Minimum Wage and Overtime Pay, FICA | AccountingCoach (2024)

The Wage and Hour Division (WHD) of the U.S. Department of Labor is charged with administering the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which requires that employees be paid:

  • A minimum wage for all hours worked, and
  • Overtime at time and one-half of the regular or straight-time rate of pay for hours worked that are in excess of 40 hours in the workweek.

Some companies and some employees may be exempt from the FLSA rules due to the company’s size or other criteria. However, an employer must also review its state’s regulations and is required to follow the state regulation if it is more beneficial for the employee than the federal regulation. For example, some states require a minimum wage that is much larger than the federal minimum wage. There are also a few states that require overtime be paid for any hours worked in excess of 8 on any workday.

The U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division, has Fact Sheet #17A which summarizes the federal exemptions. It is available at At the end of the fact sheet is a link to the official federal regulations.

Minimum Wage

The federal minimum wage and each state’s minimum wage can be found through:

Overtime Pay

Overtime refers to time worked in excess of 40 hours per workweek. Whether or not employees are paid for overtime depends on each employee’s job responsibilities and rate of pay not the employee’s job title. As a result some employees are exempt from overtime pay and some are not. For example, highly-paid executives are considered to be “exempt”; and therefore their employers are not required to pay them for their overtime hours because (1) their compensation is high, and (2) they can control their work hours. Highly-paid executives do not need state or federal wage and hour laws to protect them from employer abuse.

On the other hand, office clerks earning an annual salary of $18,000 per year are probably not in control of their work hours. If the clerks work for an executive who decides to work 60 hours per week, the clerks need to be protected from having to work 60 hours per week for no more pay than they would receive for 40 hours of work. These employees are considered to be “nonexempt” from the overtime rules and therefore must be paid overtime compensation. Some companies have been known to classify “hourly wage” employees as “salaried” in hopes of making them exempt from overtime pay. Federal and state laws exist to prevent such unfair treatment of employees.

When processing payroll, don’t assume that it’s only the hourly-paid employees who receive overtime pay. State and federal laws require overtime payments to lower-paid salaried employees. It is also possible that some generous employers will give overtime pay to employees who are not required by law to receive it.

For information on the current minimum amount that a salaried employee must earn in order to be considered exempt from being paid overtime, see the U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and House Division website.

Overtime Premium

An overtime premium refers to the “half” portion of “time-and-a-half” or “time-and-one-half” overtime pay. For example, assume an employee in the production department is expected to work 40 hours per week at $10 per hour. If the employer requires the employee to work 42 hours in a given workweek, the extra two hours are paid at time-and-a-half and the employee will earn gross wages of $430 for the week (40 hours x $10 per hour, plus 2 overtime hours x $15 per hour). The gross wages can also be computed as 42 hours at the straight-time rate of $10 per hour plus 2 hours times the overtime premium of $5 per hour.

Calculating Overtime Pay for a Salaried Person

Let’s assume that an office clerk receives an annual salary of $18,000 per year and is expected to work 40 hours per week. However, during a recent workweek the clerk was required to work an additional 4 hours. This person’s salary and responsibilities require the employer to pay overtime at the rate of time-and-a-half for the additional 4 hours. The overtime pay calculation is as follows:

  • The straight-time hourly rate for the annual salary of $18,000 is: $18,000 divided by 2,080 hours (40 hours in workweek X 52 weeks) = $8.65 per hour
  • The overtime premium (which is half of the straight-time hourly rate) is: $8.65 times 50% = $4.33 per hour
  • The time-and-a-half rate is: $8.65 + $4.33 = $12.98 for each overtime hour

Assuming the clerk is paid semimonthly, the clerk’s next paycheck will consist of the following:

  • Regular salary amount of $750.00 ($18,000 divided by 24 semimonthly pay periods per year)
  • Overtime pay is: 4 overtime hours X $12.98 (from above) = $51.92
  • Office clerk’s pay for the semimonthly period = regular salary of $750.00 + overtime pay of $51.92 = $801.92

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Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA)

An important part of U.S. payroll accounting involves the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA), which consists of two federal programs:

  • Old age, survivors and disability insurance (OASDI) which is financed by the Social Security tax
  • Hospital insurance for people age 65 and older which is financed by the Medicare tax

The Social Security taxes and the Medicare taxes come from the following:

  • Employees through payroll deductions/withholdings, and
  • Employers who must pay an amount similar to the amount withheld from employees’ gross pay. (The amount owed by the employer will be slightly less when an employee earns more than $200,000 in a calendar year.)

Summary of FICA’s effect on a company’s payroll processing:

Examples using the above table:

  • An employee with wages of $100,000 will have FICA payroll withholdings amounting to $7,650 ($6,200 of Social Security tax + $1,450 of Medicare tax). In addition, the employer will have FICA expense of $7,650 ($6,200 of Social Security tax + $1,450 of Medicare tax). As a result, the employer must remit $15,300 to the U.S. Treasury.

  • An employee with wages of $170,000 will have Social Security tax withholdings of $10,453.20 ($168,600 x 6.2%) + Medicare tax withholdings of $2,465.00 ($170,000 x 1.45%). The employer must match the amounts and remit $25,836.40 ($10,453.20 + $10,453.20 + $2,465.00 + $2,465.00).

  • An employee with wages of $300,000 will have Social Security tax withholdings of $10,453.20 ($168,600 x 6.2%) + Medicare tax withholdings of $4,350 ($300,000 x 1.45%) + Additional Medicare Tax withholdings of $900 ($100,000 x 0.9%). The employer must match the employee’s amounts except for the Additional Medicare Tax and remit $30,506.40 ($10,453.20 + $10,453.20 + $4,350.00 + $4,350.00 + $900).

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Minimum Wage and Overtime Pay, FICA | AccountingCoach (2024)


Do you pay FICA on overtime? ›

Overtime is taxed because the IRS still considers it part of an employee's income. Although no special overtime tax exists, you still have to withhold federal income and FICA taxes from an employee's overtime wages.

What is the minimum wage for the FICA tip credit? ›

To be eligible for the FICA tip tax credit, restaurants must determine that all non-exempt employees are compensated at least the federal minimum wage for hours worked, which for this tip tax credit is $5.15.

Do employers pay FICA on all wages? ›

Employers and employees split the tax. For both of them, the current Social Security and Medicare tax rates are 6.2% and 1.45%, respectively. So each party – employee and employer – pays 7.65% of their income, for a total FICA contribution of 15.3%.

What is the difference between fit wages and FICA wages? ›

FIT is the amount required by law for employers to withhold from wages to pay taxes. This amount is based on information provided on the employee's W-4. FICA stands for Federal Insurance Contribution Act. This tax includes two separate taxes for employees: Social Security and Medicare.

Is it worth working overtime for taxes? ›

Overtime is always taxed, but it's taxed at the same rate as your regular wage bracket (10% for the lowest and 37% for the highest income) hence overtime isn't actually taxed more. Only your gross income as a whole will be taxed more (and only in that pay period) thus working overtime is still worth it.

How is FICA calculated for payroll? ›

To calculate the total FICA tax, multiply the employee's gross pay by 0.153 (15.3%). If you only wish to calculate one party's FICA tax burden, multiply the gross pay by 0.0765 (7.65%) or simply cut the total tax burden in half.

How to calculate the FICA tip credit? ›

To calculate the amount of credit you may get under FICA, you would need to multiply your employee's tips in excess of their federal minimum wage by 7.65%. Suppose you have an employee working for your restaurant at $5.00 an hour for 30 hours a week. Your employee reports $300 in tips every week.

Who pays FICA on tips? ›

When it comes to paying, FICA taxes are paid by both employees and employers on gross wages. Gross wages include tips, so FICA taxes are owed on tips, too. Because of that, it is important that tips get reported correctly and input into payroll so that FICA taxes (and all other payroll taxes) are withheld correctly.

Who pays the most FICA taxes? ›

The top 10%, with incomes of at least $169,800, pay about three-quarters of the nation's tax bill, the analysis found. Although most Americans believe the middle class bears the heaviest tax burden, it's actually the top 1% who pay the highest federal tax rate, at 25.9%, the Tax Foundation analysis found.

Is paying FICA mandatory? ›

Yes. The Federal Insurance Contributions Act, or FICA, requires that wage earners contribute a portion of their earnings to fund the Social Security and Medicare programs.

Is FICA the same as Social Security? ›

Taxes under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) are composed of the old-age, survivors, and disability insurance taxes, also known as Social Security taxes, and the hospital insurance taxes, also known as Medicare taxes. Different rates apply for these taxes.

What if FICA was not withheld? ›

If an employer fails to withhold and pay over to the government an employee's FICA taxes, in either a current or a subsequent year the employer can make an adjustment when the error is discovered to the quarter in which the underpayment occurred.

Why does FICA take so much? ›

FICA is a payroll tax, and it's short for the Federal Insurance Contributions Act. The law requires employers to withhold a certain percentage of an employee's wages to help fund Social Security and Medicare. The total bill is split between the employer and the employee.

Is FICA on your pay stub? ›

On your paystub this deduction may appear as a single FICA item or as separate “SS” and “Med” line items. It can also show up under the name OASDI, or old age, survivors and disability insurance, but it is the same tax. For most workers, FICA amounts to 15.3% of what you earn.

What is the FICA wage threshold? ›

We call this annual limit the contribution and benefit base. This amount is also commonly referred to as the taxable maximum. For earnings in 2024, this base is $168,600.

Is Social Security taken out of overtime pay? ›

Moreover, extra earnings from overtime might be subject to other taxes, such as Social Security and Medicare taxes. These payroll taxes are calculated as a percentage of income and can further contribute to a comparatively higher tax rate on overtime earnings.

What payments are exempt from FICA? ›

Payments not subject to FICA taxes
  • Wages paid after the worker's death.
  • Wages paid to a disabled worker after becoming eligible for Social Security disability insurance benefits.
  • Employee expense reimbursem*nts within the specific government rate for per diems or standard mileage.
  • Children under 18 employed by a parent.
May 12, 2020

What employee benefits are not subject to FICA? ›

The IRS allows several fringe benefits to be excluded from taxes. This list includes (but is not limited to) adoption expenses, group-term life insurance, retirement planning services, and de minimis benefits, such as certain meals and employee parties.

Is FICA automatically deducted from paycheck? ›

FICA is a U.S. federal payroll tax. It stands for the Federal Insurance Contributions Act and is deducted from each paycheck.


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