The Monitor from McAllen, Texas (2024)

5D Friday. May 1 1 2007 THE MONITOR, McAllen. Texas RELIGION COMICSPUZZLES BY HENRY BOLTINOFF How, if it all, can there be peace on Earth? 40 Friday, May 11, 2007 THE MONITOR. McAllen. Texas BRIDGE Bidding Quiz The miracle of mothers I HAPPY BIRTHDAY "The status quo changes.

What happens this year involving partners Id frr jp LOW ana Key trienas onen couia oe exireme or surprising, uui nui iwucHawny uuu. lmhi ivytvou i-'-;" and flex. Money proves to be a wild card. Risk with care, as what occurs easily could be over the top. You will gain money through financial involvement with other parties.

Friends play a large role in making what you want a reality, you are single, you will meet people with ease. A friendship will play a large role in meeting that special someone. If you are attached, work on more of your goals together, and you'll become more unified. PISCES knows what makes you happy, but ARIES pushes you to take action. The Stars Show the Kind of Day You'll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1 -Difficult Sunday is Mothers' Day, and if a secular society can have, its own holy day, this is it.

No wonder! What could be more important ARIES (March 21- April 19) Motherhood, in the full sense, not just the biological sense, is the fruit of the marriage union of a man and woman, of "the union of the two in one flesh" (cf. Gen This brings about a special gift of self as an expression of that special love whereby the two are united to each other so intimately and completely that they become one flesh. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Ret as much done as vou can kt-k Your mind easily goes on over You have the following hand, hmh sides vulnerable: K95V KJ87 AQ10863 1.

You bid One Club, and partner responds One Heart. What wquld you bid now? 2. You bid One Club, and partner responds One Spade. What would you bid now? 3. Partner bids One Diamond, and you raise to Three Diamonds.

Partner bids Four Clubs. What would you bid now? 4. Partner bids One Spade, and your right-hand opponent bids Two Hearts. What would you bid now? before you call it a day. Many people might want to touch base with you.

Your popularity soars in direct ratio to your diplomacy. Know that you don't need to make plans immediately. Run errands. Tonight: A must appearance. load, though it might be best not to share everything.

You might want to rethink a decision that revolves around a car or a computer. Get the facts now rather than have problems later. Tonight: Get some extra and if you can. all four rules are active today. The first is referred to as the Brass Rule, also known as the "brazen rule" because it states: "Do what is good for you, and disregard the effect it has on others." The second rule is the Iron Rule, which states an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

"Do to others what they do to you." The third rule is known as the Silver Rule, and it states: "Don't do to others what you don't want done to yourself." The fourth rule is pro active and provides hope for a peaceful planet Earth. It states, "Treat other people the way you want to be treated regardless of how they treat you." When the majority of human beings understand this and practice this, we will be a species of compassion that will evolve beyond any action outside this rule. nations making such changes. Full and complete peace comes not now but in the new life of resurrection. Peace comes as individuals and families listen to each other and accommodate one another.

Peace comes as we let go of our prejudices about race, gender, sexual orientation and so forth. Peace comes when our nation and our world are no longer divided between haves and have-nots. Peace comes when religious and ethnic rivalries are set aside. Peace comes as you and I choose to live simpler lives so that others may simply live. Absolute peace will finally come when Christ returns in glory with complete justice.

The Rev. Duke Tufty, pastor, Unity Temple on the Plaza: Throughout the evolution of human thought there have been four rules of conduct. And McCiaichy Newspapers Voices of faith: How can there ever be peace on Earth or can there be? The Rev. Pat Rush, pastor, Visitation Catholic Church: When Pope Paul VI delivered his historic address to the United Nations in the mid-1970s, he summarized with seven words the whole biblical theology regarding peace. "If you want peace," the pope stated, "work for justice." God brings peace to our world by empowering us to make the lifestyle changes that create a more just society in which peace can develop.

These lifestyle changes need to be made repeatedly by individuals and societies in every generation. It is partial peace, however, that comes from individuals, communities and Find at least six differences in details between panels. than mothers? Samuel Taylor Coleridge described a mother as "the holiest thing alive." Robert Browning said that TAURUS (April 20-May 20) You nail what is going on. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.

21) If you allow your cre ativity to flourish, you'll come up with answers. Be there is no better call available. Bidding clubs followed by diamonds shows not only longer clubs but extra values, and that is what you have after partner responds one spade. Alternative bids are two spades and three clubs, but neither represents your hand as well as two diamonds. 3.

Four hearts. You should have a diamond slam firmly in mind, but it is best at this point to cuebid hearts to show first-round control of the suit and interest in slam. Blackwood is not desirable when you have a void, since partner's response would not tell you exactly how far to go in most cases. The most flexible action here is to cuebid and await partner's next call. 4.

Three clubs. There are two schools of thought in this type of situation. One school would favor an immediate cuebid of three hearts to identify your heart void and thus suggest a slam. The other school would advocate bidding your best suit first, planning to cuebid hearts next. We believe it is somewhat better to bid clubs first.

One reason is that an immediate cuebid might result in permanent suppression of your strong six-card suit; another reason is that an immediate cuebid would suggest better spade support than K-9-x. REYMUNDO J. PENA COMMENTARY Understand what might be happening with an important friend. You might decide to take an action that helps this person be more content. Spruce up your listening skills.

Tonight: Where your friends are. imaginative with a ditticuit tamiiy memoer. 1 ne unexpected occurs with a child. If available, you could meet someone out of the blue. Tonight: Fun and games.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec.21) GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Mercury enters your sign. Stay close to home or choose to soend time with family. Others want your com This planet, which rules your sign, could add to your chattiness. More thought and fewer words 1. Two clubs.

This was a promising hand at the start, but when partner responds in hearts, much of the glamour disappears. To be void of a suit adds value to a hand, but not when the void is in partner's suit. The heart response is a arning of potential danger ahead, so your best aelion is to indicate a minimum opening by rebidding two clubs. Later events may restore the original promise of your hand, but until a fit is discovered, you must tread gingerly. 2.

Two diamonds. There is some question whether your limited high-card values justify a reverse, but pany and seek you out. 1 ninK in terms 01 positive and creative opportunities. Once more, the unexpected rocks the status quo. Tonight: Invite a pal migm De tne penect coitido.

your mine couia start revving in fifth gear. Allow others to catch up. Tonight: Just being there makes a difference. over. J3tiUlS si MopuiM '9 SE lu 1S3CI "J3MOI Jieijo P3AOIU3J axe sassBQ luajaijip si ibh isaatwjaijia CAPRICORN (Oec.22Jan.19) CANCER (June 21July22) Say what you think and WW If nervous or overwrought, the THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by Henri Arnold and Mike Argirion challenge remains to pull back and take in the big mean what you say.

Others will tend to be more responsive. Work with unpredictability and worry JUMBLE Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words. picture. Utten others mignt not unaerstana now sensitive and caring you are. Dig up a specialist if less about what might be going on.

Work on your looking at a problem. Tonight: Try a different type Tomorrow: East gets caught in a vise. i'2007 King lealures Syndicate Int. listening skiiis, ana you couia curtail an uuiudi. of restaurant or happening.

lonignt: out ana about. CRYPTOQUIP 5-11 Physically and emotionally, God has made woman uniquely able to carry out his creative design. Man, of course, brings his own unique gifts and abilities to strengthen and support marriage and the family, but in the matter of procreation, he always remains outside the process. It is within the wornan's body that the new human being develops, and this intimate bond between the mother and child affects their relationship for the rest of the lives of both. During pregnancy, the mother literally sacrifices her body for the physical development of the child, and after birth, this predisposition on the part of the mother toward self-sacrifice for the good of her child remains throughout life.

So, as I say, it is no wonder that our nation annually sets aside a day to honor mothers. Who among us does not have vivid memories of our mothers however many years ago tending us when we were ill, giving us courage to face life's challenges, comforting us in moments of hurt or self-doubt, and in general, enabling us to discover that we were lovable and had value, because of how much they loved us, believed in us, and sacrificed for us? God be praised for the wonderful gift of loving mothers, and on their day may all mothers receive worthy expressions of thanks and appreciation for all they give and are! AQUARIUS (Jan.2rj-Feb.18) LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) EUQER 1 I I Express yourself with a card. Solutions come forward that RPXQPM confirmed by many studies of a scientific nature. Motherhood, in the full sense, not just the biological sense, is the fruit of the marriage union of a man and woman, of "the union of the two in one flesh" (cf.

Gen This brings about a special gift of self as an expression of that special love whereby the two are united to each other so intimately and completely that they become one flesh. The mutual self donation in marriage which unifies them in the act of giving love also opens them to the act of begetting and gratefully receiving the gift of new life a new human being. Motherhood, then, involves both openness to a new human being, and a complete self donation to himher. It is in opening herself to the gift of new life through marital union, and in donating herself to nurturing that new human being from the moment of conception, that a woman discovers her exalted identity and vocation as mother. Motherhood, in the fullest sense, has everything to do with the gift of interior readiness to lovingly accept the child, bring it into the world, and nurture it.

Giving birth is surely a cause for deep joy in woman, who is able to say with Eve, the mother of all the living, "I have brought a man into being with the help of the Lord" (Gen Every time a child is born, the mother knows deep inside that she is shacing in a unique and indispensable way in God's own eternal, mysterious act of creation. might surprise even you. Allow a person you trust to make pivotal decisions. Sometimes deferring letter or a token gift. Your creativity and willingness to share mark your relationships.

Do nothing halfway. Be extremely cautious with finances, as 2007 Tribune Media Services, Inc. draws the results you desire. Your ability to unaer stand needs to be heightened. Tonight: Be a duo.

All Rights Reserved. today you pull the wild card. Tonight: Use your ZP RPPWXZMRXQ GWMWT instincts. mchmmmm all love begins and ends with motherhood. May R.

co*ker said motherhood is the greatest privilege of life. John Neihardt noted that "one moment makes a father, but a mother is made by endless moments, load on So wonderful is motherhood that when God sent his son, lesus Christ, for our salvation, he ordained that he should enter the world not in a spectacular or ostentatious display of divine power and majesty on high, surrounded by hosts of angels, the clap of thunder and blinding light. No, he saw fit to have his son assume our human nature within the maternal womb of the Virgin Mary, and in obscure Bnd lowly surroundings. In a most unique and marvelous way, God provided for his son's well-being not by sending an armada of the heavenly host to protect him, but simply by entrusting him to the care of a woman, namely, the Virgin Mary, along with the help of St. Joseph.

This was in keeping with God's providential plan of creation to endow women with special attributes that make them, more than men, attentive to the needs of the human person, and able to respond to them in ways that nurture their full human developmant. What 1 say is evident from our own observation and experience, and it is OCCIL ry i A He sjts WHERE THE FISHERMAN COULP ALWAYS F3E FQUNP. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) Let us sell your Item under $100.00 for FREE! VIRGO (Aug. 23 Sept.

22) You feel invigorated and Understand that you might believe that right now anything is possible. Curb unpredictability, and you might find that others want to be closer. Investigate and understand not make a difference today. You could be adding to your frustration level. Let someone else be a heavy hitter while you do what you want.

Listen when people need to talk, but don't feel like you ROPPEH LJ LJ what needs to happen with a tnena or lovea one Tonight: Act on a long-term wish. need to ump in. lonignt: bay yes. KTQZM QPKRPQ-LRMA. Yesterday's Cryptoquip: SINCE MY FATHER REALLY LOVES LICKING ENVELOPES, PEOPLE OFTEN LIKE TO CALL HIM A SEALING FAN.

Today's Cryptoquip Clue: equals JTewCRVPTOOUIPBOOKS 3 I 41 Send J3 50 (or one book or S6 00 (or both (etieckm I to Cryptoquip Classics I booI.s3M.PO Bon 536475 Orlando FL 32853-6475 call 1-800-706-7311 el 263 or visit raaidrnfflalLgiffi I The Cryptoquip is a substitution cipher in which one letter stands for another. If you think that X1 equals 0, it will equal throughout the puzzle Single letters, short words, words using an apostro-. phe give you clues to locating vowels Solution is by trial and error. 2007 by King Features Syndicate. Inc.

www.jumbte com Artist Salvador Dali (1904), songwriter Irving Berlin (1888), comedian Mort BORN ON THIS DATE SHRUPE si i Sahl (1927) Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon. Call 900-740-7400 for Jaquelme Bigar's forecast lor love, luck, health, career and money. Each caH costs 99 cents per minute, rotary or tone telephones. Call 900-737-3210 lor personal consultation with an astrologer psychic or tarot card ON 7 A A A reader. Each call costs '2 95 per minute.

1991 by King Features Syndicate, Inc 7 A 111; Ans: CROSSWORD PUZZLE IFallevwide ACROSS Place your ad today at 1 -866-572 SELL (Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: FLOOD PECAN ABRUPT COWARD Answer: Wiat the tax-dodging locksmith did when the IRS arrived HE "BOLTED" Yesterday's CIA Sts I I EDS Reymundo J. Pena is the bishop of the Diocese of Brownsville. Restrictions Apply. Ad must be for a single item under 1 00.00. Must include price of item and phone I.

One ad per household per month. DENNIS THE MENACE FRIDAY EVENING MOVIES i SPORTING EVENTS South Demetri Martin Scrubs I Scrubs HP Chap Ihap- Com Pretenlt Park Presents (TV14) (TV14) Show Report pilla'l palll'l Presents The Investigators Forentlc Fills Forentlc Files The Invesllgalors (N) (TV14) Dunne: Power, Privilege Jutllca I Cops l(TV14) Cops (TV14) Tha Investigators (TV14) TV14) 50 Oodles 51 Guided DOWN 1 Aries 2 Sapporo sash 3 Seasickness 4 Glossy 5 Gridlock noise 6 "Hail, Caesar!" 7 Aachen article 8 Acid 9 Freud cohort 10 Shaving-cream additive 11 Abrades 34 Goblet feature 35 Coop collection 36 Down East 37 Toes' woes 40 Picasso 41 Settled down 42 Young-man joke 46 Stereo set 47 Jack Benny 48 Shock partner 49 Yule refrain Daedliesl Catch Man vt. Wild Stunt Junkies I Shouldn't Bi Alive (TVPG) (a) I Rogue Nature "Lions" (N) (TV14) I Shouldn't Ba Alhra (TVPG) (cc) (TVPG) (cc) (TVPG) Kim Pos- Hannah Finding Nemo (2003 Comedy) That's So Raven Hannah Montana Cory In House 16 Bound 19 Ump's 20 Blooper 21 Stratagem 22 Irritates 23 Torte topper 25 Pugilists' arena 26 Countrywide 27 Paradise 28 Appian Way terminus 30 Pen pals? 33 Soup legume 34 Rani's garment 36 Factories 37 Songwriter Sammy 38 Medley 39 Abundant I Hannah Montana Zackt Cody Montana Voices ol Albert Brooks (G) (cc) title Katie ft The Oei- Katie I IE! Natas The Soup iThe Soup Saturday Night EINewt (TVPG) The Dally 10 (N) Saturday Night Live (TV14) (cc) Peter Peter (TVPG) ly 10 (TVPG) Lrve(TVl4) (cc) (TVPG) Mass With Canonia The World Over Daily Matt Our DEAR ABBY Wife in 'horrible' marriage thinks she knows why DEAR ABBY: I have been in a horrible marriage for eight years. My husband, "Greg," has a lot of problems from his childhood and has a hard time being in a relationship. I have recently learned that he was raped by a family member when he was a little boy.

He seems to be in denial, and claims it didn't happen. In any case, I have had a feeling lately that Greg is attracted to men and may be having some kind of a fling with a guy. This guy is supposed to be a business associate, but he calls my husband constantly and has shown up at our house at 12:30 at night. Greg refused to answer the door, but texted him and lied to me about it. I feel like he doesn't want me to meet this guy.

How would I be able to tell if this is happening? Greg certainly won't tell me. LOST IN BRONX, N.Y. DEAR LOST: My question to you is why have you tolerated living in a "horrible" marriage for eight long years? Most women would have insisted on an intervention through marriage counseling long before this. The time has come to listen to your intuition. If you "think" your husband is cheating, regardless of whether it's with a man or a woman, then he probably is.

If you know he lied to you and texted the man who came to your house, then check his computer and start digging for the evidence. The alternative would be to hire a private detective. The information that's gathered will help you determine what to do next. DEAR ABBY: My mother has criticized almost everything either I or my husband has done almost from the start of our marriage. Sometimes it's disguised under the apologetic, "I'm only trying to help," like when she sends "helpful" articles on how to correct my latest flaw.

I have tried telling her that my husband and I are both aware of these things, and if it were currently within our abilities to fix said flaws, we would. It wasnt nearly as difficult to ignore when we lived in a different state from my parents, but now we live across town from them due to unfortunate circ*mstances. FRIDAY EVENING jhwmJ 1 mL Hilts lilra Daririy Day Cm FOX? Posse Wl South mi TVPG) HDTV) Eddie Murphy. Jeff Garlin. (cc) News U)Peebles.

Stephen Baldwin. (R) (cc) Pit BieaBJjai i 'GH0I Whltptm Close to Home (N NUMB3RS (HDTV) News (N Lale Show With Late Late WtitMm iNHTVPGhcci iITVU, ia (Nl (TVPG) (cc) (cc) David Lellerman Show SPwBWkiwi ill, Brty't Anatomy i8 01i20 20'20 News Mar Klngot Nightime -dmMm 1 (TV14)(cc) (cc) I'M- tin Hill (N)(cc) fSHMBHS: CortSa La Orajl ConTodo Notlclat Villi- Malcolm Fl tie en Un Verano Inolvid 'EbbHbI IvUidn Medio I ibll (2001 ejBBpej Muchachltai Como La Hon to Aim a Juan Diitllindo Amor INollcliro Hotlcliro Li Pil 0BBjtflR: Ti Pico Querendon TP llHl ''WftFt" liMII-0atillMNaC(N)(cc) Lav A Oraii Every Dd Tonight Show lale BjBJVlJllonalft Here inUHcci Raymond With jay Leno Nigm pmajBJJMM Marina Uj Jotro La Espada y'la Rosa Fsclava Nolicias (10 35)Boxeo Telemundo JPJ (Ni liauti jiN iBoteadoresseAnuntiaran SfSSB Secrets Kingdom Behind Hll Llnd Jot I 0 redenck Praise the I ord Againsl 'As II IpjjjyHjJj I jjjjl Scenei ey tun prtcl All Odd! Wit ejVaDueln de Pasiones La Fea Mas Bella Oestilando Amor CatOt dt la Vldl Nolicias Noticiero La Hora de la Risa IflitagHiM. (N) (TVPG) Rial (TVPG) UnlvlllOn HeiMpejThe NimHour With Washing NOW Wealth McLaugh Rill Moyars Journal Rl Tavis Charlie Rose ajjjJI I ff foTmTRiiiy fSvSy EEHSr" SWfM PjlHClg Iffggg latry King Urn Andinon Coopir 3M(TVPG) (cc) Larry King Uw hi Ratjri Tin 0 Rillly factor Hinnlty Colmn jpn mi Ricort Tat Rlllly Factor Hannlty I BBS HB3K9GB Programming flucitionalGoyirnmintLocal HSBS5 fducflloTtlotil JHardbrillFfl ittgaWi taMmJ The Holy Lend Pope Benedict XVI In Brazil tton From Campo de Marte Lady ol the EDass: Our il the Angels Blast imax Ballroom Boot- Ballroom Boot- Ballroom Bool-camp (TVPG) (cc) Ten Years Younger (TVPG) (a) Ballroom Boot-cemp (TVPG) (cc) nod Cater Your camp (TVPG) (a) camp (TVPG) (cc) (TVG) (CC) 1 Computer i ISfcrdnym 4 Roe provider 8 Admitting air 12 Lawyers' org. 13 Lyricist's subject 14 Humdinger 15 Hat maker 17 Handle 18 Pack of cards 19 Zoo structures 20 Enthusiast, and then some 22 Centrifuge insert 24 Protuberance 25 Easy chair 29 Work with 30 Spot on TV? 31 Commotion 32 "Ich bin ein I men I Live food Network Catert Your Hawaiian Wedding Hawaiian Wedding Dey Unwrapped TBaT70s Show ThaTTOs" That 70s That 70s That 70s Thai r70t Show That 70s Show Thai 70s Show That 70s Show The Shield (TVMA) (cc) Show Show Show Noticiero Con iNotlclero Con Pao Las Nolicias por Chespimo (TVG i lAcceio Mliimo Noticiero TD Que Not Pisa Adela Joaquin L6pe; Oori lo Rojas Walker. Tetas Ber.

Teias A Stranger's Heart (2007 Drama) Fallen Angel (2003 Drama) Gary Smise. joi'iy Richardson Gordon Ptnsmrt (cc) Ranger(TV14 Samantha Mathis. Peter Oobson (CC) Ranger (TVPGi Modem Marvels HoudTnl Unlocking tht Mystery Host Modem Marvels: Gos Tech (TVPG) Solution time: 25 mins. Houdlnl Unlocking the Mystery (TVPG) tartan feed the' Bombs (TVPGI (TVPG) (CC) Lance Burton (TVPGl(CC) FeliovF Bejk UaV MorrTT Cemllo I Giving Hope Children Voice Your Oey Today day mm (10:45) Nlghtwatch (1998 Lata Placid (1999 Horror) 'Fratler TheTerfect Neighbor i2005. Suspense) MiejBjjlFlj Suipict Calm (1989 Suspense) Sum InaaLHH' 9a7 Drama) Hull.

Htcote Kidman (R) (cc) Bill Pullman (R) (cc) itl Standing Still Standing Horror). Nick Nolle (cc) ladtlma Fortlddin Perry Kino Susan Blakeiy (cc) TVPG) (TVPG Anary7Thlt 11999 (5 30) Iram Slot 17 15) Rumor Hat (MOS.COflH Frasiar (TVPG) SwTd (TVPG) (TVPG) Punk'd (TVPG) The Real The Realfrlie Real The Reel IThe Reel iTfceReel Storlit Timplatlons idyl Jennifer Aniston (PG-13) (CC) Tht Real World art Tin Mummy Tha Real World The Real World The Real World I lD B't'H I A 1 Comedy) Robert De Him (cc) (91S) tufty llwVampIrt World JUST THINK JOEY, IF jtV WERE WEI WE WOULPNT HAVE TO WEAR SHOES OR WIPE OUR FEEf." CLOSE TO HOME flj My Follow (18:45) Tht Great Raid (2005. War) (R (a) IM tfam (19M. Srtmce Fiction) WiHiam Hurt (PC-13) (cc) 'The Mun iKiiT Mails HHH (TVPGi World Wortd rjne Nation Under Hip Hep (TVPG) (1992. Comedy) (cc) Americans 1 I One Nation Under Nip Hop (TVPG) Piclun Pinect i Plctara Parltct (1997 Romance I (1997, Romance- Long Hoi ITVPG) Cotly Flf (1997).

Jay Mohr Comody) Jennifer Annton. Jay Uohr 40 Dissolve 42 puss*cat's partner 43 Ultra-modernist 44 Mate of 1 -Down 45 Roulette bet Comedy 1 Jennifer Annton, Jay Uohr 1 n-TjT- rne lati and me runout foayo onn Prince Videos OB in Fn IOddPar Ijlmmy eeas Neutron Snapped Donna 15) tta Man l(Sax)vrfierl- Star Tea Tyva laaei The Tyra lanki (2001 Hltlt Hva tyat Itttyla tourn tilling Jessica SHin (en (2006. Action) Lucas Bm (tx) tonragi Rill Tlmi With Bad Boyt Bill Mahli (TVMA) lean. 1 aijf 6 ttif iif inus TMrya Drlfl (2006 Accion) (5S) Snapped ton (TVPG) tarn (TVPG) (cc) mince-Comedy) Jennifer Wastfeldt (R) Banter (TVPG) (cc) fleaH M998 Romanct) SanoVl Yaklich (TVPGi Warn Comedia 12006. Flaca he OrecalSil lOvr.

Sample. with Bict i Dae gjnt IHeaera CaHectlaa Jaasiry (PG-13) (SS) Bullitt Bandits vi list (2000. Henry Rolllnt IW Space StaBMta and fj tamiamM Conmck Jt (SSI Romantici SHHHpB. Secrets 45, the sEjjSHmViUm tty-Drarna) Vmct Vaughn (R) (cc) M- lit, TftlM.20KW jLJHkiat I Beyond Tomorrow PlaatM "Lite" (TVMA) ftl tgndril (1978) Ti Lhnj Far (1999 Dra- Comedy) (PG-13) (cc) jRd (1998. Yesterday's answer 5-11 Sus- mi (TVG) (cc) (TVGI (TVGi tm l(TVG) (CC) eBTPBB -The Hard iveaM (TVG) icq (Nl (TVPG) (CC) mi perrsi) Linda Hamilton (NR) PelnkillVrJaTMlNT Alancy rravfa (cc) MM Ohm of llarati Latin Margate sc.

i (TVPG) (et) I Original (HOW Penn Ptnn ft MMaMjtaaMj (5 45, Miction Impouibli III The Tudort (TVPGi (TVPG) (cci (TVPG) (cc) Mr (tVMi(cc) Teller Comity (HDTV) (iTV) i TVMA i Mi Teller fTVMA) (cc HE Crteat Seawe ICSI Crime WMjaWMl tomCnjtt (PG-13! (6 101 UnderworlJliolutlon (2008 r.Si Crime Scene intesligjtinn 11:35) Uttravloltl (2006 1(11 Prom (2006 investigaaaanVra I RVf Stl fell (2005. Drama) (cc) Science fiction) (PG-13) (CC) Farrlaty) Slave Butcami (cc) VeVecatiHiW iWy, MTl lataball Atlanta BM.eV at Pittshurgh Pirates (ESP IgaJKliflHorrof) Kate Btrkmsale (R) jet) I SKVfSS oingii Im Win liWf Mrj 1 WaaWaWkaWm (2005 Come- Latttta to Lady Chen Chase Beverly O'Angelo (CC) From PNC Park in Pittsburgh (UvB)(CC) Drama) (NRl icel dyi Justin Rice (NR) (cc) TV 14) lmaaaataam ami) ih) Li Waal Net la Wear What Not to Wear What Not to Wear Trading Spaces I Home Home Trading Space BBE LaMlMIMMK (195T (1951Ad- jMajJ .,5151 Murder The African MMM Guett Whoi Com tm to DlMttr (CC) (TVPGi (CCI ICkel Cnel Kdchen (B)(TVQ) (TVPG) (CC) (TVPGi (cci I Kitchen (TVG) Drama) rutabam Taylor (NR) rT (MR) (cc) tjmm atMdaaMkalMott Foal (CC) venture) Humphrey Bop (2O02 Action) (HOTV) rociy ILaw Order lataethall (HOTV) (Lrva) Western Conterence Similinal (TV14) (cc) (DVS) Uagmre rVm Oafnt Knten Durnt fPG-13) I (CC) Utsyow), rWBem Oatbe KKtHn Duntt (PG-13) (CC) Ullh at Gniden Slate Warrim KiiJJBaHtfBlCai lire mOTVI flwtl (ecl Game 1 The whole situation really has me down, and I know it's not normal for someone to feel depressed for as long as I have (we moved in 2003, and that's when my feelings intensified). Have you any suggestions? FEELING LOW IN LAS VEGAS DEAR FEELING LOW: Have you tokt your mother how hurtful and depressing her helpful criticisms are? If the answer is no, then it's time you and your husband had a heart-to-heart with Mama. If the answer is yes. then any mail you receive from her should be returned unopened and marked "refused." And she should be told plainly that the more she criticizes, the more depressed it makes you and the less she'll see of you.

DEAR ABBY: As a nana, I have a problem when taking my 13-year-old granddaughter. "Eden," to church, stores, restaurants. Eden has biue eyes, black eyelashes and long blond hair. Anywhere I take her. people tell her how beautiful she is.

and Eden is so embarrassed, she can't speak and casts her eyes down to the floor. I know they mean well, but what is an appropnate response to these people? -NANA IN TAMPA DEAR NANA: Because your granddaughter is too shy to say anything, you should say: "Thank you. But even more important than beauty, my granddaughter is smart and nee to others, and we are very proud of her. Dear Abby 8 written by Abigail Van Buren. also known as Jeanne Ftiiflips.

and was founded by her mother. Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 7b order "How to Write Letters for All send a busmess-saed. sett-addressed envelope, plus check or money order lor $6 (U.S.

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Cim the Dog.

The Monitor from McAllen, Texas (2024)


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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.