Almond Cake with Berries Recipe (2024)

This gluten and dairy free almond cake with berries ismade with almond flour and it isfluffy, light, and very moist cake!

Almond Cake with Berries Recipe (1)

Today is a very exciting day on my blog because it is the 1st year blogiversary for Primavera Kitchen!! It was actually on May 26 of 2014 that I shared my first recipe. I remember like it was yesterday. I was a little shy to share this recipe with my friends. I called my sister and she said “when will you release your blog?? Please stop postponing it. I am excited to see it” and I said “fine… I was going to share on my facebook now”. Since then, I’ve been posting my recipes and it has been making me so happy.

Almond Cake with Berries Recipe (2)

For those who have ever read the post about my writing process and my about page (where I explain with details why I started this blog) I will summarize here a little bit about the beginning of Primavera Kitchen. My husband was diagnosed with pre-diabetes so I decided to help him and together we changed our eating habits by avoiding white carbs, refined sugar and trans fat as much as possible. I also became more curious about foods in general and what we should be eating or not.

I read and researched about this topic to help me understand a lot more about nutrients and what functions they provide to our body. After all that homework, I am glad that eating healthier has paid off since my husband now is back to his normal levels of glycaemia and blood pressure is awesome, and I realized how important it is to eat quality food.

Almond Cake with Berries Recipe (3)While we were in this process of getting on track to a healthier lifestyle, I was always sending pictures of my recipes to my family in Brazil and they were asking me to send the recipes. Then I thought it would be much more interesting to create a food blog to share my recipes not only with my family, but also with more people. So, I created Primavera Kitchen and since then I’ve be inspiring peopleto make more homemade food and healthier dishes. Today, this blog motivates me to learn more about cooking and healthy eating and I’m extremely proud of what I’ve accomplished.

Almond Cake with Berries Recipe (4)This blog really helps me a lot. When I am not working I am blogging and it makes me really busy during the days. I don’t have much time to have bad thoughts (thoughts that put you down). I am most of the time trying to be productive and not waste my time with things that are not very important. This blog also keeps me occupied. My husband travels a lot for work and when he is not here I am most of the time working on my blog and trying to make it even better. I also miss a lot my family who lives in Brazil and my blog helps me with this too.

Now, that’s not to say that I haven’t had my ups and downs. Of course, I’ve had many recipe fails, big recipe errors or typoes and unproductive days. But I’ve been learning to take those moments and turn them into good energy.Almond Cake with Berries Recipe (5)I just would like to say Thank You from the bottom of my heart for those who read, comment and make my recipes. You guys don’t have any idea how happy I am when I receive an email or a comment saying that you actually made my recipe and enjoyed it a lot. A HUGE thank you to all of you who find my recipes great enough to share with your family and friends. I am also very grateful for all my blogger friends, who I feel so privileged to have met and be able to call my friends. It’s just awesome. Finally I’m even more grateful for all the support from my husband, who is the editor and the recipe taster of this blog. Without his support, this blog could not exist. And my mom and my sister who have always motivated me to keep posting. I love you guys 😉
Almond Cake with Berries Recipe (6)

Now, in honor of my 1 year blogiversary, I’m sharing with you this gluten, dairy free and delicious almond cake with berries. This is the first time I made an almond flour cake and it turned out really good. The fresh berries on top bring this cake to another level! But, before we go to the recipe, let me give you some tips to make this even more delicious:

  • For this cake I used the almond meal from Bob’s red meal to make this and loved it! It worked great in this cake!
  • Please, don’t forget the parchment paper because it is to keep the cake from sticking to the bottom and sometimes to help to keep it from getting too dark.
  • The egg whites should be very fluffy; this will keep the cake light.
  • You can substitute almond extract for vanilla.

Almond Cake with Berries Recipe (7)I am sure you will not be able to resist this Almond Cake with Berries and eat 3 slices easily. It was perfect and I wanted to eat the whole thing myself! In fact I ate three slices. What a shame… hahahhaha! I really hope you enjoy this fluffy, light, moist and delicious almond cake because this is easy, amazing and healthy!! Thanks so much for reading this long post 😉

If you’re in the mood for more cake, try my Low-carb Almond Flour Chocolate Cake, Low-Carb Flourless Chocolate Cake, and Paleo Chocolate Pumpkin Cake. I hope you enjoy! Life is all about balance so I like to enjoy some healthier meals throughout the day so I can indulge in the evening. Healthy Breakfast Meal Prep Bowls and Coconut Berries Oatmeal Recipe are my latest go-to ways to start the day with.

Let’s make this Almond Cake with Berries!

Did you make a recipe? Tag @primaverakitchen on Instagram so we can find you!

Almond Cake with Berries Recipe (8)

4.23 from 9 votes

This gluten and dairy free almond cake with berries ismade with almond flour and it isfluffy, light, and very moist cake!

Prep: 20 minutes minutes

Cook: 45 minutes minutes

Total: 1 hour hour 5 minutes minutes

Servings: 12 people




  • Pre-heat the oven to 350F.

  • Grease a 9-inch baking pan with nonstick spray. Then sprinkle two tablespoons of gluten-free all-purpose flour or almond meal flour.

  • Set the pan on a piece of waxed or parchment paper and trace around it with a pencil. Cut with kitchen scissors inside the traced line on the paper. Fit the cut piece of paper into the pan.

  • In a large bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and 2/3 cup of the sugar. Whisk until the yolks become pale in color, about 1 minute. Add the vanilla extract, and whisk well to combine. Set aside.

  • In the bowl of a standard electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, beat the egg whites at medium speed for about 1 minute. Sprinkle in the remaining 2 tablespoons of sugar, and continue to beat the egg whites until they are very white, firm and fluffy. The eggs whites will be ready when you turn the bowl upside down and the egg whites don’t fall out.

  • Add half of the egg whites to the egg yolk mixture and mix to combine.

  • Add the remaining egg whites over the yolks, and half of the almond flour.

  • Gently fold them into the yolks.

  • Add the remaining almond flour and fold until you have a hom*ogeneous batter.

  • Here you need to be very gentle. Pour the batter into the prepared pan.

  • Bake the cake for about 40 minutes. The cake will be ready when it is golden brown and when a toothpick is inserted in the center and comes out clean. Let the hot cake cool on a wire rack for 5 minutes, then run a butter knife along the edges of the cake pan.

  • Place a wire rack over the top of the cake and flip the cake and the pan. Peel away the parchment paper.

  • Turn the cake right side up and allow to cool completely.

  • Spread the melted chocolate over the top and add some fresh berries.


  • Adapted fromSkinny Taste.
  • Be gentle when folding in the egg whites so they do not deflate.
  • The bowl for your egg whites need to be clean of any grease or yolk or you'll have a difficult time whipping them.
  • You can substitute almond extract for vanilla extract if you do not have almond extract.
  • To store: Tightly wrap up the cake and store it in the fridge for up to 5 days.
  • To freeze: Once the cake is cooled, skip adding the berries and tightly wrap the cake. Freeze for up to 3 months.

Nutrition Information

Serving: 1/12 Calories: 128kcal (6%) Carbohydrates: 17g (6%) Protein: 4g (8%) Fat: 4g (6%) Saturated Fat: 1g (6%) Cholesterol: 46mg (15%) Sodium: 96mg (4%) Potassium: 5mg Fiber: 1g (4%) Sugar: 15g (17%)

Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.

© Author: Olivia Ribas

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If you likeAlmond Cake with Berriesrecipe, please share with your friends and family. Do you wanna taste more?Subscribe to my newsletterand follow Primavera Kitchen onTwitter,Pinterest,Google +,InstagramandFacebookfor all delicious recipes updates. As always, you are really appreciated for stopping by.

Almond Cake with Berries Recipe (2024)


What does almond flour do to cakes? ›

Sometimes tenderness is what you're after, especially in cakes or muffins, and that's where almond flour shines. Used alongside all-purpose or whole grain flours, it can lighten a batter or dough, adding depth and softness without heft.

What does almond do in baking? ›

Almond flour yields tender treats — learn how and when to use it in your baking. Like any nut, almonds are high in fat; and fat helps make baked treats moist and tender. This can be a good thing: think pancakes. Or not: think crusty artisan bread, whose texture veers towards chewy rather than tender.

How to make Mary Berry's fruit cake? ›

Put the flour, grated nutmeg, mixed spice, butter, sugar, eggs, chopped almonds, black treacle and the citrus zest into a large bowl and beat well to mix thoroughly. Fold in the soaked fruits. Spoon the mixture into the prepared cake tin and spread out evenly with the back of a spoon.

How many calories in a gluten free almond cake? ›

Nutritional Information
Per 100g
- of which saturated6.9
21 more rows

Why does almond flour not bake well? ›

Almond flour is denser than wheat flour, so it cannot be used as a 1:1 replacement for wheat flour in a recipe. It requires different measurements and adjustments to achieve the right texture in baked goods.

Do you need more eggs when using almond flour? ›

Almond flour can be substituted for regular flour at a 1:1 ratio. It is important to note that almond flour may require more egg to bind the flour. Check out our almond flour recipe book here for more information on a specific recipe!

Should I toast almond flour before baking? ›

You don't need to toast the almond flour first. You can if you want. It will develop flavour - a deeper more roasted, toasted flavour. And the colour will be darker and more golden.

Is it better to bake with ground almonds or almond flour? ›

As mentioned above, almond flour is made from blanched, peeled almonds that have had their skins removed. It's fairly fine in texture and light in colour, lacking the darker specks from the skins. Ground almonds, on the other hand, are the same thing as almond meal – they're just ground, skin-on, unpeeled almonds.

What happens when you add fruit to cake batter? ›

Adding fruit will change the ratio of dry to liquid, so it may require more flour. It would also add some sweetness, so you may want to reduce the sugar a tad. But citrus fruits in particular are acidic, which might affect the leavening.

Why is my homemade fruit cake dry? ›

The ratio of wet to dry ingredients determines a cake's moisture level. If there's simply too much flour and not enough butter, a cake will taste dry. On the other hand, if there's too much milk and not enough flour, a cake will taste too wet. Finding the right balance between wet and dry ingredients is key.

Is almond flour the same as ground almonds? ›

Ground almonds is exactly as it sounds: almonds that have been ground fine enough to be used in baked goods. Almond flour though, is almonds that have been blanched, the skins, removed, and then ground into flour. it is much finer.

Is gluten-free cake healthier than regular cake? ›

It is true that certain gluten-free flours are healthier than wheat flour, but the ones that taste good are not. Furthermore, while flours like soy flour, flaxseed meal, fava bean flour and quinoa flour may be “healthier” than wheat flour, they do not make “healthy” cake.

Does baking powder have gluten in it? ›

Baking powder is typically a combination of an acid (like cream of tartar), baking soda, and a starch to absorb moisture. These days, the starch found in baking powder is usually either potato starch or regular cornstarch, both of which are gluten-free. This, in turn, makes most baking powder gluten-free.

Does almond flour change baking? ›

Almond flour is a little more moist than wheat flour, and doesn't have quite the same binding qualities. You'll do best to substitute 1:1 to begin with, as many recipes respond well to this direct replacement. But be prepared to add more almond flour as you go to compensate for the wetter batter.

Is almond flour better for baking? ›

Almond flour is also gluten-free, while wheat flours are not, so it's a great option for people with celiac disease or a wheat intolerance. In baking, almond flour can often replace wheat flour at a 1:1 ratio, although baked products made with it are flatter and denser because they lack gluten.

Why is my almond flour cake dry? ›

When almond flour is overmixed, its absorbent nature can become a pitfall. The more you mix, the more the fat in the almond flour is released and absorbed, resulting in a dry, crumbly texture in your baked goods.

Does almond flour make things taste different? ›

Flavor: AP flour has a mild flavor that typically fades to the background in cake, bread, and cookie recipes, allowing other flavors to shine. By contrast, almond flour has a stronger, nuttier flavor, which can become prominent if you're not used to baking with the ingredient.


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.