uinmn nnmrnRE YIUIUR DUUIC 48 z5U 5 6 Atom Ph Axe Of all the trends in recreation spending "the most clearly de Record Payable 1 8 31 9 1 4 3 14 78u 18 26 9SS 0 1169 12 64 1578 1578 1404 1534 15 09 16 43 1603 1752 1560 15 60 (10 ihsi 50 zzO z200 61 23 6 3 10 8 19 6 3 88 53 1 1 1678 aIBdz 7714 Gunnar HnVffr 1000 iR'Cn 34 9 4 5 14 2b AetnaC Aetna! ArinaL AmEquit AinEArC AmltiNJ AmReln ConGL Conte ireS rankL GrnRei Glenall 44 GlAmlns 55 Hanuvln 45 1544 18 16 19 b5 EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORSHIP IN $840 MILLION MARKET 116' 120 37 3H 7 161 16 1 1 fined pattern is according to' residence and occupation" con cludes the Chase Manhattan Bank of New York in a fasci nating study of the leisure time and unless you're way off beat you fit into one of the broad categories sketched above xioo 6 prtce pettr 37 28 24 Mohawk MoMark MorgaE NatCleve NatScrw NAmCl NAmVan NOhTel NorwTr OgleNor OhloCnk Ohioor OhtoSav OhioWS Osborn PackCP Park Dr ParkH Parsons Pcndleto PentPUb Pepsi Bot PLtmn Polychro 2 rreinier ProvLi Rand De RdEx do A RustToj Sa whin Scholz OM Scott ScottAv SrvtonI Smucker Steelimp Stouffer StrCobb TaftBrd TappanSTechno TclS ofO ThcrmD Tinnerm Toltdos Tvwmot TrPipe Uni lev Untn UTexNG UsReal USTruc UnUtiHs Upson wa 8ValeyM 49 Vector Vernor 3 Wakefield 5 jtmwait warnAS WRLifr WmA Co Wk a ear YubaCn 40 37 May Jul 13 9 3 3 8 17 ended July 31) i 1 i Diesel 21 Mna I New Pac 3 Koya Sun Ray 11 21 9 1 3 78 78 znO 3 4 OR SALE EXECUTIVE SUMMER HOME ON LAKE ERIE 3 6 20 00052 247369 100 220 lbs 17 00 1775: 220 240 lbs 1775 1875: 25 11 9 514 00 48 900 25800 19100 18200 STANDARD AND POOR 500 STOCK 4 1 bii 3 7 102 4 Asked I 75 Cnnthil 63 NatlCity 435 lUnionBk 8 23 9 20 9 8 14 6 xLlfi 1 1 16 BkA BkNY BkrsTr UhasoM ChemBk ConulC 161 Empire 358 stNaB 10 1 stNaCh 8 stNaCty 98 Assist Comm 24 15 16 4 1 5 19 9 2 1 16 11U 7 5 15 1336 1452 1423 1423 2V6J 2063 1078 10 78 1067 1154 1 181 12 91 1006 Courtauids Crane Carr Creole Pet Cresmont v'ev Crnr'k Tn A Crown Drug Crystal fil Cutter cutter Dam ih Dary Davega Str Davega pt Davidson Day Mmes Davco A DC Tran A Dejay str DenMfsr A Desilu Det Gask Det Ind Devon 6i! Dilberts Gilberts pf DistCo Ltd Dixdyn A Dixon Ch lea Dome Pet Dom Tar Dorr Oliv Dorsey Draper Drill A Expl Drug air Dunlop Duraloy Duval Sul Dynalect Dynam Am East Can A Ed st rt East Sta Cp Edo Corp Elder Mm Pndi Elertroina Elect Elert Elect ect Electron Sp Electronics EJ on Easy Terms No inonce Co Enury Anderson has joined Griwoll Ehleman Co a an account executive in the public relations and publicity depart ment or lhe last 3'4 sears he has heen public relations di rector for lhe Cleveland Engi neering Society and also edited Cleveland Engineering the soci ety's publication 31 29 1285 1390 1172 1609 12 UO 1311 976 IU67 Will if 8OX3012LLAIN DEALER 3737 1 ob() 3 53 rndtrf lune 1 05j0ut34 ended lun 37065644 1 29743082 392300060 79 096 17 3 3 10 5 10 Asamcra Ellnd Mund stat Test Mb 2 nem 23 23 136 136 Ms! 5300 11 62 9 75 5 20 790 160 6 20 12 00 32 28 451 70 1092 1L93 1699 1M7 1563 1703 1398 1511 156 1733 II 13 3 Bid 139 123 Alcoa Atnbass Oil Book Business Electron Ini Al Israeli MARC Mfg 41 5 0 3 3 Var i Inv Resch 1372 MH9 Utei i jnnnstn KIYbTONE Dus Bl Cus H2 Cus B3 Cus Bl Cus Cus Cus Cus Cus Cus Keys can Knhkerb Knick Gth Mzard 1 Lrxinkl Life inv Life atk Mum SCa Lunn Say Industrial Rail? Utilities 65 50 50 366200 81700 46700 34500 32900 31200 26500 26400 25000 24700 24600 24000 22900 22900 22200 Jan Ms 24 ay Jul 1 RD Continued rom Page IS National Socuri i ies Balanced New England und INCOME: Kerr Income In come und of Boston Institu tional Income Keystone National Securities Dividend Value Line Income Delaware Income Incorporated Income Nat ional Securities I Commonwealth Income North east Investors iLstd 4 565 6H 9361017 l0 4 6 29 6 13 Bid Asked 7 dd 715 7W nd 14 Reinsur Inv AIR CONDITIONING GOOD LIGHTING £TC AT RATES TO SAVE YOU MONEY CALL MR HAUSER PR 14708 1900 SUPERIOR AVE 51 47 3 1 3 706 265 98fi 1661 1163 2011 719 752 1035304010 4235505022 2958512525 6(1 36 11 40 50 a 4 4 0 1 0 30 0 Tuesday 4 45 587 240 1270 25 4 3 0 77 2 0 01 79 92 0 03 84 58 004 0 Irrerular 20 Sluck MARKETS AT A GLANCE NEW YORK Hizber tat ral'v MIXED: lilt activity Auirust 16 1961 Ynar 3430000 Sale 340 530 CdnH 200 CaMsb 1 nao Cons Nfdria Zin NMexX New pk Mr Eaton Bal Eaton Stk Elec Inv Energy Equitv rea id Hd id id 30 20 15 65 Stock transactions in stocks used in AVERAGES 1 13L 7 ln 22 lb 16 20 Actual aales Zii 14 9 10 3 9 10 mp Natl ouityCp Erie orge Eric or 6 Emxv Mfg 'Esquire Esq Rad Eureka Co Exquis orm abrev rP air Cam AN arm araday go (MN ed Pun 6 93 3 15 5 78 1 4 2 0 14 0 7b 26 6 25 4 0 2i 1697 1S35 MR: 1139 12 45 55 Progressive California manufacturer has re searched developed and is now marketing the only patented new window decor designed to replace blinds drapes shades and shutters The company is seeking to issue an exclusive dis tributorship in its prime Cleveland territory Qualification requires aggressive profit oriented management ability with minimum cash re sources of 5125000 plus the willingness to select train and guide an exclusive dealership group The plan for profit and capital gain is an ex ceptional compensation opportunity Qualified individuals firms or groups are in vited to reply 4 APPLES: 10 ot tkls 2" ui varieties 1 150 few 175 poorer and smaller as Intv as 50r bu cfns Transpar ent 2" up 350 up 250 275 BEANS: 16 qt bkis Round Green and Wax 75 100 8 qt bkrs Limas 90 100 BEETS Crts and 24 qt tKts bchd 1 do? 50 5c BLUEBERRIES Kits of 12 pints med rkNaLI Hanover irvmgTr KlngsCty niifTr Morgan 134 137 SecMN USTrst Sover Inv 1560 17 4 jt nt 6 3 Bid 47 57 48 58 6689 6757 1132 1241 962 1054 L84 'fhe orties list is long but only funds in existence seven years or more have been given a pcrlormance rating Where performance ratings were not ghen management perform ance ratings were not given management performance fig ures were whenever possible Itesult of the magazine's complex work is a rating which should gi an excellent indica tion of any given fund's ability to perform well on the market firing line to trui rrcottnlred evcnlnt eourrr in local ares Must be dvnarne speaker Write quail tK tons to Institute Boa 1 Brt 'kllne 4" Ma a ll)25THTirni Hu io on 9 3 131 1363 1190 Ihirj Itjo 1344 1683 1611 1742 660 724 i 770 813 1750 18375 1213 1326 1119 1551 9621041 i 3073 30 73 16 92 1692 38427657 11760004 6 6 months ended Julv Blgelow Sdnfordlnc 90300061 (3 months ended June 347681 48 1 1947208 ended Jul Chesapeake A Ohio Knilway has established a new coal traf ofiice at Newport News lo serve its export and tidewater coal trade and ap pointed Byron Burroughs to lhe newly created position of director of tidewater fic Burroughs will reclly under Vice Gregory DeVine land and Speed Graj assist ant to the vice president who supervises tidewater and Great Lakes coal traitic 29 23 Corp Li Crown Dels Del a Inc ueVcgh In tleVegh Diver Gr Diver Inv tuvia hr Dow Thlnv 666 State Stein Stem Steel Telev El Tas nr 1M TwcnC Gth 934 11121 crs 1070 1138 list 0n Bieg TO 1 7200 1415 Nora a 3037 PaePr 1100 RoaHte 3972 Shrr't 4 716 eepR 1570 TriadOil 950 UnitAb i no P450 Ventur 6200 Rcalizin investors would want more de tailed information 1he editors have packed a good deal of additional information into orbes Mutual und Surrey for 1961 including man agement results dividend come and loading charges Used with discretion with due regard for the Bid Asked Pav 743 Sliti a 75 Avis Ind wrb Goll Bailey Raker Ind Raid Mont Raid Mont Bald Sec Banff OH Banner Ind Mr Chris Ramos Eng Rarry Wr 3( Baruch ol Rartons Rayvtaiv Oil Bearings Roau Brtim Beck Shoe Tel cn Relock Inst Renru Berkey Photo Rirdhoro Blauners Blumenth Bohack Rome Chcm nourjois Bowl Cp Brad oote Rraz Trac Breeze Cp Rridot Brillo Mf Br talta Pet Rr Am Oil Col Pw Brit Pot Brown Co Brown or Brown pf BS Co Hurkeve rp Budget in Ruell Do Bunk Hill Rorma Burnell Co Burr JP Burry Rts sh Calizi Ed ChIEIPw Campb Chib i an Cdn Cdn Cdn Cdn Cdn Cdn Canal Canav in: Cap Bdcst Carev Canalton rattle AM Catalin Cenco Inst en Had'ev CeaMPw pf cen Secur Chamb Am 04 Cherry Bur Chesebiou Chief Mnc Christiana Oil Chromalloy Cinerama Circuit oil Clark rb) Cfark Con Clarostat Clary Cv Cletrac Copay Cp Coast Oils ockshutt Cohu Elet olunjal Cp Colonial Sd oml Met Comm Sv Compo 8h CompuDyne i Con Con Con 1 Con on Connelly I Constr Pd Cont AvX En Ct Conn A Cort Mater ont Vend Cooper Jar Corby Dis a 1 Coro Tnc ound Grwth Iiuvin'A In! Resour 542 592 Inv Com 1161 12 69 invps Ros 12 711389 (Second lire lists amlngs per share! rnntd June 1961 5 801162 234 39380350 Over the Counter Market fmm th National AwocUtlen ol iiuituM' rr nfii renreMJit innt'ipim i u' i ui aie wllhin wHirta rn inp mi thpv are nuenuca as nr hnuent best securities could have been sold (indicated ox by aKeu I al UK ume VL 4 lifiU of Acri uiture) EGGS CONSUMER Air 3S 44: LARG Even though you are aware that your spending for recrea tion good and services has been soaring you probably don't know that if you're average you're spending 12 cents of every dollar you get and cents of every dollar you have left after you've paid for the essentials of life on leisure activities Evon though you are aware that our spending for cultural activities is at a peal: I won der if you know how high the peak is As an illustration spending for hooks is tip Ro' since 1955 has climbed more than any other type of recrea tion expenditure The United States has over half 1 2l)U 30'5 5 8 254 1O23 ir6 H3 63 1144 1181 158 i 4 13 Bid Itartt HoinlNY Lin si Menu Id Nat NatUir NatwdA Paelnde Phnnni AM 80 M'Curin Springl Travel USAG lalf 3iT JGiayDruz 5s 4 'Hkavk "LesterEnjj 6s 76 NNdlCIfve 6s "OhloWSer 6 67 Are you living You devote the largest share of your recreation budget to TV You are a major reason sales of radio TV records have in creased 30 in the past five By ST A TA VOKTEK NEW YORK You toll me where ou live and I'll make a mighty good guess how spend your recreation time dollars Are you a city dweller? You spend by far the largest total of jour leisure time and dollars on the theater con ceits opera mu seums Just since 1955 ticket sales for the 1 heal er and opera have risen 50 but Sylvia porier you citv dwellers spend halt again more than lhe average on these cultural activities Are you a suburbanite? You spend most of your leisure time apd dollars on participating in sports and huving sports equip ment Just since 1955 sales of sports equipment 47rr but you spend twice the these 90 50 36 ca dn 90 EGOS MIXED wholeMie buyuiK I to I' hittwr: GRADE A WHITES 37': MIXED MEDIUMS 29 STANDARDS 32 by Brcolps'l and future Ou'e' and 130 Si Clo'' leaf 2500 't of front jg Eidusive Agent Sid 12" i t' Std 14 Audio Dnv Audion Em Aurora Pla Rad and in vestor's individual investment the survey should help any investor make an in telligent choice as to whether mutual and if fund Bkts bebd 24s 65 100 TPD bkt 30 8 oz OLUORM' iwardfd $100 million ot sehjwl building eld bond to SUte Securl Corp an attllieie uCWilbam Mc rls Co on a bid that Mi a net annual intereat cost ot 3 7544S The bond would carrv coupon ranzinz from 35 to The were reofferM at price to ya Trum 'in 1963 tn 3 9 in 196 Al the sune time California rejected bida on two companion issue 100 mJ Hon trans benfl' ano ri strw Uon program bonus The bo nan been wnmuro 2 a a rH eZA the Hans oi America ui au Lot 10x700 wide vrndt heath 4 hedronmt 2 hath Raom 3 7 iM with a commandms snrrlai ular iH ospr Hit lake 37177 Like Shore Blvd WH 2 0317 JUST MOVED TO LOS ANGELES Totnj He jht Iwsimss (xecutiva wJi run yaur plant efftfie distribution Higher Grad Second Grad Rail PuNic Utilities Industrials 91 40 Commodity utures Index 148 76 0 16 WHAT STOCKS DID vrfnesaav Advances 579 Declines 466 Unchanged 230 Total tssus 1275 New 1961 htrhs 34 New 1961 lows 15 AMERICAN OTCHANGE Yesterday Prev Stock Sale? 1160000 1240000 MIDWEST EXCHANGE Yesterday Dav Stnrk Sa 135000 ODD LOT TRANSACTIONSAUgUSt 15 1961 sains nn sate 751 706 1725 fishing or hunting? This year nothing decadent 26 million fishing licenses andabout a people whose interests IS million hunting licenses arcin cultural activities are broad being issued Is it overnight ening and deepening and who camping? About 25 million offind an outlet for their energy us went on overnight campingin physical sports We need not visits last year apologize for our affluence or Bowling has a fabulous 22our good life million participants baseball Rather wc should boast that has 16 million plajers basket free system has given ball has 11 million tennis hastis our good way of life and vow 65 million golf litis 55 millionto preserve free sys and even archery now claims 5teni ami our good way of life million for the generations 1o come CAGGABE Dini End And Dan type 24 qt bkts mstiy med 60 75c frv S5c poorer luw a 33c 50 lb med 115 i4 du crts mea i used crts med 75 100 24 qt bkts med 20 1 52 1 16 174 13 18 93rd 3199 East 93rdStreet 4084 Lee Road Cap Gr com st ui Mi Gon Rd Petrol Grth Ind Guardn Ham Ham hda Havdock Imp Cap Imp und Ine I'm! nr tUiif Incorp Inc 9 10T9 Incorn 74 9 55 INTIT 111': UMH 13 i 21 133R 6 736 1119573 141 2156959 216 2364 159 89 93 i i inn Wcllsar 83 87 Sales Net (hiht Close Chg rar uty pt 8 id CLO61NG DOW JONES AVERAGES STOCKS nign 720 67 14145 119 68 238 34 26 582463943000 avrage on 3 22 1 29 6 1 1k Comp Hd romp on Inv 20 8 a 22o 5 xiH nu 132S 1171 1064 1169 Regular 10 2 9 29 9 30 11 1 9 30 29539060 210 38863721 379 30) 1 615000 4 bkts 225 24 al bkts bc hri I dnr TPD 16 qt bKts 75 1 00 ctns of tjlm hare 1 GO CELERY: Pascal 16 qt bkts (hearts) 12s 115 135: Stalks 24s 75 115 1 3 QU CHINESE CABBAGE 16 qt bkts 100 CORN Yellow bkts 3 duz 50 75c: 65 8 5c: paper sks 5 doz preceded iced 175 Ba is 24 60 B5C 100 poorer 40 50c EGGPLANT 16 qt bkts 100 ENDIVE 16 et bkts 1 135 ECAROLE: 16 qt bkts 75 1 25 i qi okis couaras uaona sprouts Mustard and 1 nil LETTUCE: 24 qt bkts Leaf 75 100: Bi? Boston type 1 Jilt 1 ii MUSHROOMS' OHIO and PA 101900092 30) SCE 4 pf SCK 478 pf Local Livestock CATTLE 200 steady: prime 2450 2575 nominal: choke to 23 00 2450: gfod choice 2200 commercial and standard 19 00 2150: choice heifers 2200 23 00: good 2 GO 22 00 common 19 00 2100: tai cos hvu iouu utility and cuttera 1400: canners and tat yellow cows 1250: bologna bulls 1900 21 heaw bulls 1600 18 so CALVES 109 steady: prime 26 CO 28 00: good to choice 2400 2600: com mercial 2000 2300 common 1400 2000 SHEEP LAMBS 300 slow and weak: choice spring 1300 2000: medium to 1400 17 00: common 1000 1400 choice wether sheep 600 650: choice ewes 600 650 cull and medium 300 550 HOGS 500 50 higher: No 1 190 220 IbS IV 25 19 ny 75 19 00 260 300 lbs 240 260 lbs 1800 1825: 18 50 18 75 160 190 lbs packing sows 1250 15 50 15 16 iKrattcr pf 5 UjKulka El A 11 Rad 5 10 Sb 1 16 I amb Ind iLamson 10 L(Lant Ind 221Z Larchficld 4 MO1 A 100 2 dzcfc Real 1 16 Leonard 17 4 Lib ab 6is Libab pf 1 Lith Am laa hwi hr I ural I a Gas sv I a Iand Luckv ri Lynch Cp Macfad Pub Mack Trk wt tj Macke Vend Mackey Air Magellan Pet Mages Majest Marsel 13 Mans ri: Martin Marvh! un 1 Massey Maule Ird McCrory wd 43 McCulloch Mead John Mnacro Miami Ex Mich ChemMirhS nf Micro HoneMicmwave Md A Midw Inv Mill act 1 Wnhl Milo Elect Minan Mo Kan rt Alohawk Air! Molyb CanMolvbden Molybden wt Mono? Pfpc MorseE Pd Mt Dtablo MtVerM MtSHT MPO V' A Muntz TV Mu rob Cn MukPRmc Muskng Muter Co Namm Ixies Naoco Ind Ns A Alf Deh Bowl Casket LABOR DAY TIRE SALE irestone Goodyear US Goodrich alls Levis hoard chairman of Owens Illinois Glass Co Toledo has been elected a di rector of Gregory nd list rirv Ine Toledo He succeeds Chaun cey Sinvthc i I of Thew Shovel Uo Lorain who lefi lhe board to de vote more 4 hue lo operations of Thew Al the Cleve land Institute of Electronics Carl Smith president becomes chairman and Allen for merly executive vice presi dent becomes president Smith founded the institute in 1931 as Smith Practical Radio Institute OvfMfj a Pw PG4 fi? tar DIE rd nH25 PGe rirf lt 1 16 POE LMr' Pac Indus racLt? v' professional symphony I orchestras On a single Sun day visitors to the Metropoli tan Museum of Art in Manhat tan Axe A Axe li cib A gden list 13 Ave Temp Blue Rid Bmad 81 IVjst Bullock Calif Can Get) Cdn Cdn IGth capit hr JMU tl Am Am Am Am Am Am Am mPctr if Am Sea! 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It attracts 4l million other Americans Is your love lVm lhnl SOJ 876 1315 1137 1575 1721 1532 Ntll 713 7S6 llijbie Mf Highway Tr Hilton Hot wt Hoe co Hoe Co a Hofm Ind Hllinger Holly Corp Holly str hom*o Ail 4 iHomiH i'lHom A Rk1 Hoskins Mf ui'toweii KIM A vt 'rtn 1 Vrw i ii drometals Hvarada 15 sJJMC Mag Imp Oil Tb Ca I llndepend Tel vlndEIHd Inland Cred Inland Hom NAni In! 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Actually recreation spending is that it no longer is news The ever swelling spending is accepted as a phenomenon of our era and no one tries io forecast the ceiling But no matter how informed you are about this market I'll wager some of these figures still will stagger you or instance oven though you are aware you have more free time for leisure than ever be fore you probably don't know that if you're average during an ordinary week one quarter of your time is open to choice of activity In addition em ployes will have taken a total of 50 million vaeation weeks by the end of this cumme*r will take another million weeks before the end of 19G1 and also167 million holidays 31 3'1 1 1 27000 SQ Vacant land between East 4 0th and downtown Over 400 ft frontal? or al 1ms than $3 00 per sq It Chat Paterson Industrial and Commercial Realtor MA 1 2292 Th? following btd and asked pncea art obtalred from ne rrpreSent Cioic in ind nthr lOUl'CPS bUt UnOJHtl ilL not Within UIHI tz qicn a eofita) inn4nt1ni1 H1P HIP IIHCUUIU BA Wh cri merited Helps Choice 1 vis is 4 4 17 17 17 29 29 29 0 12 4 2 4J 0 52 52 4 144 US 14 X'Uj a 5Us 39' i 26 6s 1 SS 'J A 22 5s isd 4s 1 'O 39 I 1 1ES A 1 A 0 I 3 4 I Ml I i II ra IniUi a nc Coi liJldfl LOAN ASSOCIATI I 17 17 173t 1 35 35 a 62 62 62 0 77 76 77 0 31 ip 31 10 10 10 60 60 4 60 28 2 5 a 2is 42 42 42 0 42' 42 27 27 27 45 45 45 1 24 24 24 6 bd 6X 52 52 52 i1 102 1 UO 0 11 10 11 27 27 27 13' 13 13 15 15 a 15 Asked Btd Asked 21 IntLak 31 31 17 Je'fElc 10 10 9n MetBrck 6 6 3 NatTIta 5 6 17 MUGas 57 57 49 NIPS 4 0 40 50 RtchBrn 31 32 Webcnr 1 0 1 1 59 WrldPub 13 13 7 3 6 1 5 13 3 7 9 2 8 11 16 18 1 4 14 6 8 32 12 5 131 4 3 7 16 1 3 1 33 59 3 35 7 10 1 5 2 27 20 26 7 9 1 33 18 9 24 11 9 3 13 6 2 10 9 1 33 12 28 4 37 4 10 4 2 2 19 3 13 12 6 I 3 16 INDEX' Net Low Close Chg 425 Industrials 7) 95 7115 7166 r15 25 Railroads 32 92 3231 328 43 50 Utilities 6120 6046 6096 33 500 Stock 6P 00 6723 67 73 18 127 127 12M 133 133 133 137 138 138 1 3 136 138 134 134 135 245 246 246 242 243 242 246 247 246 250 251 250 253 253 253 255 255 255 0 30 930 9 40 9 10 940 9 40 955 955 957 1020 1025 1015 1022 1030 1029 Wil' i wr W7 W'.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.