Pontiac Sentinel from Pontiac, Illinois (2024)

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Pontiac Sentineli

Pontiac, Illinois

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go 4 EGAL BLANK? A Ml rtock'of 11 kind of UpU Jj Blank including deed tnorttnn wamnu nil LImA KkL CARTERS fe itaia 1 4M1O MISSOURI for I nf a nts faiui Ch i Id Aft entaurXinm A woMawof Green wood Me is reported i Jl si? to PC cwiDg'Der wujm vet kvw for ths party of his chqioe I am in vor oi raw wo HENNINGS Euswsmbw pfetM A 11 Deems to me if If the best man God ever made ran for the Presidency he would have to wade chin deep through obloquy Def amation Garfield Lincoln and Jackson Aa goon aa a man achieves anything by brilliancy eloquence or statesmanship all thehotodsof hell are turned against Bet Dr Tai mag Mu Bjaikx visited ths Homeat Augusta Mei last in the course of a conversation he pressed himself in favor of a liberal policytoirard Evxat day it is becoming more pain fully evident that Mr Blaine will not carry a single nuropew dw jxx i1 1' i 'it tr 1 Css tori issoweU adapted to children that I CMtoria cures KUH Worms girts sleep and promote Wttajurioti medteatestaL wtt Ans' iw lOu i aonso south 8WIMB st 30 pm a 00ptn 8 33 pm 4lpm 4ttvni 450 pm 588 pm 818 pm Omaha ateGsvtand Maftata fttttewJtew York hilmfelphla wihington Ralttaw Mi all point East makuv i oomtootioo wUhail the Trank i nn JWlAWtelataroo Akbraar Rsdlntag Chair and Drawlng mm Cara attasteg to vr Siiisi iiihi ijifi CLIPPINGS YoxJNG men are in great demand nt Sam 3 Obdtn an CE against hand organs in Pitts burgKfjbXW California ostrich eggs are only $1 290a downM: VP The new Lord Mayor of Dublin is a sa loon keeper ATTLES betweeri' snapping turtles is a bommon amusem*nt for the people of Staten Island In Tiflis' ncehtly a remarkable hailstorm occurred The stones were aa large as the eggs of geeM orty lives were lost and seventy houses ruined The Chilian newspapers announce the recent sudden death of a certain Don lose Miguel Herrera at age ef 122 years and aver that his age is well attested by official records He wnd bom st Talca and ilied at 1040 am 11 Warn 11 11 37 Kin Itonuiu 7n I155m' is 13 pm with attempting assault on the per son fof Miss Kelly2 of a farmer living miles above about ten days since The mobhadjwgiwised bn several nights during the past week Sul did not attempt to carry out their deigns Last night about mid nightas your correspondent was returning to the city he halted by five masked men near the gravel road toll jmte but suf feredto pass Without molestation 'Many persons in the city were on the lookout for a Sunday night visit from the mqb and they were not disappointed They entered the city about 1:30 and surrounded the jail The jailer called to his wife to have nis pistols in readiness and refused to open the doors of the jail 'They demanded of him the keys He replied that was ah officer of the law and intended to do his duty They replied he would give up the keys and then do his duty" He re plied that would do his duty or die" and some one in the crowd cried it diethen!" The jailer whs at this time up Stairs on a back porch on the north side of the' and just between the jail and the residence The mob then began fir ing and the fire was returned by the Sheriff and his Thomas a btty aged about 16 They fired thirteen snots tne mon nnng we opinion oi some as many as 100 Jailer Lucas fired from the porch and his son from the front windows Twq of the mob are reported ar killed eye witnesses saying that they saw one man fall shot by TomLucas and that he was placed on a horse and quickly carried off After firing six shots from the porch thf jailer was shot the ball entering hit right side near the nipple He was carried to nia room still refusing to give up the keys His wife took a pistol and tried to repel the mob but they crowded up the stairs and forced her to give upthecajl keys The outer door wasbattered down with a sledge hammer They then took May from his cell and hung him to the only available limb in the Conn House yard It was stated they had ropes prepared for two other victims The rope was a new one and the knot a regular hang knot The jail premises are badly riddled with bullets The jailer carried a lantern in his hand and afforded a good tar get for the mob After hanging their vic tim the mob departed leaving a number 'of masks about the jail premises' It is stated that among them were a number of negroes and that a portion of them came from Indi ana opposite Owensboro where the father once lived 1 Maj was the third negro hanged in the court house yard by a mob and the fourth victim of the gallows in the county The outrage of last night is universally con demned Jailer Lucas in spite of prompt alleviation died at 7 this morning He wnl a Virginian a brave ex Confederate officer The report of two of the mob being killed has not been confirmed One of the mol was heard to say as they left however' that two of their number had been wounded The excitement has continued all day and late this evenings it was reported that the negroes werCorgaiiiring to mob Kelly the father of the girl for they think he raised the mob IN THE TRACK DEATH JT 1 i recommend ItwraperiQrtoany preceriptira I i non mo a aacsn ai 111 So Oxford St Brooklyn NY foUowInir Nol Hll 3 Night Bxnrm A Ihavir XxnrMt A St IiprM Tiwoogn buck 31 Wy relbL( lOIYtll 4 Night KxpreM 1 rtenM tttfMtM 8 18 Kam reight (wtoept Itarfay m)330 aW 83 Way reKht(except 4 Wn T1 1ft 1 MllvanantAuailae No 1 38 betwinChi no and BL Loot A No5 A7 48re through lralae belween CM auto Ktd Kftian City 'to a MW No 1818 81 33 carry pMantt betwm DwiM end BloomlnKton i 1 1 No 5 Connect at Gerdoer with train for Kaakak arriving at "S' Time between Pon tload Ch loeero MmtajMe a KnWW133 Bound trip tickets to alt kwl point at rednaed Bound Wptletateta alt principal Winter and teM rcMCte InOeorKl torida Loalitaimi Texas 'ant ArtautsM1 wSmI Coupon tiekeU to all principal polatt NortK WeeLvm rn awhlnrlhir' on aaln io WIMMi lauB point in Kania Iowa Nebmka Montana OMhdk and tbrongh ticketa to Colorado New Mexico Mte famtenndOngto or InfoHMtlon on rate call on or addrWe th aamb A fttltontiftocir JXM CUJSLTOS Gen einrs IB CaxrrLX General Manager CMcego A Bxcbaiuo llv Supt Bloomtogton 1H Examination fur teachers will be held in the Court House At Poutiae co the Vint 8at lay of each monthThe examination he uinaat 9 o'clock 'An average grade of at wmst'seyenty flve per 'nt will be required hr a Second Grade tificatn GEO ERRIS tf low 0inrthyiitoiitj are all made teUakm 1 a pvta Mto umnibia 1 rn etrn for ticUuloanypolneEittvia the lake Khr Western By end other WMtfcmh ed free to THrst OMeaa oraddraa tl' i Atedtli I starying paupers I am for the former killing the jaitarWt Lueas bmtang '3 This ticket represents the right of thedoore of the oeU room wd taking court house and jail are surrounded by for the of hui chqioe I am in fa of people discussing the outrageor 4f this hud deploring the loss of a brave county represents a policy that would officer who diedat hispost of duty The protect every American citizen at hoine negro was hauged was charged ana abroad a am earnestly in xavor ox Without giving further reasons there fore let ft suffice that they satisfy my owa judgment and conscience and I Cbnuot but believe that they will satis fy also the' judgment arid conscience of a large majority of the sober reflectingOtero of thenation We wani no free trade policy estab lished here yet We especially of the South arethet last people on earth to ask for it If under our presdhtpro tectivosystem the mills 'and mines of Tennessee and the South are springing up us if by magic in every part of the country will the owners officers and stockholder thereof be disposed to throttle their life by votes far free trade? I do not believe it Will our our own? business men in Memphis even though they call themselves Dem ocrats have the courage to walk up and openly vote for a free trade policy that will eventually close up our eleven oil mills our cotton mills our iron nulls our stove foundries arid throw onr la borers and' mechanics out of employ ment? I mistake them much if they will doso The Cholera on the Increase In ranct Washington Authorities Anxious' A cable dispatch from Paris says: Three cases of cholera occurred here yesterday one of which priived fatal It is believed 'they ate sporadic The heat is intense and the streets ate deserted All the cholera patients have been removed from the hos pitals to pest houses in the1 suburbs The Mayor of 'Toulon has been' fdrick en 'down with the plague There were seventy two deaths at Marseilles 'during the last twenty four bouts showing an increasing virulence in the epi demic Dr' Koch has gone to Berne to' confer with the Swiss authorities as to the best means of excluding cholera from Switzerland among' the country people around Toulon as the cholera is increasing in the country distriots Thirteen deathe occurredhere last night Austria is becoming and ha asked the Porte to co operate in measures to prevent the cholera from entering Austria and Turkey 4 The authorities of Odessa Russia have quarantined rench from the Mediterranean for two weeks Every effort possible is being put forth to keep the cholera from the port 1 London dispatch Edwin A Merritt United States Consul General has refused to grant clear bills to vessels Lon don Liverpool for ports in the United States unless the American Inspectors cer tify to the health of those on board 1 Washington dispatch: Secretary reling huvsenbas instructed the Consular officers at London1' Liverpool Marseilles Hivre Bordeaux Bremen and Hamburg to at once appoint competent physicians to in spect all vessels and passengers departing for the United States from those points The Consular officers referred' to are in structed to refuse clean bifla of health iu all cases except upon Tecommeiklatioo of the Sanitary Inspector The Consuls are instructed to report by cable any casj of infectious or contagious disease t'ii 4A VWfon win to mlmltted from 1 30 to 8 30 Mi Wtoiwiatajr s4 riday otMch week "Ivin Service o'co*ck PMeack Snadayto which ll mo cordially invited IMdevt Board of Tnmtees 'wwwiifc aovta a reight Paaat V'Tto'rrtWia 83Upm dSliasa 11 pm 05 am KarkaW' 5W 1180pm 18 Otto 610pmlSa 1 Warn 11 Irwin v45Hpm 'Huaefti 4Uam H44aanHerhrT4pBi 80dam llB3m Bncklnpham 4 38 It 0 pa 880am 13 08 Ctory JUpa Mepn '4(Wani 13 lP KaiapU4r 413pm 1030pm 4 09am18pm Kmp 4 45 81 nl GHaWMA 8 mP4dp 4tm pmWalh erft 3 4tpm CIS as 515am Bylar 4Jnm 908pm88am topm 5 43m JOMpm Bwyiwrt3WpmXpBa 8 Slam 1 (Wpm Pomlae 3iJpm SlGpwi (146 118pm Vlftam 187pm Oray ttopm jVtopm' 785am 187pm' Nlanmrra 94pml B50pn Btoam l88pm Wpm 5MpM 885am 9rapmiMinonkXtop Ottprn Oom amiwetion at Minonk ad 'Kankakee fto aB ttato North Booth liartaM Waat I W' BUTlM A0 PonUiM HLniSBIE Dlv6apt Pontiac fDanvoV 'IMMBb Juuea to ji40wenboroi'(KyJ toteannaJi V' An aimed mob attacked the County Jail' mortally wnuded hu at Vinton? HeuitertoCounty tn a dispute hi Windsor Shelby Conpty larry Tice aged IG fatallyttabbed Newton XWml Brqwta who recently came from Kentucky to Hoodville wartotally wqurnb'd with (m ax by Richard Gallic The murder grew out of A qnanoL betu oen the men's Thompson paralytic of Mon mouth who lost $140(10 through the em bezzlement of wugu jou ror tqreateijwg to snoot rae ecashieyS' ML Bloom of Quincy hanged him "self recently in that He lormerty bad atofitablqbusiness in QuinbutgnvoJL up to invest in a smelter in Colorado where te lost all his money Hon Lewis Steward' of Plano" Ken dall County has given tho Catholic denomi nation ten acres of laud on Plain street on which they will erect a church and school The building will be of brick A' recent reunion of the descendants Hr1 and Mrs zDavid Hpuser of Atlanta Logan County was largely attended "Re igious services were held at the cemetery after which a dinner was given Thomas Jones a porter on a sleep ing car of tire Alton Road was awarded by a Chicago jury $500 damages against John Balfour' for being 'wrongfully accused at larceny Lippert ft well known citizen of St Clair County residing near reeburg was Struck by Ughtning and instantly killed He was driving a reaper in field at the time of the occurrence Hamilton has issued a proclama tion offering a Reward of for the ap prehension of the unknown murderer of rank Crooks who was found murdered Juno 17 near Shelbyville subscription book publishing house of airbanks Palmer Jk Co Chi cago was closed on judgments confessed The liabilities will Aggregate $40000 The failure was precipitated that of A Borland Co a thunder stem Mr Clark of Hillsbbro was struck by lightning and seriously if not fatally injured He was in his barn when he was' struck The flesh on one arm and shoulder was badly burned and it is thought he received dangerous in ternal injuries s' McKeague the Winnetka butcher recently Acquitted of the Willson murder applied in a Chicago police court the other day to answer to the charge of disorderly conduct He trembled in every nerve from the excessive use of liquor and had no money to pay his Burnside an o'd citizen of Mon mouth was killed by the cars 'Ho was crossing the track In hiswngon and leading a cow when the engiraj of a passenger train struck him He was thrown some distance and instantly killed The deceased was about seventy five years old His horse and c6W were also instantly killed Officers Anthony Quinn and Lee Evans were shot in attempting to arrest a tramp at tho' Chicago' and' Alton Depot Jerseyville The man was' too much1 for Quinnwhd called for help and Evans came jtist os Quinn drew his 'revolver The prisoner kicked it causing its discharge The bullet passed through' hand and into leg 1 long since a brakem on the Chi cago Burlington arid Railway in Westernt Illinois was' surprised to find a rooster riding contentedly jUpon the rear platform of a passenger train Tho cir c*mstance was so unusual tint an investi gation as instituted and jt was fouqd that the rooster had boarded the train at a sta tion 200 miles away Chicago paper gives the following: A case of misplaced confidence where a young and confiding bride' of two weeks is forsaken and robbed by Ker villainous hus band has just been added to the local an nals of crimed Mrs Dr Le Bold alias Kurtz is tire victim The lady and her husband arrived in tho city and took up quarters at the Briggs House The man registered as Kurtz and wife Indianap olis Ini" The next day be took it is al leged a draft for $200 and $70 in cash be longing to the woman And left ostensibly to make some purchases and have the draft cashed He failed however to return and the worn in became suspicions and reported thet to the police' The woman was seen? She is of pretty face a blonde and About twenty five' years 1 old Sb alleges that about weeks ago she married Dra Le Bold qf Indianapolis at home there?" to the lot Springs Ark and remained there several (Uys when they stared for Chicago Mrs Le Bold ktated that she and her husband had intended ridhaming here' tow' (lays long enough to buy funnture and house hold goods'? She can not account for her husband's absence but thinks that she has been victimized1 8he does not tako it with great seriousness She is penniless but has a storagreceipt for a lot of furniture At the Pan Handle Depot and did not know whether her husband in his flight thought of disposing of the property and raising montyiou it or notl y1 lierman Boylmann a farmer living about two miles southwest of Litchfield while sitting on ids reaper in the harvest field during a shower was struck by light ning the electric fluid throwing him from his seat tearing his clothes to shreds and burning his body in several places He lay unconsctous ror serexal nov finally revived and the indication he Jcoh armel of Enville wu killed by th cArs ChuQt J4' thi' issttOly 'ilittBtatdA the methods which Tub foei hAVe adapted defeat' Either! the iH named couMttokily hjweascer Mr re nmptinn Indeed it is difficult to be lieve that theintelligent men who write and' supervise tjie editorial work of journals can be ao ignorant of political history: As to declare? that they do not know that Mr Blaine in favor of the resumption" act ctiuroe in this respect js in keep with that which Joes are pursu log 7 xney wiu Bwp wt nuiuiug wmeu unscrupulous malignity can suggest It is to beat this h8 Pt on the 1 Th letter from Mr BliauJiU addressed 4 to 3he ctirmim aBlslheimdlxigattnieetinlIn the of this letter Mr Mxre haidc I shall vote for the party policy rep fwaenied by Blaine' and Logan and for the following tease 'Mn Owiandmra' Mw Mxxuxuan iKucy oi xae pporaim rm ifir wr i rimvr trade and1 enue only" idea of England ahd her American Agenta As between England and America1? am lforthj latter A between ourwell fed' laborers "and her EN LOGAN He Disposes the Latest Slander Beptrd ina Him In the Senate df the United States on thd 5th of July Gen Logan called attention to the recent speech of Bep resentative McAdoo of New Jersey in which that gentleman spoke of Geni Logan a a grabber After de nying the accuracy of the allegations uttered by Mr McAdoo as well as cer tain charges based on them contained in the New York Herald Gen Logan made a full and detailed statement of the entry of certain lands in NewMex ico by Maj Tucker and others upon which entry these untrue and malicious stories were founded I The explanation was cleaf and explicit was supported by testimony from the Secretary of the Interior and Land Commissioner and clearly establishes first that therewas ho' wrong contemplatodor done by the entry of Maj' Tucker and his asso ciates and" that Sen Logan was not a party to the entry of the lands and had no interest in the trans action The tattoo process goes on Blaine is the victim to day It is the same did paint pot Along its sides are deposits of the same material which were em ployed on Lincoln Gr Ant Sherman Hayes Garfield and Arthur their works shall ye know As the tattoed men hitherto have survived the iMiflywOTk of slimy men and are to daf honored whether living or dead Bo shall the vietims of to day outlive theswork jof theundefamero and come toplaces where they can rook down in peaceful content upon the men and partywhose attacks have been out rageous and whose constant cry against political opponents and brave soiaien xor a quarter ox a century nas them 1 Crucify them If it had been Edmunds instead of Blaine this yeer tha blear eyed defamero Would have daubed his 'portrait on board fences as a warning against brandy guzzling if lit had been Lincoln he would have been pictured as a dude it it had been John Sherman he would have been shown with one arm deep in thaTreosury no matter who the mud Slingers Would have1' been busy all the same Hartford Codrant 1 The disgusting theorists add college fools around Boston who are now ex claiming against Mr Blaine for keeping up the traditions of his country with respect to the States on the AmericanContinent are entirely unaware that it was John Quincy Adams of Massachu setts" who created the Monroe doctrine who wrote all the' papera on that sub jeet and issued thera Ua the name of JangeS'Mpnrqe Th Monroe doctrine ds nothing but John and John Quincy and JamesG Blaine is the upright successor pf the founder of Massachusetts Th'e now parading Massachusetts act as if they nodthe bat "sinister in them and were ill begotten Ggti 5' MbBlaine cannot be beaten by "Pharisaic pretenses pf superior virtuerhP pIBpte are altogether as honest and upright as the When thoeare epunted wa Ahallepp that Jtis'eaSierto'flnd A JwiwiiyJfpt Mr Blawjuf Massachusetts it hasbefffi xo the iState for any other Beirablican fat removed from popular mpathy New York City will have to it has ever' given yet if it is to outcome tne vote ox tne rural counties uusyear 1 The secretis that everybody is wiser than anybody I The millions this i ticket and tne milllon wilpelect it HetfTark ibk Sitt i (STREATOR AND STRAWN DIVISION) wit 1' VBW'iVmRMk 580 pm 45aBa 505ptn 8Hftav OyEirery man witorataamberapoW foremostadvocNtos specieS resumption andhonetyiri financial af Wheilllx I Pendleton proposed to pay the Govern by issues jof greenbacks fiiaii the jMaiti Bepubiicikn Committee caused a pe fepial circular to 'be cast broadcast over 1 tSteteandwMcritieisedforvKd 1 When the resumption act was wo jwi £lft It House so that all the expression of fc opinion on the subject is to be found intftj the roll call It was' strictly a party I reported pn and passed first I by the Senate tby a strict party vote Such men as Bayard voting against it iti passage was re Democratio' leaders and the roll call shows that several Massa 'ehusetts menjbers voted against it be cause it Was not sufficiently strenuous to meeCtJreir approval and Genl' But K'Afejer voted the same way because he did believe in specie resumption at alL Blaine did not "veto because' the VpSpeaker of tho House rarely votes He 1 a 'wm known by his friends to be heartily 4 in' favor of the measure 'The next yXXmgrqss Was Democratic and it was5 out that the Democrats would undertake to repeal the resumption act Hearing of this Mr BIaine before the I yA aew Congress met in December 1875 I prepared an elaborate speech ip favor tesUmption and against inflation toS 'bA dsliveied bn the first occasion that I offered Before that' speech was de livered an enemy stole a copy of it and it was published in advance of its de livery one or two papers Jan 10 if 1876 in committee of the Mr Blaine delivered his speech" It fills I over three close columns of the Jour f'jialvXt is unnecessary to quote much it but the following sentences will p' ahow where Mr Blame stood at the vaqr outset of the fight for the resump A tion of specie payments 1 I The lienor of the Natlcnal Government and I the prosperity of the American people are' alike menaced by those who demand the per petuattoaof unit redeemable paper currency or more than two rears tho country hat suiieriuK from the protratlon of but Bte x'ness confidence returns but slowly trade revives only partialiy and to dsy withcapt tai unproduotiveand labor unemployed we fir tfoureelve in tho midst of an agitation re fe' spertitnr the medium withwblch business xM transactions eball be carried on Until that quostlori is definitely adjustedit Is idle to ex '555' poet tho full measure of pro perlty to which the energies of our people ana the resources 3r of the land entitle us Uncertainty as to tbo value of tho currency from day to day le injurious to every honest Industry fe And while that which is known a tho dais should be fairly and generously con sidered in tne enaping ox measures ror specieresumption there is no justice In asking for on its behalf Rather there is the yiavestinjustioe tor you must remember that there is a large class of deserving people whoahM iteb AftnfiniiAIiv And imnrrotaftal robbed by such a policy 1 mean the labor of 1 the country that is compelled to live irotn and by its daily darnings Thera is I 'not a cotton plantation tho South not a ifei 1 'grain or grazing farm in the West not a coal PR or lron furnace in Penns Ivania and Ohio '7 not a manufacturer in New England not a Shipyard on the Atlantic coast not a lumber eamp from Penobscot to the Columbia not a mile of railway between the twqooeans that Would not feel the quickening gainful inhu enreof a final and general acquiescence in measures looking to specie resumption" 'I am told Hr Chairman in 'tone of most anUmn warn ino that thin oountv is not able to maintain its paper money at par with tom: Sir 1 reject the suDrestloirwithBOorn! amltt jutoemA tne if 1 could be nersaaded or its truth I 'should be ashamed to risein the American Congrm and pro claim it wiX wIt wouta be fabpardon able moral weakness in eur always s'herolo when heroism is to doubt their own oapacity to maintain specie pay xnehts: io day we are suffering from Sy timidity or capitai ana so long as tne era ox doubtnnd uncertainty prevails that will continue to increase Stops toward infla tion wdl make it chronic Un Any event Mr Chairman whatever we maydoor whatever wtf may leave undone on this whole financial question let us not deludeourselvos that wo ow tecape a specie standard No hna ftVAr JUirroAiiAd ih ftBtablifllllnir any other standard of value No batiOn has ever made tho experiment except at great cost and sorrow and the advocates of irro ddpmablo money today are but asking' us to 1 travel tho worn and weary road traveled many times beforc ra road that haalways wudod in disaster and otten in disgrace This speech' was widely commehted njIndeed the Nation which was odited by one of the preset! editors of the New York Evening Host the pa per which told all inquirers that it could find that Mr Blaine had any re iVt aumption record and repeated the after the Journal hod called attention to it in the issue of eb 17 quotes Mr 'Blaine as declaring A that policy of the Republican par fj '7 ty is to get back to specie payments by firm snd consistent The '(Only occasion in the House TrkenJMttf had an Unvote 1 repeal of the resumption actiwM Jan 1876 when MrHolman presented resolution for its'41 repeat 'Mr Blaine alpof theRA publicans exdept four voted resolution Columns" of extrafts wj be given frqip MrTjBIfting 'hnocohcs dnrinmthta beriou thatsneeifl CURE Bick Beadaeha and relieve all the trouble fact denttoabiUoutteoftheytemSchMDis rlncsa Nausea DrowlneDlatra after eating SICK Headache yet CarieriaUttleUvwMneaneqeany valuable in Constipation curing and preventing thia annoying complaint while they also correct all dhordera of tho atomach etimwato the liver and regulate the bowels Eyealtfhey only Cured HEAP Ache they wpuMbealmOrttoWtoftwtaJ suffer from this distressing cotolaint but tata MtalythslrgooctaeaBdoesnotleDdheraandlbose whoMiee trjrthwUlfindtiKjlittlo pills vale able in so many ways that thsywfilnot be vdlUog to do without them But af all aiek brad lathebaneof aotnany lives that here is where we make our great boaat Our pffia cure it while Liver pffle arovery email an! very easy to take Oneortwoplllamakea dota They are atrietly vegetable and do not gripe or puw but by their gentla action please all who nsethem In vialaatilScenta five for! Bold by draggista everywhere or out by maU CARTER MEDICINE CO New York OHIO INDIANA MICHIGAN WABASH ROUTE! THE BUSINESS MAN When he travels wAnta to go quick wants to be comfortable wants to amvo at destina tion on time in fact wants strictly bust ness trip and consequently takes thpopular Wabaeh Route reeling that ho io auro to meet bis engagements and continue to prosper and be happy THE TOUBIST Has long since chosen the Wabash as the favorite route to all the summer reaorta of the East North and West and winter re sorts of the South as the Company has for years provided better accommodations and more attractions than any of its cmnfretitora tor this data of travel Tourist Tickets eon be had at reduced ratca at all principal offices of the Company THE farmer In search of a new home where bo can cure bettor returns Joi his labor should re member thatthfrWabash is the most direct route to Arkansas Texas liansM Nebraska and all points Sonth West and Northwest and that round trlpland exptoren tickets at very low rates are always on sale nt the ticket offices Descriptive advertising mat ter of Arkansas and Texas sent free to all applicant by addresatag tho general Paa songcr Agent INVALID Will fin A die Wabash the moet'convenleni route to all the noted health resorts of Illinois Missouri Arkansas and Texas and that tho extensive through car system and superior' accommodation of this popular line will add greatly to hl comfort while en route Pamphlet descriptive of the many celebrated mineral springs of tho Wert and South sent free on application a ia CAPITMJST Can get the information necessary to aecnr safe and profitnbla investment in agricul tore stock raising mining lumbering any of the many inviting fields throughout tho South and West by addressing the un deraigned TOWNSEND Gtrtl auewr Agent St Louit Jfy arranos i 8tretor Mwrille Cornsll' Rowe CfcAjuM JicDowsu' airbury than any Ute UMitsUnr nrk nv Mph nwwt' Mnafaetaiw84pa3 Itor aale tv JOHN AIUTZPontee rtnr i 0 i at? Offlr It' "SiLJSL Yr riuL a g4y 2 HuPk i 'Illi i ffiN JZ 11 Ltaacarrypaarengers imw 1 roooso oAisoaetaooelGlBC Ito fc 1 StoJBan OCTB lir 40am oasessMft'e4W PoM 7' wj' Macgvsrnmnm W'CORSOT taiiM plttitetan oreos IttaMtam rosatao 'W merclwnl tor hem jffiK' WW Way vi AC IM Ji Jbyv a a rC WM? Afi is TX 7 A S3 A4 An absoittte cww tn A fe4 AW i' 1 T' in but the BatilBnniSCHu aa LA WIM1MR I i i 1 g'as 'i wA I.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.