Clean Eating 4 Bean Chili Recipe (2024)

ByTiffany McCauley

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This 4 bean chili recipe is a perfect meal for a chilly, meatless Monday evening!

I have to be honest, this chili could easily be soup. But I had to pick one, so I went with chili. Is that bad? Either way, this was delicious!

Clean Eating 4 Bean Chili Recipe (1)

I have a hard time with vegan and/or vegetarian dishes because I can never get them seasoned the way I like. But this one I’m pretty proud of. You can use home-cooked or canned beans, either way. I used the canned variety and dinner was put together in about 10 minutes. If you want more of a soup, add some extra vegetable broth. If you like a heartier chili, use a little less. The amount of broth you put in is what you will end up with, so it’s easy to gauge how “soupy” you want this.

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4 Bean Chili Recipe Card

Clean Eating 4 Bean Chili Recipe (3)

4 Bean Chili

This delicious, vegan soup will satisfy your tummy without the meat!

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Course: Soup, Stew

Cuisine: American

Servings: 10 cups (approximately)

Calories: 246kcal

Author: Tiffany McCauley


  • 5 medium garlic cloves (minced)
  • 1 medium yellow onion (chopped)
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 (28 oz.) can diced tomatoes
  • 1 (15 oz.) can black beans (drained, no sugar added)
  • 1 (15 oz.) can kidney beans (drained, no sugar added)
  • 1 (15 oz.) can cannellini beans (drained, no sugar added)
  • 1 (15 oz.) can pinto beans (drained, no sugar added)
  • 2 tsp. ground cumin
  • 1 tbsp. chili powder
  • 3 cups vegetable stock (no sugar added)

US CustomaryMetric


  • Sautéthe onions and garlic in the olive oil, using a medium-sized soup pot.

  • Add all other ingredients and stir to combine.

  • Bring to a boil. Allow to boil for approximately 10 minutes and remove from heat.

  • Allow to cool and serve.


Please note that the nutrition data is a ballpark figure. Exact data is not possible.


Serving: 1cup | Calories: 246kcal | Carbohydrates: 44g | Protein: 14g | Fat: 2g | Sodium: 515mg | Potassium: 726mg | Fiber: 14g | Sugar: 3g | Vitamin A: 695IU | Vitamin C: 9.6mg | Calcium: 111mg | Iron: 5.7mg

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  1. I’m trying this today! I’m thinking about cooking up some ground turkey and then throwing it all in the crockpot for the day. do you think it’ll all turn out fine still since i’m not bringing it to a boil?


    1. AmandaR – In theory, it should be okay. But I really can’t say as I haven’t tried it myself.


  2. That day I had thrown it all in the crock pot and it turned out super yummy. My whole family loved it and my husband has been asking me to make more ever since. It’s 22 outside today so it’s sitting in the crock pot for dinner. I put it on high for the first two hours so I know the beans are fine and then I turn it on low for the rest of the day.


    1. Amandar – Great! And I do have a clean recipe for corn bread in my bread section. Enjoy!


  3. Now I just need to find a clean recipe for corn bread


  4. Can I make this in the crockpot?


    1. Ashleigh – Sure, but it wouldn’t cook for very long. Really, all your doing is warming the beans and steeping the spices. Maybe two hours on low, I would guess. I would also sauté the onions first if you go that route. Otherwise, you’ll miss out on the flavor they impart.


  5. Oh how I love when I come across a recipe that I actually have all of the ingredients for. Especially love that it’s made with vegetable stock instead of chicken stock. I can whip that up real quick with the veggie pieces I have in the freezer. Thanks for the recipe!


    1. Brittany – Fantastic! Let me know how you like it! 🙂


  6. I’ve had this recipe for over a year and finally made it this week when I only had a few minutes to get supper on the table. It was as simple and tasty as you described, and so were the leftovers we carried for lunch! I will use less broth next time, but otherwise, it was perfect! Thanks for sharing it! 🙂


    1. Heather – My pleasure! So glad you enjoyed it! 🙂


  7. Just made this for dinner. It’s delicious! Thank you for this website. I make a recipe at least once a week.


    1. Joan – That’s awesome! Thanks so much, I’m honored to be a presence in your kitchen! 😀


  8. I have tried this recipe as written on the stovetop, with turkey and also in the crock pot. I cooked it all day on low and it was still lovely. The only change I make is adding a can of jalapenos and tomatoes because I like chili to be extra spicy. Thank you so much for a wonderful recipe!


    1. Ashley – Thank you for the feedback! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!


  9. I am so glad I found this recipe. We make this all the time, It’s so cost-effective and easy! The only thing I change is adding some smoked paprika and stiring in some chopped kale at the end. We serve it over brown rice with cholula hot sauce and nutritional yeast. Family favorite!


    1. Maria – I’m so happy you enjoyed it! Sounds like a great way to serve it! Yum!


Clean Eating 4 Bean Chili Recipe (2024)


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